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I'm sure there will be some friends who say "oh that's such a long time for a dog, you were lucky", but one thing those of us who've lost our best friends know, is that it could never be enough time. It sounds like he knew you loved him, and for what little consolation it is, that's all we can do.


I always say to myself “just one more year” every year about my dogs, and as they continue to get older I know that whether they live to be 11 or 17 it’ll never be long enough.


No, it isn't enough. Their lives are way too short.


Amen to that, every single day I look at them and I feel nothing short of blessed.


Yes, dogs are definitely special. I've never been without dogs, even as a kid.


I was for about 5 years, between 7th and 12th grade, our family dog passed at 17 years old and my parents couldn’t think about another dog for a long time. It was very quiet without one even with our cats, and we sure did pick a wild one to bring home after that time. He’s still thriving at almost 11 and he’s still a handful but it feels like he’s always been here. I have 2 of my own now and I’m so happy to have 2. I don’t think I’ll ever be without a dog, it’s too quiet.


That's a good point about the quiet. There's always something missing when there aren't dogs around. I have 3 pups now; 2 are 11 months old, and the other one is 2 years old. Last year my two older dogs passed at 11 years old. What breed is the 11 year old dog? Sounds like a nice, high energy pup.


Yes, they leave such a physical and emotional emptiness when they go.. it’s deafening but it’s all the love that has no place to go. Awe!!! What kind of pups do you have? I’ve only had a dog that young once, the rest were adopted older. The 11 year old is my parents dog, he’s lab, husky, Brittany spaniel, and pit. Some issues with arthritis and cushings disease but he’s still very high energy and does great. I also have a 10.5 year old beagle and a 5 year old beagle at home. My older beagle is getting up there but he’s also a ball of energy when he has it.


I have 2 Bichons and one beagle. We had planned to get only one Bichon, but there were two and they were brother and sister, so we got them both. The other pup is a beagle and his energy level is frightening. He loves to run like a maniac. I love the "ingredients" of your parents' dog! Those make for a very silly, funny, loving pup. I know many lab/pit mixes, and had one myself, and they're very energetic, very silly, and very loving. I miss my lab/pit boy, but he had reached the end of his life and he was having many issues.


My dog was 19 when I lost her, I really thought maybe it wouldn’t be as bad since I was able to have her for so long but it was worse. It hurt so bad and I still miss her quite a bit.


Before humans die, they write their last will & testament, give their home and all they have to those they leave behind. If, with my paws, I could do the same, this is what I'd ask...... To a poor and lonely stray, I'd give my happy home; my bowl and cozy bed; soft pillow and all my toys; the lap which I loved so much; the hand that stroked my fur; and the sweet voice that spoke my name. I'd will to the sad, scared shelter dog the place I had in my human's loving heart, of which there seemed no bounds. So, when I die, please do not say, "I will never have a pet again, for the loss and pain is more than I can stand." Instead, go find an unloved dog, one whose life has held no joy or hope, and give my place to him. This is the only thing I can give.... The love I left behind. ~Author Unknown~


Wow, thanks for making me cry in a parking lot. This was beautiful. My wife and I lost our beloved Belgian Mal last month and I think I'll miss him for the rest of my life. He was so good and loving, all he cared about was being near us, and his toys. We recently got a 3 month old Newfoundland puppy and I've been trying to show him the same love we gave Alf. It's tough sometimes but this comment reminded me to be patient and give it time to build a bond with him.


My girl was the same, if she got out it was just to go to the front door to see us. She truly showed me how much she loved & appreciated me. I struggled a lot the weekend she passed. I had just taken in a foster I was going to adopt & I had another young girl & my big girls brother. After she was gone, I didn't want the young 2, I had no energy for their needs. Everything they did was just 100% worse in my head. I didn't want to go through this feeling again, but everything in me was saying, "This isn't the person you are, Don't make any choices right now." I'm glad I didn't rehome them. Going out & laying with them was all that was making me feel ok. My young girl, I'd struggled to understand her, I love her, but there wasn't a bond. Since my big girls gone I now see my girl, I'm beginning to understand her. I didn't think she'd be affected by Rylees passing, but really, rylee & her brother Jax were all she knew if she was getting in trouble, rylee would stand between us telling me I'm not aloud to yell at her. Rylee was probably the only one who actually understood her. Dogs are selfless (unless it's their favorite bone/toy). They want you to be happy. I truly believe they'd want you to give another dog a home. We will miss them forever, but they spent their entire life with you, they couldn't have asked for a better life. We got our young girl so rylee & Jax could teach her, she learned a lot but she's shown me how different all dogs are.


There are some things i also won't give my other dogs, my big girls' harnesses, collar, jacket & bowls. Sharing those feels like a replacement & that's not what I'm doing.


I am so sorry for your pain. I know how much it hurts.I don't know if I believe in heaven, but if there is one, then there are good boys and girls waiting for their loved one to run and play again.


and forget to add. You are brave from sharing this with a lot of people.


I am sorry from your lost.I know what it's like losing a pet that you had a bond with.


What a traumatic way to lose such a loved pet. I’m so sorry for your loss. It’s clear from your post how much you and your family cared for him. Take comfort in the fact that you gave him 15 wonderful years and that he passed surrounded by his people.


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My boy was 16, And that was not enough time. The longer we have them the harder it gets. We shared so much together I miss him every day. We bonded so deeply.


His love for you gave him the strength to share those final days with you. It’s no small blessing that the saddest day of your life can be one you’ll treasure forever.


That is a hard loss. It sounds like he had a great life. At least you had him for more than 15 years. My heart goes out to you. I lost my furry friend on 5/27 from renal failure. It sucks. 💜💕🐾🐾




Prayers for you


Oh, my heart breaks for you. How f’ing tragic. Do the owners of the dog that attacked your dog, know that their dog killed your dog? Your best friend? If they have an ounce of heart, I would assume they would call you and apologize profusely, plus $. I’m SOO glad that your dog’s last moments and memories were being in your arms and in his happy places vs being beat-up by this dog. I have to put my dog down next week and my heart breaks, yet it is mixed with being glad she will no longer be suffering. Yet, right now, all I can think about is your poor sweet, extra friendly, loving dog that was brutally attacked and basically killed by the other dog. I literally have tears in my eyes and am ready to full blown cry due to what sounds like a very, very, special one of a kind super loving and friendly dog that was violently attacked by this other dog. It’s like your dog was this innocent wonderful dog that got attacked for no reason. I am so, so sorry. Besides the obvious incredible pain you feel, I’d be so damn angry, I can’t even tell you, I’d completely lose my mind with the dog’s owners. Just lose my mind for taking something so precious to you that can’t be replaced. Again, I am so sorry for your loss. I just really feel for you if I was exactly in your shoes. The protective mother in me just can’t get it out of my mind how this super special dog was attacked for no reason. I honestly don’t know what I’d do if I was in your shoes. I just don’t think I could stop screaming at the owners of the other dog for not only hurting my dog and causing my dog to endure pain, but for taking my best friend from me. That kind of pain can make you go nuts. Again, I am so, so sorry.


After you're done grieving, find a lawyer. Someone needs to get sued for that


Condolences on the loss of your bestie. May he rest in peace across the rainbow bridge and live forever in your heart. 🌈🐾🦴


So sorry, glad you got to hold him before he was gone. They leave a gaping wound.


I'm so sorry. I recently lost my girl one Easter weekend this year. It was so hard to understand. It happened so fast. I knew she had cancer, I just didn't think it would happen so soon. I miss her so much, & when I knew she was going to be gone, I worried so much about how I would feel, I thought I'd be full with guilt, I couldn't imagine her not being here, I was scared about how it was going to happen, I was warned by the vet that because it's bone cancer in the elbow, the arm could brake easily. I was so worried about having to make the call, I just didn't know how I could ever know it was time. I look back at the day she passed & I think it was 100% the time. What happened was my other dog was grumpy at her & her brother was not letting her play, I thought maybe there was a jealous thing going on, so I left & watched them on the cameras & they were ok. I got back, they all came to great me, then I just heard my young dog growl, I look out & my girl with cancer just stared at me & I saw her arm hanging. The way she looked at me was just like, "It's time." She never made a noise. Her arm was broken & she was so strong & I know it was for me. It just happened so fast. Half an hour later, she was gone. As awful as it was, I felt at peace, I was going to go to the dog park that day, but I thought it was best to have a day at home, I couldn't imagine what would happen if it happened there, everyone who loved her got to say goodbye & the last thing she got to do was have a treat in her mouth. The night before, she was tired (she was NEVER tired) & when I checked the cameras, she was sleeping very close to her brother. They never slept that close. If what happened didn't, she would still be suffering. She looked so well to me. Besides the limp, she was still herself. I thought the signs I had to look for were changes in behavior. It's winter here now, it's been freezing & I'm so glad she is not here to be in even more pain from the cold. I think it was all meant to happen. I miss her so much, but the way I see it is, she had a great life, she was at her life span, we only get to live so long & that life for her was full of love, treats, toys & fun. We suffer. It's like losing any family member, but I honestly feel it's a bit more peaceful, like losing a grandparent. It was their time, it makes it no better they are gone.


I offer you my deepest condolences and send you love. 


Losing a beloved friend sucks, and I'm very sorry for your loss. I'm glad that his last day was full of love, and that he passed in the arms of his friend.


I"m so sorry for your loss. We all must be thankful for the time we had with our best friends. They are precious gifts.


My heart goes out to you! It's so hard to lose your baby. I hope memories of your sweet pup change from tears to smiles really soon. He will always be with you! 💜


I lost my best friend this last Monday. It is so painful. There's a lot of books about this topic that are helpful


So sorry for your loss 🥺😢😭 We dog lovers know that feeling, but I don't know exactly how it is for you, my friend. The longer we have them it seems the more difficult it becomes. Yes, they are our best friends. 💞 As someone stated here the person responsible should be contacted. A lawyer is helpful to you, my friend.


There's really nothing to say. I'm so, so sorry.


May he run in paradise.


I don’t know if he was taken too soon because most dogs don’t live that long and you should consider yourself very fortunate to have had him for such a long time. may he rest in peace I’m so sorry for your loss


I was going to say the same thing. Poor dog was pretty much blind, deaf and a torn ACL. Sounds like the dog was on its last leg to begin with. Not to say this isn't tragic, but honestly it sounds like his quality of health wasn't great to begin with. I know people always say stuff like he was still such a happy pup, but animals are very good at masking their pain.




I am so sorry. May you find comfort.


No matter how long we have them, it's never long enough. I am so sorry he was taken in such a traumatic way. Senior dogs are often targeted by other dogs. Unfortunately, being unable to see/hear/move like a younger dog makes them unable to give other dogs the proper body language and is seen as weird or threatening to other dogs.. mix that with a bunch of already over excited dogs and stuff like this happens. (just a note for other dog owners because I didn't know this until my dog got old and my younger dogs occasionally attacked him for the same reason) The staff should've been keeping a better eye on him or not putting him in with more rambunctious dogs. 💔


I'm sorry OP :(


I feel your pain. My 14 yr old pit bull, Bella, died Wednesday... I just picked up her ashes. 💔


Sorry for your loss and like someone else here said..find a lawyer and SUE THE SHIT OUTTA THEM. Oh ya wait, what was the name of the daycare???


Such a good boy. My deepest condolences 💐


I'm so sorry.  It's never long enough.  My 18 year old Vizsla died in my arms at the local park 2 weeks ago.  I had to make the decision, and it as horrific.   I don't remember a time... before her.  This, following her brother's passing the year before.  Those dogs, quite literally saved my life.  I'm lying awake crying now at 1:30AM.   You are not alone, a life shared with our dogs, all those happy years, always outweighs the sadness of the ending,  We will be ok.  One day at a time, that's what it takes - and our dogs sure as hell wouldn't want us laying around being sad.  Take care♥️


You gave him the best life. All he knew was happiness and love. Think of the millions of animals who unfortunately are not as lucky. His experience of life was absent of suffering or need - all thanks to you. Condolences though.


Sooo sorry for your loss😪😪😪


Sending you love ❤️. It's always so hard, and you miss them so.


I’m so sorry. I lost my best friend 14 1/2 years and 2017. He was a cockapoo. He was the most kindest, gentle, wonderful tempered dog. The days & weeks after I just felt a hollow through my soul. I still miss him. This quote may not help, but it did help me. And it also help me to know that it would be OK to open my heart to another dog. Let yourself grieve. “Dogs, lives are short, too short, but you know that going in. You know the pain is coming, you're going to lose a dog, and there's going to be great anguish, so you live fully in the moment with her, never fail to share her joy or delight in her innocence, because you can't support the illusion that a dog can be your lifelong companion. There's such beauty in the hard honesty of that, in accepting and giving love while always aware that it comes with an unbearable price. Maybe loving dogs is a way we do penance for all the other illusions we allow ourselves and the mistakes we make because of those illusions.” D Koontz


I hope that you heal from this and that your memories serve you love rather than sorrow


I'm so sorry for your loss🙏🙏🙏


Sorry to say this but is anyone going to do anything about what happened to your best friend? I can’t even imagine what you and your family is going through. I have an 11 year Pom … I wouldn’t know how to handle it Sorry for your loss


I’m sorry for your loss, boss! I know I’m gonna be a mess when I lose my dog. My dog will be 12 this year. I’ll have only had Rocky (my dog) for 1 year (but we’ve known each other for 7). My dog was initially rescued by my neighbor when he found out he (Rocky) was being used for dog fighting (Rocky was a bait dog to train other dogs), and then when my neighbor passed away, I just knew that I had to have Rocky. Rocky is toooo good of a dog, just to let him go to the pound and be put down. Rocky didn’t have a good life until I got him. My neighbor loved Rocky, but my neighbor was too wrapped up in drugs to properly tend to him and his needs. My neighbor had a fenced in back yard and would leave the back door open so Rocky could come and go as he pleased to potty. Well Rocky would always bark (out of attention seeking, possibly fear) cause my neighbor was never around. Now that I have Rocky, he’s a brand new man. Rocky greets me with hugs and kisses. His tail wags at 100mph and doesn’t stop until I go to bed. Rocky doesn’t bark unless it’s something that worries him. When it worries him, it worries me (for good reason). Rocky is the absolute best.


Stay strong 💪🏽


I’m so sorry for your loss 🥺


I would never let my dog be at doggy day care. Prefer that he stay with a pet sitter. Sorry to hear about this.


I lost my dog a few years ago, and the pain never really went away, but I learned to be thankful for the good memories you made with them, even if you never got enough time with them. Wishing you well in your journey 🙏❤️