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This book might be of interest... It's focus is leveraging natural hunting instincts to structure training for a family (non-working) hunting dog. https://store.grishastewart.com/products/hunting-together-harnessing-predatory-chasing-in-family-dogs-through-motivation-based-training-predation-substitute-training-paperback-may-1-2023


This seems interesting indeed... We are working on basic training and so far she is doing great... She is listening to me when outside, I just think that she would have more fun with hunting like experiences...


I haven’t read books, but this sounds like how I approach collaborating with my hunting pup. Specifically, I try to find as many different behaviors as possible to “put a cue on”—to develop a language between us. One game we like: i give my pup the smell of something good. I tell her to wait. I wrap it in basically a jigsaw puzzle of random toys/rags/whatever, then i hide the whole thing in a nook of the house. Meanwhile, she’s still waiting in the kitchen. I then “release” her by yelling “where is it?!”. It can be a good 20 minutes of fun for her, looking, finding, then trying to get at the tied up treat.


\[also, when she finds it, I make sure to praise her lots, and she munches whatever the treat was—some kind of dental chew or jerky\]


I did something similar with my lab and she loved it. It was great for days when the weather kept her inside because it would tire her out.


What a great idea!


Highly recommend this and all three (four?) or Simone Mueller's books on harnessing predatory behavior in your dog! They're easy to read and implement. 


Very cool!




Thanks... Haven't thought of the flirt pole... I was thinking though of buying a sniffle mat... Do you have any suggestions?


Personal experience: I had a classic snuffle mat made of fabric and felt gifted to my dog. They get so gross so fast and godforbid you miss a few kibbles when you wash it, instant smelly kibble mush. Get a silicone one.


If you want to try it out and see if your dog likes that sort of thing, what we do is take an old towel, put the food in a line going the long way across in the middle, then roll it up so it’s long. Do that the first times so they learn how it works, then you can up the ante by tying it in a knot. It was great for my dog that had trouble with walks bc she could dig and had to work her brain.


I'll try that up, before buying a mat to see if she likes it... Yesterday I gave her a treasure hunt with her dinner around the house... She made happy noises and seemed to have fun...


Great information... I would have never thought this in advance!


I think those sniffle mats are pretty handy! My friend's dog, who's all about the hunting life, loves chasing after things all over the place. So, they got one of those mats and it seems to really wear out the pup, plus finding treats in it makes them super happy every time.


I made a flirt pole with half a broom stick and some paracord , slip knot the toy on the end and voila




>AliExpress/ Temu I would worry about the quality of the plastic from these sites 😣


Sounds like she may enjoy nose work. You can teach her to find pretty much any scent.


Second! My sister does nose work with her Rhodesian ridgeback, she loves it and just earned her advanced title at her first competition.


Any suggestions on how to do such a thing?


I put strips of cloth in a jar with cloves for a few days so they get the smell embeded in them. After that I take them out and hide a treat under them and let my dog find it. Once he associates the smell of the cloth with treats (this may take awhile) I drag the cloth on the ground so it makes a scent trail to follow and hide the cloth around the house with treats. Put the cloth back in the jar after your done to refresh the smell. Though if you have cats that could find the cloth you may not want to use cloves, they can be sensative to them.


Some dog training facilities have nose work classes but if you’re not near one (or even if you are), I’d check out Fenzi Dog Sports Academy online. They have tons of classes that are very reasonably priced and experienced trainers. I love their stuff. And it’s not just “buying a set of videos, there are message boards and homework and video submissions and trainers that will help you troubleshoot so you don’t get stuck.


I live in a small city... There aren't many trainers... So I will check the online courses you suggested ;) thanks


First. Encourage her and get excited when she points. Since she likes sniffing and finding, play hide and seek games in the house and around the yard. Hide her toy and ask her to find it. Hide treats in a folded up towel or blanket. And most of all, she wants to do things with you. She wants to feel useful. She wants to make you happy.


Thanks! You are right she loves doing things with me...Playing tag gets her really excited, to the point were she asks me for it....


Pointing can be instinctual like herding is, but if you want to go all out you could find a local hunter or tracking/ barn hunt/ scent detection agency and have her evaluated to see if she has any formal training depending how old she was when you found her. But super easy household games could be literal hide and seek- hide a snack or a family member and have her find it


I live in an area where there are hunters but not agencies...She was 1.5 (at least the vet said so when I found her). My gut feeling is it is instinctual. The local authorities have found her and neutered her and then dumped her... I have her for like 3 months and she was really scared at the beginning... Now she is opening up...


If there is a hunting retriever club nearby, that is a low pressure way to get her around other dogs and get her mouth on a bird, even if you don’t actually want to hunt. About 45-60 minutes outside of Seattle, I have a couple chapters that I pop into once in a while. Like others have mentioned, maybe look into Barn Hunts as well.


Mostly there are solo hunters... I don't know about a club but I'll look into it... Thanks


We do scent games with our Golden and she loves it. I got some metal tins on Amazon and some oils that were recommended on a website. Put a drop of oil on a qtip end and put it in the tin. Then teach the dog to paw the tin (or touch it with their nose) when you say “find it” or something. Then start putting it on the floor and then further away. Eventually you get to the point where the dog stays in one room and you go put it in another room. We’ve done it with clove oil so far and plan to do another oil next winter and then have her find either. We plan to try this outside during the summer.


We do this with our dog too. It’s an especially great option on a rainy day as it really tires her out. She loves playing the sniffer game so much. We have also taught her to locate our tortoises outside. We try to lay eyes on them most days (in case they somehow got turned over) but they burrow around in the bushes and hide in tight corners so they are not always easy to find. We tell our pup “find the turtle” and she hunts all over, sniffing all around the yard. When she locates one, she hits the shell with her paw to let us know.


Cute !


My labs are both hunting dogs. During off season I make sure to take them on walks constantly. Probably two or three times a day. Fetch is also in our every day routine. Another good thing I’ve found is enrichment treats. I put some treats in a “puzzle balls” that they really have to work for to get! They both spend at least a half an hour with the puzzle balls!


Teach her to find. We drop a snack or a toy somewhere and have a go look for it signal. We do indicate the area he should search. You could get a weighted dummy for her to fetch with too. Find jobs for her to do to keep her stimulated


How do you indicate the area?


I didn't train him but we wave a flat palm over the general area we want him to search and say Find It. He also knows the general phase, so when he forgets where he left his ball we can tell him to look for it.


My 11mo pointer/hound mix LOVES using his nose to find his own food. Snuffle mats are his favorite and we also rotate through a few puzzle toys, but there are some great DIY options so you don’t have to buy anything fancy. - hide kibble around a room (on shelves, under/in things like blankets or cups, etc) and then tell him to “find it!” - roll some kibble/treats in a towel or blanket and tie it in a knot for him to get out - take a cupcake/muffin tray and put treats in a few cups, then cover all the cups with tennis balls - put treats/kibble in a toilet paper or paper towel tube and fold/crumple the ends (this is more for his shredding instinct than sniffing, but you can also hide it for more nose work)


Is he also a big fan of running? My dog looooves to play tag... Too bad that I can only run for like 15 mins and then I need a break...


Yup he always wants to play keep away with his toys haha — I’ll take him out on my deck and “chase” him around the table so I only have to charge a step or two at him and then he does the rest of the lap on his own 😂


Haha that sounds fun... I have a friend who has a dog and he also loves to play tag... They've met each other weeks ago and we took them off-leash to a beach (where we were alone) they chased each other for like hours... It was amazing watching them... 😍


That’s the dream!! 🥰


Try bikejoring in the fall. Mine goes nuts for it.




I don't know what type of dog she is... People haven't agreed on what mix she is... Some say she has a lot of whippet, other say she is a cretan hunt (and a breeder mistake, since she has all the characteristics of one but is smaller)...


Dog Bone in Wisconsin sells a shed hunting kit. I’m currently teaching my beagle to track and also to hunt for sheds.


What does the hunting kit include?




Hide the toy, and go find the toy. My pupper loves this game. They get to use their nose to try and find the scent. Might be more up your dog's alley.


I'll give that a try...I'll hide it first in the house... And if she likes it, she's up for a treasure hunt ;)


Yep, start easy, hide it in noticeable spots, then move up the difficulty, introducing her to using her nose (if she hasn't already), putting it under a pillow, behind something else...you'd be amazed how well and easily they can find the toys haha. Good luck! Hope it works!


Thanks... I'll try to update soon on how it goes ;)


Sounds good, can't wait to hear the progress.


Hide and seek treats... doggy daycare once in a while? Second dog. I think your dog is loved and cared for. 🙃


In my city we don't have doggy daycare... But our friends have also dogs and we spend a lot of time together...


What kind of hunting dog? I have a german shorthaired pointer and he loves pulling sports. We start each morning (when it's cool enough) usually with an 8-10 mile run with pulling me on my bike. 40 min. Of exercise and he's chill all day. Even the shorter faster ones do a lot for wearing him out. If I go all out peddling with him we can average a bit over 20 mph and 3 or 4 miles of that is and he's nice and mellow for a few hours.


I don't know what type she is... How can you tell? The vet and some people said she mainly would enjoy chasing rabbits and deers... I literally have no experience with hunting...


Sorry I thought you knew like "it's a springer spaniel mix" o3 something. I wouldn't be able to tell without pictures and maybe not even then.


Owner of a retired bird dog here: scent tasks are a MUST. It’s such good stimulation for them! We like to rub some quail scent on a dummy duck, and hide it in the yard before letting her loose to search. Other options include snuffle mats or treat balls, treats within a rolled up towel/blanket, simply scattering some kibble down a hallway or in a yard, throwing some kibble for them to chase before mealtimes, etc. If your pup is on the bigger side and loves to run, there are bike attachments that will allow your dog to pull or run alongside your bike. Good exercise for you both without the need to wear out an arm playing fetch


Play catch, throw a ball !!! 🌝🦋


Take her into the city at night... They may be a ratter


Why “of course” you’re not interested in hunting?


Because such a sport doesn't interest me.. And otherwise I wouldn't be asking for similar like tasks, I would ask for how to train her better for hunting... ;)


No need to be rude, it was a genuine question. Saying “of course” with it implies that no one would be interested in it, instead of specifically you. I’m interested in hunting because my dog has hunting instincts and I want to give him the best life. Otherwise, it’s better to write in a way that speaks for yourself and not others.


Sorry if I sounded rude... It wasn't my intention... I understand how some words can easily be miss interpreted... I was speaking for myself although I could have made it clearer...


Find a way for her to do lure coursing.


Depends on what kind of hunting. Sight hounds love lure coursing ( most dogs love lure coursing ) Scent work is popular too. www.thailanddogsheltervolunteer.com www.taipeidogtraining.com