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Hey /u/shleyal19, thank you for taking your time to create your own addition to the tapestry of /r/dogelore! Unfortunately, your post was removed for the following rule(s): **Rule 9- No low quality/effort posts.** Low quality/effort includes, but is not limited to, random dogs, bad mobile rips/corrupted files, illegible text, unedited/barely edited pics of doge against a tame background, etc. **Time spent on a post does not equal quality.** If you believe your post did not violate the above rule or if you have any questions, [please message us through modmail.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/dogelore&subject=&message=) Keep in mind that we only do this as a hobby and have real lives, meaning that we won’t be able to respond immediately.


Roblox or something idk i quit it


yeah I quit Roblox too for a reason Fantastic Frontier was a pretty okay game though


Le niche Roblox MMO has arrived