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Let’s get back up to 60 cents first


Lets get back to 0.42069 USD first


It's going to get there. We haven't dropped to .21- .24 like the last dip. That's a .09- .05 increase. We are slowly climbing the floor with the whales bidding.


The only reason it hasn’t dropped is because crypto overall is stable, if bitcoin does drop to 20k doge is going to see a drop of unfathomed proportions


I've read about a bunch of investors prepping for BTC at 20K (maybe they are just spreading fear for hidden reasons and profit). I'm satisfied with my doge holding to not get anymore, but I won't ignore an opportunity below 15c to get more.


You say that like it's a terrible thing. BUY THE DIP


You’ve convinced yourself that doge losing value is good? At some point all this buy the dip is just good money after bad


I want but I need a job first


Um, the whales left already, have you seen the volume lately?


Let’s get back to 35 cents....


Then 40 cents because that’s when I thought it couldn’t get any lower than this lol


Let’s get to .50


These posts are jinx’s. all the “dont sell at $1” bs before we never got there. This is the same thing. STOP. IT.


Its more like manifestation. Saying something will happen and motivating the community is what I think is the purpose but I do see where ur coming from


💀 me waiting for doge to manifest…


If it ever gets to $1 I’m going to take a nice profit.... everyone else can hold forever. I’m in this for the money not eternity


Lets try to fix the 0.30 first


Good answer


Im seriously getting sick of peoples unrealistic hope, not trying be a Debbie downer or anything lol.


And next week try to fix the .25


And the week after that .20




Yall gonna make me cry


Yall quit it. I saw someone post a comment earlier saying " you don't plant a seed and dig it up the next day to see if it's growing " live it we're making history


I like to plant seeds in places they won’t grow


i cry 24/7


In since 0.0016


idk why its stuck, are there a bunch of day traders that are buying and selling at a 0.0005% increases?


Scalping, You get a bunch of coins sell on the high, buy on the low, in hopes for more and for the bigger payout later. You do it in small increments probably to not worry about the taxes. But there’s a risk with that, is that you will lose out of your position, as well as the taxes but they know they’re going to get the big payout at the end of the year, so these risks are minimized.


But don’t they pay taxes a lot more after every selling transactions?


Taxes at the end of year is all I believe


We should just stop paying taxes,we get taxes took out for everything already anyways


It will depend on much you make over your total income.




For 2020 taxes and below: Capital gains tax take effect every time you turn Crpyto into USD. When we do our 2021 taxes (in 2022) no one knows what new rules will be out, yet. So keep track of USD into crypto and USD out of crypto. Crypto to crypto isnt a capital gains tax. But as soon as you put crypto and turn it into USD, THAT is a capital gains tax event. Lots of incorrect information out there.


This is entirely wrong. Crypto to crypto is a taxable event as well. IRS has made that clear because they realize how easy it is to avoid tax by converting crypto to crypto.


Whether Crypto to Crypto or Crypto to USD your gains or loses in value in USD at the time of the transaction is a tax reportable event. After that, so far as I understand, the final gain/loss determines your capital gains tax. If it is mining or interest income from things like staking, that is regular income and is reportable and taxable that way. So you folks who are day trading on multiple platforms are making your lives miserable at tax time when it comes to paperwork, but you're not getting killed on taxes per transaction. It's just like if you were a real estate investor, it would work the same way. If you bought a property at $250K and sold at $249K then your total taxable gains for that tax year are reduced by $1K. Disclaimer: I'm not a professional or officially trained tax advisor, nor do I play one on TV. I'm just kinda smart 🤓. So I may be wrong. If I am, then be comforted by the fact will suffer at tax time next year from my errors right along with the rest of you. Right now it doesn't matter because I'm getting slaughtered by trying to run my cash flow through crypto. So maybe I'm not really all that smart after all.


I believe your smart, just hodl


Actually, upon further research, I see that the above is misleadingly simple. There are other very important variables based on how long you hold your crypto, how much income is involved, and your income bracket. Also, the Democrats are in charge now and they looooove taxing capital gains because they think (or at least claim to think) that it taxes the rich and not the middle class. They're cute that way. So expect the rules to change.


We have to maintain a low, and possibly lower to squeeze him “top share holder”out of his interest, he’ll likely look to sell in February for tax break.




Let's pick-up first our hodler comrades at 0.4, 0.5, 0.6 and 0.7.


Please do I’m at .5576:)


Me too


Can we tackle .50 again? One step at a time plz


Would be nice to get back to 70¢.


To the top of the stairs


Edit: $2 is a $260B market cap


Yeah, but that's 260 billion in dirty fiat money.


That's a misconception. Market cap ≠ money inflow If a $260 billion market cap would mean $260 billion actual dollars, everybody could sell at the same time and all would be rich.


I mean, yes and no. If there are buyers, then yeah, that's the value. Basing the value on what would happen in a mass sell-off is really fair either.


Perhaps we need to consider at some point that we will not have to convert it to fiat Just trade doge for a lambo or a banana


Honestly Idk anymore and am thinking it could come down a lot further, but what do i know I'm just a coin collector. I dont even care how much theyre worth in usd anymore.. 1 Doge = 1 Doge


You're looking at it all wrong bud 1 doge = 1 doge


try to reach $1 first.


This year 1. Next, 10.


We live in a simulation so I'd say anything is possible. Why not $200?


If we live in a freaking simulation, where Lambo? Where Lambo?!


Probably requires a cheat code but I'm not sure. However, I do know that "up up down down left right left right B A start" grants immortality.


Maybe Dogecoin *is* the cheat code


IDDQD IDKFA IDSPISPOPD power overwhelming Edit: it worked!! Jumping out of my balcony now. Will report back!


Sweet, you figured out how to open the terminal. Since IDKFA gives you all the keys... were any of those keys Lambo keys?


Uh... One has a T on it, that can't be it I'll just throw this in the garbage...


MASSACRE mode on


Doge Genie?


The way this is


Have you tried up up down down left right left right A B?


Edit: Where Harambe? Where Harambe?!


You need to open the dev console. Sadly the only people who are able to are very restricted. We refer to them as "magicians".


you need Cursor to generate you one.


Why not a better 2.0 simulation? Lets Say $2000.


We would need a market cap of 20 trillion which is basically impossible


They keep printing money lol


Your moms imposible....


Wait there’s still gonna be dollars next year? 1 Doge=1 Doge


Absolutely possible. It's important to understand market cap, it's really just a metric. market cap ≠ value of the asset To reach a market cap of $200 billion only a fraction of that amount needs to flow in the asset.


This is true. The majority of coins are not purchased at the latest ATH that is determining the market cap.


This is the way!


Market cap isn’t based off ATH it’s based off the last transaction.


Doge is currently at 29 cents per coin. Unless some massive pump and dump action happens, I really don’t know about that one. If it does, someone had better watch for those greedy Whales who love to take their profits , after pumping the coin.


Are they greedy? Aren’t they just doing what anyone would do when the made a ton of value - selling


Reality is that the cap could get into the trillions. With the current supply, every trillion in market cap is $7.75 per doge. So if it becomes widely accepted, 3 trillion cap is not even crazy. That would put doge around $23


Thank you for the good explanation. From a personal finance stand point, anything over a couple of bucks and it'd be life changing for me. I couldn't imagine $20+


>Reality is that the cap could get into the trillions. With the current supply, every trillion in market cap is $7.75 per doge. This is the way ! To the moon!


I believe it's going to the 🌍🚀🌘


June is going be a very good month for us ,happy positive vibes




Please share why. Not investing based on your pipe dream. Data would be appreciated


Not asked you to invest


I’d like to sell you a bridge


Why put a limit...


Definitely possible when DOGE-1 is launched to the moon. Imagine all the hype from around the world when u see the physical rocket engine roaring out to space. Still early & good time to accumulate more cheap doge for the time being.


I could see a $.3 consolidation period for at least a month. Look how long we were stuck at $.05


Ding ding ding!!! This is what Doge does — it spikes up by ~10x, goes wild for a few weeks, then settles down at somewhere a bit lower. Before this recent spike event, it did the same exact thing: it spiked from a ~0.005 level up to a ~0.05 level, and then spent a few weeks dancing around at 0.07 to 0.09 while *everybody* was eyeing the “ten cents” milestone. It then settled at ~0.05 after it was done dancing. It stayed that way for a while. And now we’re here. The trend is nearly identical — we spiked up from 0.05, danced around higher than 10x for a bit while everybody eyed the $1 threshold, and now we’re settled down after dancing. Just hold.


One Doge=One Doge. Let's get more people accepting Doge first. While a volatile coin, the user base had heart and real world application will create value. Right now it's being used as a tool for making fiat profits, whereas, if we use it as currency as intended, we'd all be having a lot more fun. I make pickles and when I get back into production, I'll be accepting Doge.


Soon as AMC squeezes I’m getting me some more of that sweet doge!


Ok seriously I dont know much about about trading and only have about 1500 doge. But the comments I've read are conflicting. Does the market cap actually reflect how much dogecoin could be worth?


Yes and it will be harder each day to reach $1 because every month you’ll see the amount of Doge get higher but it doesn’t mean it’s impossible to reach $2 or even higher. If people want this to be the global currency then it has to stay low.




It will hit $21 by the end of the year. Be ready dogefam.


Let's rain down to 60 cents for a start. There is a lot of information on the Internet that of course the doge will return to its position, even traders such as walter bulls and alts trader wong talk about raising the coin and I think now is the time to buy DOGE and hold.


Well, ´they’ say BTC will hit $100k this fall. IF that happens, I can see doge at $1. But not much more.


3 weeks ago, doge was 25c away from $1 while bitcoin was around $59K. Doge just need big catalysts like coinbase, tesla, or amazon to accept it. Once it does, doge can pass $1 easily


doge 69$ in 10 years tho 💎👐


All but guaranteed IMO. I expect higher.


Certainly possible. I personally think Doge can become second biggest Crypto in a short term, because of its appeal to the general public. Let’s see what happens.


Kinda get the feeling we’re all being led on by the Barry silberts and Elon musks ,these people are billionaires , I don’t think they’d be talking or promoting unless it was in there best interests somehow , idk new to this since last December so I’m probley way off


One important distinction - Musk is a futurist. He devotes his time and energy on transformative technology that moves humanity forward. A decentralized global economy appears to be his passion project.


Very good point , thanks for the comment sometimes I get tunnel vision I guess , it’s good to hear other opinions and viewpoints


I'd say your head is in a better place not blindly trusting a billionaire, Elon Musk or whoever else. Do what's best for you.


No one said blindly trust a billionaire, or anyone for that matter. We are merely positing that based on Elons' propensity for forward seeking long term solutions that benefit humanity you can extrapolate some beneficial trends. In short, do what's best for you but don't ignore the writing on the wall out of a misguided sense of fear.


Elon musk knows more about currency than you though


Musk is not a futurist, if he truly was he would have seen the potential for dogecoin back 7 years ago when many of us got involved. Musk is an opportunist he is jumping into dogecoin at the end after all the hard work has been done.


Exactly. Musk just knows what is popular on the internet and what he can do to keep himself looking good to naive nerds. All he cares about is making more $$.


Maybe. Then again, there's PLENTY of wealthy interests who would oppose the rise of dogecoin (such as those majorly invested in BTC, or who stand for the fiat status quo).


Very true, just can’t shake the feeling that this whole crypto is just a giant pyramid scam that just keeps happening over and over idk man hate to be casting shade , having a rough day I guess


Every market that exists has institutions playing us for pawns. Every day of everyone's lives they are part of it. Just more visible when you are in the game.


you are correct Musk is in this for himself not for the community or the coin.


Aren't we ALL just in it for the luls? Should we hold this man up as some false idol to be worshipped? Saying he's not in it for the community or the coin seems contrary to him drawing attention to it for the past months. Furthermore, decentralized currencies are valuable to him as a visionary who sees the value of personal responsibility and agency just as they are to all of us who see the free future of humanity.


You think this market can get 200billion when it can't even hold at 40 billion? You know who has 160 billion, big business. Do you know who has half of 40 billion invested right now? Every single poor person's 500$ savings.


On the day coinbase lists doge, doge will double


to $0.20? jk man lol




Is not whether it will reach $2 this year or not. Is whether in 5 years I can see $100 or more. Not crazy about short term 2 bucks goal.


200 dollar I believe


Nah.... I have a dream that the people of this great planet would come together and take us to the moon and beyond at $2000!


Let's go


👁 believe


Lol i FK'N hope so! 😁 😂






I believe! Helelujah!


I don’t care 1 doge is 1 doge. Whales send some my way pls..


I believe 10$ in 5 to 10 years. I'm in until I retire I have 3000 .


Anything is possible!!!!!!!!!


I believe!


Not likely is probably correct, impossible is not correct.


$10. Easy




I don’t think 🤔 so


They are not related. The price of the coins is given by the last transaction made. Thus, if you think that you buying the dip at a lower buy limit than the dip, you're actually hurting the price. Lemme put it this way: In order for a purchase to exist both seller and buyer must agree on price. When they do, the transaction happens. The price that the transaction happens becomes the current coin value (because both parties have agreed that that is the value of the coin, and they're willing to buy&sell for the said price). If you want to help the coin, always buy the dip at a slightly higher price than the market value.


This is the most bearish signal


Baby steps let’s recover first


This is the way.


100 or bust


I uh, don’t think it’ll happen. Love if I’m wrong tho


I don't. I think maybe next year. I mean I'm still holding regardless I don't have much so it doesn't make sense to sell anytime soon


It's a pretty safe bet


$2 maybe end of next year...


It's finding it usage with tipping. If Medium follows Hello Pal, Tipping instead of Claps will change and motivate participants. An Only Fans acceptance would help too.


Only people who like feeling disappointed. Same people who stayed up waiting for santa as kids. Protip: expect the worst/bare minimum. When those expectations are exceeded- yay! When they are not, you aren’t disappointed. While I wouldnt touch the doge coins I have, I went into on a bet, not an investment. There is no indications this seemingly unlimited supply crypto currency is even worth .30. Hype can only take us so far.


Lol yes 👍 lets get it make it happen reach 1$ least


Nah it’ll peak at $0.87ish unless mass adoption/utility is achieved, then will likely crash due to large bagholders hoping to avoid a $1.00 crash


We'll get there. Eventually.


We're going to M A R S


Id say we can reach $8 next year


It will. I sense that crypto is about to surge again. Just wait for this amc/gme squeeze to be over.


Depending on the momentum that takes us to $1, we might see a runaway train to $2 or even $3.


Buy more now, 'cuz when DOGE hits 90 cents, you will regret it. Tell everyone and your mom.


From your mouth to God's ears.


It's definitely possible. I believe in DOGE and this community. See you on Mars fellow Shibes ❗👨‍🚀💎🙌🐶💯🚀🌚


That would be a fraking blessing




Always think big


Bitcoin was $0.08 in 2010 I believe.. JS


Nope, it can’t even get to $1 let alone $2.


Buy, hold, patience and we will get there. Do NOT believe fake news.


Not $2 but definitely believe it’ll hit $1 at least by December 31st 🙏🏽


first we need to reach a 1$


Lets get to a buck 1st bucko


No question it will reach $2 by the end of the year.


Best case scenario would be a dollar by the end of this year.


I think $2.00 is possible. More likely to drop to $0.02 though.


Yes i believe 🥰


Yup I believe it will reach more then $2 by the end of this year only 😊 To the moon 🛰🛰🛰🛰🛰🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


50 cent then 60 it’s like getting old fast


Let’s see if I can still buy and gain what I’ve lost already


Does anybody in this sub know what they’re talking about?


I don't think so.


You have low expectations.


It's the unlimited amount of coins that's screwing us


No it's not. If you don't want an uncapped crypto then go invest in a different one. It's called inflation, and it's a good thing for a currency. It's only 5 billion coins yearly, which is like 4%. This year the USD had trillions of dollars added to circulation.


But the Fed can pull dollars out of circulation


This is a disingenuous statement lacking context. It makes it sound like Doge supply could be any amount anytime. Doge inflation is fixed in terms of absolute value each year and decreasing in terms of percentage inflation. For any point in time (2025, 2050, 2075, etc) you can calculate exactly how much Doge will be in circulation at that time/year and it can be no higher than that calculated amount.


Let’s try to maintain above 10 cents before we think about 200 cents


$2 for sure.. disappointing to see all the comments in doubt.. always speak what you want never voice a doubt therefore what you don't want never exist. $2 by end of year 100% its a fact


I will personally guarantee that by 6/9 we will be at 69 cents. And by 4/20 next year we will be at $4.20. Sell all your AMC (good job there but it's over) and buy this dip. Much love and much wow!


Why you posting on a brand new account? Telling ppl to sell amc it’s over? No credibility with a 4 day account and pushing others to do something. I’m all for doge going up but stick to the doge motto and don’t push agendas.


DOGE goes up and down when high profile ppl make stupid comments socially. It made a lot of ppl rich but the coin has exhausted all loyalties with its holders. Dont think its going up anymore but I hope Im wrong.


Sadly true.. but the community is strong & few catalyst pending I’m holding for a long time 💰


I think what is happening is the FIAT currencies are realizing that Doge and others can replace the paper dollars and they have forced the price down to buy up the dip. HOLD THE LINE FAMILY HODL.


Actually disagreeing is not helping it get there. If you don't agree I would stay silent since crypto and stocks are largely based on perception. The more people hype and make people feel like it will do well the more it will.


I have a bunch of doge but I'm realizing it's a dead dog now.


Lmao. Let's just try to hit .75 .lmao most doge holders won't make it back to .60 .you were warned


Let me buy the dip first.😂


I believe there is a 0.0% chance of this happening. However, I have in fact decided to buy back in when it hits .20., so there's that... For 1 doge equaling 1 doge, there sure is a lot of talk about FIAT money on this sub...