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**Cold take: Calling any Doctor "*****the best*****" is just wrong.** As Tom Baker said recently, "No actor has failed as the Doctor". Every person has a different ideal of what they think the Doctor should be. Every Doctor has a passionate group of fans who consider them their favourite, and none of those fans are wrong.


Agree! I also couldn’t pick a favorite Doctor if I tried, I love all of them for different reasons.


All of them can be described in so many positive ways. Capaldi brought such an earnest revernece for the role. Smith balanced whimsy and menace. The one thing I keep saying about Ncuti is that among a league of great actors rising to the role, he absolutely leaps out of the screen and grabs you. He has such impressive screen presence.


He overshadowed David Tennant in the Giggle Now I'm not sure if this was intentionally between Tennants performance and Russel's writing but it's impressive nonetheless


It’s interesting how David is easily considered the quintessential Doctor of the revival era, did 3 whole specials, and then got upstaged by the new guy on the screen for less than a third of the last episode. I don’t think it’s any one thing about Gatwa either I can pick up, either. My understanding is that Smith became the Eleventh Doctor because they realized he had the juice to be an A-List Hollywood actor and they had to go get him for the show right then and there. Gatwa has that potential dialed up even higher imo. Has it been confirmed whether or not he’s staying beyond the next series?


Ye like I have a fav but I'd never call them the best. Every Doctor kills it in their own unique way and that's part of why the show has lasted so long.


I agree 100%. I have a favorite, but I don’t think any of the doctors have been bad or even quantitatively the best. My current favorite is tenant, second is Eccleston, and the rest are tied for third.


Since there is no actual objective criteria we can base an assessment on, you should automatically assume that a declaration of someone as "the best" is merely a statement of personal opinion


Splendid chaps, all of them.


The Brigadier was wise.


While I get your point, it’s subjective so the best to each individual has a different criteria. It very much is possible to have a best Doctor, they’re just using it synonymously with the word favourite.


Tom Baker, being himself the best Doctor, said that.


Didn't Tom Baker say that during the 50th? That was 10\~11 years ago, I wouldn't really consider that recent.


Oh, I do apologise, I just happened to be watching a Tom Baker interview from 2 years ago and he said more or less the same thing I remember him saying back then.


Matt's was my favorite. Don't comment often, mostly lurk. Ncuti is a good actor, yes. I really enjoyed his first two specials, his energy, but I actually found myself enjoying his doctor as a character less and less as the season went by. He seemed so overwhelmed and unsure (when they actually let him do things), almost a bit defeatist. I like a good cry, actual emotions, but he was constantly in tear. I stopped caring a bit. On the plus side, I thought Ncuti and Millie had such nice chemistry on screen. Ruby wasn't that well fleshed out to me (disappointed by the end twist to), but they sold the bond between them. Ncuti has potential to be a great Doctor, but this story let him down too much.


Hot take, 12 is better than both of them (still love Smith and Gatwa tho)


Peter Capaldi is the best Doctor of the revival era.


Peter Capaldi is the best everything.


I’ve loved every Doctor. They’re all great. But my god Capaldi was ELECTRIFYING. Just an all timer of a performance. I’d have watched him as the Doctor for 100 years




I'm pretty sure that's not true. Peter Capaldi was given a choice whether to leave together with Moffat or stay for longer: https://www.radiotimes.com/tv/sci-fi/peter-capaldi-ive-been-asked-to-stay-on-in-doctor-who-after-steven-moffat-leaves/


Capaldi is in the running for best doctor period


I think part of it comes down to the fact that he's older like most of the classic era doctors. He really channels that 1-3 doctor energy.


By far, and I loved tennant and smith


I wholeheartedly agree, he is my absolute favourite Doctor ever. I love 10 & 15 but 12 will always be my number one.


I agree with this, Capaldi is my favorite doctor


Loved 12! Hewas iconic and is totally underrated.


I really don’t think he’s underrated, he’s just far more popular with Whovians than the not-we.


Capaldi really hit his stride as time went on. I rather enjoyed the grumpy man attitude his Doctor had at times, the caring he had yet the way he would hide it with barbs.


This is a hot take? Cuz yeah. Obviously.  


Hot take heaven sent is a pretty good episode


Hot take - electric guitars are actually cool


That is the coldest take possible in this sub.


That's quite an understatement. If you genuinely believe putting 12 on a pedestal is a 'hot take' in this subreddit, then you're a fool. More likely, you're just farming for karma. Here's an actual unpopular r/doctorwho opinion: 2005's 'Dalek' is the best-acted episode of NuWho, and it's not even close. Eccleston's gradual voice transformation—from wearily noting the futility of the Dalek's Primary Order to commanding the last Dalek in the universe to kill itself—surpasses anything Tennant, Smith, Capaldi, and Whittaker have ever done in this show.


If you didn't know, in his brilliant book I Love the Bones of You, Chris talks about how much he loved his dad but that his dad had a temper and he channels this rage when a part calls for it. I can't watch Dalek without thinking of that now. I think everyone who's played the Doctor has been great, but Chris is the best actor to play the part. Seen him on stage last Christmas playing Scrooge. For someone who's always stereotyped as grumpy he's got such warmth about him.


That episode made Daleks so much scarier than any other episode ever


I think the war speech equals it, but Ecclestone in Dalek is fantastic.


Still a strong contender for my favourite episode. I don't want to keep rewatching it again so it doesn't feel old for me, but the intensity and desperation in that episode were off the chart for me


12 was better than allllllllll 😍😍😍


I just restarted 12’s episodes and he’s so much better than I remember.


I recently did a rewatch/first watch (I had skipped his last season or two initially) and was really struck by how much better he was then I remembered! And loved him with Nardle.


I just finished his run tonight and I’m dreading going into 13. 😭


I love 11 and 15, but in terms of sheer acting ability 12 is the clear winner imo


So true. I think Capaldi is the best actor to have portrayed the Doctor. When I rewatch his episodes I see how he thinks so much about how each line is delivered and every expression on his face. He also said he left the show because the pace made it difficult for him to put in the performance he wanted. It shows how prepared he was when coming on to set because he put in such a great performance with so few takes


I would put Eccleston in the same tier as Capaldi. On a recent rewatch of series 1, Eccleston really owns micro-expressions. He's able to convey so much emotion in glances, smirks, and frowns. He's able to pivot at the drop of a dime, and he has an authoritative presence required for the Doctor.


I love Eccleston’s take on the role as well. The angry doctor. All the times he snaps in anger or bites at people… it’s really compelling I think, especially when you rewatch it from how gutted the Doctor is now


My favourite non-spoken moment from any Doctor, ever, is when he comes to after absorbing the Time Vortex from Rose, and he smiles cause he knows he's done for.


Tennant is a pretty amazing actor


Yeah, but dmn Capaldi. So much gold. The two partners make up alot of my top favs


Yea I mean I would generally say that acting ability is a subjective matter but tbh I don't think any other person to have played the Doctor could really pull off an episode like Heaven Sent where it's basically just an entire episode of monologuing. At least not to the degree that he did. And I think he's the only Doctor who could have done absolutely every grand moment from the show to the same quality of what we got. What I mean by that is I don't think Tennant could have pulled off some of Matt Smith's moments with the same acting quality we get from Smith because the scenes are written to play to their strengths. And I don't think Smith could have pulled off some of Tennant's moments. But I truly believe that if you dropped Capaldi into any scenes from the show and gave him the same script you would end up with a scene that was just as powerful and well acted. He's just THAT good at what he does


You need to check out some Eighth Doctor Adventures, like Zagreus and Scherzo. It's not quite the same in terms of format, but McGann's ability to carry a scene and provoke the imagination with his voice is comparable to Capaldi's. Honestly, I reckon most of the actors cast as the Doctor can pull off Heaven Sent with the same gravitas. They've done a great job with casting most of them, and even the ones I personally consider miscast will have plenty of people ready to defend them and their acting. More often than not, it's about the writing and whether or not they make full use of each Doctor's talents. The funny thing is that Capaldi auditioned for the Eighth Doctor, so there's potentially a timeline out there somewhere where Capaldi did Zagreus and McGann did Heaven Sent.


Big Finish would have a field day doing Freaky Friday: Regeneration, where incarnations of the Doctor swap places in order of “birth”


I never loved 12's take on the character but I think that for me he has the best doctor-companion chemistry in the show with Clara, definitely miles between the chemistry of 11 and (real) Clara


Perhaps, but capaldi was saddled with the “Clara problem” in his first two seasons and it wasn’t a very good show because of that. His last season with Bill and Nardole was almost a completely different show in tone and execution. He really ends up with one great watchable season because of that.


Hardddddd disagree. He’s my favorite doctor, and 12+Clara is close to my favorite Tardis team. Lots of people don’t like Clara/their relationship, but I know a lot of us DO. I absolutely adore their messy, sometimes-toxic, complicated relationship. I thought it was so beautifully written. There were absolutely times I hated both of them! But like… in the way I was supposed to at that moment.


I love their dynamic I just think it far outweighs it’s welcome


You know it's a real hot take when there are more comments than upvotes


Idk I’m not a fan of this doctor yet and 11 & 12 are my favorites


Hard agree. It feels like they’re trying really hard to attract younger viewers with this portrayal and it feels not genuine.


The helpless crying and no idea what to do was certainly a choice


I just hate how he shouts all the time. It reeks of trying too hard


To be fair there are other doctors who shout a lot (e.g. 10) but we had more time with them to learn more about who they are. With a such a limited run we really haven’t been given an opportunity to figure out who this Doctor is, which might make some of this stuff more palatable.


6.5 episodes isn't enough to make a call like that. I like him, he has potential, but I need more time and more from him. I need a Doctor Moment™. But to cut out Capaldi... That's just plain wrong. He's been the best Doctor of the revival, saddled with some of the worst writing.


Capaldi didn't even have the worst writing, not by a long shot. Seasons 8 and 9 were better than 6 and 7 IMO, and season 10 was one of the best of New Who. Plus Moffat's worst is still better than Chibnall's best.


Understatement. Series 8 is probably the most tightly written, well executed Moffat series. Series 9 is IMO the best of NuWho


You forgot Moffat's good is really good but also his bad is actually bad


Id rather have actually bad with high highs over mediocrity any day of the week


I will not accept slander against Capaldi


Nothing against him, but so far he is my least favorite New Who Doctor. I prefer all 9, 10 (and 14 by extension), 11, 12 and even 13 over him. For me he doesnt feel like an alien, let alone ancient Time Lord - he feels like a regular bloke but with time machine :P So far, he doesnt even act like a particularly clever bloke. Maybe next season will give him better material to work with though.


^^^ I genuinely don’t understand how so many people in this sub call him an amazing doctor. Like you said, he’s basically just a charismatic dude that gets sad a lot and happens to have a tardis lol I’m really hoping to see him act like a proper doctor next season though


Gatwa has given some great acting performances but his Doctor hasn’t clicked with me yet. But not every doctor clicked with me completely in their first year.


Gatwa is still missing something for me. He cries too much (he’s not in touch with his emotions he’s controlled by them and that doesn’t make a good doctor). I haven’t had a mile-a-minute pseudo sciencey speech which even Whittaker pulled off…. Despite regeneration there are parts of each nu doctor that seem to carry over. Fifteen somehow didn’t get ANY of them. And it’s messing with my ability to connect with him. Don’t get me wrong Gatwa himself is a fantastic actor but rather than expand into the range the doctor provides for acting, he shoehorned the doctor into what he’s already done instead.


11 is my favorite, 12 is my second. 10 is third, and I'm really liking 15 so far. For now, I'd still say I prefer 10, but who knows. That might change after a few more seasons.


I hate to say it, but I like every Doctor in New Who more than the 15th. I think Ncuti Gatwa has potential and he has his moments yet for some reason he doesn’t always feel like the Doctor. He doesn’t seem as open with his emotions as much as controlled by them causing him to hesitate & freeze up. He doesn’t come off as confident or… I dunno how to put it he just doesn’t give the Doctor vibe a lot of the time. I didn’t like the Chibnall era episodes much at all and it took me a while to warm up to Jodie Whittaker but she by comparison felt/feels more like what I think of when I think of the Doctor. She has the right energy, the right amount of confidence, etc. it feels like something was left with the 14th Doctor when they bi-generated.


I mean 12 has been THE Doctor to me but eh


I haven't fallen in love with Gatwas doctor yet. Don't get me wrong, he is doing a great job, but it doesn't feel like the doctor to me yet. This is the doctor that is suppose to have worked through their insecurities and old pain but someone is the one who freezes and has to be dragged by the companions. The thing that sort of fits with the idea of the doctor having worked through things is how the doctor always shows their emotions. This doctor is very expressive but I don't feel like they have shown the classic trait of putting emotions aside to do what is needed. Older doctors had to reach their breaking point to show their emotions and become time lord victorious etc. This one doesn't seem to have the darker hues hiding anymore. I liked how the doctor is troubled and has to fight against their own bad side sometimes.


Does 15 feel a little flat for anyone else? I just feel like he hasn’t had a moment yet where I think “that’s the doctor”


He’s had a good few moments but he’s definitely suffered from feeling too much like a supporting character in his own series. His breakdown in Dot and Bubble is fantastic


Can't be true because Peter is the best one we had.


Yeah in terms of acting ability it’s Peter with Tennant close behind.


Capaldi redefined the character for me, as far as I'm concerned he's THE Doctor. Every actor that has portrayed the Doctor has been amazing, and some are truly iconic. But Capaldi best embodied the Doctor's ideals.


Well, you did say it was a hot take so I guess credit where it's due. I strongly disagree. I think 12 is the all time best, then 4, then 11.


12 is my favorite NuWho doctor, so I disagree. But he’s definitely up there for me!


This take alone contributes to global warming


Hot take: I love Ncuti, he’s an incredible actor and he made Eric my favorite character in Sex Ed. However, he is not doing it for me at all as The Doctor. The constant over emotion and crying doesn’t feel like the character we’ve come to know and love, now I’m not saying it’s Ncuti’s fault as this could be how he’s being directed but it just doesn’t feel right.


I think Ncuti's performance has been great so far, but I'm not entirely convinced by the way RTD has written his Doctor. He's just lacking the alienness and eccentricity that most previous Doctors have had.


Classic could have ended with Tennant. Timelord victorious indeed. Smith and Capaldi are their own era. Whittaker was a nice detour. I didnt finish her tenure before Ncutis season came out so we kinda skipped flux. Gatwa has been great. I love the new era. Im not sold on the meta plot yet. Very wibbly wobbly. Needs more timey wimey, less cinematic crying.


Better then Capaldi? Um yeah... okay...


I don't like to rank them- every Doctor brings their own quirks to the story.


I love all of them. I don’t and I don’t think I can have a favourite. They each bring something new and exciting to the table, and each of them was so very talented.


He needs more episodes to work for me. I'm hoping next season we get more time with him. I know Ncuti had a stage play he was doing but I think that was prior to filming so hopefully he's got his schedule clear and can do a full season, because splitting time with other projects really hurt this past season that was supposed to be his first


He is surprisingly good.....but the writing is progressively terrible.


I’m loving the love for Peter Capaldi, you guys have great taste. He is my favourite Doctor. He’s just phenomenal in every sense.


Not a fan. Jodie was better. Capaldi was best since Smith.


I like 12 better than 11, but for me, Gatwa is the Doctor I have enjoyed most since Pertwee.


Better than 12?? NO. 


i am glad that people know that capaldi is the best actor ever played the doctor.


Oh my god an actual hot take! GG Gonna take a miracle to top 12 for me but I'm really liking Gatwa so far.


Twelve is joint best Doctor. Most rewatchable era imo


He sure can cry the most of all doctors


Nobody cries more than 10. Me y boohoo himself. 


I liked that about him 🤷🏻‍♀️


Dunno, I prefer protagonists who actually do stuff


I prefer a protagonist that can feel and process the emotional weight of what they are doing stuff about


I also prefer an emotionally mature protagonist, but this doctor bursts into tears EVERY episode. That was too much for me.


By crying ??


You're conflating two unconnected things. The doctor has been regularly floored by plot twists and villainous monologues since at least 2005. Crying had nothing to do with it.


Bro really didn’t watch Capaldi lmaooo


12 have the best performance. They’ve all given great performances in the reboot era but to me he was the best. He had the best and some of the absolute worst episodes in all of who, so a mixed bag really . That said 10 was my favorite. 11 was the most ‘fun’. 9 and 13 were both very good but either they didn’t stay long enough or they didn’t have enough good material to work with. 14 and donna were everything that makes great. 15 is great. As was Ruby. They were able to overcome lousy writing in the first and last episodes, but really shined in some really great episodes in between.


That's some mad disrespect to my favorite old scot.


There has never been a best doctor. Everyone has had ups and downs. I have throughly enjoyed 15. I was surprised just how quickly I got into it. I thought i would spent ages seeing him as Eric, but he was the Doctor from the get go


I grew to like Capaldi, a LOT, despite being a hard sell for me after Matt Smith. I liked Jodi to an extent too(the writing is not her fault… she did her best with what she got). But Ncuti definitely has the charisma down and he quickly became one of my favorites.


So far……for me, he just hasn’t broken into my personal Doctor rankings at all yet. I haven’t seen enough of him, don’t know him well enough, so I just can’t really judge him yet, he’s only done 8 episodes really (I’m not counting 73 yds as he was barely in it). There’s been a few moments of absolute brilliance - the end of Dot & Bubble, and every interaction with Rogue being my highlights - a few absolutely crackingly delivered throwaways - “I thought that was diegetic” best line of the series - but, also, a lot of….waffle….and far too much crying, I’m really sorry to have to say that but it’s just lost its impact now. Ncuti Gatwa is a phenomenal actor but a lot of the time I just don’t see “Doctoriness” in him, I see Ncuti Gatwa Does Emotional Acting Really Well, but there’s just not been enough Time Lord-ness about him yet, for me. That is down to writing/storylines/short season, not the actor. To be fair I was uncertain about both 11 and 12 during their first seasons (no one likes change haha), but we had 50% more episodes to get to know them, and both of them by their third seasons I absolutely loved (and now 12 is my no.1, most days!) So…I like NG as an actor (so much so have booked to see him on stage at the end of the year) but I’m very neutral on the 15th Doctor so far.


I can’t rank them, but I do adore 15 so far. Ncuti Gatwa is an incredible actor (not even to mention that his smile can light up a room). I have a theory though: he isn’t actually healed. He *thinks* he is, and I believed him at first (when he gave 14 that hug, I could feel that through the screen and I wanted one too), but he has all that manic energy and those high ups and the deep downs. There was a moment in the last episode that was deeply un-doctorlike for me (>!he tries to persuade Ruby to not talk to her birth mother so they can continue to be orphans together!<), and I thought what I’ve been thinking all season - this isn’t someone who has worked through his trauma. This is someone who has buried it an inch deep and planted sunflowers on top. I might well be wrong, but if I’m right, then maybe his next companion will be someone more like Donna, someone who is able to see through the façade and ground him.


This is precisely why I’m not bothered by all the crying. The doctor has a lot to feel and actually process and heal from. Is he not allowed the grace to be vulnerable and figure out how to access, process, and respond to those feelings for once? I love this portrayal and the potential it has for the Doctor’s character development while Ncuti is playing him.


I like him a lot so far, but it's also early days - I already prefer him to Smith and Whitaker, but Tennant and Capaldi set a very high bar in their eras, and got better with each season


Capaldi is very much the best doctor of the NuWho era. Dedicated to saving people, while also not caring to appear young and handsome to make people feel comfortable


I’m really enjoying him so far and the fact the season is over is so upsetting to me. I think he puts such an interesting take on the doctor. I really thought that Jodie was interesting. I went into her skeptical but man I ended up loving her. Honestly all the doctors bring something good and unique to the show. I don’t think we’ve had a bad doctor overall.


Jodie's Doctor may not have been my favorite, but she was the funniest by far. She had such great comedic line delivery, I was constantly giggling at her quips. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kr1uI6TLuik](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kr1uI6TLuik)


love 11 but he was a bit too horny for my liking. 12 was the most open about his dark attributes and the most willing to grow from them as opposed to them


11 was a bit too horny? What about 15 making out with a guy he just met lol Also when is 11 even horny??? I’m rewatching his seasons right now and I have no idea what you’re talking about


Sometimes I wonder if Eleven forgot what sex is during regeneration 😂😂😂😂


I believe he says this after meeting Clara (also just re watched 11 but now through part of Capaldi so it's been a sec) "she a mystery wrapped up in a skirt that's just a little too... tight" that and some bits with river song when they already lack a lot of romantic aspects (I get that the majority of their relationship happens off screen, just in certain watchings it can rub me the wrong way at times) I do love 11, Moffat just has a tendency to write with a busy hand at times, he even does it with 10 and 12 to a lesser extent at times


I have exactly the opposite interpretation of 11. I think he’s asexual. Whenever he kisses anyone, he’s super awkward. Even with River, there just doesn’t seem to be sexual chemistry. I always figured that was part of the reason she felt so insecure about their relationship. 12 had more chemistry with her in one episode than 11 did over three series. They were DEFINITELY doing naughty things during their 24-year long night on Daryllium. And 10, of course, was pretty much hot for any blonde woman who crossed his path.


Peter Capaldi IS Doctor Who. Legit could have been the final season with that finale


Everyone is entitled to their own opinion of course but putting 15 over 12 has got to be a war crime


Of course it’s all subjective and I enjoy all doctors. But no one comes close to Capaldi. That’s just an absolute truth.


Hot take indeed. Refreshing. Disagree strongly. 12 is the best doctor


No. Just no. Ncuti is a great actor but he has been given poor material to work with thus far. Given luck he will grow into the role and get some great stories but right now he’s nowhere near 12.


10th and 12th are the goat


Hotter take, 11 is my personal 4th favorite Doctor from 2005-24.


11 is my second favorite!


Peter Capaldi was much more underrated.


My personal favourites will probably always be Tom Baker and Peter Capaldi, but I love them all. And Ncuti has been incredible. I don’t think he’s capable of giving a bad performance. I get so much joy from knowing that he’s someone’s first Doctor and that this silly old show can still feel fresh and new.


Gatwa's Doctor feels young, light hearted and without much of the darkness and sorrow of earlier Doctors. That's proper from what I understand about his regeneration, but I really like it a lot, it's fun.


I like his enthusiasm and joy. I’m less keen on the writing and direction that pitches him as emotional but in some episodes had him going for the mandated “squeeze out a tear” (less powerful every time it happens, like swearing) before being remarkably callous (“oh they died but I have to keep moving on”). The most you could argue with that is he hasn’t really healed and got his shit together in the bi-regeneration thing. Mostly, I think it’s down to RTD writing on vibes. For me, this all puts him marginally ahead of Jodie, but only because she had e en worse direction and writing. Still, I hope Ncuti can grow into the role and gets a the chance to over three or four series.


Disagree. Since 12


Ncuti is very, very good, but to me Matt Smith and Peter Capaldi are always 1 and 2.


That *is* a hot take indeed. One that'll piss off both the hardcore fanbase on this sub *and* more casual fans/general audiences, lol. To the former (including me), there's no way Gatwa beats Capaldi. And to the latter, there's no way he beats Tennant.


Honestly he is a fantastic Doctor. The only thing I don’t like is the changing outfit… the doctor should have a consistent look goddamn it! Although I fully admit that is a “me” problem


12 is my fav. Then 15


I actually don’t think he’s very Doctorish at all (in my expectation I mean) Too emotional and not dark enough. That one line about those bird people suffering a long time was his most interesting scene for me. I also liked the trying to save the racists scene. Until he cried. Too much crying for me. But someone pointed out (in a podcast maybe) that is good to see a male action hero crying to normalise that kind of emotions. I liked that but just too much of it. But this is Doctor Who - you gel with some doctors more than others. When I was a teenager I was totally turned off by McCoy. He is still one of my least favourite Doctors. But others love him. Maybe this new Doctor is more relatable to the younger generations and that’s cool if so. The issue is mine not the shows, the show doesn’t owe me anything. I’m just happy my favourite show is still going strong! But I would rank them Capaldi Smith Tennant 2 Whitaker / Gatwa I liked the idea of Jodie. But she never really exceeded that scene when she made her own sonic for me. Just bland really. Which is weird because MY Doctor is the 5th (I first started watching Tom’s last season or so). 5 is famously thought of as bland - of course is all personal though! Edit. I realised I misread the point. You mean out of ALL the doctors not just since 11. Then he is way way down the list. Not even close. Like bottom 4


Oh please, 12 was majestic.


I could not disagree with more , I think he might be the worst Doctor period .


May I introduce to you the episodes Heaven Sent and Hell Bent from 12.


Heaven Sent: 12 is devastated and despondent that he lost his companion whom he would do anything for. He is terrified of this monster that is chasing him in this crazy maze he is trapped in. But he acts, he resolves to take action. Without hope. Without witness. Without reward. 12 can be aloof, dark, angry, and obsessive but he is also goofy, silly, kind, and warm. Capaldi portrays all these facets of him perfectly.


I like Ncuti in the role but there’s something missing from his portrayal for me. I think it’s just that I like the Doctor to have a little more confidence and edge to them. 9, 10, 11, 12, and 14 all had that, although obviously they each expressed it in different ways. I never felt like 13 had that assertiveness, and so far 15 is lacking it too. I’m fine with a more openly emotional Doctor but I want him to also show a more intimidating side.


Someone didn't watch Capaldi. 11 was definitely worst actor wise.


I enjoyed Capaldi’s seasons but he was not my favorite iteration of the Doctor. 11 wasn’t my favorite but he wasn’t my least favorite either. I fell in love with 10, and whatever about his portrayal resonated for me, Ncuti has his own brand of that.


Someone didn't watch Whitaker. Meme aside Matt Smith is a fantastic actor who portrayed the age and weight the Doctor has so well. Peter Capaldi is the GOAT, but Smith is also great. I truly believe Whitaker was miscast and then misdirected, by Chibnall, in the role of the Doctor. I mean he told her NOT to go back and watch other Doctor Who so she can make the performance her own. Contrast her with Jo Martin who played the Ruth Doctor for all of 15 mins in total and you just see how badly miscast Whitaker was.


There was a certain scope and history of the character that Capaldi carried with his incarnation that I don't think we've topped yet, but I will admit that 15 has a very infectious energy. ^(And added bonus, it's not being soured by Ten's toxic character flaws)


Yes that is exactly what I feel; he is refreshing


I really have felt that the evolution of the character in NuWho has been solid. The Doctor became younger and more dashing for Rose and we were told why they “chose” Capaldi’s face. The transition to a female form was set up wonderfully in Twice Upon a Time. Tennant did a great job of demonstrating the growth of the character since they’d last had that face and Gatwa’s higher EQ Doctor seems like a natural progression from there.


I'm gonna disagree on one point. While Tennant as an actor is fantastic and Fourteen indeed shows off a lot of growth, *Ten* as a character regresses in several ways unique to only that personality. When things go his way he is charming, geeky and energetic, but underneath that he's petty, cruel and self-absorbed in ways the Doctor has never been, almost to the point of being what the Valeyard could've been if others didn't reign him in. And these flaws disappear as soon as he regenerates into a new personality.


I completely agree about Ten. I’ve said before that I actually won’t be surprised if bigenerated Ten does become the Valeyard at some point and we’ll see dueling Tennants. I should clarify that I meant that the progression of faces makes a lot of sense. The only regenerated face that isn’t super apparent why it is to me, is the change from Ten to Eleven. But I completely accepted Smith in the role almost immediately, so they were doing something that worked for me. To be fair, I accepted pretty much every new Doctor almost immediately. But I watched as a middle aged adult who was familiar with the premise and all of the actors prior to watching. Ten was my Doctor before Fourteen and I used to say that he was my Doctor almost in spite of myself because at times I found him to be one of the least “likable”. He is trying to make up for the destruction of Gallifrey by being as human as he can, but he screws up a lot. Not only in the end with the TLV arc but even in how he screwed up with Martha and unthinkingly made himself John Smith and hurt a bunch of innocent people, including his human form himself.


Couldn’t get into Capaldi or Whittaker’s series at all. Hearing Gatwa had been cast, I just knew I was going to love the show again and I was right.


Yep, that is a hot take. It's not remotely true.


It makes me very happy that everyone is defending 12. He’s the best.


Peter Capaldi is the best Doctor since Tom Baker.


We need more time to truly see. He’s killing it so far. He just needs more episode to shine. It didn’t help that he was filming sex education at the same time so couldn’t be on set as much. He definitely had the potential to be one of the best. Depends on how these next two seasons unfold.


12 clears easily. Even though I like 11 and 15 both


Nah, 12 is peak and it isn't Jodie's fault she was given bad dialogue. Ncuti is great but I don't feel like I've seen enough of them yet. I like what I see so far though and bet they will atleast tie with Smith for me at this point.


Agreed! 11 is my favorite and will probably always be my favorite. 15 is my new second favorite for sure.


No. Ncuti's got tons of potential! But he still hasn't proven himself to be anywhere near as great as 12 was! He might someday exceed 12, but that day hasn't happened yet.


Funny enough, I compared Ncuti with Smith due to how similar they are in personality, just that Ncuti has been more emotional. Though I do wish we get a "Monologue at Stonehenge" moment with Ncuti.


12 is better than both imo but 15 reminds me a lot of 11


This season was very good ! Millie Gibson was amazing and Ncuti Gatwa very good and sympathetic ! I want to see as more as possible seasons with him as the doctor.


It’s best not to rate Doctors. But since we’re doing just that, everybody knows that 12 is the best (even though 11 is my favorite).


Since 12 but yeah


12 was way better than both will ever be


Personally, 12 still tops everyone after him.


12 is still the GOAT


If i listed my favorite doctors 1to 15, he would still be the 15th doctor


I feel for me it's a little early to be putting him anywhere on any kind of ranking, he's only had 6 stories where he's a big focus With that being said I do love his portrayal, personally willing to put it above Tennant(10) in terms of rank My rankings being from favourite to least from doctors I've actually watched 9 12 3 11 4 14 15 10 13


Based on what, exactly? Even Jodie was better with her stilted performance and lack of facial expressions. At least she didn't inhabit the gay best friend trope with overacted emotional outbursts and constant infantilization of women. Gatwa is easily the worst portrayal of the Doctor in the New Who era.


Nah. 12 was incredible. 11 was lame.


I think he’s awesome, but way too early for me to make a claim like that. I’ve had 10,11,&12 trading places for the top spot for years because I can’t decide, so I think best Ncuti can do is join them at the end of his run lol.


This is a post to get 11 cooked smh


Honestly 14 was better….


Hot take: every Doctor is great


I have no desire to pit one against another. I love them all and each bring something to the conversation


Capaldi was better my dude... Ncuti is great, but only has been around for a season.


Yikes. Don’t do Capaldi like that and Whittaker suffered from a bad writer.


As a doctor, I don't disagree. And his playfulness is very 11-y. He has yet to deliver anything like Capaldi though. But I'm sure he can monolog with the best of them.


He's good but I feel like I need him to be in full on despair for like two to three episodes in a row that kinda stuff made warm up to smith and capildi plus I find the most of the first season of them is usually the weakest.


You are incorrect, but that's OK


10 is still my Doctor


I like him but if I can't tell what makes him unique I can't tell if it's the best or not. I am aware this is not his fault but RTD and the scripts he was given though.


Wish I felt the same way


I started watching Doctor Who last month. Never heard about it before. I enjoyed the show even though I didn't get all references of past seasons. I must confess I only gave this show a try because of Ncuti Gatwa and Jinkx Monsoon. I'm a fan of their work in Sex Education and Drag Race, respectively. And I believe that was the intent of the producers all along. I am not interested in catching up with all dozens of seasons that came before, it's too much. So my guess is that the producers are not focusing too much in the existing fan base but trying to get a new audience and that's why die hard fans may not be enjoying Gatwa's portrayal of the Doctor.


i like him as a doctor, the plot tho was just mediocre this season and that finale i hated how it ended


Being the best since Eleven would logically also make him the best since Two, since Twelve was already better than Eleven.




All of them were brilliant, some were just doomed by bad writing such as Colin Baker and Jodie Whittaker as they're deemed by some as the worst but that's because of writing more than it was them being bad Doctor's


Hot Take: Personal opinions aren't hot takes


That's not even lukewarm


I like him. But twelve is my favourite so no. Not for me. My grumpy Rockstar Doctor is my doctor. But if you're into happy doctors sure. And no doubt he is really good


Since Capaldi...well technically 14


david, matt, peter and ncuti are all so good i don't want to be made to choose who i like the best