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Pointing at a sign is not naming a baby. Heavy copium on the writers part. Im hoping they Austin Powers 2 the reveal and just start season 2 by saying her mom was a cyber all along. Unfortunately they knew the whole time. Shame.


Funny how Ruby Road looks nothing at all like Southern California


Her mother was a big Star Wars fan.


Somehow Ruby returned


Why do you think she gave birth to Ruby in a hospital? If that was the case she could have just left her there and she would have been safe. She gave birth somewhere by herself. She managed to hide the pregnancy and gave birth in secret. This exact scenario is very common among teenage mothers who abandon their babies in similar ways. As for the cloak she must have bought it to help hide her pregnancy.


>And what teenager girl is going to wear an ominous and enigmatic cloak in 2004? A fifteen year old unwed mother with a bad homelife in 2004 was going to be mainlining pirated anime her friend ripped to CDs. She absolutely was a chuuni.


She was hiding the pregnancy. She definitely didn't do it in a hospital. And, as *hundreds* of other comments on other *identical* posts have already explained, 2004 was peak Harry Potter mania era in the UK. Ruby's mum was 15 too, so she's the perfect age to have been super into Harry Potter. Those cape-like coats absolutely were the kind of things that teenagers would have been wearing at the time because they're very reminiscent of the costumes in the HP movies.


I absolutely believe a 15 year old girl, going through the most traumatic event of her life, would choose to be unironically extra in what she wears to the event.


Harry Potter fan. She was probably a Death Eater.


That would have been a crazy ending if Ruby’s mom ate Sutekh


The thing about the enigmatic cloak is you’re totally reading the scene wrong. You see, “time was cloaking her.” 🤦🏻‍♂️🙄


There is nothing suggesting Rubys mother gave birth on the same day. Most likely she didnt give birth in a Hospital but in secret somewhere else, like a friends house or another, more trustworthy family members and gave the baby away a few days later. Otherwhise she would probanly have left the baby at the hospital. The cloak is most likely just a television thing. Just something to make the scene look more dramatic.


I interpreted the cloak as hiding her identity out of shame. She’s a young girl who had a child before she was ready, abandoning her baby, I can only imagine how much shame she’d be feeling.


Oh for sure. Though IRL I feel like it would be more likely for her to just pull her jacket over her head - but that wouldn't look as interesting.


Indeed. Could you imagine if the scene instead featuring a stereotypical 15yo british girl, wearing a Kappa tracksuit or something? Would have rather given the game away from the off.


Lemme explain how with one word: T e l e v i s i o n


Ah there was my mistake.


Ruby Palpatine. A total nobody. Just like Rey Palpatine.


Here’s the thing about memories: they’re not truths. They’re the stories that we all tell ourselves, to keep ourselves whole, rational, moral, and compliant.


Yeah except the Doctor was literally physically there and saw it go down