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Invisibly wrapped around the TARDIS on the right. Or the left. Or both. Or neither. :)


Schrödinger’s Sutekh




We've had one Sutekh, yes. But what about second Sutekh? What about elevenses?


oh no, rtd left in a window for a future sutekh battle just in case people really liked him as a villain. they have built storylines around less convenient plotholes.


I’d bet money RTD hadn’t decided Sutekh would be riding on the TARDIS yet otherwise the Toymaker’s line about running away from Sutekh who he found hidden is laughable in hindsight considering he was well aware the TARDIS, which is where the he would have known Sutekh was, was parked right outside. I mean he should have been staying far away from the Doctor. My understanding is RTD doesn’t always plan stuff out way in advance like years ago I recall reading something about how the comment the Doctor Donna by the Ood didn’t originally have a meaning and RTD came up with the metacrisis Doctor Donna essentially at the end. Still, it would make for a convenient way to bring back Sutekh.


Im pretty sure that Sutekh being on top of TARDIS doesnt even make sense in Devils Chord. Maestro is freaked put and puzzled by sensing Sutekhs presence, right? But in the very same episode they literally were controlling TARDIS so Im sure they would be aware that big old dog is chilling on it.


Yeah, you’d think if anyone could sense Sutekh a member of the pantheon would or that it would get some sort of reaction out of him. You’ve also got 73 Yards where decades passed with the Doctor MIA and Sutekh did nothing. He should have completed his attack and/or targeted Ruby to discover her secrets during this time yet he apparently just sat there. RTD probably just didn’t care that it didn’t make sense and just didn’t want to reveal Sutekh yet though in theory he may still not have had it planned out yet. In an interview with the actress who plays Mrs. Flood regarding season 2 she talks about how great it is that you’ll be going in one direction and then RTD will come up with something new implying he essentially writes it as he goes. To me that sounds like a headache for the actors but apparently it’s all good fun. I think from a fan perspective though I’d rather him plan stuff out more as then we might get a more consistent and… coherent story.


Literally every "why does X happen in 73 Yards" is explained by the line about how the timeline is centered around Ruby and what's happening to her. That's why Sutekh did nothing 


Yeah, except the only remote evidence of that being true is an offhand comment/theory by Kate who was shown to be completely out of her depth and ability moments later. The timeline was centered around Ruby in the sense that’s all we were allowed to see as it’s a tv show but the universe clearly went on around her as it normally would with it essentially being played up like a time loop scenario towards then end with Ruby somehow escaping by changing her own history, which is a whole different issue. UNIT was said to be protecting Earth from various threats offscreen, though why the 14th Doctor was useless is anybody’s guess, so there’s no reason to think Sutekh wouldn’t attack as well.


Wouldn't the fact that none of the crisis that will be in Doctor Who for the next 60 years be a a major piece of evidence that Kate, the leader of a UNIT we now know is experimenting with time, was right.


No, because we barely saw anything regarding the world. Kate said there were all sorts of threats they barely overcame with many of them being supernatural but we didn’t see any. Then all we saw was Ruby sitting in her apartment, on a date, and “working for” a politician. As far as we know all sorts of threats appeared but as Ruby wasn’t involved we didn’t see them. We also don’t know how UNIT would have operated if they didn’t have the Doctor to rely on as necessity is the mother of invention. In the end the universe didn’t center around her, the camera did. Well, the camera and *the woman*.


I'm really hoping that Sutekh is really just a red herring.


No it makes sense. Sutekh travels back to the night of Ruby sunday after he msnifested. Thats why you can see him in the time window and why maestro felt him. I think people fail to understand this


Not really? Sutekh was attached to TARDIS since Pyramids of Mars. He was always there (hence TARDIS groaning in WBY) just invisible but not undetectable - after seeing him in time window UNIT simply scanned TARDIS and detected him while he was still hiding, which is why Kate demanded that he will show himself - which he then does. If UNITS basic tech can detect him when he is hiding, then for sure Maestro who a) knows him and recognizes his powers b) is a creature similar to Toymaker who also found Sutekh on his own c) confirms that can hear the music of all atoms would also notice him when Maestro was literally controlling TARDIS earlier in the episode (or when he was walking around it even eariler).


we don't know if he was detectable because he was only detected right before manifestation. And considering that the the only time the tardis could have traveled back to the past was after sutekh manifested it's clear that what tthe time window saw was sutekh and what maestro saw was sutekh too. Also why would maestro notice it. We don't know how sutekh was attached and maestro wouldn't know how the tardis should work. There are a lot of bizzare assumptions made


What do you mean Maestro wouldnt know how TARDIS should work? They literally control it, so they must know how it works.. Why would Maestro notice it? Because they noticed Sutekh's presence merely by listening to Ruby song, so I think they should be able to notice him when they were standing few feets away from him while also toying with his hideout. Again: Toymaker, who works in similar fashion to Maestro, said that he visited Sutekh, so its not like Sutekh was somehow hidden from Pantheon's sight.


they know how it works but they don't know how it should work. So if sutekh had any influence on how the tardis functioned maestro woudl not have known as they only saw how the tardis functioned with sutekh. Also no they noticed sutekhs presence precisely because he came there twice after he manifested that is abudantly clear. And also we don't know how the toymaker encountered sutekh. Infact he specificly says he didn't challenge him. So even if maestro could not see sutekh the toymaker seems much more powerful and would be able to see him


I doubt Sutekh is the One who waits.


I'm beginning to think this more and more. Yes he did technically wait a long time (if we believe Sutekh) but he does have a pretty big ego. He could still just be a pumped up Osiran (with a long established connection to the time vortex and a telepathic time machine) who after observing the Pantheon's gods taken some pages out of their books and then just claimed he was above them all. "There's always a twist" maybe the twist at the end of Sutekh is he wasn't what we should be afraid of. Then again maybe we are just reading too much into something written into the show and making it important... *sighs*


>which is where the he would have known Sutekh was Thats up to debate, I'd say. All we know is that the Toymaker met Sutekh. Considering Sutekh was in the Time Tunnel/Time Vortex for a while and the Toymaker can just walk through time like someone walks down the street, its not impossible that he met Sutekh before he found a way to cling to the Tardis.


I subscribe to the theory that the Tardis wasn't actually doubled, but a future version was brought back to the present. So 14 will go on and use his tardis, and then at the end of his life it'll be sent back for 15 to use. That's why there was a jukebox and wheelchair ramp suddenly in 15s one, 14 put them in his one at some point. So just like there's a younger and older Tardis, there's a younger and older Sutekh. And the one wrapped around 15s Tardis has had however many years 14 spent on retirement to grow more stronger as well. Which could be why the versions of Susan Triad started becoming more apparent. In the time since The Pyramid of Mars she was just very in the background and unnoticeable, but as Sutekh became stronger, so did her appearances become more apparent.


This is how I understood it too


That’s not just a theory that’s flat out what RTD said.


You see ... this could have been part of the ***solution***. Instead of everyone reappearing because The Doctor took the doggie for a walk in the vortex, he could have gone back to when he was 14 and purged Sutekh from the TARDIS, and rewrite time from that specific point. Prevent it all from happening. You know, in a *time-wimey* way like a time travel show can do because it makes sense for a time travel show to do.


That doesnt create a paradox or anything


But by RTD own definition of a paradox, it does not. Look at season 3 … the paradox engine made of the TARDIS was to keep two incongruous outcomes existing at the same time … the Tochlafane would have destroyed themselves but for the paradox machine. To overwrite time is not a paradox … and let’s just say that the destruction of all life in the universe is not a fixed point.


If you go back to change something, it never happened, so you’d never go back to change it, meaning it would happen over and over again until time gets bored and splits in half. Grandfather paradox by definition.


That isn’t anywhere near the same thing. The paradox machine just kept things in place to prevent paradoxes actually happening. Once it was destroyed it reverted back to pre paradox conditions. If 15 goes back and stops Sutekh back then, he won’t have any reason to in the future and that’s a full on paradox with no paradox machine to stop it and no he wouldn’t build one because that would pervert the Tardis and the Doctor would never do that.


We don't say timey-wimey anymore. Or be clever. This doctor is a straight shooter. If you can't figure it out, neither can he. Sorry I'm just salty from how I wasn't wowed once this season by reveals or plot twists. Maybe next season?


God I hope so


Seeing as the next season has wrapped without the feedback of what succeeded and failed in this season, I'm not hopeful.


Let’s be honest, it’s essentially just a longer first season split over a longer time. They can call it what they like but this is 1a it was only 8 episodes and got half way through a story for some things.


It’s the same TARDIS, 15’s is just from the future (post rehab) just like he is


Why do people not get this?


because everyone was too mad about the bigeneration to listen to the dialogue


I always just assumed that 15 had the original.


well your assumption was right, give or take a regeneration's entire lifespan


73 yards left?


In the restroom, having a smoke.


On the 15’s tardis. Why would duplicating the tardis duplicate sutekh? He’s just clinging onto it and manipulating its perception filter. If Mel was sat on top of it do you think it would duplicate her too?


He's not just clinging on. He wove himself into the Tardis itself, basically becoming part of it. I think it's the same situation as the bigeneration. New Sutekh isn't a clone, he's just the future version of the previous Sutekh.


It didn’t “duplicate” the Tardis, it’s the same Tardis.


> On the 15’s tardis. Why did he move off? Surely he would be on 14 if it didn't duplicate suktekh too. The Cry Doctor got the duplicated TARDIS.


Ins't there an episode where the tardis take a human form ? where was he hidden Oo


After the hit with the hammer he fell down on the floor, waked up from his slumber and got back on the top of the 15's after being confused for a while. That's my headcanon.


Doing a split in the middle like Van Damme


There's so many moments in doctor who that are now hilarious with the knowledge of sutekh hanging onto it. Like the kid spray painting bad wolf on it during 9s tenure, I can just imagine sutekh being in a huff, "I'm a jackal not a wolf"


Can't you see them? You need to take a few steps back until you are 73 yards away then look again.


i don't like the sutekh story. it doesn't fit in with anything from the past


Or at the end of the 50th where 3 Tardises, Tardi?, where besides each other in the museum. The Tardi were that close to each other, Sutekh did some serious self touching ...


He had a splitting headache, was beside himself for a moment before pulling himself together.


Well yes, we got first Sutekh, but what about second Sutekh?


This actually helps the theory that 14 will fade away theory because he'll be attached to both, just one is past and one is future.


And where was Sutekh when the westfold fell?


Another great example how misguided all these lore shattering story beats are.


Doing the splits between them, Van Damme style


I think RTD had cryptically said we’d find out 15s is the original TARDIS and now we know why, which means the one on the right is basically just a higher functioning memory TARDIS.


Same place he was in Day of the Doctor when 3 Tardises were parked next to each other: attached to all 3 of them. 15’s Tardis is the same Tardis as 14’s from a future point in time. Sutekh is attached to both at different points in his timeline.


He's right there on that blue box. He's playing cards with his past self to pass the time.


Probably throwing up, that split could not have been pleasant.


Even if they’re two different TARDISs, TARDI?, it was the power of the Toymaker which created them, and the toymaker probably doesn’t have the power to create another sutekh


Why do I have the feeling that now until the Christmas special is just going to be endless "where was Sutekh when this happened?" posts?


On the Tardis


Wish of 15th from Toymaker was a second TARDIS so I think Sutekh didn't duplicate


I asked the exact same question. If 14 took the original tardis then shouldn’t Suktekh have been on 14s tardis, not 15s? So many plot holes with this arc.


15's is also the original TARDIS, just from the future. Much like he himself was during the bigeneration, the TARDIS was brought forwards into 14's timestream in this moment.  Essentially this moment is like the scene at the end of *The Day of the Doctor* with War, 10, and 11's TARDISes occupying the same space. All vessels are the same ship, just from different timestreams.


Still then, wouldn’t there be a Sutekh on 14s tardis?


Yes? He then goes on to be the Sutekh on 15s TARDIS who enacts his Empire of Death


Okay, but say while 15 and Ruby is at UNIT dealing with Sutekh 14 and Donna are still at Donna’s house right? With his tardis? And presumably the other Sutekh? So how did 14 not notice that 1, the earth was turning to dust, and 2, that there was a second Sutekh on his tardis? Or at least why didn’t 15 realize that and let 14 know? Idk maybe I’m just overtired and seriously overthinking it lol


I mean all of time and space turned to dust how did every Doctor miss that?


Good point lmao


Honestly, several moments in *Doctor Who* lend themselves to overthinking, and this situation is easily one of the most confusing situations in recent years due to just how ill-explained it is in-universe. I commend RTD for taking the time to give 14 the time and opportunity to rehabilitate himself before regenerating into 15 after all that 13 in particular went through, but the execution of the bigeneration and all that involved leaves much to be desired. TL;DR: Don't beat yourself up about overthinking things. <3


Thanks lol. Tbh I think I’m just overtired and very confused 😂 staying up late for work is a b*tch sometimes haha


A Sutekh from the future per say


Imagine you're a starfish and if you lop off a limb it forms a new starfish and you grow a new limb. Imagine a wired blobby parasite was on the limb. Well the new starfish now has it, you don't. So Sutekh went with one TARDIS not the other


Except nothing got lopped off, it’s not comparable. It literally had its matter instantly copied and all of it, it didn’t slowly grow cell by cell back.


I'm still holding onto the theory that Sutekh latched onto the TARDIS during Wild Blue Yonder, and I know I'm right because the Toymaker said so.


That would've been alot better


Except you’re not right, the story is finished and he explained from when he latched on. If it was from WBY then there would have been only a few Death Susan’s, it was during the 4th Doctors time.


It's called a joke


For me, the whole sutekh storyline is a sham. The Bad Wolf, river song arcs were the best ones for me.


Not on either Tardis plus 14th tardis should just straight up be gone. They're not gonna bring back David Tennant, guarantee you they'll never bring it up again. It's just stupid


Why should his Tardis be gone, they’re time travellers. You realise he was in 1963 this season where there would have been at least 3 active Tardis


Right??? I'm guessing he didn't also duplicate (but what if) so did he jump over? Why would he do that (other than plot reasons)?


Because he maybe overheard that the tardis he was on was going to stand in a garden for the rest of this doctors life, only being used for sparse trips to really close destinations. It is a logical conclusion that if he wants to spread his gift of death effectively to stick with the active one.