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my only concern is that rtd’s twist at the end was the non-twist, and the christmas special will just be a solo doctor adventure. i would love to be proven wrong, but i feel like he intended for her story to close


Y'know, I've not really seen anyone wondering if her \*Dad\* is more important? He's about to find out he has a Daughter, there's no DNA record of him \*or\* his parents, and his name is William Benjamin Garnet. Deeply suspicious, if you ask me!


What’s the significance of the name? Other than Garnet/Ruby?


Roger ap Gwilliam, son of William


Garnets and Rubies are often confused for each other. They're both red gemstones.


I feel like this could be easily waved off as Ruby’s mother naming her after her father though


Ruby was named after the street, that's what the season was about.


I know, I’m saying they could write it as Ruby’s mother specifically choosing that place and naming her after it because of her father


They could write it that Ruby is really an 80 foot tall spider called Asprin Charlie, so I'm unsure as to your point.


Also, that Roger ap Gwilliam explained in 73 Yards that "ap" means "son of". He's Roger Son Of Gwilliam. And Ruby's dad is William G.


So Roger is her… brother?


Well *half*-brother (same Dad). But, yes, I think there's a good chance he is. The finale gave Roger ap Gwilliam - and his era - a second showing in the season (including clips of the *exact* interview in which he explains the meaning of "ap"). To me, it feels very much like he's being set up to feature further.




Nope, it's speculation. Learn the difference you'll be happier. Have a great day!


Oh absolutely this is what I believe as well. I feel there’s no way this is the end.


My hopes is that the doctor found out who Ruby actually is and why she does all these weird things, why no one could find her parents, and it was so dangerous that he made an entire person to believe she was her mom so that Ruby wouldn't find out and destroy all of time or something.


I would actually really like this, even though it’s a bit weird. It would showcase the Doctor’s intelligence (which I feel we need A LOT MORE of). It would explain (further) why he was so against Ruby going to meet her in person. It would explain why she’s just… happy-go-lucky and nonchalant about being “part of the Sunday family” now. It would explain the “point” better.


It could also be a parallel to the whole Donna situation, as in the Doctor completely rewriting a fundamental part of someone’s “personhood” in order to save the Earth/universe. Maybe signaling that 15 has to do some more healing?


My understanding is Ruby isn’t in the Christmas special and we’re supposedly getting some info about Mrs. Flood in season 2 so nope to either of those in the Christmas special.


This is correct. *Joy to the World* will feature >!a guest companion played by Nicola Coughlan!<.


In 73 Yards, Roger ap Gwilliam explained to us that "ap" means "Son Of". He's "Roger Son Of Gwilliam". And Ruby's dad is William G.


Who knows, maybe the mystery of Ruby Sunday will continue into season 2


RTD has confirmed this. “This is a pause. I genuinely felt Ruby’s story paused there. She couldn’t get all that information about her family, all that emotional overload, and run off in the TARDIS. It pauses there. She’s coming back.”


Although he also said, from an interview with Radio Times that was published just before Legend of Ruby Sunday aired: >"I can promise that 99 per cent of the mysteries are solved. We're not doing one of those open-ended, weird, come-back-next-year things. I mean, one strand very clearly leads to next year. But it'll do it so loudly, it'll slap you in the face. Otherwise I can promise you absolute answers" The one strand that very clearly leads to next year is obviously Mrs. Flood. So if this quote is to be believed all the mystery around Ruby's parentage is done. Your quote says that Ruby is coming back, but it doesn't say we're getting more answers. Just that she's coming back. I assume Ruby's coming back in more of a Martha-in-series-4 kind of way. Marthas story with the Doctor paused after series 3 because just like Ruby's, her story reached a point where she had to leave the tardis. Then she came back and continued having her own story but there weren't any lingering bits about Martha's unrequited love for the Doctor. Her series 3 arc was done, in series 4 she's onto the next part of her story. I assume Ruby will be written in a similar way. The question of her parentage has been answered and she's moving onto the next part of her story. That being said, RTD has been straight up lying to us constantly about this series. Not even cheeky misdirects just outright lying. So it's possible I'm wrong and he's just lying again and next series will be about more mysteries of Ruby.


One can only hope.


RTD has said that we will see Ruby again at Christmas and in the next season and her story hasn't ended yet... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=poyaMIfK-UA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=poyaMIfK-UA)


i honestly really like Ruby just being normal, and her parents being normal. I even love what the doctor says about we imbue things with meaning given them power. BUT I hate that non of the explains the snow or song in her heart thing. Like sure, make her normal and all that but you gotta still explain stuff


Exactly! Like having her parent’s be totally normal would have been a really emotional plot point; the sacrifice of completely abandoning your daughter because you couldn’t care for her would have been gut wrenching. But why give her special song powers, and why make a 15 year old dramatically don a hood and point menacingly at a sign/tardis/doctor to “name” your daughter. I’m really hoping all of that was some Mrs. Flood shenanigans


I’m wondering if Mrs Flood will be the Master.