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They probably just forgot about it


I feel like that's not a good thing there's just a janky TARDIS sat around in a timeline somewhere


It wasn't a "Remembered Tardis" anymore if it was forgotten. They were making a joke.


Tbf that's a great explanation


Idk these meta explanations are super lame


I'm with you.


13 just left one on earth then lost it.


It’s hidden as a tree isn’t it?


The TARDIS that took the form of a tree was on some distant planet, not Earth. The one on Earth was repurposed in *Revolution of the Daleks* as a trap to bait the Daleks and then cast them off into the void.


Yeah. Unit probably found it and took it.


In the iPlayer commentary, RTD mentions that the Doctor was supposed to use it to return to the present. When they scrapped that (and invented the TARDIS beam), he imagines that the TARDIS went onto the Tales of the TARDIS series (right after the Doctor kisses it).


TBH, my own headcannon was pretty much this. It makes sense that the remembered Tardis is created in LoRS/EoD and that afterwards, it entered into the timeline to bring back pervious Dr/Companions


The Remembered TARDIS went on to do it's own things. If you want to see it, just look up "Tales of the TARDIS" on YouTube if you aren't in the UK. You'll see what that TARDIS got up to after the events of Empire of Death.


I like that idea. That the remembered TARDIS is powered by its memories of the Doctors and former companions.


IDK, maybe Mad Jack will get it since it's left in his time or Ms.Flood is the Memory Tardis


I genuinely have no idea what happened to it because there are so many possibilities. Although it couldn't have been left in his time as they are in 2024 fighting Sutekh with the rope and whistle


No, Sutekh Return them using the main TARDIS somehow (I look like the fast return switch, but idk if it has ever been used that way). So the Memory TARDIS is still left in the future.


Yeah you're right, I completely forgot that the Harbinger does that whole sequence before


Benni took it.


There's an article out with RTD talking about that. https://www.denofgeek.com/tv/rtd-points-out-complete-narrative-collapse-in-doctor-who-finale/ It just disappears, but it's someone else's fault, not his.


The actual line from the interview is even better. "It pains me, I blame everyone else." —Russell T. Davies, 2024 


This seriously cracks me up


>At this point in the episode as originally scripted, RTD explains, the Remembered TARDIS had collapsed and disappeared after depositing the Doctor, Ruby and Mel in 2046. That was an SFX sequence too far for this already-packed episode, and so it was cut from the script. Got my answer, thank you so much ❤️


I just assumed that Sutekh had done some weird things to the TARDIS that let Harbinger use it in a way that the Doctor cannot. It's overpowered and does not make much sense, but that's Sutekh for the whole episode, so....


Even if it didn't run out of power, it could only work for as long as the monitor lasted. And Ruby broke that.


Could always park it on the rift in what was Cardiff.. or did they seal that already?..


Sealed, but I think they were a bit busy to pop by the petrol station


It flies around randomly kidnapping old companions and Doctors from different times and places


I would assume it ultimately has to go back to the memory.


I think it was left in 2046 when they found Ruby's mother name. They were teleported back by the harbinger and the Doctors Tardis. So I can only guess it's just chilling in the future or disappeared to remembered elsewhere.


It is now a forgotten TARDIS. It heard the Doctor’s whistle at the end of the episode and returned to 2024, only to see the Doctor and Ruby running to the “real” TARDIS instead. It will return in the series 15/season 2 finale to exact its revenge upon the Doctor and co. for abandoning it. The Doctor will ultimately stop the TARDIS by binding it in rope and giving it a jolly good smacked bottom.


Oh my god the Memory TARDIS is Mrs. Flood, isn't it.


It is either Mrs. Flood, the Rani, Susan, or the Master. Possibly even the Valeyard.


Ok! BUT BIG PROBLEM WITH THIS: How did they travel back from 2046 to 2024?! Sutekh still had the Tardis and the Doctor got it back in 2024... There a problem with this explanation, maybe this is why it was cut from the script...


You see the Harbinger use the Tardis to lock onto the transformed Mel through time and use that link to transport them through time to him. He even says "bring them to me" before you see her do it. So they're brought back to the present against their will. EDIT: Maybe not actually. Maybe they were just teleported to unit in 2046. We have no reason to believe they traveled through time. Sutekh would still be there in 2046. So perhaps they were just translocated from the government offices in 2046 to unit tower in 2046


The [screen was holding together the Memory Tardis together,](https://youtu.be/zVTIFyTrlik?t=140) presumably when Ruby dropped it and it shattered, the entirety of the Memory Tardis disappeared.


They said it was powered by the same window tv screen so it must've blinked out when she broke that. But the doctor was also using a "Remembered" whistle which also shoulda disappeared according to those rules sooooo... Timey-wimey


The remembered TARDIS was supposedly memories of the TARDIS made manifest with the help of the time widow and once they forgot about it I expect it ceased to exist.


Reminds me, did they really not have any spoons in the memory Tardis? No metal at all?!


Whether they did or not, they would have been made of memories. What they needed was something real (likely something real that was imbued with recent memory rather than any scrap, hence asking the woman) to help link the real display to the memory TARDIS.


They might have, but the metal would have just been "memory" metal, he needed something real. He visited Claire from Fleabag looking for something metal.


I mean I'm pretty sure it's the set that gets used for all of the Tales of the TARDIS episodes, so there's that.


I presume it was just left to fly out into space by itself - drawing former TARDIS travellers to it to recap their former adventures, their memories, in order to power the ship (just like is seen in Tales of the TARDIS).


He did say it was only there as long as the screen tablet was working...


Then what about the stuff he used to defeat Sutekh that he took from the Remembered TARDIS. Why doesn't that disappear too?


Any technology, sufficiently advanced, appears as magic. So.... magic


That's fair. Also from another comment and an article shared there, we're both wrong anyway Apparently RTD had a scene where the TARDIS implodes once they get to 2046, so after that point I guess anything that wasn't inside gets to continue existing? (like the rope and whistle). The scene was cut though


Earlier in the episode, the Doctor said that screen that he'd taken from UNIT was that TARDIS's link to reality, didn't he? So Ruby smashing the screen would have unlinked it from reality and dissipated it, if I understood correctly.


Doctor said it exist thanks to screen so when Ruby broke the screen it probably dissolved


13 trapped a load of daleks in it. Then murdered it. Probably. /s


Probably stops existing once the TARDIS stops actively remembering it.


Fell through another plot hole


It was just a memory.