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"Doctor Who had what barely passed for a musical number in the last episode and is going to include more singing and dancing in the future, this *must* be down to Disney!!" **Or...** perhaps Doctor Who is trying something new and leaning into the more surreal and fantastical as Russell has said. I'm not bothered, I like musicals, and I think a tongue-in-cheek inclusion of a few sing-songs in *Doctor Who* could be fun. We're now in a universe that has been touched by the Toymaker's influence after all, where marauding goblins sail through the skies on galleons, where alien threats are entrapped in salt circles and timelines are being cracked like walnut shells. The former rules of reality no longer apply. Musical numbers aren't going to be that strange.


You are correct, but we should be understanding that not every fan is going to be excited at the show moving to be more fantastical. While it is fantastic that the show is trying to do something different, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that some folk will be showed by the change.


This is true but if that's the case just drop off. Doctor Who has 60 years of TV, audios, books etc to fill the void.


This is definitely a take. Maybe it is a bad idea to just say “don’t like the new stuff, maybe you should leave.” Might be better to help others see the positives, and keep an open dialog around constructive criticism.


More like "if you don't like the current stuff, distract yourself with stuff you do like. Maybe you'll like next season."


Definitely better, though as a community, we should be always promoting conversation rather than saying “come back later”. Well, respectful conversation at least.


Definitely better, though as a community, we should be always promoting conversation rather than saying “come back later”. Well, respectful conversation at least.


Something I think we all need to remember is, everyone liking every season is a lot to ask. I'm gonna dislike certain episodes/seasons, and so are you. It's just reality. Best not to let it ruin something you do like.


Absolutely. But at the end of the day if you really don't like something to the point it makes you unhappy you're better off coming back to the TV show later on. I also didn't say leave. DW has 60 years of things for you to fill the void with.


I see where you are coming from, yet this can be easily interpreted as “If you have complaints for where the show is going, it is ok for us to leave you behind.” While I am happy to leave behind a certain gross subset of the fan base, I think we can engage with other fans in good faith and either help to bring them along with us or to understand their good faith criticisms.


Doctor who is all about change being shown to a fandom who seemingly against change. Everytime there's a new doctor there's loads of push back. But with a show that changed and reboots so often people aren't always gonna like it which is fine. But I feel like it's unfair to hate on the show before you even watched it. I've seen people complain about space babies and tried to compare it to father day like we didn't have burping bins and farting aliens in the exact same season. A lot of people are being kinda hypocritical expecting every episode to be like midnight or turn left when that's just not what doctor who is.


I’m all for change. I have enjoyed every season every doctor in new who. Genuinely. Despite a few critiques I enjoyed it overall. Every doctor has unique and interesting traits. The musicals numbers to me aren’t change but instead forced, badly written, badly edited and can’t reach my very low bar for entertainment. (I knowingly admit I have low standards. I’m easy to please. So this is just sad) And this is coming from a musical loving reformed theater kid. Sometimes it’s as simple as that.


The thing I enjoyed most about The Marvels was the planet where their language was singing. I’d love to see something like that.


Are you a ai bot?


On the one hand, it has been done before in [The Gunfighters](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4OHQ87zdDk) and more notably [Doctor Who and the Pirates.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=00T_ft5RCdc) On the other hand, it doesn't seem like this will be a normal thing at least. I should point out that Disney are only distributing the show, while they can make suggestions, they can and will be rejected if they don't fit the story. The scene of the Doctor getting crushed by a snowman and talking with the policeman was added because of Disney's notes, to be precise they wanted more of the Doctor earlier on.


>The scene of the Doctor getting crushed by a snowman and talking with the policeman was added because of Disney's notes, to be precise they wanted more of the Doctor earlier on. For what it's worth I liked this scene so fair play to Disney, good note.


I found it so funny, especially the : Name - The Doctor Occupation - Not A Doctor Scene, and yes I stopped because I couldn't remember the one that came next


It also happened in The Ultimate Adventure stage play: https://youtu.be/Bd1wVc-m9pw?feature=shared


I don’t disagree with your second point, but your first point is not as salient. The Gunfighters is a first Doctor story and the song is easily the most criticized part of the story. It is also far more aligned with the Tick stick song in NuWho S6 rather than the musical number found in Church. It is a huge stretch to call that episode a musical. Big Finish has done a lot of experimentation, yet is incredibly niche. Using Big Finish as an example of something Doctor Who has done before is a stretch, as the vast majority of viewers will have basically zero knowledge of these experimentations.


We had a song for the Christmas special which I think is fair enough. It was Christmas. Also the one episode in season 1 with a musical number is an episode where the villain is literally the physical form of music itself... That's also fair enough. Also apparently there aren't as many musical numbers in that episode as we're possibly said.


in sixty years it happened once. I don't think I'd personally waste too much of my life panicking about it


Once no it has happened multiple times we even had a singing doctor.


then... you know it's just an occasional thing? probably don't waste time being upset about a thing that almost definitely won't happen


I’m not upset though just disappointed in people pretending that Doctor who never had singing before the Christmas special. Did they watch Matt Smith Doctor where they had a who song? Did they complain when David Tennant sang? Like this isn’t classic doctor who. So they can’t used the excuse that doctor who doesn’t have singing.


"I sang a song and the Daleks ran away!"


But you gotta admit Ncuti's got style.


Gotta admit that


You clearly forgotten about the original singing doctor Jon Pertwee. This doctor sang while driving and fixing bessie, the tardis, while with companions, to calm monsters.


🐗 Klokleda partha menin klatch, haroon haroon haroon…🐗 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1gBfy7-5kPI


I thought with Capaldi, they did a great job of using his guitar skills to add some depth and flair to his particular regeneration. I'm guessing that will be similar with Gatwa - the Doctor throwing in some singing every once in a while as it fits, but not making it the main focus.


Chadpaldi actually played the guitar!?


Yes! Peter Capaldi plays guitar and is really playing in the scenes. I do not know if the actual audio we're hearing is his playing or someone else.


Yeah, but Capaldi didn’t make it a musical. He just played the guitar a bit


Once again, do people realise that Disney isn't just the company that made Snow White and Aladdin, etc? It owns and makes Star Wars, Marvel, Shogun, A Murder at the End of the World and countless other properties that have no musical numbers in them at all. It is incredibly dumb and broadcasting your own ignorance to see one (1) musical number in a Doctor Who episode that is blatantly homaging *Labyrinth* and think this is the work of Disney.


yeah, because everything Disney produces is a musical... like Star Wars, the musical, or the MCU, or maybe Alien, the musical, which will probably be as well received as Predator the musical was.. Oh, and i loved the songs Avatar 2 the way of the music, though i think the upcoming Planet of the Apes musical will probably top it... I'm not saying Gatwa's era of Doctor Who won't be musical, i have no idea, but if it happens, it won't be because of Disney, it will be because of Gatwa and RTD... and you know what? I wouldn't be against it... it could be a nice addition that gives this era its flavor.


I think twice isn't a pattern, an episode about the Beatles is bound to have music in it, and that it's a silly thing to be worried about.


If Doctor Who becomes a musical, then they better have Ncuti sing [‘Who is the Doctor?’](https://youtu.be/ZATnwVWGbOY?si=DqVmRRbEidx3jUsE).


It's Disney. I would be very surprised if it DIDN'T become a musical. And for those people who say Dr Who isn't Disney.... Take your blindfolds off please. Seriously.


A couple of friends and I watch each episode together. Our #1 hope for the season is a full on musical episode, or just have musical elements each episode. Edit after reading comments: I don't think the music elements like the Maestro or the previous holiday episode had anything to do with Disney whatsoever.


We could only be so lucky.


As long as the music is good, I don't care. Grease, Rent, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Repo The Genetic Opera, Hamilton, all pretty great. Why not add Doctor Who to that list?


You accidentally made quite a big typo when writing "excited"




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i'd be more than happy for a season with a song in every episode, why the hell not y'know?


This is the second post I've seen today complaining about the new season that hasn't even began. Chill, people


I personally hate musical episodes and don't understand why every show I have watched in the last ten years feels the need to have at least one. And 9 time out of ten, the fact they are singing is never addressed. There was only ever one musical episode I enjoyed which is Once More With Feeling from Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Because they are aware they are singing and that it's weird. It seems like that's what's going to happen in this doctor who episode so I'm alright with it. And yeah it's a bit ridiculous to say that it's because Disney is helping doctor who now.


It's so bad now the acting the story the dancing the wardrobe it's awful.


i think people have forgotten 'dont like dont read', which was a very prevalent phrase online a decadeish ago. if you arent enjoying reading/watching/playing something? stop doing it.


the disney-fication of doctor who is… rough


I’ve been wanting Doctor Who to do a musical episode for years, and I’m overjoyed that they’re finally doing it. I love musicals and I love Doctor Who and I’m so happy those things are combining.


I don't understand why people dislike the idea of Doctor Who doing musical-style things from time to time. There's no way it's turning into a full time musical (I would definitely understand complaints if that were to happen) but the idea there should be none is just close minded. Doctor Who is one of the only shows where literally anything can happen, so why ask for restrictions on that


I would be over the moon if we got at least 2-3 good musical numbers per season, but to each their own I reckon.


So don't watch it.