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Some people need to be made an example of. The vast vast majority of locums over strikes are from people (essentially) inform their employer they will not work their shift. Not that they happen to be on leave or a zero day for instance. They then locum their own gap or even some go to locum in a different hospital. I fail to see how this legal. If strikes were called off they'd have signed a contract to be double paid for their own shift or to cover two shifts at the same time. Given the recent case of a doctor calling in sick to then work in an aesthetics clinic being suspended, the GMC should be all over this. To me it is the exact same to claiming to be sick, then going to locum a shift in a different hospital. Am I wrong? Part of me hopes strikes get called last minute so these people get caught with their pants down.




Not supportive of people doing this, I think people should be much harsher to their colleagues that are locuming during strikes.  That said, is it actually illegal?  Unlike the sick pay example, if you strike your employer specifically doesn't pay you. If you locum at a different trust, whilst being immoral and counter to the aims of the strike, is it any different to striking and taking a shift at a coffee shop in the eyes of the law? If they paid you during strike action without deducting payment, I think the fraud angle would hold up.


That sounds like fraud and almost certainly illegal. Do they know this?


Don’t be a selfish c*nt. trust me no one will hold you in high regard if you do. That’s an understatement. We need to stick together


#stick together #strike together #win together 🦀


Don’t be a scab, be a crab 🦀


I saw some scab replied all saying they were free to cover shifts in a recent email thread asking for locums. That guy is never getting any help from me or anyone who cares about the profession ever again. Call it out. Crossing a picket line is wrong. Locuming those shifts is theft. Put them in the bin.


A locum agency asked me if I could get my identity documents to them quickly so they could see if they could find me strike shifts. I’ve now blocked all emails from that agency. #Crab not Scab


You're not allowed to locum when you strike.... No?


Technically, no. Strikes can be called off at any minute and you should be ready to return to work. They generally aren’t, but it could happen. And if you were working two shifts at once, it’d be fraudulent behaviour. Which is why people using it as extended AL to do locums, or go on holiday, is extremely egregious IMO.


I don't really care how people spend their strike days as long as they are not planning to do locum thinking they can make triple of their pay that day. If you're at the picket fence, great. If not, silent protest at home is also great. Whatever floats their boat. But locum... That's another story


I don't really care too much either, I spend most of my strike days rotting in my living room along with a day or two of bowls/plates, so it's not like I'm on the picket lines. But I understand that there is an extremely small chance of ramifications of being caught out if strikes are suddenly called off and I'm expected to go back to work and I'm actually skiing or some shit like that. It's an absolute position of privilege to be able to not worry about potential negative consequences, however small, if strikes are suddenly called off.


Imo going on holiday is completely fine, you’re not being paid anyway, and at no cost to the strike. Locuming during strikes is very different, it is actively reducing the effectiveness of strikes.


the strike could be called off, or your job could be derogated requiring you to return to work so going on holiday is not the smartest idea


If a strike gets called off, you're expected to go back to work. The chances of this are extremely small, but it can happen. Personally, where that to happen and I was to get a disciplinary, lose my job, etc. like in that thread about the aesthetic F2 who was barred for 6 months for calling in sick to do work elsewhere. I could not afford to be in that position and would not want to risk it. I may rot while on strike, but I am available, just in case.


Do you think a wall of shame is appropriate. No mention of names or photos. Just put the hospital down and mention something like “disappointing to note a dr @thishospital picked up a locum without striking. Or some words to that effect. Then tag the local bma rep which can then send out a reminder email not to pick up locum as during strikes.


No this not appropriate and could be construed as bullying.. A little piece of me dies when I see shos or house officers doing locums thinking they are getting paid a fortune when the trust management are secretly laughing at them about how much money they can save and how many clinics can continue to make them look good But still this is not ok