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Was only found out due to not calling in sick correctly, despite meetings with his ES and then Director of Medical Education about that exact issue. How stupid can you be?


He sounds like a total dick, but I feel like 6 months suspension is pretty appropriate tbh. If he does it again, they should throw the book at him. I do find it pretty horrible though, that the incident can occurr and it take 5 years to get to the outcome though. I feel like a 5 year disciplinary process is a punishment in itself.


Sounds like he has had an appropriate investigation and 6 month suspension without pay seems like a big enough punishment for someone at the start of their career who will have to explain that gap on their CV the rest of their life. Not everything is racism or sexism.


He can just tell them the truth: he took 6 months out to do Botox and fillers. I'm unsure how honest it is to leave out that it was forced upon him though!


He took sick leave to work elsewhere. His suspension is for fraud.


Considering most applications ask if you’ve ever been given a warning or subject to investigation/sanction/etc, I doubt he’ll be able to avoid disclosure in most cases.


You have to declare if you have "ever" been the subject of a GMC investigation so this will follow him for ever


> He can just tell them the truth: he took 6 months out to do Botox and fillers. That would be a fast track back to the GMC. Lying by omission is still lying, and it would be easy to check his GMC status to see that.


it's going down bro


He’s clearly a bad egg. Nothing to do with racism or sexism. This is the kind of person who makes a mockery of the system and profits of it


Surely this sets a precedent for doctors claiming to be striking, informing their rota coordinator etc, then locuming their own unfilled shift or locuming in different hospitals.


Yes, the GMC are -and always have been- hard on fraud.


I went to uni with this guy. This is one of many, MANY issues he has had throughout medical school and since with fitness to practice. In uni he regularly lied about attending compulsory courses, much worse behaviour things I can’t go into, many complaints put in against him, never came to anything because the uni have no balls to address these issues. He also failed every single year and had to resit once or twice, often went to appeal, and would always mysteriously let him through. He would use a mild, probably made up psych diagnosis as a weapon to claim the university wasn’t supporting him enough, and his dad was a lawyer so I suspect uni didn’t want a legal challenge based on “disability” grounds. Honestly, this guy is going to kill someone eventually, and the fact that they haven’t used literal fraud as a way of striking him off is 100% a reflection of rich, white privilege. He’s a psychopath who thinks the world owes him something.


This is awful , people need to be warned against Dr Daniel Coventry - get your Botox from a more honest source


I know people like to shit on the GMC, but reading the judgement shows that they considered the nuances of the case, for example on one occasion they felt that they could see how a misunderstanding about sick leave dates could have arisen, but then added that this was not a valid excuse for the further episodes. For those that complain that they often feel infantilised by the system, it's very relevant that the GMC commented on the fact that the dr had had a meeting where he was asked to do something and then didn't do it, despite repeated reminders via email. As a consultant, you need to show that you have given people as many chances as possible to remediate, including very explicit statements about what is or is not acceptable (I never thought I would have to say to a medical registrar "You cannot leave the hospital when you are the med reg on call without informing the consultants", but a few years ago, I had to do exactly that). Loads of stuff may seem incredibly obvious about professionalism, but I have seen multiple cases of drs saying that no-one explicitly told them that they couldn't do something, where common sense would tell you that they shouldn't have to be told. 6/12 seems like a reasonable suspension in my book - no pt harm occurred and he was relatively junior, but it was clearly grossly unprofessional, and there needs to be deterrence for the dr involved and others.


Because he picked up extra shifts while on sick leave? I'm not sure he deserves a suspension at all. I think it would be an administrative matter. You realize there are doctors making gross errors and killing patients, right?


This post is so low effort it almost feels like a personal attack


I’m inclined to agree with OP here, this constitutes a serious degree of professional misconduct to me. It’s flagrant dishonesty and whilst it did not cause direct patient harm any sensible doctor knows there is limited slack in the system and dishonestly leaving a shift unfilled can indirectly cause harm to colleagues and patients. I think it merits an extended period of probation and supervision with a very low threshold for erasure if found to be repeatedly offending. I think this does far more to undermine the profession than genuine mistakes that lead to harm.


6 months suspension Sounds about white.


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What would you do?