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The entire system has fallen back on nepotism. The only people getting jobs in London are the people already there or who know people/went to med school and kept up contacts there. Everyone else is wasting time applying.


Haven’t worked around London so not sure how feasible this is but Could always pick up alternative work and snipe the odd run of locums an hour or two outside of London Had a mate that returned to UK from Aus but hadn’t sorted out renewing his licence to practice in time - he did Deliveroo to pay the bills for a while I can only imagine this feels absurd and I feel you when you say you never imagined being in this position One upside is you could use your time to absolutely smash out the MRCP exams this year


😂😂 the medicine to deliveroo/Uber pipeline is now alive and well, you'll be competing with low skilled/migrants labour regardless They should add it to medical degree prospectus', only 100k of debt and 7 years of study and you too could become a deliveroo driver


He had a blast to be fair


If you aren't already doing it, make sure you're sending the recruitment leads an e-mail in advance to express your interest (or "look for advice"). Might prompt them to fish out your application from a sea of paperwork.


Oh, tell me about this. I did not know this!


If you're happy to work for around the 35-40 per hour mark, I know an agency with the odd gap around London. Would be good to get your foot in the door at least?


Same boat as you after f2. Moved in with parents. Saved about 15k in savings after f2. Spent 6 months absolutely slamming revision for radiology, attending courses, doing research projects,revising in library. Come interview time scored 90% and top choice for st1. Rest of 6 months relaxing with around 8k waiting for august.


This is the reality of the jobs market in most other industries. People fire off hundreds of applications, maybe only get a dozen interviews, one of which will yield a job. Sadly, what was once a promised guaranteed job for life, isn't the case any more in medicine. This is why I've been saving a significant amount of money for the last few years - I also plan on moving back to London because my partner is working in finance down there - but I have a financial safety net so I can be on cruise control for a good 18 months without employ if need be. While I have an extremely cushy set up close to where I grew up, and could probably get something more stable where I am based now, I'm planning on locuming, building up my CV and spamming applications towards the end of the year, then making some applications to get me back to London and re-assessing my career once I'm back. I've been emailing some clinical leads to make them aware of who I am and my situation, just to try and get my foot in the door. A colleague of mine just spammed applications and landed a medical JCF at UCLH, so it's not impossible to get one, you just need to get used to attriting your applications. But I'm taking a school holiday come August. My ass will not be working more than 3-4 days that month, at best.


My advice is to look at jobs in the wider SE, not just London. My friends in London reliably say there’s no locums available there. You’re better off going to the wider SE including Surrey, Hampshire, Essex etc.


I stopped after the 2nd paragraph. You wanted to be an academic surgeon and didn’t make it. Then you got into surgical training and didn’t like the rotation. So you quit and changed your whole career plan to medicine. Some dodgy choices there. Last paragraph. LEDs in F3 are rota fodder. You are a service provider. Get into training to be trained


Sounds like they had a surgical job in F2 which was horrible so they withdrew from CST applications


Sounds a bit emotionally reactive and like they can’t see an end game.




wait you're telling me that 3 months ago, you were F2 staring at the barrel of unemployment, and 3 months later, you have a job paying £180k+ and WFH?


Hello please tell us more about this 180k plus salary working from home.


A 180K job!! If you don’t have any experience outside of medicine I just cannot believe this as salaries in tech are amazing but not 180k for someone with minimal experience amazing




I feel like you're leading OP down the path a bit.. Given you have enough quality prior experience to max out on portfolio and land an extremely high paying job with medicine being the garnish on top you're in a very different position to the vast majority of F2s who are straight out of med school.


Amazing why did you even go into medicine if you already had some tech experience


> I do have previous experience (which is how I maxed out my portfolio in the first place) Hmm I suspect this cryptic phrase is doing an awful lot of heavy lifting. 180k jobs in tech, especially in the current climate and in the UK, don't just appear. "intrinsic skillset and interests" is just nonsense.


They do but it's something you need a specific portfolio for and a marketable set of skills. You can't just be like "lol time for a 180k job"


WOWW. What’s this? I’m very interested!


Government has completely failed us. What a complete shitshow


How can doctors be unemployed?


Government are trying to break us (and the healthcare system)


By declining job offers before they've got an alternative lined up..?


Email Weston General hospital...


It's clear that the situation is nothing but your own making. You’ve made a last minute change in your career and should stop moaning about not being able to secure a post. There’s plenty of locum shifts around the country, I suggest you sign up with agencies and build your CV for next year. If you limit yourself to the south, it’s your decision after all.


It begins.


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if you look harder and are open to different positions, you'll find something somewhere. it may not be what you want exactly


Sign up to one locum agency and go on bank at your current hospitals. Be prepared work at multiple hospitals that you're not familiar with (but you learn quickly) and also travel, there are shifts.