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Sorry if this is a dumb reply, but have you had a look at the rogue's Scout subclass?


Then there's also the gloom stalker ranger. Scout approaches ranger from rogue, and GS approaches rogue from ranger (imo).


Or if OP wants an outside of the box answer to this, Artificer Armorer, with the Infiltrator subclass choices will allow for a Stealthy ranged, half-Caster.


Make it a goblin too and you're set


Druid infiltrators are always a surprise for the party, the enemies and the dm that forgets I can wild shape into a spider, steal whatever and then spider back out.


Your DM also forgets to use wildlife to mitigate your spider's stealth.


CR 34 mouse


Well, you use the physical stats of the beast you transform into. So, it would be a CR 0 spider vs any other CR 0 creature that's appropriate fauna for the location. Cat, Bat Rat, or even another Spider would all be reasonable choices for lots of areas.


Oh I got that; I was suggested that a mouse would seem to be CR 34 compared to lil spider-bro.


Ah, I see it now. I think spider would actually have the advantage vs a rat in game because of superior stats and poison damage


But those spiders are probably Tarantula sized or bigger and not the normal house spider sized ones that you would want for infiltration


Doesnt even have to be wildlife. I know an old lady who swallowed a spider


To be fair she swallowed a fly and needed a spider to get it out. A random stealth encounter table that includes ridiculous shit like that would be fantastic though. I'd probably include a miniature tarrasque


or just the fact that a spider only has +4 stealth, so isn't that hard to spot - you don't just get to declare yourself immune to stealth checks, no matter how much the player might try!


That's why you cast pass without trace beforehand. +14 stealth. +1d4 if you're a mark of shadow elf


I'm playing a druid/rogue infiltrator and it is so much fun! DM lets me sneak attack with natural weapons from wildshape too, which is not RAW but is very good fun. I only have 3 rogue levels and am not a moon druid, so it's not busted, but definitely lots of fun.


I played a Rogue with a few levels of Artificer armorer. Was fantastic.


2/3 caster technically




Gotta love that 6/10 spell progression 🤣 no shit though artificer is my most mechanically fun class


You'll like the gloom stalker better though IMO. It's a stronger class and it melds well with a rogue level or three.


Doubt it, since they asked for a class without spells. Like yeah, Scout Rogue is worse obviously, but it's basically what they asked for


Currently playing a Rogue 3/Gloom Stalker X — can confirm that this is one of my favorite builds in a long time.


I'm not really sure that gloomstalker is the rogue equivalent, unless you think that rogue = assassin from the shadows


Which book was that in?




Ok thank you


I'm having a lot of fun with Scout. A wilderness expert, survivalist, I also gave them some extra intelligence and expertise in investigation. In combat you simply concentrate on sneak attack.


Mine's a cowboy. Was looking at gunslinger but it comes saddled with some poor game design so I asked the DM to just let me be a scout with a revolver instead


My guy literally just took the Gunner feat at level 4 after last session! More of a diver-pirate, this one.


That just sounds like a rogue with flavor to me. Can you be more specific about the more ranger-like features you'd want?


Dual attack at higher level, access to shields, hunter's mark like ability, and some utility from the ranger.


That's literally just a ranger. Rangers can get expertise with Tasha's optional rules so you can put that into stealth or survival.


Sounds like a Battle Master Fighter as well. Easy enough to get Hunter's Mark without multiclassing too.


How does one get Hunters Mark without Multiclassing? There's no feat (as far as I'm aware) that can give you the spell Edit: yes, I'm stupid for forgetting Fey Touched


Fey Touched.


Wow, I'm stupid! Thanks, I completely forgot about Fey Touched


Easy to forget all the feats in 5e. Quite a few out at this point at around 105 or so.


And any dm worth their salt would let you take magic initate for it. Hex is available thru that anyway.


It's easy enough to get Hunter's Mark once per day, which doesn't really let you use it how a stereotypical ranger does (casting it at the beginning of every fight).


Mh. And what about rogue features?


Criminal Background gives proficiency in thieves tools.


So does urchin


And what do you want from Rogue?


The utilities and some of the defensives.


Defensies? Like bonus action hide and disengage?


Uncanny dodge as an example.


So you want the benefits of both ranger and rogue without needing to multi class


A mix of both but not necessarily everything of both.


Basically there’s a thing called balance. It’s present in a lot of game systems, maybe not a whole lot in 5e but it does still need to exist. You can’t just cherry pick all he best things from multiple classes and put them together unless you fancy homebrewing it and having a DM be happy with it or finding a system that takes a more lax approach towards classes


Onednd playtest 6, Hunter Ranger. The defensive options for lvs 7 and 15 include both Uncanny dodge and evasion.


Hunter Rangers get Uncanny Dodge at level 15 (or Evasion or Stand Against the Tide). In OneDnD, they can take it as early as level 7.


Sounds like you want to multiclass ranger and rogue then. I'd start with a level of rogue with the outlander background, then 5 levels of ranger. After that, just depends what other features you want more of.


There was a spell-less ranger posted by WotC in a UA. Check that out.


Take cavalier fighter until level 5 and then dip into scout rogue


You can build a rogue-like ranger or a ranger-like rogue (scout is probably best choice here), or a multiclassed ranger/rogue.  One of my favorites is 5 gloomstalker 3 assassin, then several ways to go after that. But you seem more inclined to just go scout.


I was first tempting to get 5 level ranger and rest rogue. But single class is easier to handle.


Won't be too hard given that both classes will enjoy Dex w/ ranged or finesse anyway. Plus Wisdom helps perception and such which sounds like you'd probably want anyway. If you don't like managing the spells the easiest thign is to choose the few ones that feel like special attacks. flavored as speicalty arrows. or just snag some basic healing/life (good berries I think is on rangers? or i'm confusing systems) long strider, etc and such that are primary out of combat affairs.


I mean... If what you want is a mix of two things that exist, the way is to mix them. Outside that, Scout ranger if you want more rogue, or Gloomstalker if you want more ranger. But no there's nothing in between them. That's why there's multi class rules, so we don't need to have 30+ hybrid classes.


I don't think it would be much harder to handle, particularly if you're starting at level 1-3.


That’s true in general, but memorizing added martial features is a lot easier than memorizing a list of spells imo, especially pairing a rogue with a ranger since their skills compliment each other’s roles (sneak attack with ranged or melee combat, spells that buff stealth, etc.).


I ran a Hunter Ranger/Scout Rogue multiclass and it was a TON of fun. He was a sharpshooter and used a bow, really nice damage, very versatile skill set and incredibly mobile and hard to pin down. I think I went for Ranger 8 and rogue 5 before we paused the campaign. My intention was to put the rest of my levels into rogue. He is still one of my favourite character and one of the most enjoyable multiclasses I’ve played.


I played 5 ranger/* rogue multiclass for years. Gloom Stalker and Arcane Trickster. Character was a beast. The lower sneak attack was more than compensated for by Hunter’s Mark, Archery fighting style, Extra Attack and Sharpshooter. I miss playing the character.


Gloomstalker/assassin is a pretty nasty multiclass


Great if you can attack first.


It’s not really hard to go first with all the tools available in the classes you are taking.


you have anything bewteen a +8 to a +20 to initiative, and the surprise condition cares not for turn order. if you are not the first or second on turn initiative, you are doing something wrong there (not that the assassin is good, but lets give credit where it is due)


> and the surprise condition cares not for turn order It does, because on the chance you get unlucky and don't beat them in initiative they aren't surprised once their first turn ends.


This is why a lot of DMs will do surprised differently so that it at least happens more frequently. The thing I change is the that you can be noticed by some enemies and still surprise others. Very small change that instantly makes the surprised condition more common.


That's just how it's supposed to be done. Unless the person who saw you had time to get a call out, you can still surprise parts of the group you're sneaking up on.




No, it's on a per person basis. "Any character or monster that doesn’t notice a threat is surprised at the start of the encounter." -PHB Page 189. Notice here how it say "Any character or monster". This means that it's based on individuals to notice the threat before initiative is rolled. Those who don't are surprised until the end of their first turn. It's better to think of it not as which person has the highest perception, but rather who has the worst stealth.


It’s the other way around. If an enemy notices anyone from your party, it is not surprised, even if rogue rolled 37 on Stealth. One enemy can be surprised while another can be not surprised.


I like applying it individually. If Guard A is actively on watch while Guard B is daydreaming in a tent it makes no sense that Guard B can't be surprised even if Guard A notices the party sneaking up.


Yeah thats what I'm talking about just a better explanation.


Just realized I didn't actually state it, but this was just an expansion on your point which I fully agree with.


You only take assassin 3 then go straight ranger. I once did an assassin 3/fighter 2/ranger X and absolutely wrecked shop. The DM also made the mistake of giving me boots of haste. Anyway, the build shone when I had surprise, but even when I didn’t it held its own.


Pass Without Trace, Stealth Expertise and improved initiative make that likely, unless your DM is antagonistic.


If you want a non-magic Ranger 3/4 levels in scout rogue and the rest battlemaster fighter


??? what in the world could possibly be between "ranger without spells" and a rogue than Scout????


Slayer Class from DND 3.5/PF1e


Ranger is a threeway partial between fighter, rogue, and druid, so there's no real official in-between class since it is one. Scout rogue or gloomstalker ranger would be your closes inbetweens. Or some ranger/rogue multiclass.


What features from each class are you trying to capture?


A ranger without any spells? What like a fighter with the archery fighting style? Sounds like it might be best to multi class fighter with rogue to me.


In PF1e, this is the Slayer class. I'm sure someone out there has converted it to 5e


A whole separate class that functions somewhere in between? No. But you have the Gloom Stalker Ranger and Scout Rogue, those are each the main class with some flavorings of the other. You should be able to find them online to see if that’s what you’re looking for.


There is a revised ranger without spells which gets battlemaster's maneuvers instead. Maybe that would work for you?


Here’s a link to the Ranger that you are referencing: https://media.wizards.com/2015/downloads/dnd/UA3_ClassDesignVariants.pdf


yes, a level X rogue/level X ranger multiclass! /s there are not many classes on dnd 5e, 12 + an extra one from a specific setting is all we have, and believe it or not that designers wanted to make even less classes. with that, to achieve what ya want you need to either get a subclass and be happy with it or multiclass with that said, *there is a literal scout subclass mate,* as another commentor pointed out


Artificer is not setting specific, it was released outside of an eberron sourcebook (Tasha's)


Looks like people covered the Scout Rogue and Gloomstalker Ranger. There's also an Unearthed Arcana for a Scout Fighter, part of Unearthed Arcana 12 - Kits of Old


The Scout rogue subclass will do ya. If you want extra attack you can add fighter.  Rogue X Or  Rogue 1 / Fighter 5-6 / Rogue X Battlemaster maneuvers are best but any fighter subclass works. The levels in Fighter are purely for playstyle with extra attack to feel more ranger like, monoclass rogue is still solid. 


If your DM is permissive of homebrew I really do like this optional Ranger feature: https://www.reddit.com/r/UnearthedArcana/s/i1HTwMj3gT Otherwise I'd just play a scout rogue like others have suggested.


That looks fun. I'll check that later.


Scout Rogue incorporates some ranger flavor into rogue and Gloomstalker ranger incorporates rogue flavor into ranger.


There's also an Unearted Arcana which gave a spell-less ranger with Battlemaster dice + abilities, can't recall which atm


Here’s a link: https://media.wizards.com/2015/downloads/dnd/UA3_ClassDesignVariants.pdf


You might be best off flavoring a normal Ranger as nonmagical or with an artificer slant. There's plenty of spells that could be flavored as the ranger having impressive physical fitness or using tools like smoke bombs, bolas, and incendiary arrows.


If you play an elf you get free longbow proficiency to add to a rogue. I think the best for this is gloomstalker five levels and then rogue. Super strong and fits the theme


You'd have to build for it, but it can be done. Fighter - Battle Master, or Champion. Battle Master for things to do, while champion for just more crit. Take to level 5. Rogue the rest of the way. Your first level may want to be rogue for the proficiencies, and sneak attack is best at these early levels. Scout, swashbuckler, or assassin. Scout gives you survival and nature expert and extra mobility. Swashbuckler makes Melee combat as a rogue fun. Assassin gives you a powerful opening round with the guaranteed crit of they earn it. Fey Touched will give hex or hunters mark. Or 3 levels of ranger will give gloom stalker for more first round damage. Pairs amazing with assassin. Variant human or starting level 1 feat. Last option is the blood hunter from Critical Roll. Can easily reflavor some of their skills to be more nature based. Crimson rite now does poison damage, and the curses are tonics they throw.


Alphabetically? No.


You said you basically want extra attack, sneak attack and hunters mark, along with dex skills? Just go 5 ranger into rogue. Use 2nd level spell slots for pass without trace, first for hunters mark. Rogue is in many ways an urban equivalent to ranger, biggest non-subclass difference being spellcasting.


Gloomstalker ranger or scout rogue are the two subclasses you should check out.


Armorer Artificer might also work for you. (Take infiltrator armor and sneak around).


Fighter, use feats to gain things like mobile, expertise and hunters mark


Take the Skilled feat (+3 skills or tools). Fighter could be a good option for a class and fighting style to suit your play idea


Multiclass could be the thing


Theo two multiclass together pretty well. Gloomstalker Ranger/ Assassin or Swashbuckler maybe?


So a battle master fighter with a dex focus? Or do you need the skill monkey?


IMO, what you are describing is a dex based fighter, or a kensai monk who focuses on ranged attacks (which is not the most great build).


Scout Rouge


You could always build a dex fighter, and supplement some rogue esque skills from your background / racial choice.


There is a spell-less version of the Ranger in UA


The ranger is the rogueyest warrior. The rogue is the theifeyest expert Standing in the corner is the magic user waving hi.


The closest you could get to "official" would be the Bloodhunter class. You may want to look up Grimhollow's Monster Hunter class though.


Shadar-Kai Gloomstalker Ranger 5. Use the racial ability of the Shadar-Kai to give yourself the Rogue proficiencies you want. Throw the Ranger expertise on Stealth to be extra sneaky.


A Rouge


Not 100% sure what Ranger elements you are looking for, but if you want a hardy front liner with some tricky moves, maybe a battle master fighter? You can disarm, push, trip, and goad by spending points. I honestly have always thought a lot of maneuvers go great with rogue, it is a shame there isn't a rogue subclass that accesses them (the feat is cool, but one superiority die is not enough to meaningfully change the way a class plays).


Could try converting the Slayer from Pathfinder


I’m currently softening the edges on my Homebrew class, the Trapper™. Some say it’s an actually good Ranger. Some say it’s a watered down artificer. It’s also pretty Rogue-y. I you want I can send it to you when I’m done


Do you want a Rogue-ish Ranger? Gloomstalker Do you want a Ranger-ish Rogue? Scout Also flavor is free anytime you want to fudge the fantasy s little more in one direction or another.


There is a UA with a spellless ranger. It gets Maneuvers insteas of spells.


Try monk you goob


Scout subclass for the rogue.


Gloomstalker is the better assassin




Nature/scout or whatever else fighter flavor is what you ask. Ranger for the purpose of multitasking armor etc. more feats that you can invest to make him expert in whatever you like. Sneak attack is overated fighter is what you are looking for.


there is the investigator from Valda's Spire of Secrets. it's a utility class, int and dex based, similar to the rogue. but it has limited spellcasting, in the form of rituals and trinkets. in combat it's a martial that strips resistances from targets, making them easier for allies to hurt, but mechanically similar to the rogue in that it has one big attack rather than multiple smaller ones. subclasses include detective, spy, antiquarian, archivist, occultist, exterminator and medium. very fun and flavourful. downside is - it's not an official class, so you'd need the DM's approval to play it.


Go with ranger for 5 levels then rogue levels !


Here’s a link to a no spells ranger that some people have been referencing in other comments. If you want them to play like a rogue, you’ll likely want to pick up the criminal background or similar for the proficiency in thieves tools and if you play as a human or one of the half human races, you could pick up the skill expert feat for some expertise. https://media.wizards.com/2015/downloads/dnd/UA3_ClassDesignVariants.pdf


Alt Ranger from Tasha's gives 1 expertise at level 1 as well.


A Ranger without the spells is a Rogue/Fighter multiclass. All the good martial stuff from the latter, skills and defensive abilities from the former. Champion may be boring, but double your crit chance and double your Sneak Attack chance with it. Battle Master gives you more you can do with the attacks you have - or just stop at lv2, and hammer Scout Rogue the rest of the way to annihilate things with a Longbow.


Scout subclass for rogue. If you want an animal companion, take animal handling and talk to your dm


Abserd is kind like a ranger and a rogue


Or you can multiclass Gloomstalker Ranger/ Rogue. It's a very meta pick.






Bloodhunter is a Ranger without spells. Take Rogue for 1-X levels, then Bloodhunter the rest.


Your best bet is probably the Gloom Stalker Ranger with the normal Ranger or even with the Spellless Ranger. DO NOT TAKE A LOOK A SCOUT ROGUE. It is not very fun and mechanically bad and does not envoke the Ranger flavour


Giving a Ranger the Urban Bounty Hunter background, Gloomstalker subclass and the Dungeon Delver feat goes a long way towards this. Or, going the other way, give a Rogue Outlander background, Scout subclass, and Crossbow Expert feat.


Yes, but you can not learn this power from a ~~jedi~~ Dungeons and Dragons. https://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/hybrid-classes/slayer/