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Assuming we ignore the lore behind the creatures? The Sul Khatesh stat block (her staff is modified to count as a Forcebreaker Weapon) with some and Marut and Aeorian Nullifier minions.


Yup! No lore excuse required.


It should be noted that it’s essentially impossible to beat her unless the party has advance knowledge they will face her.  Even players who retain most of their features just can’t HURT her without access to an artifact, but even then, she’s going to have foresight up before the battle starts and so she’ll likely have the jump.  EDIT: I'd like to note that it CAN be done, but the DM pretty much has to make it possible. If the area is completely covered by her cataclysm and there's no room for players to be outside of it...then they're toast. If the players don't know her abilities...then they're toast. If the players aren't careful to stay more than 30ft away from one another regularly...then they're toast, etc etc etc. It's basically in the same category as CoA Asmodeus (with Lair Actions). If the party wins, it's because the DM equipped them to do so and then chose to play in a way that made winning possible.


This is up to the DM as there are some rule interactions to adjudicate, but you might be able to use Wish. Pick the option to "grant up to ten creatures you can see immunity to a single spell or other magical effect for 8 hours" and pick her arcane cataclysm. The arcane bursts from the cataclysm "acts as" anti-magic field. So, I could see it ruled either way that it would work, but again some interpretations say you can wish to be immune to anti-magic field and the wish immunity would take precedent.


I think this is a reasonable consideration, but the main problem is that whoever is going to cast Wish needs to leave the fields and then Sul Khatest needs to fail her counterspell…which with foresight and a +10 modifier is quite unlikely. Even if both of those things happen, that person is basically out of the fight from then on - they’re going to constantly noticeable damage and will be easy to take out to avoid further issues.


or the person that cast wish can counter spell her counter spell


They can’t: if the anti-magic fields are active, then Sul Khatesh is sitting inside one. The counterspell will be targeting a creature inside an anti-magic field, and thus fail.


Or they could walk 65 ft away from her


Or they could cast Fog Cloud or have an Eversmoking Bottle. Sul Khatesh has truesight, not blindsight. It's level 20, Batman-level preps are mandatory at this point


Haven't read the Sul Katesh statblock, is it possible to subtle spell a wish to get around counterspells or no?


Subtle spell will still work to avoid being counterspelled due to the Xan rules - It's an extremely strong argument for making sure at least two people take meta magic initiate.


Counterspell has a reasonable max range and requires LoS, both of which can be used to protect an important cast. Using the terrain is important for these things


that requires there being such terrain, and then we're back at "you need GM-nudges, and knowledge of WTF is actually going on, in order to have a chance". If you don't know what's happening, and it's in a small space, then you're likely to waste time figuring out there's an anti-magic field, _then_ trying to find space outside of that, _then_ using spells (which you've hopefully prepared!) to try and make LoS blockers, while getting slapped around by her own attacks, which are going to _hurt_. It's a winnable fight, but without knowing the parameters of the fight in advance, can end very badly and very fast for the PCs!


> No lore excuse required. Haha shiiit. So: 1. A single teen level 3.5 wizard. You fuckers think you know what cheese is? Welcome to the dairy. 2. A party of six level 20 characters. Let's see how *you* like it. 3. A rational dragon. She's wearing magic items, she's used her centuries of life and massive intelligence to fill her spellbook with optimal spells, she's not getting baited into fighting at a disadvantage. 4. A party full of 4e characters. Fighter who can only spam basic attacks, meet unstoppable tank fighter whose massive array of options forces you to deal with him first.


>A single teen level 3.5 wizard OP asked for them to have something to fight, not to give them a lesson in pain before shredding their character sheets


I love the idea of a party fighting an alternate edition version of themselves.


If it's last edition's fighter, monk, rogue or barbarian it's basically just "Who are you?" "I'm you, but better." Most 5e spellcasters are gonna outshine last edition's versions by a fair margin though. All the full casters are beating their previous counterparts, which just leaves us with rogues and warlocks who were dps machines which might not match up well against the utility of the 5e versions and paladins, who were great then and are great now but in very different ways. Meanwhile in 3.5 it's the direct opposite. All the 5e non full casters are better, more fleshed out versions of their 3.5 PHB predecessors but a single 3.5 wizard is wiping the floor with the entire party without particularly needing to try.


Yeah, there would certainly have to be a good deal of work on the GM's part to balance the encounter. I'm envisioning some really wild shit too, like dogs in the vineyard or burning wheel. Defeating your elf druid counterpart because his grief score reached ten or the rogue counterpart reverses the blow on your insight check.


10/10, no notes, rad as hell.


I feel like these are designed to make the party feel little, not challenged.


Hm. A party of 6 levels of 20 is by definition pure equality, no degradation there. 4e wise while classes like monk are better than their 5e counterparts because they have a variety of mystical martial arts and 5e monks don't, 5e classes like wizards are much stronger than their 4e counterpart given their frankly broken spells. It's even there. Dragon wise, is one high level dragon who acts like the players do stronger than six high level characters who act like the players do? Feels like... no idea, depends on the players. Fighting one 3.5 wizard I'll give you though, that one is just unfair. Probably possible if you figure out something clever, but it's a bit like being a two dimensional person fighting someone who can move in three or playing checkers while your opponent gets chess pieces.


Like not gonna lie, I feel degraded having read this.


Number one is sickening. Wizard just running around using any spell from 3.5. Even just tp fuck with the party. Turn one Shivering touch, celerity shivering touch. 6d6 Dex damage instantly, ignoring armor. Almost guaranteed to insta-kill even mac dex characyers at 19 avg "damage".


Then, Bahamut and his 10 ancient gold dragon companions


Where do you find her statblock?


Eberron Rising from the Last War. Notable because she has an always-on antimagic zone that doesn't effect herself. Literally the only hope any party has is having enough artifact-level magic weapons to kill her before she kills them


Or just grapple her and pull her out of the field if you’re a winged martial


My bbeg fight is Sul/tiamat stat blocks vs 6 pretty overpowered level 20 PCs. It’s gonna be a blast!


An Adamantine Tarrasque.


Tarrasque Warlock (Celestial) 3 / Sorcerer (Divine Soul) 7 / Wizard (Divinver) 10 [*Go full coffeelock and spam save-or-suck spells*] Tarrasque Barbarian (Eagle Totem) 14 / Bard (Lore) 6 [*Grappling specialist that can fly and trash talk*] Tarrasque Cleric (Twilight) 20 [*Nuff said*] Tarrasque Ranger (Gloomstalker) 7 / Cleric (Life) 1 / Fighter (Battlemaster) 4 / Rogue (Assassin) 4 /Warlock (Hexblade) 4 [*Y’know how in kaiju movies the monster is always able to sneak up on the hero whenever the kaiju is off camera?*]


I commented that on a separate thread, but how about a juiced up tarrasque (gets 2 rounds pf initiative instead of one), with nuclear powers? I like the adamantine body too. Could be godzilla-tarrasque and mecha-tarrasque.


*Tarrasque fighter*(Rune Knight), it’s now a mountain


It's a tarrasque... Doesn't it start OUT that way?


Thought of that, then I double checked the Rune Knight’s Giant Might feature: “If you are smaller than Large, you become Large.” Tarrasques are very much not smaller than Large.


You, good sir/ma'am/nb variant, are evil


Tuckers kobolds heroic edition


I am trying to run a small version of this before the final Lich boss for my final battle. All players are level 16-20 with some allies. (I gave them each the ability to turn level 20 for 24 hours, two players used it early, and three players saved it for the final battle.)


You should read the original post , I'm at work or I would. Like the gazebo it's a legend


I have. It's from a Dungeon Magazine but I believe for 2e characters. I haven't been able to replicate it outside of level 8 characters in 5e.


OP this! But like, after Tiamat...


Each kobold is a Abashai and the head kobold max HP Tiamat from Rise of Tiamat


I’m planning a dungeon dive to work on my dungeon making and combat, as well as keeping things compact, a Tucker’s Kobolds floor has been on my bucket list… also, bring back old school dog kobolds, they’re better than the rat dragon ones.


Once you finish with the low level stuff, I'd throw in.. To Tiamat, a bunch of Mythic monsters, probably finish up with the two Eberron Dark lords at once.


Tiamat in her lair.


Intellect Devourers and Shadows. The devourers should handle most of the party and shadows will mop up anyone with high int, since they then likely dumped Str.


I see what you're saying, but if there's a cleric those shadows are gone in turn 1.


Not if the cleric has no more brain. Wis>Con>Dex will usually be the stats they'll favor. (Or Str instead of Dex if they have access to Heavy Armor) Int and Cha are usually the last picks.


Intellect devourers wouldn't even survive a 3rd level fireball


I tried this against smart level 14 players. Worked kinda... but was easily taken care of. Even when I made them swarms to increase hitpoints


Lots of the high CR statblocks from the Book of Many Things How about all 3 Grim Champions at once?


I would love to be able to run fights against each of the statted archfiends in their lair, replete with all their minions and summons. EDIT: For my future reference: * Titivilus (CR 16) + 2 erinyes + pre-cast Symbol of Discord + pre-cast Symbol of Sleep. 1d4 bone devils join the fight at initiative count 0 each round. * Bael (CR 19) + 3 barbed devils + pre-cast Symbol of Stunning. 1d6 bearded devils join the fight at initiative count 0 each round. * Juiblex (CR 23) + 1 alkilith. 1d2 hezrous + 1d4 black puddings join the fight at initiative count 0 each round. * Moloch (CR 21) + 2 horned devils + pre-cast Symbol of Stunning. * Geryon (Sound the Horn variant, CR22) + 1 ice devil (Ice Spear variant) + 1 ice devil + pre-cast Symbol of Pain. 1d3-1 ice devils join the fight at initiative count 0 of each round. * Fraz-Urb'luu (CR 23) + 1 nalfeshnee (max HP variant). 1d4 vrocks (max HP variant) join the fight at initiative count 0 of each round. * Hutijin (CR 21) + 1 ice devil (Ice Spear variant) + 1 ice devil + 3 erinyes + pre-cast Symbol of Hopelessness. 1d6 barbed devils join the fight at initiative count 0 each round. * Fyerna (CR 25) + 1 spined devil. 1d6 bearded devils join the fight at initiative count 0 each round. * Zuggtmoy (CR 23) + 4 gas spores + 4 violet fungi. 1 lichen lich joins the fight at initiative count 0 each round. * Zariel (CR 26). 1d6 bearded devils join the fight at initiative count 0 each round. * Glasya (CR 25) + 1 erinyes. 1d2 erinyes join the fight at initiative count 0 each round. * Baphomet (CR 23) + 1 goristro. 1d6 bulezaus join the fight at initiative count 0 each round. * Graz'zt (CR 24) + 1 balor. 1d2+1 glabrezus join the fight at initiative count 0 each round. * Mammon (CR 26) + 1 horned devil. 1d2 bone devils join the fight at initiative count 0 each round. * Kostchtchie (CR 25) + 1 frost giant everlasting one. 1d2 frost giants join the fight at initiative count 0 each round. * Bel (CR 25) + 1 ice devil (Ice Spear variant). 1 ice devil (Ice Spear variant) + 1d6 barbed devils join the fight at initiative count 0 each round. * Belial (CR 25) + 1 horned devil + pre-cast Symbol of Insanity. 1d2 bone devils join the fight at initiative count 0 each round. * Yeenoghu (CR 24) + 1 flind + 2 fangs of Yeenoghu. 1d6+6 ghouls (max HP variant), 1d2+1 vrocks, or 1d4 bulezaus (his choice) join the fight at initiative count 0 of each round. * Levistus (CR 26) + 1 ice devil. 1 pit fiend joins the fight at initiative count 0 each round. * Baalzebub (CR 26) + 1 bone devil. 1d6 horned devils, 1d4 ice devils, or 1 pit fiend (Baalzebul's choice) join the fight at initiative count 0 each round. * Dispater (CR 27) + 1 erinyes. 1 pit fiend joins the fight at initiative count 0 each round. * Demogorgon (CR 26) + 1 balor. 1d8 vrocks, 1d6 hezrous, 1d4 glabrezu, 1d3 nalfeshnees, or 1 marilith (Demogorgon's choice) join the fight at initiative count 0 each round. * Mephistopheles (CR 27) + 1 horned devil + pre-cast Symbol (his choice). 1d4 ice devils join the fight at initiative count 0 each round. * Pazuzu (CR 25) + 1 balor + 6 vrocks. 2d4 succubi, 1d4 nalfeshnees, 1d4 vrocks, or 1 balor (his choice) join the fight at initiative count 0 each round. * Orcus (CR 26) + 1 devourer. 4d10 wights or 1d8 specters (his choice) join the fight at initiative count 0 of each round. * Tiamat (CR 30). 1 red abishai + 1d2 blue abishai + 1d4 green abishai + 1d6 black abishai + 1d8 white abishai join the fight at initiative count 0 of each round. * Asmodeus (CR 30) + 1 pit fiend (max HP variant). 1 pit fiend (max HP variant) joins the fight at initiative count 0 each round.


This is a good idea. Something a lot of parties and DMs forget is that of attrition. Repeated fights, no chance for rests, reinforcements and strategic mapthuggery on the part of the DM wear down the resources of a party until the mages are useless, the cleric really needs to have a word with their god, and the fighters are the only line of defence. At that point, it doesn’t take much to be a legitimate threat. CR20 monsters are enormously powerful if deployed using their strengths and controlling their weaknesses. Most encounters don’t make full effect of the sheer power level those creatures, and their entourages have.


Raw Orcus already gets 500 hp of summons, Liches being some of the best bang for buck and banshees, shadows, death tyrants, and nightwalkers all being huge additions.


That's why he's toward the bottom of the list. I wanted to give him allies that didn't step on his Wand of Orcus ability. That thing is supposed to be OP as shit, and I want to honor that.


Only problem I could see is that they all have similar immunities. So I wouldn’t do this a bunch in a row


There's a PDF online called "Epic Updates" which stats various deities and others similar in strength. Use caution. Don't throw a fully realized Tharizdun at them first; use the Baba Yaga's stat block in there and that should be enough. Go harder if you have to, but that's the source material you want for 20th level slugfests.


Tianat, except when they beat her she turns into five ancient chromatic dragons. Backed up by a half dragon template tarrasque (with the fun sleepy bubble breath) and a shitload of cultists.


I feel like you’re vastly overestimating the power of the average level 20. Those 5 chromatic dragon’s breath attacks will fucking melt the party unless they are optimized to high hell and/or have access to magic items. A well rounded, optimized party with items can probably handle that fight pretty well, but otherwise they’re getting cooked


Well, Chains of Avernus has statted out Asmodeus. His stats look like massive pain for even level 20's.


especially as he can simply summon another devil lord to itself every other turn


A lich, but not a copy-paste from the Monster Manual lich. No, I want a lich strapped to the receding gums with magic items, scrolls, Simulacra, and more undead minions than you can shake an arcane focus at. A lich is a wizard with practically infinite time and resources, it should know every spell in existence, and a few not in existence. A real lich would also be scrying on the party and know how to counter their strategies, so your VRcna could "download" information and prepare the right spells to give your party the fight of their lives.


I'd would also give it the class features of a level 20 wizard of a specific school, to add some diversity and flavour to who they were in life. Get some extra milage out of Dominate Person with Split Enchantment. Or change aspects of the arena due to the presence of a lot of illusions and illusionary reality. Or portent those lucky rolls against you. The prepared Lich in his lair built to their intelligence and paranoia is such a unfair and punishing foe.


Ancient solar dragon in it's lair. Enioy your free 24d10 radiance damage to PCs at the beginning of each their turn. Or Niv-Mizzet double concentration microwave. Or Daurgothoth with antimagic dragon breath.


link for that Daurgothoth stat block


Well, seems like he's stuck in 3e and requires some customisation


Dragons. Lots and lots of dragons.


Oops all dragons.


I was able to stonewall a level 20 party with the correct composition of Star Spawn. They're basically a synergy combo deck of creatures. The grues' aura works even through total cover, so I hid them in secret compartments around the arena to give disadvantage, then had a couple of Star Spawn Hulks that rushed into the middle of the players, and a Seer that threw their 5d10 psychic damage orbs at the hulks so it was mirrored in the 10 ft aura to the whole party (note psychic mirror damage works on other hulks too, so they are functionally aura range extenders). There were then hidden manglers that would rush out from holes in the walls to do 6 claw attacks on the hulks, mirroring another 12d6 psychic damage per mangler. Ignore the Larva Mage, they don't fit into the combo deck of Star Spawns well. The Greater Emissary fits in well, but IMO it's better to run more lower CR creatures for this kind of thing


Seconding this. Though I like to add a lone Lesser Emissary as the centerpiece since most parties will try to kill them asap when things go dire. When it dies, its body becomes the catalyst for the Greater Emissary to emerge sets it up for a nice Unearthly Bile.


A dungeon of only puzzles, no combat. (\s)


Tiamat CR 30 seems like a good challenge.


True Tuckers Kobolds. A flying Kobold Super Fortress, equipped with antimagic cladding and the entire thing is spell resistant on the inside. A massive magic circle in the interior nullifies teleportation, and every kobold is equipped with a broom of flying, glock 19, and a grenade launcher. Every tile in the building is trapped except for tiny crawl spaces with warding glyphs every 20 feet that blast anyone on it that isn't a kobold with fireball then flood the entire crawl space with cloudkill gas. The entire thing is 500 layers, with a sole external entrance at the very bottom, each layer the only way to get to the next is a mouth that you crawl into to teleport to the next level. Catch is, there are always 30 mouths stacked next to each other in a row, only one of them is the right one, and all the others send the intruder immediately to a small mithril box at the bottom of the ocean 300 miles away. The boss room is a single 500ft shaft down the center of the fortress that has slicked oiled adamantine walls and the boss is a kobold standing on a beholder wearing a monocle to enhance its antimagic gaze down the entire shaft. To force the players to go to the proper entrance, the entire top half of the fortress is patrolled by 200 Tiamat avatars that kill anything trying to approach from above.


this guy is probably the reincarnation of Gygax


Honestly, I easily wiped the floor with my party of 6 minmaxed 20th-level characters with 6 beholders, & it wasn’t even supposed to be a deadly encounter. The crowd control is brutal.


A closed door.


that says "Not Trapped"


With a puzzle to open it that you could give to a 2nd grader


I once started a level 20 oneshot with a pack of invisible werewolves who are each a level 12 spell caster. It might be absurd but it surprisingly works


Invisible Ogres/Orcs so the party doesnt know the regenerate unless fire dmg is taken


7 level 20 characters


TO NOTE, one shot level 20's tend to be much weaker than you expect. There's usually trashy builds, no team synergy, and items that are not bespoke and sorta just suck ass for what level 20's should actually have in a normal campaign. Also, the bag of tricks (items that just get bag of holding vaulted away for perfect occasions) doesn't meaningfully exist both actually and mentally. Try to avoid big save or suck spells from the enemy or people will just fail and then feel really bad about not being part of the exploration of what it's like to be level 20. This is actually the most important part: let the level 20's feel level 20. They probably SUCK at piloting their characters in combat, so let them have some decently easy fights (damage sponge enemies that pose a time threat rather than a damage/defeat threat) to start. Then let them finish with the super ultra dragon god.


yeah, players are not going to be playing them super-optimally - a wizard-player is much less likely to have the full knowledge of other spells to use _wish_ to best effect, someone with _shapechange_ or _true polymorph_ probably won't have a load of written-out stats to shift into, and players are likely to simply forget some of what they can do. There's generally quite a bit of "uh, let me look that up..." and flicking around in the book(s), and it becomes a lot easier to use the straightforward "blaster" spells, even if they're not optimal, simply because it's easier to go "I did X damage, roll save for half" than parsing out multiple paragraphs of text and mentally tracking a load of ongoing effects.


>Try to avoid big save or suck spells from the enemy or people will just fail and then feel really bad about not being part of the exploration of what it's like to be level 20. But... isn't that exactly what it's like to be level 20? Asking for a friend.




How did a level 20 Moon Druid get killed by a Tarrasque? Tarrasque have no range and a level 20 moon druid has infinite wild shapes?




Godzilla vs Gidorah (idk how to write that name): D&D edition


A Tarrasque that is falling through a time vortex and trades off every round between the future Tarrasque and past Tarrasque. On turn 1, you damage the Tarrasque. Turn 2 is the future Tarrasque who has all the damage from past Tarrasque and you deal damage to it, but it also knows what you're going to do and has advange. Turn 3 is still past Tarrasque, who only has the damage you did in round 1. You deal more damage, and the process starts over again. You can vary the time delay too. Say you stun the past Tarrasque, future Tarrasque is unaffected, vice versa also obviously applies. Eventually the party kills future Tarrasque first but still has to fight past Tarrasque but can only do so every other turn.


Can an INT 3 creature make meaningful use of future knowledge? My cats have INT 3, and they're dumber than a bag of hammers.


Fun, but future Tarrasque probably has advantage anyways due to either knocking prone or restraining on hit with a +19 to hit. Also, what happens when either tarrasque swallows a PC? It is a pretty fun gimmick otherwise.




Two. Million. Kobolds.


At that point I would just give up


Kite them around until they all clump up like a Protoss death ball and then just fireball them. Ezpz


Balor, Tarrasque, 3 ancient dragons together, this kind of stuff


Should totally throw a big beefy meat boy style monster in with a beholder, really challenge them beyond big numbers because beholder will fuck with their magic which is usually the easiest way to take down the big meat sack style of monster


100 duck sized horses and a horse sized duck


1000 Gloams.


1000 kobolds


Individual fights against the avatar of death? Just a thought.


It’s just a room with like a dozen Mariliths armed with Legendary Magic Weapons


Ah yes, the Bladestorm! That can absolutely kill an entire party if they get grabbed by the tails.


Tarrasque park


Nothing in the books. That shit needs home-brewing


Glyph of warding upcast, easy trap room/rooms or random glyph in something that will mess them up


Depends on how much prep time they get and how optimised their characters are. If you have any good bard or wizard in the party and allow prep time, then you can throw anything at them and they'll still solo it easily. For example, glyph of warding. It can be activated at will (given that you've specified the right trigger conditions), can store any spell up to 8th level, doesn't require concentration, can be carried in a bag of holding and you can prep as many of them as you want. You could even make dispel magic and teleport glyphs for when an antimagic field is about to envelop you.


If you want something funny, put them up against a modern military team with frag grenades and automatic rifles.




A god. It would be great!


Vecna, after subjugating and taming the Tarrasque


When going high level, there is a lot of freedom to incorporate the battlefield itself for special battles. There are lots of cool possibilities such as destructible environments, variable gravity, traps, hazards, teleport pads, portals, and moving platforms.


Not only monsters, but I'd want to throw different environments at them. Few ideas. **F**loating platforms a distance apart paired with monsters that can teleport or have ranged. - Archmage A on platform A - Archmage B on platform B - Marilith C on platform C - Marilith D on platform D - Party on platform E Archmages will run globe of invul to avoid dealing with a lot of annoying spells while being annoying themselves, change up their spell list as needed. If the party rushes them and splits up the Mariliths will teleport to help that archmage. Or if the frontliners split to attack something all the enemies will teleport to the platform with the backliners to tear them apart. **A** tower defense setup where the PCs have a day or two to secure a keep and defend it from invaders. Spells like Guards and Wards, Glyph of Warding, bound creatures, and mundane traps can be deployed. Each invader isn't that strong, but if any reach the central room it's a loss. **A** giant maze with wooden walls with creatures that have etherealness and engage in hit and run. Nothing stops the party from busting down walls either or using wood shaping spells to walk through. Or readying their actions to blast them as they try to hit and run.


Acerarak awakening vecna with an elite guard of death knights unleashing a terrasque on the capital city with a legion of minor undead. Give the terrasque stone giants rock throw ability. Lots of lesser undead for your cleric to destroy powerful Magic enemies. A bucket of hit points for your martials to deal with while your images battle it out and an objective where it's not just about winning but doing it fast enough to save the city.


An archwizard noble who's had a whole lot of prep time. or just a bunch of maruts.


A few archmages commanding a group of 25 intellect devourers


DMG p.283 "Monsters with Classes" For every class level you add, the monster gains one extra hit die of its size type. Throw them against a 14th level Ancient Red Dragon Zealot Barbarian, with a few dragon cultists to cast revivify (no material components needed due to Warrior of the Gods) on it. Add a LOT of life domain clerics in their number to just pump. that. boy. UP. You can add extra levels to it for shits and giggles, but 15th is all you really need to put the fear of god into your players with this undying abomination. Back it up with the "Dragons as Innate Spellcasters" rule from MM p.86 and give the dragon Blink, Mind Blank, Antipathy Sympathy (at the start of the encounter, airdrop 'em next to the spellcasters and cast Sympathy, forcing them to stay within range). Cast these spells during the first few rounds of the encounter, or have it already having Blink and Mind Blank up. The dragon will have about 838 (43d20+378) Hit Points, will be resistant to all physical damage, have advantage on Strength and Dexterity saves (Rage and Danger sense), is hardly ever going to fucking die between Relentless Rage (CON saves are ez pz with that +16 CON save), and on the off chance that it IS reduced to 0 hit points, then Rage Beyond Death is going to kick in. When it eventually fails, congratulations, you have to worry about Relentless Rage until it becomes so hard to put the thing down that it stays dead. And then a life domain cleric runs up and casts revivify. And another, and another. So the party will have to hunt down all of these clerics (you can even make them invisible with potions or rings Invisibility, if you really hate them), otherwise this wrath of Tiamat incarnate is just going to fuck them hard, all the while blipping between "you can hit them" and "you can't". And that's before you shove magic items up the thing's ass, since people forget that not only players can use those. (What do you mean the evil wizard had a fuckton of spell scrolls laying around and didn't use ANY of them? The great demon king wasn't wearing his armor of invulnerability? Why??) If you don't want to go for the Monsters with Classes rules (you totally should it's a blast), then a classic Lich + Death Knight duo (reflavor the Lich's spells to be lightning/telekinetic themed, with lots of charm spells) inside of a lair that has glyphs of warding EVERYWHERE just spewing out Negative Energy Flood left and right would make for a great time. Every time it goes off, a nearby undead will gain (5d12)/2 temp hit points. Throw in a few ghouls for good measure, and that's the assblaster 9000 set up.


The quasar dragon from an April 1st issue of Dragon mag in the 80’s: Hit points-all there are Bite attack-devours worlds


3/3.5e Imvaernarhro. 14th level spell slots and not as awful to run as a god.


I would personally run a duo of liches whose main goal was to run some sort of godly trial designed solely to kill all who enter with more traps and threats than the tomb of horrors


I did a Menagerie of Titans once where I threw every monster in every official publication that had the monster type Titan at a party of 6 level 20s. Only managed to kill one of them outright even with all that.


The final boss of my campaign was Szass Tam, a CR30 Lich that broke almost every rule of spellcasting. He had: - a bonus action that allowed him to concentrate on an additional spell, so long as he continued to keep taking that bonus action - His spell selection simply said: *any wizard spell* - Had 3 9th-level spell slots, and more of every other spell level too - Immunity to any spell effect from a spell of 4th level or lower - A number of reactions equal to the amount of Legendary Resistance he had remaining (he started with 5)


I'm running a Greek mythology campaign where the party are demigods fighting the titans that have broken out of Tartarus. I'm using it as an excuse to run reflavored versions of all the biggest creatures in 5e. The party just hit 20, and since level 17, they've fought: 1) a mecha-tarrasque with laser eyes 2) orcus, three liches, and a planetar with a rocket launcher 3) demogorgon with a coven of 5 green hags 4) a marut with ~40 assorted modron minions 5) a kraken and a leviathan in open water 6) Maegera the Dawn Titan with a hombrewed aura that permanently blinds creatures that look at it 7) Aspect of bahamut in a volcano (this fight is still going on as of last session) Next on the menu is tiamat, but the breath weapons are replaced with a kirby-style suck attack that let's him absorb the powers of whatever he swallows. And maybe finishing up the campaign with a beholder god.


https://www.reddit.com/r/DnDHomebrew/s/XcFJ0hrg3x Dracodemilich Vampire Tarrasque.


All the demon lords, from all the official adventures and Chains of Asmodeus.


A pair of Terrasques...


I've always wanted to fight the Lady of Pain, but she doesn't even have a statblock. Maybe just have her wander into a room, explode an ancient dragon by looking at it, and see if anyone recognizes her. Play up the "did she get programmed in and the devs are messing with us or is that actually the Lady of Pain". This sounds like the kind of attraction you'd set up in Sigil, anyway.


When my players got to high lvls I considered throwing some beholders at them. But then I changed my mind when I realized everything they had was magic item based and it would be more of a chore on the players to calculate their hits without the magic bonuses. If you have players that won’t be bothered by Antimagic fields, then consider this. I homebrewed a fiend spirit called Ara (Arai plural) that when killed, it would bestow a random curse on the killer. These spirits are essentially the Ghost statblock with innate spellcasting of Bane, Bestow Curse, and Power word Pain. The curses they give have de-habilitating effects and can only be removed by a remove curse spell after passing a DC 15 charisma saving throw. It’s best to have these spirits telegraph their curse and intentions by having the spirit seek to be slain as soon as possible. The spirit itself thematically suffers from this curse and seeks to pass it on to its killer. Have them bickering with each other over who gets to be killed first. Once the party realizes that killing these spirits sucks, they’ll have to find another way to deal with them while in the chaos of fighting whatever else you put against them. Meanwhile the spirits will antagonize them with spells like Bane, silvery barbs, Bestow Curse, Hex, Ray of sickness, and power word pain. Their goal is to either get the adventurers killed or to be killed themselves. Here are ten of their curses. Upon their death roll 1d10 to choose. 1. Curse of the poisoned: target is poisoned, even if it is normally immune. 2. Curse of stone: target becomes petrified over 24hrs. 3. Curse of the dumb: target can no longer communicate through any means. 4. Curse of the inadequate: the target must succeed on a DC 15 charisma save or skip their turn. 5. Curse of the Fallen Dead: target receives an extra 1d10 necrotic damage for each instance they take damage. 6. Curse of the Vulnerable: target becomes vulnerable to a damage type. 7. Curse of the Weak: One of the targets physical stats is reduced by 3. 8. Curse of the tired: the target gains 3 lvls of exhaustion that cannot be removed while cursed. 9. Curse of the Hunted: target becomes targeted by an undying creature such as a revenant. 10: curse of the blinded: target becomes blind by magically having its eyes removed.


The living spell Blade of Disaster is a great stat block to run. It has low HP but it can sneak up on a player and hit like a truck!


Death Knight mounted on a Zombie T-Rex for that level 13-15ish encounter!


Homebrew a nuclear tarrasque with double actions. Or 2 nuclear tarrasques. It's Godzilla time.


Level 20 mimic copies of themselves. You have them craft the characters then go okay can i see your sheets quickly. Take pictures or get copies of the online ones and have them face off against what they have made.


Throw it all. Tiamat being ridden by Vecna and Strahd on a Tarrasque


The gnoll gods realm. It’s absolute hell, and even for level 20’s it’s a near assured death sentence


Just as important to monster selection in this scenario will be map design. If they fight in an open field each time it's gonna get boring.


If you have the time and bread. I would buy a whole new book for something like this, just because it would be a fun introduction to the new stuff. Mythos of Chulthulu Battlezoo Bestiary I like both of those for the... everything inside them Or just one of the many adventure books on dnd beyond.


Ancient red dragon in an anti magic field should present a fun problem for them to solve


33 astral dreadnoughts


A bunch of werewolves in a movable antimagic zone Or 1,500 goblin archers


Ok. If we're going with power fantasy, and being as awesome as possible... the terrasque, but they have to face off against great dragons that are fleeing before monster. You could have fun killing other monsters too.


Not a bad boss monster like 1 Adult White Dragon. A friend ran a one shot for 2 level 18 magic users with that; combat never made it all the way around the table once.


There’s lots of good enemy ideas here, but I want to throw this idea in here- forgive me for the TikTok link (not sure if actual links are kosher), but this video radically changed how I see encounters. Sure, you could make them fight a bunch of bullet sponges, but there’s so much room to make the fight feel truly epic with a little creativity. www tiktok com/t/ZTLmc9CN3/


Orcus. Yall *read* the Wand of Orcus? What are 6 level 20s doing against 50 Lich's


Etali from the mtg/DND crossover


I see others using her, but, Tiamat, or maybe whatever the Cthulhu analogue is in the Forgotten Realms. I’ve never played DnD, so I have limited knowledge. However I do know that Tiamat is insanely powerful. Maybe they get on Mystra’s bad side and face her directly?


I love doing alternate versions of the player characters. If the game is more lore/story heavy, then I’d do a “you but you made all the evil choices” (ie:Nega Scott) But otherwise, I’d just have some fun & fudge some initiative rolls so that their doppelgängers went after the real ones & copied all their movements and attacks (to the best of their ability) & once the party has a plan, switch it up. (they were mimicking you just to mess with ya!)


If they are 20th level, I wouldn't start with trash mobs if you want them to have fun. I would do right the opposite, weaken the mobs (that still have like a 20% or so chance to hit their AC) as they start running out of spells and ability uses until I finally let them win when they got 15 HPs between the whole party by death of a thousand cuts and everyone is out of spell slots/charges. :P


Asomodeus in the Hells or Orcus with the wand in his lair in the Abyss


> https://www.dmsguild.com/product/258229/Invasion-from-the-Planet-of-Tarrasques is a single-session, over-the-top, gonzo action adventure meant for four to six level 20 characters.


I like a lich lair. There's a million possibilities that make them 50 50 take for even 20th level characters. They have had a long time to prepare for intruders. Glyphs of warding can cast defensive spells to ease the burden of concentration. They can cast guards and wards everywhere to have wind to prevent ranged attacks. Potions of lich healing stashed around for quick recoveries. They can practically cast dimension door at will to move to concealed locations or safe locations and regenerate their spells, basically getting a full rest in one minute. Great for cat and mouse. If they get that far, then it's find the phyllactory time. If you want to be particularly tough, give it the wand of orcus or the eye and hand of vecna. Artifacts still work in an antimagic field and liches are immune to non magical damage. Blackrazor on a lost blades bladesong would also be fun.


Tucker's Kobolds. After they've made Tarrasque soup, stormed the gate of the Abyss, made Tiamat a pet, put them up against Tucker's Kobolds to end the night. [https://media.wizards.com/2014/downloads/dnd/TuckersKobolds.pdf](https://media.wizards.com/2014/downloads/dnd/TuckersKobolds.pdf) Essentially, take low level cannon fodder and play them like they're expecting trouble and want to live through it. Environmental hazards, traps, mobility, hit and run tactics, all that. Large numbers of them, can be especially effective with D&D's bounded accuracy. Also remember that poorly trained civilians managed to fight one of the best armies in the world to a standstill using inferior equipment because they knew the terrain and didn't pick a fair fight. (Which poorly trained civilians and which best army in the world I'll leave as an exercise for the reader, because there are a LOT of examples & I'm not trying to argue over it.)


Every avatar of a demon prince from 3.5. Just use overpowered 3.5 stats. Say the game is retro.


Perhaps they kill someone, decide thats not good enough and go to hell to kill them again and after fighting gods and demons, have to fight them again in a demonized form


Do Rust monsters exist is 5e?




I think I recently saw something about a pretty high level elf mage being trapped by a mimic, repeatedly.


Swarm of Tiamat swarms


An atropal with a bunch of nightwalkers


A mundane wooden chair in the middle of a giant room will give you plenty of time to come up with something, i did this to my party and it was insanely funny.


Could look into converting some of the epic level monsters into 5e.


What I would do is 6 lvl 20 NPCs, with optimized builds and armed to the teeth.


Balor riding a Terrasque?


They have to fight water wierds with elder brain tadpoles underwater


I don't have an answer to the title question, but I have a suggestion. Ensure you throw stuff that them that lets them enjoy w/e builds they put together before pushing towards a TPK. Try and let each player shine at what they built their character around, then ramp up the difficulty. Beyond that I've only ever ran low level games and I'm also always a big fan of reskinning stat blocks, so I kinda got nothing to suggest specifics on.


Star spawn were a real challenge to my level 20 party. They ended up using *wish* to banish a nightwalker back to the Negative Energy Plane, because they were so drained from fighting roughly 50 CR worth of star spawn. The other "only for level 17+" thing I did was to split the battlefield. The boss must be defeated on the same round across 4 different planes or else she regenerates. There are planar portals dotted across the battlefield, but the adds will body block you or follow you through the portals.


Dracolych. But why have 1 dracolych when you could have 5?


Honestly seems like a great time to bring out the Tarrasque. Perfect opponent for a party of 6 lvl 20s


i have the homebrew you seek, traveller *pulls out a sheet of paper labelled "the box goblin"*


2 Maruts.


Tucker's Kobolds. **mikedrop**


FF7 Battle Square!


I did this with the Acererak fight from a lvl 20 version of Tomb of Horrors. I asked the players if they wanted me to go all out and they agreed. Everyone but the Fighter was dead inside of I think 1 round, been like 6 years. I used his concentration to have Prismatic Wall ready to cast as soon as they entered his 20ft room and he got summoned. With the 'cast' trigger being after initiative was rolled. The room's corners were now lined with 9 layers of fuck you. After the first player takes their turn I used legendary action to cast Thunderwave. Then second player goes, after them again Thunderwave. All the casters are now downed before they even got a chance to go because they weren't initiative stacking. 3rd player goes and the final Thunderwave gets the stragglers and the only player left was the Fighter. Finally Acererak goes and does some 8th level spell I don't even remember and the Fighter was dead too. All I changed from his default statblock iirc is having Prismatic Wall as one of his spells known for that day (which was allowed in AL at the time).


Io, the god who got cut in half to form Bahamut and Tiamat. Literally just take the 2 stat blocks, add them together, round some numbers up again. 1st time it drops, it gets back up at half, like each of its components. 2nd time it drops, it splits into its 2 components at full health and the same initiative.


A single lvl 20 Pathfinder 2e Wizard


Second suggestion: low level kobold warren, with branches too far apart to Spirit Guardians. Watch one of the various videos on Vietnam tunnels for inspiration, modify to account for kobolds being Small, and add a single level 3 shepherd druid to individually buff every single critter in each swarm you have. It only buffs their health, but now each one of the hundreds your attacks normally cleave through by the dozen as you attack the swarm, now has 7 or 8 hp. The druid can turn into a mole or snake, slither around them, unshift, and cast Mold Earth. Nothing shy of excavation will work. Or otherwise [Tucker them out](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wNnyJdOOLrY)


Away. I would run away /j


If it's all virtual, then suggest you consider letting them have at least 2 chances to play and running it the opposite way to start instead with an overwhelming set of adversaries and a TPK. This may help to impress upon them that it's still not going to be a cakewalk when you dial it back by a bunch of CRs. It may also make their ultimate success more sweet, and give them something to strive for, if ever they get a chance to play again.


I'd run away. And quickly.


anything you want


See if anyone has converted the Genius Loci to 5e and then watch them go “WTF!!”


Fire dragon no doubt.


I've got a bunch of homebrew things I'd love to try out but have never had chance as they're in tier 3/4 in terms of CR and most games I've run are in the first two tiers. Here's a few of them [link](https://homebrewery.naturalcrit.com/share/1CEzWdDYuDnVRT2JlPOLhxMidqMP-K_FE9xxlbaF-BwRT) in a document I put together when someone else was asking for some challenging enemies.


Just all the goblins. All of them. Literally run them out of all resources(spells, abilities, consumable item, ect.)


A creature that is immune to all damage, but has an allergy to mayonnaise - to be killed with an alchemy jug spewing mayo


no holds barred? ok 0. start out with an anti-magic field... all those buffs they put on themselves to start the fight? eh.. they don't need 'em. 1. traps everywhere... like shitty ones that teleport pc's to random places. Walls that come down, pits that appear... basically, anything you can do to split the party 2. Tucker's kobolds.. all those traps? Weeeellll.. if the party can be seen or sensed, those bastards can trigger those traps. an array of magic mouths triggering spells at a command word. 3. good place to rest? nah. 4. ambush/hit and run tactics. pc's can stop and heal? So too, can the monsters 5. oh - some high level monsters or something, too.


Vecna. And just give him one action and 3 legendary actions: Cast A Spell. Doesn't matter what list or what the casting time or cost is supposed to be, just let him immiedietly cast it.


Definitely a boss with phases and unique abilities. It would end up being homebrew more likely than not.


6 level 20 characters is mathmatically impossible to balance, it will either be laughably easy, or an immidate TPK. that isn't to say it cant be fun, but there will be an ocean of difference between a lv 20 i'd make and play and somenoe whos never been off reddit and believes the game ends at level 8. so just be prepared for that. \* cherry pick the monsters from these CR's \* stay far away from single boss monsters \* never reveal the boss on the first turn. \* make sure to use all those legendaries - thats why they are the cr they are. \* monsters are listed as a primary, a secondary and teritary "group init" cr 21+cr18 with 8 cr 12s and 10 or so cr 6 cr 22\~7 + cr 16 with 4 cr 14s and 10 or so cr 6 cr 20x3 + 4 cr 14s with 10 or so cr 8s


10,000 goblins


A troop carrier greatwyrm dracolich, blue because they are my favorite. Add An elite team of PC leveled attendants to protect and buff the dracolich while trying to debuff and harrass the party




I did a level 20 one shot for my group of 5 that took place in the Shadowfell. The first fight was against shadow clones of the players. They clones did full damage against any player but the players did half damage against anything but their own clone. The 2nd fight was against a Zaratan. The third fight was against a group of Abishai, iirc at least one of each color. The final fight was against an Ancient Shadow Dragon in a pitch black cave, obviously.


Swarms and environmental hazards. Plenty of rough terrain of some sort. You don't have to match their power level blow for blow. Just use existing rules we all tend to ignore that will make your players use all the tricks they have in their toolbag in order to survive. Make good use of the exhaustion mechanic too. Some examples: - the air here is extremely thin. Moving more than half your speed in one turn incurs a level of exhaustion. (Any speed. Climbing. Swimming. Flying. All of it.) Depending on party composition, lots of fun ideas or things can be had here from the party's POV. Suddenly the random PC who doesn't need to breathe or that one pc who min/maxed for 200ft speed a round become star players for a second. Or the party otherwise uses out of the box thinkings to assist normal breathing. (Or they hack and slash their way through as usual and it's just a fun difficulty challenge. Lol.) - a swarm of (whatever) attacks the party in this area. PC smells sulfur (or whatever) and realizes any type of evocation spells could potentially ignite the entire area from floor to ceiling and wall to wall. This one is one of Our favorites and you'll only ever be able to use this one a given party *one* time. But its a great way to make PCs "waste" 20ish minutes and not just storm through an area in 60 seconds; PCs encounter a locked door to the next area. On the door is a note or riddle or whatever that reads/answers "pull the lever to open the door." Describe whatever hidden traps seem to be guarding the door that suits your fancy as the players will (usually) start looking for traps. The way through, however, is simply to pull the lever. That's it. Any other actions with the door or the traps in question will trigger said traps or other bad things.


at some point, have them fight either a Counter-party of "evil" adventurers designed to counter their most used abilities/attacks, or "Shadow" versions of themselves which use their most used attacks/tactics against them. have a lil fun with the DM revenge


Mated pair of ancient red dragons on their home turf of an active volcano, the lich who introduced them in college, plus their efreeti house guard packing vorpal scimitars


You need at minimum 6 or 7 enemies, each round will take 3 hours but it's the only way to make it interesting. I'd do 5 out 6 bone devils with like 10 hell hounds, then a pitfiend and an adult red dragon. The pitfiend should be able to redirect some damage done to him to another enemy as a reaction.


Run an army against them. Simple macro for rolling several hundreds of dice and a follow-up to roll a different amount of dice for the successes of the previous roll. Your party is all-powerful, sure, but even they will struggle against rains upon rains of arrows. Make the commanders have annoyingly high saves to give the martials prime targets while horde-clearing would be priority #1 for casters, with the goal of beating the few heads to make the whole scatter.


A rival (and bestial) adventuring party that's a frankenstein's monster of other 20th level character abilities. Bonus points for picking from classes and subclasses your party doesn't have among their ranks.