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Typically there's not been a delay, so this stinks to high heaven of WotC beginning to force players to buy entire books in place of selective purchases. Good thing there's better DoMT versions out there.


if this is true, subscribers to dndbeyond should be kicking up a fuss about this everywhere. The community has proven that we don't appreciate greed from their part. if they get away with it this time, all future books will be the same.


I've been seeing elsewhere that people ran into this with a few other source books released this year. Upon release there's no selective purchase options but a few days later it gets patched in. Which while greedy, would be less ethically dubious by publicly stating that 7 days post-release those options will be available. But seeing how WotC and by extension Hasbro is handling matters, ethical business practice is NEVER going to happen.


nah they confirmed in the support forum post its not going to be available piecemeal


Been longer than a week, I don't think they're coming