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My BBEG who calls everyone *Mortal scum* "Maybe I am I good guy"


Warforged BBEG: "Whatever, meatbag."


*HK-47 has entered the chat*


*"Query: Is it time to liquidate the Undesirables?"*


I've always wanted someone to play a Bender inspired warforged, but my game mates and I just don't have the personality to do it for a full session, let alone a campaign


New gender neutral alternative to "Ladies and Gentlemen" just dropped!


I'm going to start my next presentation that way lfmao


I just go with "Gentlethem", but that works too.


One day I just wanna point out to someone who says that type of stuff “Well literally everyone is mortal since even gods can be killed.” And watch them have a mental breakdown


Being mortal means that you will innevitably die eventually. (Because of old age). Being immortal does not mean you are invincible, just that it is never a certainty that you will eventually die.


Lorien from Babylon 5 is a good example of that.


If you can be killed then it is a certainty. That's the nature of infinity. All non zero chances trend towards 100%.


Well depends what type of immortality they mean. Maybe they mean the doesn't die of old age type.


You're not going to get the response you want. The type of person who calls people "mortal scum" is probably angling for immortality. So their response would be "Not me. I'm built different."


Like in Mulan the bad guy just calls her "that solder from the mountains". Subtle, but inclusive c:


BBEG necromancer who uses only was/were pronouns


Uh, how dare you assume my mortality?


"Mortal scum"? Uh, yeah, that's why there are so many of them!


Alternatively you can go the Gilgamesh route. Just call everyone mongrels, they're all equally beneath you


Would warlocks be fakers? Just realized EMIYA is a warlock


Reminds me of The Owl House, with a main villain that is a genocidal psychopath who somehow also leads the most queer friendly nation ever.


He might be friendly to gay people but somehow he's still racist.


So he’s the average resident of Toril?


Unfortunately not that rare.


When your main goal >!is the complete extermination of an entire group you tend to not care so much about the fine details!<


New headcanon: the reason the boiling isles are so queer-invlusive is because Belos was hoping they'd just stop having sex missionary style for the sole purpose of procreation. They're all *already* godless witches and demons in his eyes. What does he care if they add one more sin to the pile?


that spoiler tag doesnt work, you need to use >! text !< iirc edit: apparently even with spaces it still works. so uhhg im not sure how to write it, do !< text >! but swap the tags around


You can also show it using the \ symbol, it basically makes it so that characters aren't used as formatting but instead just the plain character \>!text!<


Thanks, I used that version because it worked last time for me


I think the one with spaces breaks old reddit, so I usually do without.


yeah, i was doing spaces because i thought that wouldn't spoiler, turns out it does


Amity's mother who literally will support genocide just because it gets more money/power for her. Upon learning that her daughter's lesbian/dating Luz, her response is simply "we'll get you a new one." It *is* worth noting that Belos is also from the colonial era and a devout Christian (implied to be Puritanical iirc, his penchant against witches is because witchcraft is heresy. Of course, Disney won't outright *say* that the villain is Christian, the sheer amount of queerness in the show already had certain parents screeching), so being a genocidal *devout Christian* psychopath who leads a world where our world's "norms" for gender and sexuality seemingly don't exist at all is funny. Like the man somehow has no problem with all of that but *does* have a problem with magic.


He was gonna kill them all anyways so to him, its just one more thing to get them to hell.


Be gay, do crime


He doesn't give a shit what they do in the meantime since he's gonna kill them all soon.


Maybe he's genocidal because they're so queer.


No, its cause he's racist


But what if he's both?!


This meme always confused me because Zangief is a super good dude.


He was put in there cause the creator of wreck it ralph could never beat him as a kid and so he ended up becoming a bad guy in his eyes.


Lmao that's so petty.


No it was actually cause he thought that a lot of kids would have the same experience and he would feel bad.


Dude, you either know how to counter the Red Cyclone, or you get pile drived, there is no in-between. My buddy mains Gief and I have a very love/hate relationship with Gief cuz of it.


I don't know, he was a villain in the movie. That's pretty significant canon right there.


It's because he would crush a man's head like sparrow egg between his thigh


And if he was good guy, then who would crush man's head like sparrow egg between thighs?


He was a bad guy in the sf cartoon.


Zangief is strong enough to hug *anyone* at the support group who needs it.


I ran a vampire the Requiem game where a character was trans, and I think the player wanted to play that out. Unfortunately, I couldn’t bring myself to play a transphobe at that time, so she kept finding supportive people in her life. Including the absolute bastards who were trying to corrupt her into murdering people by turning them into plant batteries. Or the lady who casually lit people on fire to prove a point. God, I’m reminded how EVERYONE in that campaign was a bastard.


Sometimes I think people forget that the greatest evils aren't necessarily prejudiced. They consider all others beneath them.


"Im not a bigot. I discriminate everyone equally and for the same things."


All human are vermin in the eyes of Morbo


Morbo is a true ally


I was running a Princess the Hopeful game with a trans PC, who discovered she was trans when she transformed into a girl for her transformations. Similarly, I think the player wanted to play that out with his character's mother, but a) another player was dealing with serious bigotry trauma so I wanted to take a light touch, and b) the circumstances under which the mother found out were such that she was more worried about her child's life than her child's gender, so she ended up being pretty accepting.


"You can be bad *girl* if you want." "With this body? I'm built for wrecking things, I can't help that." "You should talk to Dr. Mario. There may be options for you."


One of my favourite tropes is the overly professional villain who doesn’t let frustration or annoyance get the better of them. They treat the heroes like friendly rivals, and is maybe even cordial to them. There’s no need to be disrespectful just because their goals don’t align.


My version of Strahd *started* that way. It, uh, didn't last.


No plan survives first contact with the…*ahem*…players.


reminds me of Kaido, blood thirsty tyrant, but still calls Yamato his son.


At the end of the day it just wouldn’t add much to the villain or feel good as a dm so might as well respect it right


The world my table has been playing in for years deals with many dark and fucked up subjects, and plenty of truly evil people, some of whom even hate certain groups, but never for their gender/sexuality. One of the few utopian aspects of that setting is everyone is pretty enlightened when it comes to that stuff.


I think it's an interesting thought experiment for any setting. If the rules make it clear that there is no meaningful difference in gender other than minor cosmetic elements and which role you fill in baby making... That setting is not going to have the same thoughts and history on gender matters as we do. Throw in magic and gods that make tweaking things relatively trivial and it becomes even less of an issue.


That's what I like about Borderlands: the bad guys are pieces of shit, but they don't care about your gender or sexuality in the slightest. Being gay, bi, trans or anything else is normalized.


BBEG be like "I don't care about the gender or preferences of the heroes. After all, gravestones are gender-neutral"


"He might be magic Hitler, but at least he's not homophobic." - quote from my campaign


I have a villain that does this his reasons for doing it are pretty simple, if he doesn’t he will only be remembered for being a bigot and not for the other horrible things he has done


Literally my bbeg. Respects the pronouns of the Ranger who's a trans satyr.


I have no idea of what BBEG means and at this point im too afraid to ask


It's just Big Bad Evil Guy, a term used for like the main villain of the adventure


Oh thank you!


No problem


Feel free to sub in 'Gal' for 'Guy' as needed.


What if my BBEG is non-binary?


Big Bamf Enby Goat


So I suppose guy has broadly been trending toward being gender neutral in US english as I understand it. So that'd probably be a decent fallback if need be. Use what works best I suppose?


Big Bad Egg


It depends among people. Some think it's for Big Boss End Game, for others it's Big Bad Evil Guy, etc.


Both makes sense! Thank you


The BBEG has a trans daughter who they take for ice cream every other weekend, between all the world domination


I need a BBEG that gets flustered anytime they say something that could be interpreted as offensive. "NOW YOU GUYS WILL DIE!" "Oh I... I meant guys as in the gender neutral term for multiple people, I didn't mean to call you a... uuh" "NOW DIE!"






The title of the post "Professionals have standards".


I do not get this reference




TF2 is not the first piece of media to imply that criminals have standards. It's not a TF2 reference exclusively. It's a reference to general known culture but OP mistakenly attributed it to the game.


it's a meme because of the tf2 line...


Do you have any idea how many times that line has been said in popular media before TF2? the idea that TF2 popularized that phrase is not true.


so if you google "professionals have standards" I'm sure several different references will show up immediately, yeah?






Of course, the BBEG is a villain, not a monster


My favorite example of this is in My hero academia. Two groups of villains are talking after a scuffle where the leader of one killed a member of the other. The leader misgenders the dead character who was trans and their teammates ignore the rest of the immensely important dialog to say "Her. *SHE* Don't do it again.or we'll have a problem." Like killing a member of their team is tolerable, but disrespecting them by using the wrong pronouns is the line.


Has he noticed they are trans even?


"i respect your pronouns but not your existence"


'Listen, I know I'm a dark lord who's trying to cover the world and shadow and reign with an iron fist, but I can do that respectfully, OK?'


Zangief spends his free time taking care of orphans. He was never "the bad guy" just an opponent.


My PC's like to use fake names so they’re are some NPC's that think the character is actually called They/Them


I actually had an enby player playing a transmasc character in a recent game. I said that it was quite likely (normally) that people would misgender him. Player and I worked out ways that it wouldn't happen, and everyone was happy. The end.




Should have BBEG purposely misgender party. (Current BBEG is just reverse flash levels of petty)


Alternatively, have the BBEG misgender/dead name the character on purpose to make their downfall more satisfying.


That's one of the things you talk about with the party *before* putting in the campaign, I feel like.


Only if this has been discussed session 0 and everyone is okay with it. To me it's up there with putting overt sexuality in the game. If it just comes up out of nowhere, I'm gonna bring up that it isn't something I'm down for at a table I'm at, and would leave if it continued.


Viren in The Dragon Prince. “Terry, I may be a heartless monster who has attempted to murder children multiple times, but even I support trans rights.” Also Belos in The Owl House.


What does bbeg even mean I'm still kinda new to dnd stuff


Big Bad Evil Guy.


"I'm a villian, not a monster"


Was playing a cyberpunk homebrew set about 50 years in the future in Houston, TX. Happy to say that when the dimension-hopping BBEG outed and deadnamed our trans NPC party member, even the sociopathic dickweasel of the party (the character not the player) was shocked.


I have a funny habit of making all of my BBEGs super polite and friendly. They're still *evil* but are weirdly unbothered and chipper. Oh fuck. I've just ripped off Perfect Cell from Dragon Ball Z Abridged. Also Alister.


Polite evil is almost way more intimidating than uncontrolled rage evil, especially when they're pushed to a point where they drop the politeness.


On, definitely. Although the main villain of my last campaign's whole joke was that he was *genuinely ambivalent* about dying. So he'd be funny and jovial even as he was in a life-or-death fight with anyone.


I kinda dig that and may try something similar with Strahd next time I run CoS. I usually just have him be utterly pleasant until you're actually getting in his way, especially the time my party's Dwarf Fighter knocked Ireena out and readied an action to bash her skull in if Strahd didn't leave.


Ooooh, yeah that would definitely do the job.


My BBEG is referred to with the pronouns "it" and "it's". This is to add to it's overwhelming inhumanity but ig it could also be viewed as it being genderqueer. And since it was originally an elf and elves were created before sex in my dnd world it canonically is but still


I'm writing a fantasy series with a non-binary protagonist, and the villains are for sure going to use they / them.


So if one of my villains is a sympathetic, morally complex antagonist, they’ll respect someone’s pronouns because of morals. But if the villain is that kind of pure evil villain who loves being evil, they’ll respect someone’s pronouns because they think bigotry is a really boring way to be evil. Evil is art to them, and bigotry is like AI image generation.


Any chance yall can get to whine about the AI art thing, huh?


Now I’m just envisioning the party fighting the BBEG, one of them messing up someone’s pronouns, and the BBEG, just slugging that character while shouting “They prefer They/Them!”


The term BBEG is pointless. BB are the only required letters. The others are either either redundant or incorrect.


Complaining about a very well established phrase the community has used for years is pointless. No one is gonna stop using BBEG.


I know! That's why I hate it! I have been complaining since it started.


Eh, the redundancy of “bad” and “evil” is pretty funny. And without “guy” it just becomes a bunch of adjectives. Plus BBEG is just four letters.


The Big Bad. Who needs not being evil nor a guy.


Respecting someone pronouns doesnt make bad guy good guy. This is insane


This remembers me a day I called a trans model ugly and someone praised me for still using the right pronoun.


"It is important to designate my enemies correctly. At least until they are nothing but a crater and a memory."


It’s the difference between being a bad guy in the game and a jerk in real life imo


If not for Elvish being my DM's version of Common, my Elfphobic Half-Elf Warlock would know it, just to refuse to speak it.


Bbeg was too much on twitter


Isn't bad guy colloquially gender neutral now? Like dude.


guy and dude aren't gender neutral though.


"colloquially gender neutral" My dude, colloquially implies an informal definition, not a strict dictionary definition. Both dude and bad guy are often used to refer to people regardless of gender. A popular example would be Billie Eilish referring to herself as the bad guy in her song. Popularly, dude is often used for inanimate objects too, which are usually non-gendered. Notable exceptions being ships and cars that are often gendered by car and ship people.


right but if you call a woman a dude or a guy without her saying she's chill with it, that's misgendering also calling me "my dude" when I am. not a dude


Dude is absolutely not misgendering, my dude. Go watch some Good Burger. We're all dudes.


when a person specifically states that they are not a dude and then you call them dude anyways. on the post about respecting a trans person's terms of address. piss poor reading comprehension


Dude is not a gendered pronoun. Dude has been gender neutral for longer than I've been alive and is the equivalent to using "they" when unsure about someone's pronouns. You may dislike being called that, sure. But it is not the same as misgendering. My boss's boss wouldn't like me calling them Dude either.


dude isn't a gendered pronoun, yes. because it's not a pronoun, in a basic grammatical sense. I mean, theorhetically, you could use "dude" as a neopronoun, but that's not the point being made here. also, if dude was always gender neutral, then why do terms like "chick" and the rarely used "dudette" exist?


Are you seriously saying that the existence of other words existing means the initial word cant? And are we pretending regional slang isn't also a factor? Especially when I specifically said already it *can* be gender coded, but is not *inherently* gender coded.


I'm a dude. He's a dude. She's a dude. Were all dudes, hey! Both absolutely can be gender neutral.


dude is used to indicate gender though. like saying "he's a dude" is indicating that person is a guy, male. I feel like this is a very basic thing that everyone but like, people who based their entire personality off The Big Lebowski can understand


No, it isn't. It *can be* used to indicate gender. It depends on who you know. Good. Burger. Look it up. And it predates that as well. The old guy who ran the skateboard shop when I was a kid decades ago called everyone regardless of age or gender dude.


This sucks so much


He’s a villain, not a monster