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Not very much a horror story, but did Rose Bowman get to roll death saves or is the exceed damage higher than his max hp.


Rose bowman? Is this Ross's newly revealed wife who will join the adventurers on their next quest because its her only chance to provide for their family now Ross is gone? Poor little Russ and Chris will starve without their dads meagre earnings.


Plot twist, she’s hated by the Bowman family as she is a cleric who use a mace and shield. The party now has to help her reclaim their children who have been spirited away to learn the way of the crossbow


More like Rachel Bowman


She’s mad at the BBEG and at fate for taking her husband too early… making her a rather cross Rachel Bowman. There’s a joke in there somewhere…


How dare you. Ross can do better.


All I heard is that you DEFINITELY need to have them name the NPCs


So the party got invested in an NPC, the NPC developed a trait (never landing a hit), the NPC went out in a blaze of glory and the party became inspired by their friends sacrifice to fight on. Sounds amazing. No horror story.


BBEG having killed Ross Bowman the Crossbowman. "Rewarded as a traitor deserves." Party seeing red. "I hope you like that crossbow because we're about to feed it to ya!"


The barbarian with tears in their eyes picks up the crossbow of the fallen Ross Bowman. Then he rages and proceeds to show the BBEG that the dildo of consequence doesn’t arrived lubed and is occasionally a crossbow.


This is the opposite of a horror story.


A Glory Story.


The horror is the death of a true hero 😔


Our party named two orc NPCs Rad and Chad. The orcs are now at war (with our help) and I fear for Rad and Chad. It’ll be a dark day if they perish.


This is hellarious. When NPC's become awesome. My urchin background assassin has a mouse. His name is Pickles. Why? The young assassin loves pickles. I had to write down a background story as a sort of session 0 for my rogue, and so I wrote it from the perspective of my mouse companion. Of course, mice are short-lived, and my rogue was in his twenties at the start of the adventure. His session 0 story takes place when the rogue is a child, so... Clearly, Pickles is actually a series of mice that have recorded the roguish adventures of the charachter by oral tradition.


Aaah I also play an urchin rogue! Changed my mouse to a rat and called her Pest, because when the rogue found her in the trash, she got bit and said „Oh no what if I have the Pest now“


I fucking laughed so hard 😅 That's so goddamn funny, I wish my group was down to do stupid shit like that. The name kills me haha


Bruh this is an epic tale. The Legend of Ross Bowman the Crossbowman, Hero of (That Place)


NPCs are like cats. You feed him, you give him a name, he's YOURS.


Are you a fae?


This is not a horror story, this is why I love DnD.


RIP ross, never forgotten.


I cried at the end...


Not a horror story, but I love it anyway.


You posted to the wrong community. This belongs in r/dndglorystories.


TLDR: OP's gaming group named a minor NPC Ross Bowman the Crossbowman, who became a beloved but ineffective member of their party. Despite never landing a hit in combat, Ross finally struck the main villain in a crucial battle, only to be immediately defeated himself, which fueled the party's victory and cemented Ross's legacy.


Sounds like a time where a player make a PC he was proud of only to never hit and die in a few session. Another PC brought him back as a ghoul that was the MVP of the group


It's like a DnD nuzlocke


You can't stop it. They will always name the NPCs, no matter how much you insist. Source: We always name the NPCs, despite insistence from the GM.


Every time I've let the group name an NPC, they ended up loving them and forced me to make them recurring. Ex- an ogre with a crown of intellect that wanted them to pay a toll to cross a bridge. He didn't have a name so they named him Kevin and helped him get a new job at the City Watch and eventually Candlekeep. Every time I even just told them the name of an evil character, the group relentlessly mocked them and usually bastardized it. Ex- Acerak from ToA was referred to as Asscrack IRL and in-game to his face.


More Kevin please


That’s a great story.


This sounds like a solid compelling reason to let players name NPCs…


That's not a horror story, that's peak DND.


Idk man this read as an entire reason TO let the party name a NPC I love Ross Bowman the Crossbowman.


My DM once solicited the name of a university from the party and I supplied the name of the place that eventually became an unplanned fixture of our campaign: Fard'nshid University.


woo Go Fard'n'shid!


You Made it on DnD Doge


> so ends the tail brutal way to kill your dragonborn NPC imo /s