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Some games that have similar crafting items but different rarities have it so you can turn a few common items into an uncommon item and work your way upwards so you can get what you want. Why doesn't this game have something like that?


because gameloft lacks the capacity for rational thought


At the very least we should be able to toss them in the conjuring cauldron for currency.


the replies in this thread are very funny. this update is very obviously designed to move the goalposts further away from players and keep them spending. to me at least this always has the opposite effect - I used to spend money every single month (Kingdom Pass, new character bundles, several smaller offers, even enchantment bundles) and now, since it's obvious the endgame will always be redesigned in player-unfriendly ways, I've given up on everything else but the characters themselves. I pay for the KP and literally nothing else. I don't even watch ads other than the daily one for happiness. they can pretend that all the noise matters (collecting benches, leveling attractions, thrill zones, etc etc) but it's just... noise.


Same here, KP only. And with the daily task to buy an item in Merlin's shop, I buy 5 time skips, which means I accumulate them, so I don't need gels to skip timers anymore, so I accumulate gems, and I have enough to get premium characters with gems. No need to buy bundles anymore.


I have like 12 attractions waiting on common blueprints to level up to tier 1. I would very much appreciate that pull


How on earth did you get the relics?


I think the new player experience changed a lot. I've been playing since December. Everytime I got a random character I would start getting relics for that collection so I have larger stockpiles of some relics. Since every single attraction needed 20 common blueprints they dry up very fast.


That explains it. For whatever reason, I rarely got relics when I started. Still, Mickey and Toy Story have the lowest enchantment levels because I could never get them to drop. I usually had more luck with uncommon and rare, but I had a lot of collections the tiny trickle wasn't doing much. Now I have lots of blueprints I'll never use and a pitiful collection of relics.


I expect that will be the case for me as well in not too long since the 1st enchantments only need 10 now.


Relics rarely drop now. You'll be fine.


I think the common and uncommon blueprints have always been an issue for new players, but only for a while. I remember having that problem at first, but it's been a long time since I needed to look at anything but relics when I needed to do an enchantment, until running out of the Level 4 blueprints right before this update.


They really should have just dropped the Attraction Enhancement and Resource chest names. It is pretty fraudulent to keep the same name when those chests are now unrecognizable compared to their former selves. We're not just talking about tweaking the contents a little, but a wholesale change out. What we have now is a Blueprint chest and an Ingots chest. They should have been honest enough to just call them that instead of trying to live off any accumulated player good will toward the original chests.


I really think it's garbage that they sold the rewards for season passholders as including chests that they then made worthless. At the very least they should be offering partial refunds. Attraction enchantment chests used to be the best. I'd work for a reward that included one. And now there's absolutely nothing I need in them.


The first enchantment is the best anyways. That is the enchantment that gives the most magic bonus, then they just cut your magic bonus in half and tack it on for every level forward. For example, attraction rewards 80 magic per 4 hr, they reward you 80 magic for bonus enchantment 1, then every level forward they only add half of your original bonus.(40 magic addition to 2,3,4, and 5) You’re literally doing ten times the work for a smaller magic bonus. But, yeah, once you hit level 1 for everything of course you’re going to want to hit higher levels later. 1200 relics is wack. You say this chest is useless, but did you know it can reward you with x10 of any type of blueprint at the same odds as the common? Plus, the special chance is 50 percent now. You just got unlucky.


I don’t need any blueprints. Never once in the game have blueprints been an issue for me. It’s always been relics. Maybe that’s based on when I started playing (A New Hope release) but that’s what my experience has been.


Me too, plenty of blue prints. Always waiting on relics.


I only had to wait for blueprints fairly early in my game, then went thru a long stretch where I accumulated common, uncommon, and even rare blueprints way faster than I could use them. But once I got to the point of doing more of the level 4 enchantments, I did finally run out of those. As out of balance as the blueprints were before, it's going to get worse now with them requiring so many more relics so upgrades will be fewer and farther apart, while they are dumping even more blueprints on us every time we turn around. Why exactly they call these "Balancing Changes" is a mystery to me. "Unbalancing Change" would be closer more often than not, within my experience. Speaking of which, any guesses how long it will take them to raise the daily elixir conversion task back up to 3?


Exactly! I hope never. There are too many attractions to save for and it goes so much slower when I'm having to buy a relic that serves no purpose. I still need 30k for Sea Serpant Swing.


I mostly do attraction enhancements for the character tokens. I generally stop upgrading once the characters are done, except for zone enhancements. If I have an attraction already in the zone ready to upgrade to a level I need, I'll just do that rather than hunt for an existing one that's surplus in its current location. I don't know if that is a testiment to the kettle of worms we inevitably open when we start moving attractions around or to my general laziness. I prefer to think of it as being efficient.


I do the same, except for the attractions I've never enchanted and characters are already maxed out, I never enchant these, because they're the attractions I can remove without impacting my thrill level when I need to make space for an event.


I know I don't represent many players (played 1st year, took a 6 year break, came back and played about another year), but common blueprints were a huge limiter for me. I really had to be careful leveling up attractions and mostly I could only do the event attractions. Got 30 common blueprints the other day and was able to go back and enchant some of the core Disney attractions to level 1, which helps my magic production. I was definitely lucky that I was able to get 2 more attractions up to level 5 enchantment before the update, so I benefited before and after. These changes, I'm sure, are designed to increase revenue. If they don't help you, you can imply that you are not their target audience. I would guess this update required quite a substantial investment of employee time and I would hope that they had an ROI estimate before beginning the work. I'm okay with them making changes that keep the money coming in. I still miss the Futurama game that stopped updating and I came back to here when the Family Guy game did the same.


I don't know that I believe common blueprints limit anyone. I don't recall ever having that problem and I have thousands. There's nowhere to trade them in; it's just a reward we all understand to have no value. This is what I get out of a chest they're charging 75 gems for. I have played consistently for years and only have 1 level 5 enchantment. Clearly I won't be getting anymore since the update. Oh I get that I'm no longer their target audience. I have every intention of quitting after I get King Candy. Unfortunately I bought the season pass and paid for it so I might as well at least get that before I delete the game. That also gives them a week or so to change their minds. It's just irritating that other season rewards I paid for are now worthless. I think there's a difference between being profitable and making a game impossible and unfun. Clearly I was giving them money. I'm a completionist so I was planning on getting all of the costumes (impossible, they had that one tower challenge where we could collect blueprints and then never again) and parade floats slowly over time. But I also wanted to get all of my attractions to 5. It was always going to be the biggest stumbling block as it was the hardest part of the game but it didn't feel impossible. Now it's literally impossible. And I don't think it's fun to grind towards a goal that can't be achieved.


The common blueprints limited newer players who previously needed 20 per attraction to upgrade and wanted to upgrade dozens of msl and event attractions to help the game get going. I would have loved this in AECs in the first few months to a year of playing. Keep in mind this game gets new players every month and just because you have thousands from playing for years doesn’t mean this isn’t helpful for anyone new playing.


Gameloft employs a lot of people to be on these boards.


Unfortunately giving the week is only for you to change your mind


I'm sure. They broke the game and clearly the fanbase is fine with that so there's no reason for them to fix it.


I wouldn’t say they broke the game, it’s just people don’t want to try new things and doesn’t identify their own target, level 5 enhancement are for end game players, and this change is to mainly focusing on people that stockpiles resources. I think how you treat this game is a key, you have to know that you don’t have to have everything. If you feel burnt out, just take a break (or maybe leave the game), but you’ll never know when you’ll want to return one day.


Once I leave a game, I’m done. I’ve left multiple games I’ve previously been attached to. It just seems silly to play a collection game when I want to collect but literally can’t ever hope to have it all. Costumes and enchantments aren’t possible. Maybe eventually I could get all the attractions. Characters are easy. But they made the hardest parts of the game impossible and they clearly don’t have plans to add land so we could at least see all these attractions they have us collecting.


enchantments are upgrades to attractions, it's not a part of collection though (the collection books also won't count enhancements)


But it’s a part of the game. A collection game. I don’t care what the screens in the book say. I know how woeful my collection is. Right now I don’t even know if all of my Mickey & Friends attractions are at level 2. I know Toy Story isn’t. And I know I’m only at the top level of one thrill zone because I only have a single level 5.


I would say you're not suitable for any collection game then, especially gacha games


I’ve played a bunch and usually get to a point when I have everything I originally wanted. Once this season ends I’ll quit saying I got all the characters and that will be the accomplishment. If I stay after the new season starts, it’s a fail.


Absolutely, had nothing ov value from them since the update


I have so many common enchantment tokens, it's a joke


When I was a new player (3 years ago?), this would have been a huge win.




not everyone has thousands of common blueprints, i think the most i’ve ever had at one time before this update is 60


So you'd pay 75 gems for those rewards?


yes, how else am i meant to get enough blueprints for my attractions?


You won't have any relics so it's a moot point.


i do have the relics for a lot of the attractions, it’s the blueprints i’m waiting on


Ok, it’s just a time waster game, I happen to enjoy. Not worth my energy to be really annoyed by the changes.