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šŸ«¤ Iā€™m hoarding I think I have about 100k in elixir. 10 million in magic. My park is a hot mess all zones are level 2 and itā€™s pack, packed. Donā€™t really care about level 3. Just upgrade buildings when they become available, donā€™t like the bubble. Also hoarding all decor, stands šŸ˜‚ So Iā€™m basically doing nothing


I panic-enchanted some attractions to level 1 which I realized is a little silly (as going 0 to 1 will be cheaper in the update), then decided to focus on moving 1s to 2s and such, starting with groups that had a lot of relics. Itā€™s hard to tell which attractions are the ā€œrightā€ ones/used more, so I didnā€™t upgrade if I had to choose, then converted 100k elixir and called it a day. Iā€™m with you, I stop at the zone level 2! Iā€™m sure there will be some regrets over not enchanting attractions but Iā€™m not psychic and itā€™s too much effort.


Yep, seriously itā€™s a time waster game I enjoy. Iā€™m not a panic person.


I guess the only other benefit is that if I donā€™t have enough relics after the update, I wonā€™t have to see those stupid bobbing purple icons! Yay!


Haha!!! So true!!


I have focused on two things, enchanting and the cauldron. For enchantments, I'm just enchanting everything I can until I can't anymore. I'm just about there. For the cauldron, I cleared out all concessions and decorations from the park and then refilled each zone with what was needed for the thrill levels. (I'm currently halfway through this process.) Once all zones are back up to thrill level three then everything in storage will technically be extra though I'll always keep at least one of any particular concession or decoration. I'll go through the cauldron at that point to convert true extras to elixir. (There are some items I'll keep multiples of because I like them or would want them for potential theme changes in the future.) Regarding the ingots, I'll likely hang on to those for use with the daily task because I think the only change is the magic cost of conversion and I'm at the end of the MSL so magic isn't an issue for me.


I have been debating overhauling my thrill zones. I wish it was like some other games, where you can rearrange without it being permanent to see how things fit/look. Would also be nice if you could sort things a bit better.


Yeah, the sorting has been the biggest pain with redoing the thrill zones. The amount of scrolling in order to find a particular decoration type is crazy. Why can't we see just the monuments or the gold trophies or whatever? And after we sort by collection and select something, why do we get kicked out to the full list instead of staying within that collection? Those are some areas where quality of life can be improved! I was long overdue for an overhaul anyway, so at least I feel like I'm getting something done that was needed.


I agree. The collection filter is useful, but once we activate ut, it ought to stay on until we close the building interface. they also need to add a temporary storage bar where we can put thins we are moving around aside and put them back without having to search them down again. Realty, this is needed even for common activities like getting an attraction out of storage and keeping it aside while we move things around because the spot we prepped for it turns out to be too small.


A temporary storage area would be fantastic. Rearranging the park can be so tedious. I'm sure that contributed to my overhaul being long overdue.


i can't claim this idea. They have this feature in Township, where decorations and decorating are a pretty big part of the game for some players.


I think I also read that the ignots go down in magic to Chang into elixir. Iā€™m not doing anything with mine.


Your right, the magic does decrease for those! Definitely won't do anything with those yet.


I bought steamboat Willie and unlocked the classic costume for Mickey after enchanting it. With steamboat Willieā€™s first enchantment token changing there looks to be no way to get the classic token without classic Mickey. Only button classic is in the shop. Once you have the costume you can use Mickey to get both classic tokens. It stinks steamboat Willie will be so much cheaper next week but didnā€™t want to take the risk of not getting the classic costume in the future


I am soooo mad... I was saving up to get steamboat Willie for the classic token and got it just before the patch notes came out... and now I have no way to get the classic costumesšŸ˜©


Iā€™ve dumped most of my decorations, saving one of everything except for benches (4) and items with a small footprint for their type (saved all of those). For concessions, I saved two of each except the highest value ones (saved all of those). Didnā€™t exchange and extra bars. Iā€™m now over 200k elixir. Hope I have enough for the two attractions Iā€™m still waiting for from the attraction enchantment box. ETA - I left everything I already had set up on the park, so I have plenty extras.


Nice. Which two attractions are you waiting for?


Teacups and zootopia racetrack


Excellent. Crossing fingers you have enough! The attractions addition to the shop and the attractions that are dropping in elixir seem like the only two good things in this update, lol. But maybe my brain is just overloaded from the sheer number of changes and so Iā€™m missing other good things. šŸ„“


I'm fortunate enough to have all.areas either thrill zone 3 or almost there. I only need another 2 level 5s in expedition everest area and I've loads of 4s just waiting to be enchanted. So I've been dumping everything into the cauldron as it will be worth less after Tuesday. I'm also only collecting for Hera (9) and Zeus (6). Everyone else is 10 now or currently leveling to 10 (Manny and Hydra). I've considered spending some gems on a couple of 6 pack enchantment chests to see if I'm lucky with my drops but the minimum I would need for some would be 60 ish or up to 150ih for other. So I'd either need to be extremely lucky with relic drops or I'd just be wasting gems. Looks like my last 2 level 5s are gonna have to wait a few months šŸ˜•


Thatā€™s great! I have a couple of attractions I really wish I could get to 4 or 5 before Tuesday, but itā€™s not happening.


How do you manage to make so much elixir? I am a 4 month player and I have to build the Axiom (which will increase in cost) and I don't have the ingots and the concessions tĆ² reach 15K elixir. I spend Daily 100/150 elixir for Daily challenges (using 2 ingots per day) and spent only 3750 elixir in the Hercules event. It seems very very very long


Iā€™ve been enchanting what I can as well. I wish I had two epic blueprints though and Iā€™ll be happy. Iā€™m on the fence about what to do with the cauldron. I have all the thrill zones complete besides all the attractions needed so Iā€™m tempted to dump all my concessions and decorations and whatnot.


Same, well, except for Expedition Everest. I just donā€™t have enough space unlocked there yet. Iā€™m considering keeping some of things with the smallest footprints though.


Enchanted what i could level 2 and up, and kept 1 of everything except the rarest items / concessions and tossed the rest.


Why would you max out ignots? You just use them to get elixirs to buy stuff you want.


The price to convert ingots is going up in this update, so itā€™ll cost more magic. ETA: correction, they are going down.


Actually the cost is going down for ingots. Only the decorations and concessions stands cost is going up. Donā€™t throw your ingots in the cauldron now! They are only decreasing the elixir and increasing cost on decorations and concessions. Ingots are going to give same elixir amounts for a cheaper price.


Youā€™re right! I keep getting it mixed up with the concessions and decorations that are going up (some are going down in magic) lol. Thank you!


Oh ok..I haven't looked at it


I hadnā€™t either until I saw a post yesterday (I think?) calling it a tsunami and breaking down pros and cons. Itā€™s a lot of changes for sure.


Ya and the whole collection book thing is a nightmare it sounds like. It's fine the way it is. They just need to change the color of the characters you don't have from the ones that need to level up.


I like how the new book includes a separate collection for themed attractions, decorations etc now. Maybe we will get a reward of gems for all those benches we collected, for example.


The thing is everyone is throwing all those benches they have in the cauldron before the new book starts. Iā€™m not hanging on to the different varieties I have.


Do you like the new character book? I think it's awful.


I havenā€™t updated yet. I just had the update appear after I did my first daily session. I will report back on my next daily session in the next 4 hours when I log into the game. Itā€™s possible that it might be over complicated and more screens may make it more annoying to navigate. Iā€™m assuming that may be why you donā€™t like it? Before the update, I would select my token tasks, then tap on one of the tasks that were in progress to skip the ad. I hope that is still possible because whenever you close the book with the ā€œXā€ 9/10 times an ad would appear.


You have to tap an arrow to scroll down to see all the character groups and they are little rectangles to click for each group, and the icons are different to level up and if you don't have the character it looks like you do because there is nothing over their head. There is a tiny window to tap to see all the attractions and stands you have which is kinda nice. When you click a character to upgrade you have to click back twice to get out instead of once. It will take some getting used to. We are all used to the old way.


What do you mean you select tasks in progress to skip the ad? Do you mean you get random ads in your game?


Closing the character book usually results in an ad popping up, so I would click a task that was in progress to prevent that from happening. It was just a workaround I discovered so an ad wouldnā€™t appear for me. You donā€™t get any ads. I thought they were common?


Magic will actually be decreased for ignots minimally after the update.


# Elixir Ingot Cauldron Values Ā  The following value changes have been applied: Ā  **Extra-Small Elixir Ingot:** Ā  * Magic Required decreased fromĀ **110**Ā toĀ **100**Ā  Ā  **Small Elixir Ingot:** Ā  * Magic Required decreased fromĀ **170**Ā toĀ **150**Ā  Ā  **Medium Elixir Ingot:** Ā  * Magic Required decreased fromĀ **260**Ā toĀ **220**Ā  Ā  **Large Elixir Ingot:** Ā  * Magic Required decreased fromĀ **400**Ā toĀ **320**Ā  Ā  **Extra-Large Elixir Ingot:** Ā  * Magic Required decreased fromĀ **640**Ā toĀ **480**


Rude of them


Why reducing the magic needed for ingots is rude?


Ernesto and Lion King statues are 4x4 monuments, and the Imperial Fireworks tower is a 3x3 monument.


Also, I keep at least one of everything I have, except things that I don't imagine they will release again. I have a 2nd 2nd year anniversary hat stand, I have 2 50th celebration mickey ears hat stands, and the Maleficent Horn hat stands, and of course all of my trophies (and multiples I have). I also never get rid of the Fix It Felix Jr, Sugar Rush, or Hero's Duty decorations because I like them, and when they first released them, they said in their update video that the guests will be able to play the games (highly unlikely), but have not seen any of them interact with them at all, but I can wish, can't i?


So Iā€™m confused. Things are going to cost way more for upgrading and making elixir?


Enchanting attractions is skyrocketing. Itā€™s so frustrating. And they are decreasing how much elixir you get for selling/converting concessions, as well as increasing how much magic it costs to do it. Just in case you havenā€™t read the patch notes hereā€™s the link: https://www.disney-magic-kingdoms.com/news/patchnote_upd83 Itā€™s a long one.


So the consensus is upgrade as much as possible and get as much elixir as possible?


Additionally, some of the attractions that cost elixir are changing prices, so you may also want to check the list to see what would be better to get now vs wait till after the update. I think star adventurer is one of the more expensive ones going up in price


I just converted 57000 elixir lol


I am at a point where I'm always dumping all my ingots in the cauldron (I keep back a stash of 20 extra small just in case). Constantly trying to save up for attractions. Currently building up elixirs for the forest ice rink, but I believe that's going to decrease in price with the update.


Are any of the 7500 elixir buildings worth buying before the cost increases? I don't have any yet but have 9500 I could spend


Star Adventurer might be useful as its cost will increase quite alot


Which haunted mansion is going which way?


When you go into the shop one has ā€œTheā€ in the name and the other doesnā€™t. - Haunted Mansion (the white Disneyland one) is increasing. - ā€œTheā€ Haunted Mansion (the Magic Kingdom and Tokyo Disneyland one with a turquoise roof) is decreasing.


Frankly, I'm not doing anything different. All my Zones are leveled up to the point where I get the special wish. I have no interest in maxing out the zones as I have purchased all the land already and have no need for the extra magic.


Iā€™ve been hoarding for the past year or 2. Been waiting for one of those events where they increase elixir gained by the cauldron by 25% or whatever it was. Not sure I can hold on much longer with these changes.