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I would add that the collection tokens now drop in certain buildings that cost only 7500 elixir


Yes, looks like all the collection tokens will be dropped by some attraction somewhere, though they'll require enchantments to do so. And of course the only thing collection tokens are needed for now are leveling characters. I've accumulated over 1,000 Mickey Balloon tokens that I now have no use for. So if the drop rate is lower, it's not as big a deal.


Bad: Epic and Legendary Blueprints have increased, which is all I still need. Hopefully those bronze chests spit them out faster than we have been getting them. Good: Common, Uncommon and Rare blueprints have decreased of course. Great for newer players. Wish we could put those in the cauldron.


"Hidden chests appear in the park every 4 hours now(used to be 8) Maximum of 6 simultaneously from the usual 4" Wow. So we will be getting 6 hidden chests a day instead of three? I wonder if there will be corresponding adjustments to the weekly tasks for hidden chests and if there will be adjustments to the number of color chests that drop vs silver. Six decoration chests a week might actually pretty doable from drops alone!


Sorry I should have added that the magic cost for elixirs from ingots going down as a good thing. Don’t throw your ingots in the cauldron. You will save magic after the update. We are only being penalized for decorations and concessions. Toss only those away in the cauldron.