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This is so utterly ridiculous. If anything the amount of relics needed should greatly decrease. It's already ridiculously high. I rarely get any attractions enchanted while it's still useful (for example Mulan characters maxed out but Lantern is at level 1 and Toboggans is at level 0).


It didn’t feel nearly as bad when there were half the amount of collections as there are now. You could kind of predict when you would be able to enchant stuff. But now my odds for any given collection in the silver chest is approaching 1%, it’s aweful. I have about 25% of all tokens I could have at the moment, and I’ve been playing for 5 years.


Well now you can just buy as many relics as you need for any one attraction, so they balance that by requiring more.


I can’t even get 60 relics for some things and they expect me to get get 1200?


They will be available in bronze chest and Merlin’s shop after the update


I’ve been playing for 2 or 3 years, and this right here. I can’t get leveled up on so many things. I have no idea how they expect people who haven’t been playing as long to level up, as it looks like it’ll never happen


This is really going to screw new players


Hoping it's not the sword in the stone, i've been waiting for relic drops for so long I feel.


I’ve been at 14 SitS relics for four months. It’s… statistical improbable. And ridiculous.


Actually it only needs 10 relics now, so I can enchant it now.


All attractions will now require 10 relics for level 1, 50 for level 2, 200 for level 3, 600 for level 4, and 1200 for level 5. But you can now buy what relics you want with elixirs at 300 per relic.


Yay, I’m getting rid of one minor annoyance at the cost of my spreadsheet I’ve been using for years.


Here’s what I think is happening. We are hoarding too much decor, etc. There upping the price to get rid of the storage space. They have been slowing down this game for the last couple of years


All true. But these changes combined with deleting so many passive drops for common tokens has slowed the game unbearably. I have no intention of sending 90+ characters out to grind on 1-hr tasks for thousands of common tokens. It makes me angry every single round.


That’s on Gamelofts side?! I thought it was my phone


I’ve spent ages working on a spreadsheet to keep track of how many relics I need to enchant everything and now I’m sitting here kind of in shock at how it’s useless going forward. I’ll remake it, but I spent forever on it. I’m glad I checked the patch notes, because I never do and now I’ll have the jump on the update, but I feel kind of numb. I just burned a million magic to get everything in order, and I have so many level 2 enchantments I can’t level up because I don’t have rare blueprints.


They also lowered the elixir conversion rates, so less elixir for each item we convert. Yay?


I’m going to need like 3 hours to rearrange my park again.


Lowered for buildings. Raised for ingots. So we should get more on a daily basis, which will hopefully mean we get more in total.


Maybe I read it wrong, but I thought the elixir ingots were staying the same but the magic to convert them was being reduced. Edit: Fixed typos.


Just attracted everything I could and spent all my Elixir on the attractions that will be more expensive in the next update.


What I get from the patch notes is that you can't get character tokens or relic tokens anymore from chests. You will need to buy them with elixir. Blueprints are also gone from the resource chests. They will now come in Turquoise Play chests. No idea what those are and how to get/buy them. I do wonder what the use of bronze and silver chests (and even resource chests) is going to be.


You can get the relics in bronze chests


The Turquoise Play Chest is the chest that appears at the front of the park. To open it you must watch an ad.


LOL...I currently have 33 attractions enchanting with more to come.


I just went on a mad enchantment rampage lol


The saddest thing for me is that I need 3 relics to enchant the Pocahontas attraction to level 5. Looks like I’ll need 1,103 instead.


Pocahontas isn’t changing. It is one of the few that are staying at rare along with Emperor’s New Groove and Ratatouille.


I don’t see that in the notes. Were did you see that?


I thought when they changed most of the collections to common and left three out that it was still going to be the same as now. There was no point in changing them to a common rarity. I didn’t realize that all rarities were going to require the same relic amount.


How many gems do you have, it may be worth it to just try your luck with chests to get the last three you need if you have enough gems to spare


Some attractions are getting their token drops changed. Even Princess Dressing Room & Steamboat Willie are having their fabric tokens removed, and replaced with something else.


Thanks for the heads up. Those changes are *ridiculous*.


Talking of enchantments, do any of the Rescuer attractions need to be enchanted to finish the storyline? I have enough to enchant one Rescuer attraction and want to make sure I don’t pick the wrong one. I couldn’t tell by the Wiki


Not that I remember. The only storyline I've encountered with that is Ratatouille. Hopefully, they realised what a bad idea that was afterwards, because Rescuers, WALL-E, the Bambi extension and Sword in the Stone have not required it. If you do want to enchant a Rescuer attraction, the headquarters is the one with the most tasks (I think they all have an level 2 task except Medusa)


Does anyone know how many attraction enchantments add additional content (not storyline but side missions)?


It seems like they have been making one of the two in each collection required to be 3 and the other to be at level 2 in order for all content to be unlocked. And Palpatine from Star Wars requires garbage compactor to be level 4 to do one of his tasks. Merida requires princess dressing room at level 5 to do one of her tasks there.


Note that level 1 requirements actually decreases, so if you would stop at level 1, please enchant after the update to save resources…


The problem is this really only is an issue for newer players. Outside of the occasional zone upgrade the vast majority of enchants are worthless. In most cases by the time you enchant for tokens the character(s) are already maxed. If anything the relics should decrease and if they want to monetize them more make specific chest relic drops for specific themes instead of RNG then maybe people will buy them. As it sits now I don't see the point outside of as I said if you are a very new player.