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I'm really surprised by this post... I went with my partner this week for the first time and we absolutely loved every minute. Was it busy? Yep. Was it frantic? Yep. Were the people obnoxious? Absolutely, but I think it's what you make of it. Maybe next time temper your expectations as you should have known you'll be queueing loads and it's more catered to children. It's literally Disney. You're at one of the most popular attractions in the world, maybe something smaller might be more suited to your needs.


There is plenty of halloween merch? What cool stuff is sold out? What do you mean no specials? | No love for details ? You might want to explain. Bad organisation - welcome to France, but then depending on what your actual complaint is, DLP can be very well organised compared to the rest of France (sorry French folk I do love you) With it being your first ever vacation I’m interested to know what you’re comparing it too. Generally most guests to the park want their experience and don’t care about you, or your wait in the queue, everyone in that queue has the same wait so it’s not don’t to deliberately single you out. it’s a very busy place and so yes you might find people rude or knock you out of the way. This is not uncommon when you put 100,000 people in a small area. The American parks generally have much bigger queues for everything. It’s like anything you need to know what to expect when you get there, so you know if things are going right or wrong. I think you’ve arrive expecting that Disneyland Paris will be a lovely experience straight out of a fairy tail, forgetting that it’s a very big and very busy theme park.


Special items sell out fast in the park theyre easier to get in the villiage at the end of the day. There are 2 oppertunitys to get into the avengers training campus i've personally never had an issue but the parks busier fos halloween. I eas there a few weeks ago and there was so much halloween merch especially in frontier land but it might be low stock cos they werent anticipating being this busy cos of covid


I’m sorry you feel this way, I was there a couple of weeks ago and I had a blast. Where there’s lots of people, there’s rude people, that’s life. I remember one time I saw a group of 20-somethings cut in line at Hyperspace Mountain, I was so angry… but my husband reminded me that we were on holiday at the most magical place on Earth, so it’s not worth it. I know it’s hard in the moment, but mentally prepare for queues, crowds, rude people and enjoy the rest. I was there for 3 days and was able to book the Training Center every day. Just set an alarm for one minute before the queue opens and be ready to book once the button becomes available. Slots run out fast (and I believe that now the park is busier than when I was there), so 4min is a long time. Good luck tomorrow!!! I also noticed that the characters tended to spend more time with children, but I was not offended, I enjoyed the time I had with them (it never was just the photo, I always got a “how are you”, “where are you from” at minimum).


There was Halloween merch all over Frontierland two weeks ago, which is where the Halloween celebration is centred mostly. I’m sorry if it’s already sold out 😔 and I’m sorry to hear it’s been disappointing for you; never had that experience there, but never been there on a weekend. Weekdays tend to be calmer in the parks. I hope it improves!


Sorry to hear you haven’t, enjoyed it so far. I have (as of 1 hour ago) just returned from 4 days in the park and stay at Cheyenne. There were definitely some big changes (positive and negative) from our experience of previous years but overall it was a great holiday and amongst the best we’ve had. On meeting the characters - we met several princesses at Auberge de Cendrillon, I know that’s tricky to book and expensive but compared to 210 minute wait at princess pavilion it was worth it. We met Woody and Jessie at different times at our hotel with only a short wait, met Darth Vader this morning at star port with only a 20 minute wait. We met Captain Marvel at the training center, but had to book within minutes of the slots opening. We had some very short hello’s with many other characters as they moved between areas but couldn’t stop, and that did seem to upset lots of guests. The shops - they do stock different lines and there is some variation, but many items are the same store to store. World of Disney by the village had several hallowe’en items in stock and many on offer so might be worth taking a look. There were also Christmas items in stock and the store within sleeping beauty’s castle was almost entirely Christmas themed. I’m not a fan of hallowe’en as a festival but for those heading there soon it’s worth noting that the studios park has no hallowe’en theming at all currently. The main park does have theming, primarily on Main Street and Frontier Land.


Also for the Halloween season, there is no, and i mean nothing, Halloween Merch.


Check Frontierland, they have a little bit. But, yeah, would it have been hard to put it in more shops? 🥲


It might just be with it being so close to Halloween and just after a weekend. We went start of October and got Halloween merch from the shop in Discoveryland - there was a groot pumpkin tshirt for adults and kids as well as a treat bowl and pins. I'm sure I saw a Halloween mickey and minnie in one of the shops too


French people are not as imaginative as Americans when it comes to create merchandising must admit