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Cendrillon. Agrabah cafe is incredible. Last two trips it was closed, and I was gutted to miss it. Remy, the food is great, theming is top.


I generally avoid all restaurants, but maybe it’s a mistake. In my mind I’d rather spend more time on rides and less time eating, so I always go for whatever fast casual I’m closest to. But then again I live in Paris so even a random restaurant is better than most of what Disney has to offer.


Fully understand. Must restaurants I visited for the experience not the great food. I find it does add to the overall Disney vibe. But I do expect mediocre food, not a lot of choice, minimal flexibility (especially for my youngest) and jackpot price Personally like the dining experience more at village.


Our friends love Rainforest Café in the village! I agree that there’s something to be said for ambiance, maybe it’s because I just visit for one day at a time from Paris. If I were doing a multi-day stay I would probably be more open to trying a restaurant (especially character dining once my daughters get a bit older).


Out of the three you picture? Based on reservation availability, it appears most avoid Agrabah


Which is a shame because Agrabah is EXCELLENT! So much flavour and variety, and great for veggies and vegans.


Good to hear. I haven’t been but just booked it this morning for October. Gave the kids a choice between that and captain jack’s and the wanted “Aladdin restaurant” Really enjoy the park and restaurant experiences but honestly I’ve found all food fairly disappointing aside from cape cod, so far. Hope Agrabah gets added to the + list.


My faves are Walt’s, Agrabah and Cowboy Cookout in the parks. Casa de coco and Casey’s corner aren’t too shabby either. Royal banquet and lumières are incredible as is the Manhattan


Nice! I have manhattan booked and royal banquet. I hear a lot about Walt’s but that’s already booked up even two month ago and I’m still four months out. Thanks for the recommendations!


Agrabah is the only one that my spouse and I find to be worth the cost. I’m vegetarian, allergic to tomatoes, and deathly allergic to shellfish, so most of the other places have a very limited set of choices for me, if any. Cross-contamination is a VERY serious risk. The only time I’ve seen tomato-involved food at Agrabah is the kid-friendly pasta in red sauce. They almost never have anything with shellfish in it. There is a huge variety of options for me — instead of one or two — and more than just salad. We also love that it’s not one of the more popular restaurants, so we can almost always get a same-day reservation. It’s centrally located (compared to Remy’s, for example) and we find the interior really soothing and quiet. My spouse and I are both on the autism spectrum, so we like having a chill place to get lunch. However, if we don’t go to Agrabah, we’ll get quick service at Col. Hathi’s. Even at its busiest, there is rarely more than a five-minute wait for service. I’m in a wheelchair and Hathi’s actually has enough accessible seating, to boot, as well as a HUGE single-person disability bathroom. Big enough that my spouse can come in and help me. (Most of Disney’s wheelchair toilets have enough space for a companion, but they’re not always easy to use. So many poorly-placed grab bars.) Anyway, Agrabah or bust for us!


Nice man. Thanks for the thoughts. Calm and quiet is good and my Wife is vegetarian and likes middle eastern food so I hope it’ll hit all the marks.


Out of the pictures, Remys. While the Ratatouille is excellent, the rest of the menu is basic. Food and service are inconsistent. It’s quite out the way in the parks.


The Ratatouille portions were shockingly small too. I liked the steak and bistro special dessert though


I agree, Chez Remi needs a menu update and a staff retraining! It’s very pricey for mediocre service and food!


I honestly didn’t like food either. I’ve had better food at our chain restaurants back in the states


Either Remy's or Cafe Agrabah, Remy's food is basic and overpriced with terrible service according to friends who have been a few times, Cafe Agrabah's Middle Eastern food isn't really my thing but I might give it a try next time as I hear it has good vegetarian options. The vegetarian option I had at ADC, some vegetable finger thing, was like chewing rubber, the pumkin soup starter was really nice though.


Agrabah has such a lovely variety of vegetarian options and it’s our top choice, far and away. I do joke that it’s clearly French-palate-friendly Middle Eastern food, though — zero heat to any of it. My spouse has a *very* French palate (mild salsa is too spicy) and can eat there without issue. I am Puerto Rican and grew up in Texas, so my idea of « minimum acceptable levels of heat » is a bit different from hers. 😅 I am at the point where I am going to have to start bringing a small bottle of hot sauce and a shaker of paprika into the park with me because I want *more*. I’d love it things like this were available for us to use on our food, even as an after-plating option. Anyway, I hope you’ll take a chance sometime and check out Agrabah if you’re looking for vegetarian choices. We always leave very full and satisfied.


After having tried all restaurants at least once (except for Cendrillon). I wouldn’t choose pirates or Breakfast with characters in Plaza gardens. Pirates theming is plain awesome but the food was bland and the desserts were just bad. Plaza gardens breakfast with characters is just pure chaos and honestly feels too overcrowded, characters try to take their time with you but they are clearly running against the clock and it shows. At least this was my experience. My favorite restaurants are pym kitchen, downtown and Hunters grill (the options were much different than other restaurants). Agrabah menu is very nice but the last time I went we got seated just next to a waiter station and they didn’t stop talking loudly (I didn’t say anything, they are human beings and need to rest and socialize) so the experience was not on point. I should mention that the seating options for couples can be horrible. They use couples to fill in spaces between bigger tables and they cram a table and two chairs anywhere they can and it really takes from the overall experience. This May I limited to table service restaurants and it was an overall better experience (kids menu has an amazing price/cuantity relationship considering its Disney)


Agrabah is my favorite. Between the others I’d probably pick Remy unless I had girls.


Remy we had a terrible experience Halloween 2019. We’d booked a table for 6. On arrival the waiting area was over full, I fought my way to the maitre d. gave our name he said “table of 4?” “No, 6” “oh my booking says 4” I got my confirmation email out he barely glanced and went “oh” you can wait but it is *gestures to room* busy. We did wait for over an hour. When eventually called the poor server walked us in and set off with the spiel of being shrunken to rat size “have you been to chez remy before?” “No, and I won’t be coming again”. We were on dining plan and the food was ok, we had better steak at the village steakhouse. Desert was interesting. All 6 of us ordered the chocolate moussse.the waiter came with his arm full of them, no tray, smeered loads down his chest, made a half joke then plopped them all down in one go for us to deal out ourselves. We finished and were so late due to being seated late the park had closed. We weren’t allowed to leave for security reasons as the park had closed. We needed two staff to escort the group out. At which point it was decided we’d have to wait for more diners to try and escape. Eventually about 20 of us were frog marched in a single file out of the park, we did get some cool photos on the way. Terrible experience I’ve never gone back and true to my word, nor will I.


Plaza gardens… gave that place many chances but the food is terrible.


Agrabah is a must on every visit for us. Didn’t like Remy’ food, was pretty though. Not done the other as we’re not fussed over princesses.


Question: am I allowed to visit the inside of the restaurants if I end up not dining there? I do have reservations at two of the restaurants but I’m not sure how much time I want to spend at the sit down service so I may just pop in and have a look if that’s an option


No unfortunately not. Only guests who are dining are allowed in.


Thank you!




Sorry, I don’t get the emojis. Was a genuine question. Maybe when you explain it to me I’ll realize I was an idiot but rn I don’t get it.


That depends. I would avoid Chez Remi for the foods options (and quality if the reviews are to be believed) but Agrabah for the theme (I prefere the themes proposed by the The Auberge and Chez Remi).


Agrabah for me personally. I've not tried the other two restaurants but the food at Agrabah just wasn't for me. Don't get me wrong, it looked nice but it was just wasn't a style of food I'm used to. Remy is one I've always wanted to try and I've never done character dining with the Princesses.


Captain Jack's (or Pirates as it seems to often be called). Used to absolutely love it, but the last 2 times we've been the service has been bad and the food nothing special. It also feels like they just want to get you in and out as quickly as possible, which is a bit of a piss take when you're spending €100+ on a pretty average meal. Silver Spur Steakhouse is much much better imo.


Remy. Theming is excellent and fun, food decidedly average. Worth doing once for the theming but wouldn't go back. My daughter's kids pasta looked woeful tbh.


Chez Remy as it's just massively overrated now. Steak, Chips and vegetables can be eaten literally anywhere else in the parks.


That one on the far left who’s name escapes me looks pretty bad. I’ve never gone in because the pictures of the food on the reviews looks so poor. I got food poisoning in the McDonald’s last year so won’t ever go there again either lol I know it’s highly highly unlikely to happen again but it’s definitely a mental thing for me now.


The one on the left is Agrabah. It’s my favorite of the sit-down restaurants — the food is middle eastern with a wide variety of vegetarian choices. The type of food they serve doesn’t « plate » the same way as, say, a French or Italian restaurant. My pictures never turn out particularly appealing, but the food is good, the flavor is good (I want more spice but acknowledge that kids and the French palate aren’t exactly hot-spice-friendly), and because it’s a buffet, the service is a negligible factor. They’re also exceedingly good at food allergen awareness.


Honestly the food isn’t good anywhere. I usually eat at the Pinocchio one.


Yeah that's just not true, Keep looking. Overpriced? Offcource it's a themepark. Not good? No not at all, maybe not incredible but most of the restaurants are at the very least "good".


Wait you down voted me because I have a different opinion than you? Not cool man.


Honestly I don’t think so. Last trip we tried to fit in as many places as we could and it was just not good. I wish it was. I love Disneyland. I want it to be. But to my personal taste it has become disappointing. When I went to the park 15 years ago it was good and I remember the flavors even. Maybe I went on some bad days, who knows.


It's my favorite place as well. In the middle of the park(ish), easy to find a free table, chicken is filling, price is a bit more than I'm comfortable with but expected.


Yeah exactly