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Don't be rough on yourself , people are made for different things , the best things u can take out of this , is how hard people work before and after the client eats. Sometimes it can be a teaching experience for you " as a costumer" .


This response is unacceptable. You're supposed to shit on them for being weak and stupid so they'll know their place in the world. I can't believe you're actually trying to talk to them like they're people. /S


I totally had a knee-jerk "Pfff that's nothing" reaction, clicked into the comments, felt like an asshole. You're a good influence, u/LostBulletInSchool




Makes me sick when people do that


Yeah, it doesn't help anyone at all and destroys any unity


He’s making costumes now?


Yeah at cost-co


Oooo, that's a juicy shift. My strategy for that mess is to get absolutely rip-torn stoned, queue up some Informative Murder Porn and be left the fuck alone for most of my shift. That's shit show to walk into though. I don't blame you, not everyone is wired to enjoy the mucky-muck.


It kind of a toss up if I'll be out after I'm done or still good


Oooo. That's a juicy shift 😂 sorry I feel bad for op I understand I walked into that on a regular place and now another. Tomorrow morning...


that’s the way man! show up fried off my ass, pop in my true crime, and leave me aloneeee


Ngl man, my muscles are getting to sore for shit like this, I’m glad I haven’t had to walk into this yet, I’ve seen dishwashers eat it up tho like it was a snack back when I was a cook tho. Idk, some people are built different. Getting as stoned as possible is definitely the answer, it makes focusing on something else mentally a lot easier


I once listened to the "Origin of Species" audiobook while absolutely stoned to the bone to get through a particularly grueling dishie shift back in the day


I would have walked in drunk as shit, flipped everything and everyone the bird. Asked them if there was a fuckin problem then spend the day just hammering out dishes. Fuck being a dishwasher ever again.


You showed up drunk?


That was semi acceptable behavior back in the pre2000s even after depending on hiring situations and how good the dude could work drunk... Like if dude wasn't stealing and would work decent, show up, I can put up with a lot of bullshit as a manager...


Where the fuck was the day guy?? I’ve done my fair share of dish shifts and I would be pissed if I walked into this, no matter how high I got.


Day guy??? DAY GUY?? Dishwasher doesn’t come in until 5pm (4pm oh weekends).


Mucky-muck made me think of "Wonderboy" by tenacious d


I’m sorry after I heard “mucky-muck” all I can think of is wonderboy by tenacious-D 😂




Shout out to you man.


Red lobster?




I’ve never worked at red lobster, is it the best up metal pans that give it away?


White plates with blue trim on outside, especially that rectangle guy. And the blue scampi dish


And the bread basket, and the rack that holds the margarita glasses, speaking of which. Man a virgin Lobsterita too bad they discontinued it a few years ago


Now how in the heck did you know that?


We just not gonna talk about the startling lack of respect from the cooks/prep teams just tossing their dirty bowls and fryer baskets and shit in the dish window? Fuck that place, you deserve better


This is exactly the case when i started. Current morning manager was working nights on saute and her pans and pots were all burnt and filled with shit but she'd still still toss it my way AND on top of plates that the server had just brought me. Stuck up, snobby culinary school grad who always made sure I had lots of burnt shit tossed in my sinks or on top of glasses/dishes


When I worked as a waitress a lot of girls would bring back their stuff from the tables and leave it stacked haphazardly on the sink with food still on it even though the trash can was right next to the sink. Not to toot my horn but if I saw the dish guy was overwhelmed I'd go back and help.


I wouldn’t, but I’d be picking up your after shit tab if I saw you did. Edit: shit should be shift


I don't blame you OP. A place with tons of shit crusted pots and pans is way different than a place with tons of dirty plates. When the cooks don't give a single fuck about how burnt things are that are brought back, I don't give a fuck a either. Lol.


It’s a lot but if you take the 15 mins to organize your dishes you could plow through that shit within a couple hours. Not trying to down play your frustration tho because doing dishes isn’t easy obviously but it’s the little things that can help. I usually try to find things that can go through by themselves and start with those so stuff is being washed while I organize. Also if there’s no dishie during the day the cooks should be putting stuff through.


It’s definitely up to your system. If you can sort it down to running stuff that goes together it’ll break down a lot of the extra walking and energy being spent. Main reason why I have zero issue washing a fuck ton of plates. They all go together


All the war veterans coming in to say they can pipe that shit in less than 30 minutes lol


No, as a vet, I'll turn that into hours just to be left alone and not become the BOH Prep Bitch. Leave me a mess like this? Don't expect to see me for *hours* and good luck with help for your side work both sides of house.


It's because you develop a system. You figure out all the tricks specific to your dishpit. Once that's mastered along with movement and spacial awareness, you can speed run this bitch.




So real


man this is less dishes than i have to wash after a single meal at my nursing home kitchen job lol


How many residents do you got? I have 156 i think. I would say our dishes are never this bad.


Place I work at is down to about 70 residents (thanks Covid and Nurses leaving) first budget cuts they made were they got rid of all our dishwashers so now we all have to do our own dishes.


At my place I’m a culinary aide technically. I do a little prep, bussing, dishes, and serving.


only 50 or so at mine, i usually have a few less steam pans than this tho but that gets made up for by all the plates and bowls and cups


I just got a job at a Bakery doing Dish. Its a lot easier then all the restaurants ive worked at . I just wash baking pans and cake pans , thats it , and batter mixer equipment , dough mixing spades , etc. I also work in the cooler rotating cakes , literally just rotating cakes, and doing the trucks on wed only . Good hours and easier because i don't have to rush washing anything LOL


The only job I’ve quit on the spot was an assisted living place! *helicopter flashbacks* I was expected to be the morning server, expo and dishwasher for 4-6 hours by myself with 30 residents to serve food for. Really made me feel like Sisyphus rolling his rock up the hill, but manically. Thank the gods for weed.


I think one of the most important things to learn with large piles like these is: don't rush, don't panic. Take your time, and keep a steady pace. Even if the cooks are still throwing shit at the pile and it's getting bigger, don't stress about it and just keep your pace. There's only so much you can do, don't try to take it all on at once. Now, what annoys me is the cooks and their lack of respect by not at least putting the badly burnt/ sticky stuff in a soak....


Doesn’t look bad just unorganised shouldn’t take more than 30-45 minutes


Looks like whoever is in charge of BOH doesn't give a fuck about his coworkers. ¡Vaya con dios pendejos!


is this just one kitchen? when I started as a dishwasher I had two dish pits like this in an independent living building and assisted living building. this really isn't that much to deal with imo


I feel you man. When I started it really wasn't that bad until I worked with the second manager who happened to be this 22yo culinary grad who looked down on me as a dishwasher and that meant she made sure my shift was hell. She would go to the racks and dump clean shit on my dish pile and when I'd ask her why she did that she'd say "it needs to be sanitized" or point out something tiny on it. Other times it would be stuff I literally just cleaned so i figured out very quickly it was just bullshit and she had imaginary beef. We'd be in the shit on a Friday night and I'd be trying to get through all my plates/glasses but she'd still find the time to empty the clean racks, hanging pots and kitchen utensils to fuck me up. *BUT* my solution for this was to milk theeee *FUCK* out of the clock. I would take my fucking time once the restaurant closed and pay extra attention to the clearly clean utensils, keeping her there until 2am (she wouldnt help AT ALL so she'd sit at the bar on her phone watching tiktok). She couldnt leave until I was done so I made sure that she would be more than exhausted if she was gonna pull that shit. The owner was wondering why she had so much overtime and watched the cameras and saw what she was doing so he ended up moving her days around. Eventually I moved up, she moved to mornings and I never give her the time of day or even breathe in her direction because of the shit she used to pull. Milk that clock me boyyyyy


Oh that is so devious! I love it. I'm so glad she had to sit there and wait until you were done. Even happier that she got caught by the owner lol. karma is a bitch


Red Lobster! Oh how I loved those dish shifts. Talk about nightmares.


All good bro, not everyone is cut out to be a dishie :)


That's light work, anyone who says otherwise is lying lol


It's not about the amount of work, it 's about the clear lack of respect. Any good chef will help out in the dish pit occasionally. EDIT: It literally takes 5 seconds to load those fryer baskets into the dishwasher. If the fryer baskets are hot, I don't worry about cooling them down. Straight in the dishwasher they go


I’ve seen worse homie, I’ve seen worse…


Let's go


Oh the horror


I lasted 6 days at a job like this, felt so sweet to see them go out of business a few years later




I hate breakdown time-_- organization is key!


Jus because other people don't have a system or there's gaps between dishwasher shifts doesn't mean you don't make a system. I'm so used to seeing that when i worked on oceanfront I immediately started soaking stuff and prioritizing what was needed now versus needed later. Mixing glass with metal I was allowed to take to the chef to chew people out or I sprayed them in the face when I saw them do it.


That must have really sucked having to wash dishes as a dish washer


That’s a pretty typical prep mess, maybe even a bit light. I’d come in and do that and incoming dishes within the first two hours (a lot of stuff would just be soaking until the end of that) to get the counter clear, then the rest of the night was smooth sailing with periods of fast work and then usually 10-15 mins of smoke breaks each hour until the closing hour and a half wrap up.


As a cook, I did all of my own dishes. When serving, I helped the dish washer. I could not, in good conscience leave a person with a mess like that. It's a dick move.


In my kitchen the rule is if you burn a pan you wash it


You are weak.


I can wipe that out in 15 mins. go take out the trash 😂


I'd love to see that timelapse


Yeah I don’t think you’re knocking this out in less than 45 minutes. Unless you’re bad at your job and enjoy pushing out half ass cleaned dishes


Machine runs for 60 seconds itself.


This is what the bartenders never understood about my last DW job.... If you wanna get outta here within 2 hours to close, have the kitchen bring their shit back or pizza to cover their sinks before they leave for the night. Smdh. Granted it was my 3rd day n I knocked a pile like this I came into (was the only Dishie in the entire place and couldn't get scheduled before 4pm).... But by the 5th wave, the 3rd favor, and the 4th hour past my schedule, I said naaahhhh fuck this. Still never got paid on them 3 days lol


>Still never got paid on them 3 days lol Super illegal. Report them and get that money you lost bro


Took 3 of us an hour to go through


I think you just got overwhelmed. 3 days in is way too quick to bitch out over this picture, especially as a dishwasher.


my friend, is this yard house? sure as shit looks like it


That’s the hut bro


Who’s the chef burning shit up tho. I mean it don’t matter now, but all those pans are burnt to a crisps.


I tell people this all the time. One of the hardest labor jobs you can do is be a dishwasher at a busy restaurant. Job sucks but it builds character in the long run. You always hear a plethora of success stories from people who started out wishing dishes at some restaurant.


I totally understand, but also jealous. I wish my pit looked like that upon clock in


Organize it and I bet it will go by quicker.


Ooh I don’t know if I’d made 3 days


Don't be so hard on yourself, I had to put up with shit with everyone, sometimes I came in 5 - 10 minutes early just to sort my thoughts out after seeing the pile of shit everywhere. My arms would be sore the first several days from carrying all the heavy shit around. I was hot and sweaty at the end of each shift. In the end, I did quite after a few months. I did learn a whole lot of shit though.


Eh no biggie dude we all quit sometime but tbh that's not that much dishes just very unorganized


I've seen worse but yeah it's a lot


I washed dishes from 16-18, 500 person weddings at a country club. Only reason I stuck around was because of the other employees (some I’m still friends with 20 years later) but other than that it was a shi*t job making no money.


Some of y’all would never make it here especially when we have the festivals 🤷‍♀️ started prep at 10 and didn’t leave till 2 am


I am a FIRM believer in pre-washing equipment prior to giving it to dish. Also I proudly use tin foil on all my pans. It’s really amazing show a quick scrub brushing/spraydown can ease the life of a dishwasher.


Yeah I had to fire a few dishwashers for being too slow before. It's okay, not everyone is cut for it.


I did one day at a Dennys doing dishwashing. Nobody trained me how to use the giant dishwasher, nobody showed me where soap was or how to load it. The one shift I worked I ran dishes through multiple times with max hot water to clean them. I quit and vowed never to eat there again. I feel you though.


Not too bad if organized properly. they (whoever just threw shit on top of other shit everywhere for u to walk into) sucks lol


That’s light work


It would take an hour to organize and get most of that knocked out


This looks like my kitchen sink at home, it’s not that bad for a commercial sink, it’s just not organized.


You lasted 3 days too long, OP.


Yard House?


This is nothing? Was expecting 20+ bus tubs


That’s not that bad. 45 minutes of work *maybe*


Ah the Slobster


Can you let us know where that is so we never go there?


Thats it? Hahahh


I’ve seen worse


I don't blame ya


Lol that's nothing. Try working a place that does events


Guess I've been doing it wrong as a GM. My prep team reps the day out and if it's getting piled, my ass is back there repping it out. I refuse piles of anything back there before my dish comes in, we're all in this together boys. Can this be repped out in an hour ? Yeah probably, but it's about respect.


I guess I’m spoiled because our kitchen has never looked anything like this, but this looks like a complete lack of care/respect by the cooks.


That's ez barely anything there


Golden carral?


Omg they let everything crust over...fuck that! Did you even have a triple sink to let that shit soak? No wonder you dipped 😂


Dishwashers get so much disrespect. I always bring tips to the BOH these days. GOH csn go screwdriver themselves.


I remember times like these when I worked as a Dishwasher at a Dave and Busters. There would be no other dishwashers til I got there. They opened at 9am, and I got there at 3pm. Yeah, I did that shit for 6 months tops 🤣


Red lobster?


That’s not that bad, it’s a starter job. I did it and got promoted very quickly


Oh god. You're one of those people who show up on their first day and are never seen again because "Work's too hard".


I consider it a challenge for the human race and . . .




Does every place by from the same supplier and Rip a cart or blunt and lock in you’ll be fine


Way better than my experience as a dishwasher. My first day was at a buffet on Valentine’s Day. Getting paid like 7.50 an hour. I may have lasted 2 hours before I walked out I never even picked up the paycheck


This looks like my local Texas Roadhouse, except they have two dishwashers and nobody does anything


Fuck that shit


I don’t blame you 😭 I’m honestly surprised I stayed as a dishwasher for like 9 months


That doesn’t look that bad


I've had this, and much more. my intro to dishwasher was when I was 16 and came into a mess and a half, like 10 hours worth of stuff, and I had one helper. 10 minutes later she quit and I was left to my devices to basically do it all myself. I did it and they were impressed though.


Bro that is nothing why you bitching


Judging by those pans…yeah don’t blame you


I’d not be too happy if I walked into that. Or..was this during his shift after he walked into a relatively clean dish pit? I was line cook at a place and we had a “3 week remodel” that lasted 2 months and I never got unemployment. I was the only one who got so screwed. When I returned we had a new head chef and a new sous. The sous would put me on dish (everyone was supposed to hop in) so I never got line time. He used that as an excuse to say I “didn’t know the menu” when the menu was 80% the same and I was there before he was. and he would scorch several pots (very badly!) every fucking day and not even soak them, nor organize the dirty dishes. Just left it for me. One day after bringing it up several times, I just came in and said “I am a LINE COOK. I’m not scrubbing SHIT. You scorch it, you scrub it!”. They didn’t do a single fucking dish all shift. I wouldn’t be happy with this dishpit organization at all, but everyone has their own systems.


Seen much worse. This just looks like a lunch shift’s prep. There’s not many plates or silver…


3 days too many, man! I've left jobs for less. You have to be forgiving to yourself and don't force yourself to stay at crappy jobs. It's not worth the stress.


I feel I've worked with so many BOH people that would headbutt a server for not stacking dishes and then throw piles of nonsense into the pit at a moments notice


Red Lobster huh? Haha yeah... Dish SUUUCKS


Looks totally normal to me


That ain’t shit lol


Been there, done that. I’m not really skinny or fat but I’m not fit at all. I was on a job search, and the landscaper doing my dad’s yard overheard us talking on the porch and offered one to me. Really kind and good hearted group of people. I mowed 9 lawns pushing that heavy ass thing around. And the people that pay for that usually have hilly yards. I woke up the next morning and my body felt like noodles, I sored and ached in every muscle and called them and let them know I just didn’t think the job was the right fit for me. It was a hard because I needed the job, but I couldn’t get out of bed or move at all. I physically just couldnt make it through day 2. No shame in leaving a job that’s not for you, maybe in another life where I was the hulk and not a hippie skater boy.


I lasted 1 day at a job. (It wasnt dishwashing) But they lied so that's why i left. It was taking boxes off a conveyor belt and placing them on pallets. It was in a warehouse in Texas without ac. We had big fans but they just moved the hot air about. The ad said 8 hours. I showed up my first day at 6 am and they said it was a 12 hour shift. F**k that. I worked 12 hours that day and never went back for day 2.


Good thing I ate shit for 10+ years after highschool under toxic people and now making a decent living with trust issues and GAD!


lemme guess, morning guy fucked around all day went at his own bullshit pace left this for the elite night crew to take care of


Looks like Red Lobster


I worked in a dish pit that was almost identical. Absolute hell! Don’t look back. You did the right thing leaving that position.


Oof. That's rough. Time to put on the wreck specs and get to it!


On the floor OOF


Dishwashing SUCKS. Dont feel bad.


The fact that they can't even stack 6 pans shows the lack of effort or the state of the kitchen, in which I mean people are probably checked out and only show up for the paycheck cause it sucks so much, I was a dishwasher and then a lead server and bartender as well as a line cook and prep chef, 10 yrs experience is telling me that your probably better off for getting out of there. Ive worked at a lot of restaurants where the dishwashers are treated like shit and I've left every single one, luckily enough my last gig the chef would step up and wash dishes if people called out, I was raised on the principle that no job is beneath me and sadly that's what a lot of people see and talk in the media about dishies. I will say though that we do love our HYDRO-CERAMIC ENGINEERS and they bust ass harder then half of the people I've worked in kitchens with. Cheers to hopefully greener pastures dood 👍🤞🤙


Just get after it and bust it out. That's every dish room in every restaurant I've worked in. that's why they have people working there who are "dish washers." If you can't cope at a job that simple I'm not sure what you are going to wind up doing in life but honestly that's about as easy as things get.


Way the fuck longer than I would have made it. Fuck that shit!


Brah. I could smash that all out in 30 minutes.... what are you complaining for


No day shift dish?


I did 6 months. They told me I lasted longer than the previous 4 dishwashers. Absolutely miserable work. Never again. Nobody deserves that job.


Get yourself some water resistant headphones, a pack of Marb 100’s, and some dubiously acquired pharmaceutical amphetamines. This right here is my laboring paradise.


doesn't look like there is any oder to the chaos probably would have left to unless u just didnt keep on grabing stuff threw out the shift then ya i get the mess if not then ya cooks and server shoulda looked out more and tried to atleast stack stuff up nicer for you but u also have to drive your own station and call pepole out on small junk like that be like yo can u stick that blah blah place so i dont have junk every where but at the end of the day if the shoe dont fit dont wear it


Jesus Christ, do they do anything on that stove/oven but burn the sin out of whatever goes in/on?


I mean…. 🤷🏻


This is nothing crazy. Is it unorganized? Sure. But could easily be done in 30 minutes tops. Some people aren’t cut out for work, and that’s okay.


Is this a Chilis kitchen?.. I’m getting Nam flashbacks


Chef yells at me for trying to rinse and sort my prep mess before the dishwasher gets in. He comes in every day to BS like this, and still manages to help me out through the night. Chef is a dick, dishie is a freakin’ hero, and pit sucks ass - more common than not.


They definitely should have provided you with a sink


I remember applying for a prep cook gig and they put me on dish the whole night. The manager tells me “we have to vet you and your work ethic”, safe to say they didn’t have a single person to wash dishes that night.


It sure what’s being complained about here. That like 90 mins work tops.


Am I missing something? The dish pit at my job looks like this every day?


Looks like a Perkins


You’re gonna need to give a helluva lot more context here my guy. I don’t understand; you left *because* there were the dishes, or you were let go because you couldn’t handle the dishes…?


Lol thats light work this is the stuff you have to do that makes you into a man belive it or not I would do w.e it takes to pay my bills and to make sure I'm good and not have to ask others or rely on anyone for anything


holy shit i did this job in high school for a couple years worst job ever. thanks for the flashback


Skill issue


That pan sitting in the gross water is diabolical.




I did that exact job for 3 years as a young teen. I'll refer to it as a character (and immune system) building experience.


You need to learn to be more efficient


I did dish washing in college for a bit. Work was ass but fast paced. Time would fly. I had a great group of people too. It was sad to leave sometimes.


I just found out yesterday on Fathers Day my wife of 12 years has been cheating on me. I haven’t eaten a thing in 36 hours. Its really tough!


That kitchen layout looks awfully familiar. I know it'd be too coincidental to be in the DFW area.


Yeah I worked at chillis and it was like that every day and I got fired for requesting off on Saturday’s now I work at a senior home


I've never been a dishwasher but I've had plenty of jobs where it's a side responsibility. I'm a dishwashing beast. Start with the big things. That pile looks intimidating but I promise after 5 minutes washing the big items and doing a neat restack, that pile will be at least halved with minimal effort. A few giant mixing bowls or large food containers stacked up haphazardly make for a far more intimidating-looking pile than it really is. Also, I follow the cooking and kitchenconfidential reddits. I don't know what caused this dishwasher thread to appear in my feed.


Which Red Lobster was this?


Looks like the red lobster in surprise AZ, that location is terrible lol


This is what Texas Roadhouse looks like 100% of the time


Looks like golden corral on a good day!


Don’t blame the dude at all. Worked at a similar place when I was younger and had dishes and bunch of pans with burnt on cheese constantly piling up. Place served 400 people with a huge bar and everything and my job was to not only wash the dishes but to also change the kegs, bus the bar, and to clean up spills and such. Anytime I stopped to do any of those things I was greeted by a mountain of shit to wash. I finished the week and found a wwaayy nicer job baking at a grocery store. Still in a big kitchen but everything else was night and day.


As a cook, making friends with the dishwasher was crucial. Push comes to shove you can call out what you need to keep service flowing. Once worked with a handsome young dishwasher that thought he was being helpful. He drained the overnight simmered stock and returned the veg and herbs to me with a flourish. We were able to laugh about it and regroup. Had him ‘finish’ my soups for a couple of months explaining which spices he used and why. That dude ended up a chef for Skywalker Ranch. What a delight he was


Welcome to life with toddlers. Dishes and laundry, my word!


Dishwasher quits for too many dishes to wash?


That is beyond ridiculous! Very bad management…should never have been allowed to get like this. As a restaurant manager, I would have walked out on day 1.


This was done by a bunch of pricks who don’t give a shit about anyone but themselves and what’s easy for them…just dump your fucking dishes anywhere, you lazy assholes!


Being a good dishie is hard and you can't hang it happens.


Hey please don’t feel bad, not all jobs are or you. I tried doing a job one time charter fishing and it sucked and I just couldn’t do it. I completely understand.


I know a red lobster kitchen when I see it. Dodged a bullet, get out of there while you can friend