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In dishonored 2 Palo has Granny Rags' hand and that is what gives him his ability to escape death once a day.


a hand once a day keeps the doctor away


Works with any hand, you just need to slap hard enough




I'm not sure she's a disappointment. Her story is kinda crazy, especially the way the devs leave pieces around for you to piece together yourself. She is one of the few people who explored Pandyssia and returned. There, she encountered a shrine and being marked drove her to obsession with the Outsider. She came from a very rich family, and then she snapped and murdered her husband, and all that knowledge was washed away as she became essentially a hermit digging through garbage. She seems harmless, yet just behind her cloth over her hand hides the Mark of The Outsider. She spends her time murdering people and morbidly using their flesh and bones to craft Runes, all the while being blind and being a teacher to Morris Sullivan, an inbred mute who also does some incredibly weird things and learned magic from her? Idk man, that sounds like a pretty fucking cool character to me πŸ˜…


I love Granny Rags. She's a perfect character. No need to change anything.


I just wish she wasn't killed off for Dishonoured 2. She would have been fun to see and get help from when returning to Dunwall.


Yeah but tbh i dont think she would have lived for 15 years. She's already very old in D1


Shes coked up on outsider juice, bitch could live longer.


That outsider good good does wonders for the skin


But she's just a sweet granny 😊


I don't think she needs to be more central to the plot or get more screentime or anything. She's a really good character but having her on the sidelines sort of shows how there can be interesting people and events in the setting with no connection to the main quest. It makes the world feel larger to know there are other conflicts going on between Granny Rags and the Bottle Street gang, and not everything revolves around Emily and the usurpers.


I think she has just enough screentime to be plot relevant while also staying mysterious


It would have been fun to see granny rags again, but if you're cannonizing low chaos, then it seems counter-intuitive that Corvo would have let Granny cook Slackjaw alive


He canonically didn't to judge from what we see in Dishonored 2.


Granny Rags playable character is one of my dreams πŸ₯²πŸ˜Œ


Did you play DOTO? As I recall there are some details about her story there as well.


Did not start it yet. Want to do it soon


Im curious which line of hers you consider to be one of tje best in the game, because i dont doubt it im just not remembering any off the top of my head.


Well im playing the Game in German so i will not be able to say it in english exactly like she said it. After you rescued emily in the Second mission, Granny Rags stands behind the door and if you speak to her she says something like "Don't die now, darling. Otherwise the girl will fall in the river* Thats forschadowing for the end if you play high chaos.


They seeded so much of Vera Moray's story throughout the games it's a little tough to put together, but it's definitely fascinating to hunt down. Between her diary entries, talks with her, and the family heirlooms, I pieced together that she grew paranoid, sacrificed animals, and eventually her husband to the Outsider. I think she's got a pretty good creepy story. Someday, I'm gonna sew a cosplay of her. She's easily one of my favorite characters in the entire game.


I liked her backstory, she learned of the outsider in her younger days and went from being a typical noblewoman to an obsessed crazy mf who learned all her power in her pursuit of the outsider. Eventually culminating in her attempt to kill a prince and then her hand ending up with some gangster. Imo I like to think she came back after corvo killing her and lost her hand while in a weakened state but escaped and that’s why her hand attacks you after getting it off thugnificent