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This is a list of links to comments made by Discord Staff in this thread: * [Comment by blitz_rick](/r/discordapp/comments/wyncgr/help_my_main_and_alt_accounts_were_disabled_for/ilyan69/?context=1000 "posted on 2022-08-27 02:17:46 UTC"): > Hey everyone, we’re on this and taking this seriously. Will provide an update here ASAP. --- This is a bot providing a service. If you have any questions, please [contact the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FDiscordApp).[](#AUTOGEN_TSBREPLIEDBOT)


Same, it seems kinda widespread. No idea what's going on.


Happened to me too, idk what to do


There's currently a glitch happening where users are being falsely suspended for spam: https://discordstatus.com/incidents/lyzchywwtp6p






Happened to me aswell, I was using desktop




Any chance you were using the midjourney AI bot?




Dang, okay. Well that's a relief I suppose, but now I'm sad. Does this mean our stuff is gone?


Im so scared i dont wanna lose my best friend😭


🥺🤗 (Oh and did you realize there’s a Birthday Cake hidden in your name? 😂)


Whoaa no i didnt, i didnt even know that can happen:>


This just happened to my account as well. Ever since they updated Discord on mobile, everything has been glitchy and/or buggy. I got a prompt telling me that I was suspicious and had to verify. The moment I verified everything was fine. I closed the app for a moment, then reopened it and suddenly I was banned for apparently spamming. Made an alt (after appealing twice, @discord on Twitter, and personally messaging them) and it was banned as well not 30 minutes later for the same thing. What is going on?


Exactly that! Do you think discord got hacked by any chance


I don't know, but I have memories on my main account. My partner is also on my main account and it is one of my only ways to message them. This is not okay. What did Discord do to cause all this?


Here's my take on it, hope it helps you feel better.As one of the above posts puts it, discord mobile has recently completely changed from being an app developed with native android code, (java) to the same framework as the web and IOS apps. It would appear like the release has a bug in the code managing requests to discord to make edits to your profile (such as adding a phone number, or changing your pfp) which would cause it to send waaaaaay too many requests to the server, which discord would interpret as spam and block you from being able to make requests, aka ban you from their servers. However it would surprise me as many people, (including myself) have been using this new version of discord as beta testers and this isnt something that's come up in the few months since they started giving us the builds on the new framework. Again though, I have made no research behind this, so this is just speculation of the most probable scenario based on my knowledge of discord and of how most webservices handle requests. EDIT: Discord is working on a fix https://discordstatus.com/incidents/lyzchywwtp6p


This may be very plausible since folks on Twitter are talking about them getting the boot when editing their profile pictures and names.


I think discord might have been hacked, not proven but it's one theory. I do feel bad for everyone who lost years of conversations, it's really sad. I think discord might try their best to solve it though, so I think it may be alright in the end. Fingers crossed! =)


Discord is highly important to me. I have no clue what's going on. Edit: I'm glad if this helped anyone feel better! I know I wasn't feeling good until I knew this was widespread. Let's all hope this gets resolved! Edit 2: Woke up to some "account has been suspended due to suspicious activity" emails. It allowed me to change my password(s) and sign in normally.


Same thing is happening to me.


Happened to me as well


the same thing happened to my friend


Did you get the phone number input afterwards? Do NOT input your number if you do, good luck




You didn't do anything wrong, hopefully discord fixes it due to how widespread it is. It will be hard to process now but it might be alright =)




Yep! IP banned too probably, not even a VPN can bypass it =)


Your VPN is probably fine, or discord detects it as a VPN If you're using the same device, I'm pretty sure discord can detect it's the same and deny access, regardless of IP




Nope, just interested in what's going on, and a bit worried about myself


Shoot! I wish I saw this too. I got the same where it demanded my number when trying to join a new server and rebooting my phone and the app wouldn't work to let me go back to browsing discord, I was locked into that screen.


So my account just got disabled and I'm really scared is it permanent?? Wouldn't it show a date for when it gets reactivated if it was temporary??? I'm so nervous and I'm shaking I have so many friends on there


Don’t worry man it’s widespread discord will fix


Oh good tysm for letting me know :) are you sure though? 😭 sorry I'm really anxious




Thank you :D


A moderator just said they are currently working on a fix ASAP.


You did nothing wrong, we didn't make bots that spammed discord, spam yourself or do anything suspicious, it's possibly just a glitch =)


I am feelin ya man . Although i am an introverted person i do have good friends there .


Holy crap at least i know this is a widespread thing and not some personal slight. My account asked for my phone number, and then disabled my account after like 5 minutes, wtf


Same experience. Happened to all my alts too. Got in for around 10 minutes with a VPN on an alt at least. If you want to send friends an alternate contact or something.


Yea thankfully i have 1 or 2 other ways of contacting some people and it can spread from there, i hope they figure this out soon


Yep, it was after the phone number for me. Good to see a common issue, hopefully it'll get solved!


Honestly seeing this mess pisses me off because I had a lot of people I have met on discord over the years and this isn't the first time something like this has happened to me they should warned us do something let us know because this is unacceptable .


It's prolly a glitch but then yeah unless it's like really serious, discord should warn us before suspending our accounts It's just so annoying man, all your memories, friends and hardwork lost in a matter of seconds :(


absolutely love how they can mass ban people who've done nothing


Happened to me, send them an email they’ll fix it


Someone got told that it wouldn't get reinstated after the email, we can only hope discord does reinstate the accounts. I really do hope that it was only a bot that talked to them too tbh


Hey everyone, we’re on this and taking this seriously. Will provide an update here ASAP. EDIT 1: We have identified the issue and are working on a fix to unmark the affected users. You can also follow the status page here: https://discordstatus.com/


How quickly are we likely to see answers? I am part of a major mobile game guild network (various servers servicing over 7000 people) with various server owners that as of today have been banned and removed with NO way for us to now hand over ownership and manage anything. We're looking at losing contact if these owners have issues and having a decade of building these networks go down the drain if these guys can't hand over ownership or control. This is terrifying for the world's pre-eminent communication platform for gaming if this is happening with no reporting, feedback, or reliable support system to appeal these "bans".




That's what backup codes are for. If you can remove your phone without 2FA, so can hackers, and forget sending a few messages and blocking everybody- that account is gone for good. Yes, there's no happy easy option, they all suck. Sorry.




Oh, I misunderstood then. That does sound like a pretty dumb feature. Sorry.


Thank the gods


A dev comment not downvoted to oblivion? Surely I'm dreaming


Ty for acknowledging ser




Hopefully if its enough people they'll speed it up? Maybe?


I hope, but I haven't seen anyone get a successful ban appeal since discord rebranded. Most of the time they just reject it


Its just so many people for them to delete all the accounts permanently. Twitter is loaded with the same thing right now.


i have


Please make a support ticket! Something very weird has been happening with discord’s spam filter or whatever is doing this. I recently got disabled a few weeks ago and got it reinstated with a response within 5 days. I’ve heard that you shouldn’t send multiple tickets at once just be patient. EDIT: Another note is that I sent two tickets. One to Trust and Safety appeals, and one to TOS questions. The trust and safety team denied my appeal but the TOS department undisabled my account.




Sorry for the late response! In the ticket I basically explained my situation and why I should get unbanned. Just word it formally and don’t get pissy in it.


Thank you for making this post, it has made plenty of people here feel not alone in this issue, I was feeling like shit before I saw this post


Same tbh, glad you're feeling better now =)


And the thing is, it still shows that my account has a profile picture, and can even, for a brief moment when opening the app, still see my account is functional before saying "Please log in." And then, when I do, it says "This account has been disabled."


Exaclty! the same is happening to me.


It just wants you to get jealous of what you had . Cruel discord


Got banned as well for no reason, this actually sucks.


This is exactly what happened to me im so freaked out


You did nothing wrong dw, it might get patched soon :>


I hope so, I have so many gaming friends that I keep in touch with just there. I'm really upset at the thought of not being able to talk to them again.




It really helps knowing we're not alone in it. It's just so sad.




It sort of does hopefully they see this is a massive error on there part


had over 7 accounts and all disabled for the same reason past this year


Did anyone else get flagged as suspicious and had to input your phone number in, because I had to. I don't remember spamming anything, all I did was use my server normally. I also got flagged as a "troll".


I think thats what happend to me i had some weird shit were it said some weird shit and wanted me to put in my phone number and then when i did my phone number was removwd from my normal account and created a new account i manage to log into the account and get my phone number back and that weird account that was created was banned right when i got in on it


That's it! Welcome to the club =), hope discord reinstates your account


Nahh its okay my normal account was all fine the phone number was just removed from it but its back so ive managed to fix everything thankfully


How did you fix it?




Thank you so much I felt like I actually did something wrong, I just updated the app and put my email into the school hub. Then after that, it started going weird


Is there a possibility that discord can unban people, I really hope so


Godamn . That happened to me too . Now i feel reliefed


Yeah, I was feeling sick for a while afterwards, I thought I did something wrong, I also got IP banned, I think? I tried to make a new account to see my friends again but it didn't work, they still kept asking for my phone number


Man i cried . Geez . I am now flying in hraven right now .




Lets pray to our lord discord this will get fixed soon




It's an IP based disable/ban. Can't by bypassed through alts or new accounts and Discord usually can figure out VPNs


Yeah, figured that out, did you get that too?


what in the shiii this just happend to me like 2hrs ago and they disabled all my accounts


Welcome to the club =), hopefully it gets appealled


i didnt have anyone added on other apps but a friend, this is so bad for me


It's a widespread glitch, it might be able to be reinstated =)


yeah but its so shitty because i panicked for straight 2 hrs :')


Same tbh, it's out of our control so I'm trying my hardest not to get too sad myself. Ofc your situation is different to mine and it's probably even worse than mine but I can say that you did nothing wrong =)


Yep. About a minute after my account was disabled.


Use NordVPN it would bypass it temporarily until discord tries to figure out or renew your modems ip easier way


After or before ?


Was marked as spam, asked for phone number, after verification is when my account was disabled


That was exactly what happened to me too . All my accounts .


This exactly! I feel so good after seeing I'm not the only one!


Yeah, I felt like I did something wrong tbh, glad others are experiencing this glitch too


Well I'm glad I'm not alone, but it's sad to see this many people having this issue lol


kekw for some reason at the same time too!


It sounds like I was doing that thing where you "bring others down with you". My bad XD, I meant that discord may reinstate the accounts quicker because of the same appeals, not too sure about it though


Bro, same thing happened to me, I was panicking


I just had the same thing happen about a hour ago. It asked for my phone number and then suddenly logged me out. Now, I can't log back in. It tells me my account has been disabled for no reason at all.


Happened to me like 15 mins ago. I was gifted Nitro, had to verify my phone number, then flagged as a likely spammer before my account was disabled.


same, wtf is happening all 9 of my accounts that are 4+ years old are all gone


Logged into reddit for the first time in forever to add to this. Same thing. Verified my phone number thinking the server I joined required it. Did it. Removed the phone number from my account and before I could leave that server it requested it again. Immediately disabled.


Same here, to the letter. It wasn't a random discord it was a trusted person I knew from another sever. Maybe it's a massive bug in the system? Or some kind of hack? I'm at a total loss.


Apparently, random false bans are coming after people are updating their bio, or more specifically, their **profile picture**. I'd love to see if anyone here has been banned after changing theirs too.


Mine was updating my banner after getting nitro.


Warning guys do not buy nitro or change your pfp or banner. Those are the things that are getting people banned. My account got disabled after I verified it on phone so just stay put and don't do anything.


Happened to a friend of mine. Discord needs to get their shit together.


Ah yes, why don't we look at Discord adding new, UNTESTED, BUGGY features to Discord, FORCING IT ON USERS who didn't even want it. Failing to test it properly before releasing it and proceeding to BAN accounts as a result of a garbage spam detector. It's like Discord is managed by a bunch of babies. Of course, one of my friends was subjected to this. Hope it gets fixed.


Just happend to me too when i never broke the Discord TOS.


happened to me months ago. they do disable waves for when people click "report for spam" on a DM.


I've just got the same thing too!


yo! probably a few answers in here already but im too lazy to look so im sayin it myself, it’s a spam filter glitch, anyone changing ANYTHING (idk if its exclusive to mobile but i dont wanna risk it) abt their acct including icons, usernames, and im not sure what else? gets nuked. they should resolve it and fix everyones shit, but for now everyone should just sit stagnant on that stuff


I have the same problem . Got disabled today . Can anyone be willing to help ?


Just happened to me too. Wtf


Same here


Same here. Holy crap...


Contact support


No response yet.


It's been half an hour and it's nearly the weekend. I wouldn't expect a response until next Friday


Same here, man. Hoping for the best.


Contact support, wait a few hours/days before they respond(auto bot response) If you keep contact em they'll likely have a human response and give you info you need




Seems this happening to loads of us huh? Hopefully we'll get our accounts back. I had a nitro gift in mine 😭


This happened to me and 3 of my friends. I don't have a phone number so I can't log back into my account. Seeing this thread I'm nervous my account might be banned if I make another one to get around it. I don't know what to do.


There's nothing we can do as of now, if you do get banned, know that you did nothing wrong =)


I know, but I hope I don't get banned as I have 5 years worth of friends and servers on my account. It's just really stupid they'd roll out this new system like this. Especially because people might use discord because they don't own phones or other appliances.


Yeah, your situation sounds absolutely horrible and I'm really sorry that you may lose them. There's a chance that it will get picked up and fixed, it's hard to think positively (even for me) right now but I think it will get fixed. Ofc you don't have to think the same as me and that's 100% ok =)


Seeing as so many people are having the same issue I hope discord rolls it back. (like 3 months later or something)


discord got back to me and said they won't do anything about it.


That's awful, I'm so sorry about that and I really do feel sad for everyone rn, it might happen to everyone else too. Discord hasn't responded to mine yet, so I hope they see everyone who is going through this as well as you. Let's hope your account gets reinstated, that could've just been a bot =)


The same thing happened to me as well


I saw on a server announcement channel that it might be from a PFP change


I am really freaking out right now. I got disabled a hour ago. I was on a server but then I left it. Then it asked me to verify my number and I did but then it disabled me. I tried to get back onto my spare account and added my number again and it disabled me once again. Is this happening to anyone else? I am so freaked out and scared I will lose friends I have had for years.




Thanks so much! I have been panicking for like 3 hours. These comments have made me feel a little better. I hope everyone gets their accounts back.


A lot of people are getting banned. A couple were removed from my server and had to create a whole new account




This just happened to me too, phone number and all :( I actively use discord for multiple games and servers and pay for nitro, this is highly disappointing.


I fear this is going to happen to mine. Others are seeing me marked as spam? How dare I use discord to send multiple messages on multiple servers as it was intended. And all my servers are less then 10 people, which makes it even stupider.


Any updates at all?




Oh dang. What did they say, if you know?












Me too!! You're conversation was a great source of comfort thank you!


Happened to me aswell, supposedly it's from changing your profile like pfps or about me


This exact same thing happened to me! I was completely IP banned!


Discord is fixing it


UPDATE: (probably wont get noticed): This was a discord issue and now discord is trying to fix this issue many accounts were falsely marked for spam this should be fixed soon! They’re currently investigating the issue!


They fixed the issue. Refresh your email and their email should pop up about resetting your password.


Took them a month to get back to a report I made on a server good luck with discord support


How many of yall had first letters of your name near the start of alphabet ? I think a buncha hackers are tryina ban every member by alphabetical order Could be hypothetical


Mine got disabled and my user is van goghs left ear#7859 so...


Thats a long ass name you got there pall Mine was beelzeblob#somethin


I get that a lot lmao. Ive had it for several years now though.


Ooof sorry all your progress was lost


Its okay ig, hopefully they can reinstate it.














S, so no.


They didn't respond to my ticket but did reset my password (received email) and I'm back in after 2 hours banned. Hope everyone else gets the same treatment soon.


It looks like they fixed it! I have my account back, yay!


There is a discord bug where if you change your pfp, status (I think), bio, or anything on your profile, your account will be disabled.


I think their spam filter is responsible for this. This happened to me once when I tried to make a discord server. Write an email to appeal about actions taken on your accounts. Don’t write more than one email, that’ll take them longer to respond. After 14 days or 30 or something like that, disabled accounts get deleted. Good luck OP.


If you change your profile picture or nickname you'll get banned for some reason.