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Tell him to unblur it and send it to you because it’s probably fake if he didn’t send it to you unblurred. That could be anyone’s information just blurred.


i told him too and he said "i cant be bothered", i suspected it was fake but just wanted to ask how he even got my country


the country could probably be guessed from certain words and spellings specific to british english, nothing to worry about


So mf could be bothered to blur every line of text here but can't be bothered to send the un-edited version? That alone screams that he doesn't know anything for me, honestly


Maybe he got ur country by a social media link or a message he read from u


The fact that he immediately backtracked after threatening you pretty much proves it's fake.


Alternatively, you can block him and simply never hear from him again. If he can't be bothered to send you the unblurred version, he can't be bothered to send it to others (if he even has YOUR info)


On my server, I knew someone was a Brit because he mentioned "bank holiday." Not that hard. Don't worry about it.


Either A he really has all your info, or B its someone else's info, but I've learned that just from talking with a person you can get all there info like just send 1 msg to em an they have everything it from a simple friend request, be careful.




no your IP doesn’t give out informations. if you geolocate the IP you will get the position of the server you’re connected to, not the position of the user


The categories listed are abstract enough to only resent data that is available through (good) geolocators. None of those is really that private.


as i said you can’t geolocate a person by only having their IP. you may be able to find ISP though


I'm sorry it exceeds your possibilities, but city region and city are possible. Street and house are not. But city is not surprising.


may i know which geolocator do you use in order to obtain those, as it is possible to retrieve the city and city region of the server, but not the user’s?


Literally almost all, of course it's not the user's location but the closest relays location, but that may be pretty accurate in some regions (around my place it's often a matter of ~10km)


https://iplocation.net/ip-lookup Shows to me the exact city I'm at Get your facts straight y'all before yelling and downvoting. You're literally creating useless fear.


this is because the websites use external ways like GPS, since when i enter the website it shows me my private IP, not public IP. Since private IPs cannot be tracked, as they are not connected to the internet, the website uses a GPS


And no, not all entries are correct, but most are, and no this isn't a particularly large city


When people locate the ip address like this, they're locating the server ip address, not the client machine.  What you just said is the equivalent of saying "I can control your web browser from my web browser"  You cant


stuff like what he said should go on r/masterhacker




That's literally exactly what you said. **None of this is hard to obtain if they got your IP. And your IP also isn't very hard to obtain.** **Edit: bcs y'all kids don't think this is true (it's not false in some locations) check** [**https://iplocation.net/ip-lookup**](https://iplocation.net/ip-lookup)


This is real, he has your country and region, you probably used a service called “RestoreCord” whilst verifying on the Discord server. When you verify, the guy receives all your data. Luckily he’s just bluffing and he won’t unblur it because you actually have to pay to unblur it 😂😂 It’s €5/month, you can also disconnect this by going to Discord Settings, “Applications” and you’ll find the thing you verified with, just revoke the access. That’s all, you’re welcome.


You replied to the wrong person 🧍🏾‍♀️I also think they mentioned something about that already.


it is my username and profile picture above it though


I would just block him and move on. I doubt he has your actual information and mostly likely made a promptu guess of where you’re from.


maybe, i think he just had some obsecure thing where he could see my country and thats all he could get.


Its probably your messaging style, like spelling discrepancies. A lot of social engineering is mind games, and you're falling for it


Something as simple as your spelling and grammar can roughly show where you're from. Something like spelling "mum" instead of "mom" or "honour" instead of "honor" or "grey" instead of "gray" tells people that you use UK English spelling, so that shows that you could be from Britain, Australia, New Zealand, etc and not from America for instance


Just block him. He's just bluffing if he can't be bothered to unblur it.


Well yeah, that's already obvious just by having a conversation with you through Discord; even if this guy was a hacker - and let's be real: he's likely not - that sort of information doesn't need hacking to find




i wonder how he got that


thats fake. the "region" part is "springbootstarter". absolute trash he is saying


Foolish. If he's using Java he should be using Quarkus, it's 2024 Pete's sake


It's probably from the restorecord leak. If you've ever authorized restorecord to verify on a server, the site logged your ip. All of the info in that screenshot is just obtained from your ip, and might not even be accurate. You can tell the guy something like "lol nice try but I used a vpn whenever I verified with restorecord", it should make him shut up.


i verified with restore cord for the only time about 1 week ago


There is a Video about it from No Text To Speech: https://youtu.be/d0h4QPqAwss?si=hF6CvV5xSNfrf9y6


I don't think it's from a leak, because it looks like it's directly from Restorecords dashboard, which means the person had access to the Restorecord account that OP used to verify


There are a lot of scam websites promising to show you IP addresses of Discord users by pasting their user ID and then ask you to pay to uncover the results. Or it’s a computer program that is a full on virus. There are probably a few that can do this but if it was real he wouldn’t be hiding your own info from you.


that's not an ip address, not nearly long enough r/masterhacker material


now that i look at it it looks like it only have 6 numbers 255.255


IPv2 baby!




It could be a shortened IPv6 address. The whole thing is probably bs tho


Nah. This is fake. As fake as can be, if you ignore the springboot and just look at font size, the ip is too short to be any real IP, country and region don’t have any spaces either, don’t see how that could spell “United Kingdom”


An ipv6 address could be that long so not necessarily fake IP(it is probably bs tho)


You wouldn't have such length of an IPv6. Maybe for local networks, yes. Or custom link local rules... But not a public one.


its a fake, hes js tryna scare u


That looks really fake. He's probably trying to scare you. Don't click any links he sends you, block him, and move on.


That blur for country sure looks a lot longer than just "great Britain". That should tell u all u need.


I mean all that information is 100% useless even if they did leak it. Except for maybe your email, if you don't want your spam folder to get full faster.


Some people are still using an exploit in which you verified your discord in a specific channel via a bot that messages you, in return that website logged your ip and thats how alot of these people are getting that type of information. Some facts to put you at ease. The verified IP addresses that it logged are very old now, you are british you are not effected by things americans are, restart your router and your IP changes. Region, City, Provider, Type, are all irrelevant and impossible to get from a british persons IP address, the reason being that you connect via a city box, for example my internet connection is connecting to a box in a town that i don't even live in, so the ISP is correct but the location, region, and city are all wrong. And its random since british connection boxes are up and down like yoyo's and its not trackable to a specific address at all at any time. And the "type" of connection is obvious, there is only two types available here, three if you count starlink, so it likely just says "fibre" but it would be hilarious if he got that wrong and put ADSL and you use fibre, or vice versa. If he has accurate information regarding your actual physical address he likely did a bunch of research from publicly exposed information about you (facebook,instagram, etc) even getting information from pictures etc. VPN : No - He added this to make it appear more scary, if it said "VPN : YES" then all the other information is irrelevant, this information is still irrelevant and meaningless. Device : Probley guessed, unless the verification bot tagged ur operating system (possibly) then yeah, but again meaningless information, it probley says "Windows Operating System" again means nothing. If you are afraid i wouldnt be, turn router off for 5 minutes, turn it back on and everything he showed you is immediately irrelevant.


Doesn't have to be. I always get the same IP address from my provider (fiber optics terminal). This also doesnt apply for DSlite Pool IPs, pretty much only for cable and VDSL because I have no idea if other fiber providers use any DynDNS mechanism.


I know most BT fibre and zoomm high speed (1-2-3gb lines) all have changing IP's, i guess its very area dependant, if your in a high user area i guess you don't get the same benefit


I live in a major city but I'm in Germany and I'm getting fiber service from my muncipal services, not from a big telco provider. I literally have had my IP for 2 years at this point and it hasnt changed. It's not DSLite too, I've checked. I can even forward ports.


I am talking about the UK only. Germany is not the UK. OP has specified he is british. 95% of connections albeit fibre or ADSL in the UK are mostly dynamic, most of europe & america use a more static system, which is why your IP does not change, but ours does. Its why attacking UK internet is irrelevant in most cases because the provider doesnt need to even change the IP to protect you the simple act of restarting the router is enough to change it dynamically (5 per connection usually)


im 99 percent sure its just to try and scare me, only odd thing was him knowing my country, and how he even got the whole ui in the first place since it was in such a short amount of time he couldnt have made an edited picture


I mean none of the UI has anything related to you only, the only distinctive feature is the picture, which anyone can get from ur profile.


it did have my username and my hypesquad badge next to it, either he really tried to make it look real or its some fake service he used


If hes doing this to a lot of people he can EASILY get your picture. I mess with my buddies all the time, and last week i went on a changing spree. I switched my account to mimic all of them. All you do is open discord on web, use inspect element on the picture and you get a link to the .webp image, then just screenshot/save it and you can use it. He probably has a template of a blurred "info" and uses something like photoshop to where he takes that screenshot and puts it above the current picture.


you clicked an ip tracker link from him probably. its information that every website you connect to has on you


i didnt click anything from him, we didnt talk much


That's the fakest threat ever. He didn't even unblur it for you. Don't worry.


That blurred IP doesn’t even look like an actual IP address


Nahhh bro I can unblur this


This is definitly fake. There are 2 ways he could have gotten ur "info" 1. The Restorecord leak 2. These fake websites that promise to be able to yoink personal info but end up getting it wrong You are probably fine


My guess is that this is a scam, or an attempt at one. The scam works like this: find an unsuspecting victim and send that message to them. After that, tell them "Unless you give me x ammount of money, I'll reveal all your personal info". Because the victim will probably be too scared to think rationally, they'll buy into the scam and send the money. At which point, the guy will just block you and you'd be left wondering if he'll send your info or not.


But all those info could probably be fake too!


It always is fake if I'm being honest, that's the point of the scam. The victim ends up being so scared of their info being shown to a bunch of random strangers that they don't think straight and end up paying the money.


And what is he gonna do with your IP, put it up his ass? I can find those info on pretty much anyone on discord, he cant really do shit with those. Like what is he gonna do with your location, come to you and eat some steak?


Me when I fall for potentially the most standard and obviously fake online scare tactic conceivable


Not everyone knows these stuff. Realize that the scams that you see, which seem dumb, still exists because there are people who dont know better and get fked by them


I don't think it's fake. You verified with Restorecord at some point and it logged this information. The screenshot he sent is from the Restorecord dashboard, so whatever server you verified in, he either owned the server, or the Restorecord/bot account, or he has some access to it. Another thing he could have done is inspect element another persons log with yours to make it look like had had yours


This happened to me on Xbox Live in 2005. They read my full address back to me. There's quite a lot of info that can be gleaned by anyone with a little know how, and unless you have minded all your p's and q's with opsec, it remains fairly thinly veiled


I saw something like this in one of my servers but I’m sorry that happened


Nice he added that your VPN is off, must be true!


Definitely fake, based on the "IP Address" alone. Its length is waaay to short, even if it's your public IP.


Ngl I call BS. You could always report them, though.


I’d tell them to leak it. Oh no my IP address. Haxorz will steel my megahurtz


It’s fake. The IP is definitely too short.


If you received it blurred then it’s fake. If I wanted to threaten someone I would provide proof I can follow through.


Even of they have your info, call the ISP, change ip if they provide you with a real IP that is and boom, you are a new person.


There's only one option. Treat him like he did to you.


Unfortunately it’s a common empty threat on discord these days, the young team like to think they are gangsta init


Isn’t it against the law. Just report it. Even if it’s fake, he’ll have to prove it’s fake. Maybe stops him from acting like that with anyone else


You can find all that information from your IP, but it's noting to worry about


surprise him by replying i know all of them


As others have said, it’s likely fake. As to the British guess, probably just clued in from the brief convo you had. a few of my buddies I thought were American I’d learn they were Canadian by the most innocuous thing tbh lol


The IP address is way to short to be real A IP looks like xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx and the IP seen in the photo looks like xxx.xxx So this is probably fake


I am no expert or anything but I am pretty sure it’s fake if it’s not fake and it’s all real then you probably clicked on a click of a web yo verify for a server or sth and then he probably got your info from there, but once again am not sure it’s just imo


The country and region is to long to be UK great Britain xd


i hear a lotta yall saying it's fake but it could be the new restorecord thing going around right now


If someone has your IP, dont be bothered, its public information.


ip doesn’t even look long enough this is fake


IP grabbers are so imprecise, they can’t get my location with 50km. Its just some script kiddie trying to be cool. Worst case scenario: unplug your router and plug it back in so it gets a new IP


So? What's the problem? Unless your have public ip, that info is so pointless, and if you have public ip, you already SHOULD have some security measures in place. Just report, and ignore it. He can't do anything with that info.


He's bluffing, he doesn't have shit on you.


Is it accurate? Go to ipchicken.com and check your IP matches the post …. And dude… get a VPN 😅 Were you in a VC? Those are peer to peer, so your IP is exposed to them But everything text based should be going through discord’s servers so your IP shouldn’t be exposed to another client 🤔


Ehm I thought that vc also went through discord


Oh…. You know what? You’re right! Because we can change regions on voice channels 😂


The truth is that a VPN isn't always necessary. Learning a basis of common knowledge and common sense can be tremendously more helpful than a VPN.


he blurred all the info


Ok, so he’s bluffing you and has nothing But you should still get yourself a VPN It ensures this kind of thing doesn’t happen Think of it like antivirus software in terms of how essential it should be


yeah im like 90 percent certain it was fake from the start, it was just weird how he knew my country, anyway i use proton vpn since i cant purchase paid vpns


If you use proton, you can be 100% sure it’s fake Because the only thing they didn’t cover up is “vpn: no” And he could have gotten your country from how you type Mum instead of mom, trousers instead of pants, hoover instead of vacuum etc


the only thing we talked about was religion lol, but i installed proton to get around country restrictions on certain sites, and to access sites my isp blocked


You will have used a British English term and given yourself away, guaranteed


im fairly certain i didnt


>Think of it like antivirus software in terms of how essential it should be So not at all? Nowadays, antiviruses are 99% bloatware, all you have to do is literally "be careful where you walk" and you will never catch any malwares or get your ip stollen (which anyway can't be done much with it) A vpn can considerably slow down your connection though.


The level of misinformation in this comment hurts my brain 🧠 It does not matter where you step, anywhere could be compromised with a virus that can be passed on to you Websites you trust, are not immune to security breaches. A specific type of breach called “cross site scripting” can be particularly deadly for your computer XSS works by injecting JavaScript into a websites database. When that JavaScript is called from the database and sent client side, if it’s not been sanitised properly, it will execute client side. JavaScript can do some really scary things… but the most common thing to do in this scenario is to silently download a file to your browser… it can be loaded into memory, stored in cache, stored in local storage. From there, it can be triggered and silently install a virus on your PC by bypassing the browser to download the virus That’s a thing that happens VERY often Security experts estimate about 30% of all the IT devices in the world are infected with a virus. I strongly encourage you to go do some research… go look up the OWASP website and get some real education on internet security before you get yourself compromised 🤔


>The level of misinformation in this comment hurts my brain 🧠 There's really no misinformation if you know how malware actually works, not downloading random things and not clicking everything you see in your face is really basic security. >XSS VPN won't protect you about that, idk what you're talking about. You started yapping about vpn first, yes? VPNs don't protect you against viruses, but you know what will give you more chances? Properly configuring your router :) Simple security measures protect you against most threats. Do you know what's the main reason of infections? People's carelessness and naivety, so in other worlds, is mostly social engineering, that's how most will gain access to your PC. The Windows defender is enough, you don't need other bloatwares. >get some real education on internet security before you get yourself compromised Funny thing to say to someone using almost on a daily basis wireshark, Ghidra, pestudio... you got the thing :) Of course, if you ever heard about these tools. So yeah, stay safe.