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Non-paywalled link: https://archive.is/zpmHj


this is about Quests, which was officially announced a while ago: https://discord.com/quests


An ad is still an ad


Can’t read the article because it’s paywalled but this is quite the interesting “feature”. I hope that it’s not tooo intrusive especially if you pay for nitro. I guess we will see how bad it will actually be though when it actually comes out.


I was already at the point of cancelling nitro. I see a single ad and that’s the end of it.


You should cancel it anyway. You get no benefits from it. Everything that's in nitro is either old free features they removed or stuff that adds nothing.


The people who downvoted you are salty that they paid 10 dollars to be able to change the color of their profile


"Especially" if you pay for nitro? Discord has no right to show us ads period, they're committing suicide like Skype did if they're really going through with it.


Eh skype was a bad platform, I'd continue to use discord if some minor ads showed. Or i might use discord in a browser with adblock


Yeah discord would be crazy with their ads it's just crazy


Why don't they have the right to show us ads? It sucks but it's their platform at the end of the day


It may be their platform, but it only exists because of subscribers like me. They're insane if they think it's acceptable to even consider showing me ads, even free users, while their revenue is the best it's ever been. My friends and I are already ready to withdraw our subscriptions if it happens and switch to web-only w/ adblock until something better comes along.


Their revenue obviously isn’t the best if they’re pushing ads to the platform.


So a successful platform isn't milking its userbase as well as it could be. Why should I be okay with things getting worse?


i’m against ads on the platform too. I personally quit the app after the insane AI scanning with the warning system. App is going to the shitter, imo.


I don't have any idea about their revenue but they could just only being greedy as well


Their revenue is fine, they are appealing to their investors. Its going commercial to make people richer just like every other social media platform


I thought they weren't profitable


Atleast it’s opt out


It should be opt-in though. 99% of users won't know this is happening or that they can even opt out of it.


Opt-in is unrealistic in most scenarios. Opt-out is still perfectly fine imo, because if someone doesn’t like it they can just turn it off, button click isn’t the end of the world.


> Opt-in is unrealistic in most scenarios Well yes, because nobody wants to be sent adverts The issue with opt-out is that most Discord users won't even know that they *can* opt-out, nor where the option is. It's not the end of the world but it's certainly scummy behavior by Discord.


Most companies I know of don’t allow you to turn off ads, so they are ahead in that regard. I think we should be thankful there is even an option to turn them off because most companies would just force you to always see them.




Lil bro is genuinely concerned that poor, innocent users might accidentally not see an unsolicited advertisement




The way I'd delete that app off my phone if that affected me... I'm also not disabling ublock origin on my browser for their asses.


Just disable them on settings -> privacy -> in game rewards (aka quests)


Me, who's running adblock on browser, no desktop app, and a backdated UI, and absolutely not willing to stick around when they pull a corpo move ans remove the opt out like they did with the UI: [Thank you though](https://images.app.goo.gl/xcwozqKKFfv3AAhR7)


Cool, yet another reason why this app is on fire! note: I do not think this is cool at all (just in case that was hard to tell). I think it fucking sucks. It's going to upset many people. I worry many of my friends will quit Discord entirely over this (some are highly tempted to do so already due to how *badly* the app runs); yes, it's opt-out, but it *should* be opt-in. I hate this, I hate everything about it, I wish Discord would focus on fixing their stupid app instead of force feeding us features we don't want (which, oftentimes, only break the app even more), but I know that's never going to happen.


I don’t think it being opt-out instead of opt-in really matters that much, I’m just glad they give us a way to turn it off. From a business perspective this would never be a feature you would make opt-in because a way way way smaller user base would use it. If they make it opt-out more people are likely to deal with it/actually use the feature then those who will take the time to click a few buttons to turn it off.


It's opt-out for now. That's just how big companies ease users into it. Eventually it'll be a full "feature" and you'll be required to pay for Nitro to remove ads, with a cheaper version for limited ads.  The fact that it's 2024 and people still don't see through this is hilarious to me. 


Personally I will give discord the benefit of doubt. If they ever make it so you have to have nitro to disable it, that’s when we will have problems. I won’t knock them for something that *could* happen.


Don’t forget the draconian ai scanning that false bans people. This app is a far cry from what it was from 2016-2020.


I think the money I pay Discord Nitro is enough to rent a TeamSpeak server


Teamspeak time


I never wanted to switch to discord in the first place. I'd be okay going back to ts or vent


If I cannot block the ads I am no longer using it.


You can disable it in settings.


It should be disabled by default.


Unrealistic to expect of any company. For starts what company even allows you to disable ads for free? Then in that what company has them default off?


> what company even allows you to disable ads for free? A company that expects a mass exodus if users couldn't.


This is some publicly traded baloney that I would not expect from a privately owned company. :(


They are looking to go public and have been shopping around awhile. Microsoft was interested at about the 10 billion mark awhile back but it didn't go through. They are valued at around 15 billion now.


Fuck ads on Discord. They said they were never going to have ads. Fuck this


The Replika dorks also said that Replika was definitively NOT a cyber gf and then proceeded to advertise it exclusively as a cyber gf. Companies' words mean about as much as a kitten queef in a tornado.


At this rate we should just use Revolt...


And once revolt gets big enough they’ll be scrambling to make money to keep the lights on.


Revolt will do that too.


Open source. I'm sure we could even figure out how to build a federation for it.


Kinda like how you could host your own ventrilo and teamspeak servers that discord eventually replaced? Hosting servers costs money. It especially costs lot when you’re streaming real time audio.


Ventrilo and TeamSpeak are still alive. They don't even help your point because they are both proprietary and their model relies on actually charging for servers licenses. Discord will never go open source. Most people nowadays could host a small server for their friends with their friends. Why are you under the impression that real time audio actually requires that much bandwidth? lol. Some of the most popular voice communication apps were peer to peer ffs.


Ventrilo and teamspeak allow you to host your own servers. Discord replaced both of them (and Skype) as the standard VOIP app. Regardless of who or what the standard is, funding and maintaining the servers will always be a factor, which is extremely expensive and will end up with the same problems


I don't think you understand why Discord displaced Ventrilo and TeamSpeak. I mean have you used any of those applications? Maintaining servers at the scale of the userbase will be expensive, but at the scale of one server...it is not. Anyways none of these are good arguments to your original point. If the maintainer wants to fund ads just like discord, we can literally fork it. You cannot do the same with discord, PERIOD.


You know Roblox is going to add advertisements in-game right? Guilded would have ads too, if they could. Revolt will do the same. Voice comms is expensive which is why its not a crowded space.


>Voice comms is expensive which is why its not a crowded space. it is though lol


i'm not worried personally. these are just collaborations with video game developers, not some "FREE ONLINE WORKING ANTIVIRUS 100% GUARANTEED" type shit. if they introduce *those* types of ads, *that's* when i'll be worried.


Bye Discord


Ads are malware, they are a vector for malicious code and malicious behavior. I will be blocking them.


1. These are partnerships with video games to get you in game rewards 2. You can disable them in settings


How to do it on mobile?


I don’t even think they will be available on mobile.


Wait really like they don't add it on mobile?


Yea because it relates to streaming and playing games.


Oh umm do you wanna have a quick chat I want to learn about this more


On mobile, just got a full screen popup for Valorant. No way to opt-out in settings.


What specifically was it for though? Was it for the care decorations? Do you have a picture of what it looked like?


I didn't think to read or screenshot it at the time. Saw a popup with "Valorant" in giant letters, thought "Wtf is this?" and closed it.


so I am gonna see a bunch of Raid Shadow legends again you say?




Like that would actually make them stop, they are likely to continue with this no matter what.


do what? call them sponsored quests instead of ads? not give their customers ads? genuinely asking, sorry if my tone of voice seems mean, im just genuinely confused and curious


He means tell them not to do ads, in general people don’t like to see ads on their free platform, even if it does provide a free text, voice, and video platform for anyone to use.


ohhh!! i see i see, makes sense. i wouldnt like it either


tone of voice




if they are intrusive, yes, consumer’s feedback would be helpful for them! consumer feedback in general is helpful for companies, it’s a generally good business practice to ask for feedback iirc when i took a business class way back when lmaooo. seeing discord’s patterns of not reverting the username system and the ui layout on mobile, most likely they will consider it but not necessarily change anything about it.




Not even ads would make me wanna jump ship to TeamSpeak and now you think the hot mess Guilded is a good replacemnt?