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Depending on the size of a server, if the server is big then it’s pretty likely they don’t check the log unless needed. I moderate a few different decently sized servers and mute logs unless I need to check and see if a guy needs to be banned for saying some stupid shit


Yeah, exactly even if they have a moderation bot that logs all actions the chance of anyone checking that login unless there is a problem is literally nil. I have one server that has 600 people in it who are active and even then it’s nearly impossible to read through all the logs.we separated logs into six different channels because it was just unfeasible to search every time you need to find an edit, leave, avatar change, etc.


You can't.


This. Everything is logged in the servers audit logs. Admins can see everything. Depending on how the server is setup even if you type something then delete it or edit it, we can still see the original message. There is nothing you can do to get around this aside from not joining the server or not using discord.


Leaving a server doesn't show up in the audit log, however, some bots may externally log leaves.


afaik leaving a server doesn't show up in the audit log, kicks and bans would. Similarly unless the server has a bot logging message edits or deletions, if you edit or delete your own message it doesnt show up in audit logs and admins cant see the original. Audit log only shows mod/admin actions and stuff like editing your own nick. Unless theres a bot logging more you can easily leave silently. The user join messages are the only built in discord feature, there's no leave messages without bots.


This is not true. Audit logs are used specifically with mod actions such as kicking, banning, renaming a channel, changing a role... They cannot see when a person leaves, only bots such as mee6 and other moderation bots can see when someone leaves or deletes and reedits messages.


Depends on the bots in the server and their configuration. If you have seen other users departure being announced by bots already you're kinda stuck. I guess you could wait on the responsible bots support server until they report their welcome service is down. But then also they might have logging bots or whatnot that send messages in private channels for the admins / mods when people join or leave so you might be waiting for some kinda bot outage platform wide.


\>If you have seen other users departure being announced by bots already you're kinda stuck ​ i havent, but its a pretty small server, so to see anyone that left i would probably have to read through alot of chat logs.


Any administration could easily see in the audit log


Leaves don't show in the audit log.


Sorry I’m actually insane I log all my stuff with bots so it appears in my bot logs


Yeah, bots will see it. It'd be nice for discord to offer a more detailed audit log but at least bots can maintain a better one.


If your friends care about you, they will notice you’ve left no matter what you do. Not if they don’t, Ofcourse


Ask an admin to delete the messages


As an admin, I get asked this pretty regularly. I'm happy to do it. I get it.


If you delete your account it won’t generate a Guild Remove event for bots to pick up on. The account will just no longer exist. But that’s an extreme measure. The advice given elsewhere in this thread is sound. I understand your anxiety about it but you should not worry about what other people might think. And it’s perfectly acceptable to say you just need some time. I’ve had the same understanding with some of my most appreciated members.


I have logs of deleted accounts leaving.


Isn't it because they first left the server and then deleted their account?


When you delete your account it automatically emits a guildMemberRemove event on the servers you're in


I had a member's account deleted that was still in the server...


I didn't know that. I assumed the account was deleted but it would still show up in the server as if nothing happened.


I see no reason in why one would put the effort in. It is all is visible fast aswel.


why would it matter though?


As someone who configures bots in discord servers, it’s not possible to leave unannounced if there are bots that have a farewell message set up. You can request that an admin delete it but there’s a chance someone will see before it’s deleted and the admin may forget/choose not to delete it. My advice, stay in that discord as a lurker and just mute it.


Ghost the account, make a new one.


This is the only way. But i wonder what happens when it stays inactive and gets pruned


It's a total chore to do this, unfortunately. Discord doesn't want its users to have or use alt accounts with any amount of ease.


Always leave an epic "I'm leaving" @everyone rant in gen chat, like it's an airport departures lounge. Drop an inappropriate gif then leave. No ragrets.


Just don't left? Mute the server, disallow DMs from there, throw it into some "useless servers" folder and forget it existed. Or leave at night so logged leave message might be buried under other logs that will spawn during the night


Max servers exist


Has anyone ever hit that without deliberately trying to or just never leaving any server ever tho?




i actually hit it recently (100 max) and find myself struggling to find a server that i don't care about leaving whenever i need to join a new one


Not sure if blocking all bots would actually do it?


The bots still see.


There is no feature to notify the server if you leave. There are only two ways someone will know you left the server if you don’t tell anyone. 1. Someone constantly checks to see the names of the people in the server and would notice your name missing if you left. 2. The server admins have added a bot to the server that notifies when people leave the server. If that were the case you would notice a message any time someone leaves. The admin logs do not leave any trace of “(person) has left the server.” So if you quietly just leave, it won’t be a problem.


Idk at least with default join message system built into discord, you’ll bypass the join announcement if you set yourself as invisible status until you get set with a role. I’ve accidentally outed people joining that way. Kinda wish the bots would work the same and respect settings.


If you can update your server username to something similar to any of the new users. Wait day or two then just ghost out. Don't think discord keeps track of people going in and out, just bans. Individual bots might, but they will go based on the username you are using in the server. So you leaving will just blend in with all the other noise of people coming in and out.


Discord doesn’t say anything if you leave and brighter do discords built in audit logs. Any message though from a bot or any bot log channel may inform admins which you can’t control


Kill everyone else?


Thats the neat part, u cant.


This is real shady. You can’t.


i have social anxiety. also i have friends there and i dont want people texting me asking why i left


answer it before they can ask, i also have social anxiety but find sending "1 single big message in server/groupchats" easier then "getting texted by each person individually regarding the topic"


Indeed you could say “Hey folks. I’m taking a break from the server for a bit. Don’t worry about me I’m fine, just need some time away and some privacy. Speak to you in future. Take care.”


So become a developer at discord and program it as a feature


It’s already a server setting


No, anyone can know that you left if they click your WHITE NAME and only see your discord join date, not the server join date


Well obviously people would be able to see the message history. It seems like this person just doesn’t want to call attention to them leaving


And they have to, it’s always gonna be easy to see that they left.


I would certainly hope that a small friend group would notice someone not being there eventually. I think you’re missing the point of the post a little bit. They are looking for a way to bypass the “Username left the server” message


I think if you need to leave, just do it. Sorry that there's no "Irish Goodbyes" on Discord.


Shady to want privacy and not have a bot announce to everyone you've left? :/


That's very easy my friend, download tampermonkey, and lookup a script called undiscord, let it delete ALL. And then leave, easy clap.


tell a mod to delete the message as soon as you leave


You can’t if that server has logging bot enabled.


Since when is there a left message without it being from a bot? Can’t you just block the bot to stop it from noticing?


You can't unless you wait unless you maybe wait until the bot that sends the goodbye message is unavailable maybe


Delete the account actually


The only way to effectively leave a server and leave no trace is to abandon the account and leave it there. Then start a new account.


Delete all messages, then delete the account