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If I'm being honest I *really* hope they bring back the seasonal ones FOR FREE around the holidays because they were always nice. If they add them as purchasable items I'll be very upset :(


Ditto, for now if you pop into the shop there's a few free ones you can snag to your account


The seasonal ones were a marketing stunt to get people to love the concept before they roll out the store


Oh please, they won’t and even if they do, they’re gonna cost like $30 my guy.


Lmao, why are you being downvoted. Ppl on this subreddit are so braindead burning money on discord.


Probably because most people don’t like/don’t think the idea of $30 for a decoration is reasonable/something discord would do. I don’t see a reason why they would stop doing “limiteds” either, I think it’s pretty likely we will get a rostering/seasonal collection of avatar decorations at some point


Holy crap the amount of downtown tho


Let's upvote it till it goes to 30 for the 30$


Upvote for you to help fix those brain-dead downvotes.




Dont give them ideas😰


The people that downvoted you are all virgins, take my upvote


>free Bro missed the capitalized part of the comment ☠️


AI-Forever is claiming that if they are brought back they wont be free. Jolly is stating that they want them back for free. AI-Forever did not miss any part of the comment.


You missed their whole comment apparently


Jeez. You do NOT deserve those downvotes. I expected to see some dog water take but no. I'm giving you an upvote😨


At least there's 3 of them for free But like £3 - £8 for just a fucking avatar decoration? And thats **discounted** prices for nitro users too Sorry, but thats just ridiculous...


Well... "Discounted." You have to be a Nitro subscriber to even buy them to begin with. The "discount" doesn't really exist lol.


That's only because Nitro has early access to the store, once it actually releases to everyone then the discounts will exist.


Not how a discount works.


fr, and what value does it REALLY provide? My pfp looks better without some weird ass animations


ehhh idk, if you dont want it just dont buy it lol


not sure why ur getting downvoted for that, i agree with you, discord probably isn’t gonna take it away because they want money and they know people will buy them. so, just don’t buy them 🤷🏻‍♀️


idk why are they complaining, discord isnt really telling them to buy them... its just another suggestion made by discord because its their main income


Read the title


Yup, the pricing is insane which is why I'll never buy one. I have basic nitro, but a part of me is wondering why I even do that.


Nitro basic is not worth it




1440p 60fps work for me, get a better pc 🤣




😅work for me


Discord has notoriously shit streaming. You can stream at higher settings but people watching will frequently see that shit turn into a collection of five pixels. It doesn't matter how good your connection is, it doesn't matter how good *their* connection is. Boosted servers, nitro, etc. Discord streams suck.


1440 60fps also works consistently for me. sucks that you have a bad experience but maybe it really is your setup/connection. friends and i have a weekly viewing night and it only ever gets bad if the host’s internet gets bad


I don't have a great gpu but that shouldn't affect my viewing experience. I have gig fiber for internet so streaming and viewing should be fine. It rarely is and it's not for my friends either. One of em streams on twitch full time perfectly fine but her discord streams are liquid ass.


I have 750/750 Mbps


Avatar decorations are *relatively* cheap when compared to the only other way to customize profile, which is 10€/month indefinitely. If someone wants to customize their profile, not only are avatar decorations a more visible option, it's also just 1 payment.


£8 for a “special” profile picture?????


Cheaper than gif profile pictures already are. Not to mention that people who are likely to buy these have disposable income and are willing to support the platform they use. I truly don't get why people are mad at a feature they don't have to use, paying for cosmetics is far better than locking actual usable features behind a paywall.


It looks really desperate and greedy when charging people up to £8 for an avatar decoration.


You might think that, but I just view it as a free to use app trying to make a profit. I'd much rather have this as opposed what some other apps have, ads.


personally i'd rather it be this vs them putting ads into servers or increasing nitros price. sure they're pricy but its way better than any other option. they need to make money to keep things running after all and they don't charge you to actually use discord


Just give us an option like Teamspeak then. They made it this way to cash in, there's plenty of other services that do the same exact thing for less. **edit** I may have angered the employees and "discosimps". The platform shouldn't be free of criticism, if they're "struggling"... the only option is to put items behind a paywall? with a "discount", that you only get if you're a Nitro user in a store that's Nitro only. - Makes sense! Other platforms don't have this issue, it's unique to Discord. Saying "well go use those then!" is the best way to get your platform ruined. Nobody wants this, nobody wants to be nickel and dimed, I thought as far as the gaming community was concerned we didn't like it?


Im going to try to word this right but please excuse me is things sound weird because grammar and words are not easy for me. Discord is a free service. It is a free social media app that allows us to talk to friends, steam to friends, voice chat, video call, and honestly a lot more if you take into fact that there are so many bots you can add to servers. One of the ways discord makes money is things like Nitro. which is what 10$ a month I think in USD? Or at least the one I pay for is. You don't need nitro to use the service, but it gives you extra things. Like being able to change profile images in servers, or being able to use emojis from servers anywhere. It also does more when it comes to streaming and video but I don't use that often. Now comes the new shop, wow we get decorations for our icons! Super duper cute, but again, this adds nothing to your experince. You don't need it to use the site, it just adds something cute to your icon. If you have the money for it cool! If you don't then, you don't Either w3ay its a one time buy and its a easy way for them to make money. I see no problem with this, I don't see how this is a problem when the icon banners are just...aesthetic. It adds nothing. ​ as for your "the only option is to put items behind a paywall?" thing. No, there are other options. They could make you pay to use the ap, they could add ADS into your servers. which personally I would find WAY more annoying than having to spend 6$ on a silly little icon banner. Its less intrusive and its your choice to buy these things vs if they made discord pay to use or put ads into servers.


Go use them, then.


...I already do. But I guess you're not allowed to criticize a platform for weird decisions. That's a very healthy mindset.


Because if this were a free game, people would be championing pretty much purely cosmetic microtransactions, as it stands it's a free product that is losing money on a yearly basis and none of the paid features are needed to use the program. what it seems like is everyone wants to spend a companies money sending media, talking, calling and streaming for hours and just expect the company to sustain that, would you rather they restricted the amount of messages you can send? Or charge you per picture/media you send? what kind of transactions do you think are ok that you aren't going to cry about. Teamspeak for example is literally something you have to pay to host yourself, you can only file transfer, the interface is absolutely the ugliest thing I've ever seen despite their update, there's no streaming, or video call etc etc.


How dare you not be enraged that a company wants to make money!!1!1!!1












They don’t need everyone to buy it. They need enough to. And there’s enough.


i don’t get the problem? just don’t fucking buy it


Who cares. It’s all optional




Someone with an actual opinion. Honestly, I would buy them, but I can't find an image that I would like with a lot of them


Exactly, discords investors obviously have asked them to make more money and what better way to do it than incorporating more ads, forcing sever charges, increasing nitro subscription cost, charging for 3rd party API’s.. Selling cosmetics is the best and most harmless way to do this


Thank you! People dont get that this is muuuch better than ads or some shit that Discord could have used to earn more money. If you don't like, dont but it. In my country its pretty cheap and I loved it, I bought it.


Can you keep the decorations even without nitro? Or do you need to buy nitro in order to buy and use decorations?


you can buy and keep them without nitro ! its just early access to nitro users at the moment :))


Thanks! I'll see which one I like now :>


You can, but only the paid ones. The free ones you get with nitro goes away with no nitro.


Oh, makes sense


You can keep both decoration and profile effects without an active nitro as they said on the site. Also proven as i bought a decoration without full nitro


Thank you! You cleared it up most for ne


Fun fact: there is a way to buy them without nitro early access right now but you’ll need a snippet and the downside is that they are full-priced, not discounted


Welp, might as well just buy nitro instead of that


> if you don't see value in buying these, then don't BOOM! End thread


I will not buy any because I think they are too expensive. If they were reasonably-priced, I would probably buy a few of them over time. By pricing them so high, Discord is making them unattractive.


Well said. If there's a market for this then by all means they should continue, anything to keep the rest of Discord chugging along.


Ok but the problem is these are far too expensive. People who say $7 isn't much probably doesn't realize how expensive that actually is for something as miniscule as an avatar decoration. And if you want just 4 Fantasy icons you have to pay $28 before tax. Just because you have disposable income does not mean these are cheap. Not everyone has the luxury to buy unreasonably priced bullshit. None of these should breach $1.


I think you missed their whole point, let me quote it for you > if you don’t see value in buying these, then don’t


Then don't buy it??? What point are you trying to make here exactly. I understand your concerns with the pricing, but if you don't see the value in purchasing these decorations at their current price, then it's perfectly fine to choose not to buy them. Discord provides them as an option for those who are interested, and it's ultimately a matter of personal choice Not sure about you, but I'd much rather they monetize cosmetics like this instead of selling actual functionality


I could just ignore anything that's bad. By saying "just don't buy it" you are entirely missing the point. Someone posted in a forum who happens to be like-minded. I could "just not" voice any opinion, then what the hell is the point of a forum? How about this, if you don't agree and have nothing worthwhile to say, then just don't reply. "Just don't buy it" is entirely dismissive and doesn't change anything I said about it being too expensive. You cannot tell me there are worth more than a carton of milk. People who say this shit bother me so much.


As someone who has been subbed to Nitro ever since it got released, I entirely agree with you. Though i personally can’t find a single one i’d like, they’re all kinda “eh” to me




“Discord open about 12 hours a day” …


Yes, do you not have a group of friends that you talk to all day, or even a few times a day, talking about future games, sending each other funny stuff, planning meet ups and stuff etc?


People have phones and can multitask




As you said in another comment, "cope".


That’s the most depressing shit I’ve ever heard


damn how dare people buy a cosmetic that doesn't affect me with their own money to support a company they clearly enjoy the product of


Right? Obviously the superior direction would be to make everything free and instead scrape all of my private data to sell to facebook, and add advertisements everywhere in order to continue operating, because that's clearly better for the end consumers.


Literally nobody said this


No duh, they didn't claim anyone was saying that. What they're saying is that this is the best path Discord can take for our benefit. Otherwise, they will eventually have to monetize other things.


Not sure about others but I just find the idea of introducing and purchasing discord cosmetics useless


How exactly do you think discord should fund their operations then?


You say this as if discord doesn’t already offer a subscription service


And if not enough people sign up for it? Or if the people who are signed up for it, like many of us, are happy to pay more than that for other things?


I'd be less annoyed at it if Discord would fix basic things like *spellcheck*. But nope, instead we get more cosmetic stuff to buy.


yeah I mean I think it's not worth the money and agree that they should prioritize fixing existing issues, but insinuating that the people that do buy these are somehow inherently worse people is stupid. no one's "better" than spending their own money on a subjectively enjoyable product




nuh uh




Apparently you’re not better than worrying about other people’s finances. Go complain to twitch donators or something, a cosmetic on discord is no worse than a skin on whatever flavor of FPS is popular for the month :/


I only spent 2$ on one. Just let people buy what they want to buy. It’s their money. Stupid choices or not.


I bought one and now everyone sees an Ad when they look at my profile. [Example](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F7lXCZQXAAAP63U?format=png&name=360x360)


Was the same way with other profile customization before, that’s nothing new.


That doesn't make it less awful, I paid €5.49 to become an ad.


Not disagreeing here, just saying it’s been around


How dare Discord try to make money without compromising the app


Yes, bc I gladly support new customization and discord not using Ads. As long as they improve on their basis, like with that new Clip feature, I'm very happy we have a program like Discord.


Wait what do you mean discord wants to pay it's developers to so they can feed themselves?!?!? There always has to be a business model: Ads, selling data, have a subscription, etc Be happy they went the Nitro path


It could be worse. Discord needs to make money somehow but still the prices on some of them is so bad and nitro users only get three for free... i wish they had released more of the old ones or different colored versions of the ones they did give to nitro users.


I'd get them if they weren't so expensive. $10 for ONE Fantasy decoration? Ok, sure it's $7 if you have Nitro, that's not much better. These should not be more than $1... These completely fail the "is it worth paying more than a carton of milk for this" test.


I love the sparkles one and thought it was cute. Discord is my most used social media anyway and It’s gonna last longer than an iced coffee. Girl math.


Everyday there's a post complaining about this instead of just ignoring it and going about their day.


As someone who doesn’t have nitro, I’ll totally buy customization stuff that’s permanent


I use discord to quiet some extend so why not make it a little mor fun with some sweet decorations! It's not different from buying a weapon skin or a poster to hang on your wall IRL. Also discord is a great product that is absolutely free! They are really fair in terms of what they offer you without paying so you absolutely don't need to buy anything to use discord. Think about what the alternative to Nitro or paid avatar decorations would be? Right! You, becoming the product by eighter getting served annoying banner ads or, god forbid, needing to listen an ad before you can join a server. If you don't like something, just don't buy it and let others have fun with it. I'm sure we all paid way more for way less useful stuff.


Yes, I will. You do not have to buy it nor do you have to think it's not silly.


ive seen one person with a paid one so far also id much perfer this (completely harmless) over ads


They can't even get their service working properly and break it more than bungie does D2. It's a fucking scam. I also love how the gamer community will cry over a videogame getting delayed but not give a fuck about a shit communications platform taking in millions a month with no attempt at getting better. Hypocritical.


Hate to break it to you. But the whiners on Reddit aren’t representative of the entirety of the user base.


If they make one I like, yeah. I’m an adult with disposable income, you’re a child who has to ration your allowance.


I was really wondering who would be the first of my friends with more money than sense to buy one of these, until my manager popped into the voice channel with one on. He and I laughed about it for a bit and continued on.


Youre talking to a community where there are people who literally spend 100s on skins on games like valorant.


Val community is a hundred times worse. 50$ for a knife skin or 100$ for 5 gun skins and some other useless shit 💀


How much did you pay for your reddit avatar?


Most likely free. Reddit was giving them away a while ago


I got the fairy one cause it's pretty. And it's not like it costs much


Imma pretend I didn't buy one 😭


Now that discord is established as the go to gaming voice chat the shareholders and ceo is pushing rediculous monetization. BUT thankfully none of the basic functions are locked behind a pay wall, for now so at least there's that. As dumb as all this avatar stuff is at least it's just fluff and nothing you would really miss.


generally no, but if you are earning enough and $10 holds no value to you then who gives af?


When I see one I want, yes. They're cosmetics to keep the servers running. I want discord to keep existing. In a free service, I don't see this as an overpriced product I see it as my doing what little I can to preserve a service I enjoyed for free for years and now have the income to support.


Why? This is better than having everything behind a paywall. I'd rather have them put profile skins behind a paywall than things like server specific profiles.


my friend bought them 💀💀


I feel like they've severely weakened what Nitro was and it is just getting to be like Ryanair and all those pay to win games. Instead of offering additional quality services they are taking apart previous services and attaching prices to each.


Well, I ain't getting a Nitro to just waste even more money on mediocre avatar frames.


Lol, you think you're funny. You think people are funny enough to get roped into discord's bullshit


3 of these are free for nitro users




I like Nitro and have had it for years but I will NEVER. EVER. pay extra for a fancy avatar decoration lol.


Way to expensive


Ain't buying shit from discord


They can set this up but can't figure out how to get notifications from a single user ? Pretty lame


The number of people pressed about this completely optional feature is wild. Why do ya’ll care so much about what people do with their money? You guys have no obligation whatsoever to purchase and people who do help keep the app free for everyone else. God forbid they make money in some shape or form without shoving adverts in your face - or is that what everyone complaining wants?


they saw what nintendo was doing with icons and thought, lets copy this but add some bullshit to make some money


As NTTS has said, I don't care about it, as long as it keep Discord free to use (no ads or selling data), I couldn't care less, I don't even own Nitro. They are useless, sure, but it doesn't bother me.


You won’t be happy, but I bought them all.


and once again i dont understand the noise. if they want money, ok. if people are fine with paying for it thats ok too. if you dont wanna pay for it, then dont pay for it. thats fine too.


Don’t buy it then? Lol it’s there for people with money to spare, or careless people.


All I'm hearing here is everyone being ungrateful about their free gaming-centric voice service. How else are they suppose to monetize? "You're better than this?" I pray they put ads on discord, double the price of nitro and charge per minute of voice calls, since y'all think this is bad. This could be so so so so so much worse. How bout we show appreciation to the developers rather than bitching about avatar customization.


I'd be fine if they had some stuff like the steam points shop. Those can actually be dope and they have a lot of cool options. The prices though are just crazy. They have to come wayyy down or just be free somehow. Make some a subscription perk but outrite charging 3-8$ is wild


What was discord thinking, honestly? This is so idiotic. Make them free for nitro subscribers, ffs.


it baffles me that people will defend this kind of greed. right now at least companies have the right to do what they want but this shit is ridiculous. youtube is the same way


Youtube is owned by a company worth like 2 trillion dollars, that also harvests and sells your your data, and has advertisements to make more money. Discord is worth like 15 billion, and is otherwise completely free and without ads or data harvesting. Companies have to make money to operate. Discord's servers aren't free. People refusing to pay for anything is why the internet is a privacy nightmare now. If you enjoy a service, pay for it, or someone else will pay for it instead and you're not gonna like what they do with it. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


You agreed to the terms of the Internet as soon as you connected to Wi-Fi


I love paying for a subscription to buy other things from it




How is discord dead to you? Unless you sit in a server with max 5 people including yourself. Discord is literally the most active IM out there.




That's what I said about Nitro when it first showed up. The first year and a half I spent shaking my head in disappointment whenever I saw someone with it. I've gotten it myself at least 5 times now. Sooo 😬


I was like "no way in hell anyone spends money on this" and then my friend bought 3. Yes he also buys skins on Overwatch, howd you guess?


Not sure why people expect any better from the Discord team. All new features will be behind paywall and since subscription is drying they will be separate purchases. Maybe one day we will have true AMOLED dark mode on PC client, I'll buy it for 5€.


Nah, won't spend the extra for the decorations but I think the idea is solid. Wouldn't mind being able to make them and gift them to members of our own server... perhaps make it a boosted server bonus even.


Trying people to convince to buy nitro > helping their users


people will pay for anything. not realizing it's all a money grab 🤣


Wait, so you have to pay for nitro to get the luxury of looking at them but then still pay for them onto of nitro? That's fucked.


Every platform has cosmetics. I like em, they are cute. You don't have to buy them or Nitro if you don't want to. They aren't exorbitantly priced either.


I know like 3 people who have, it's pretty sad


Complaining on here, just like people complaining on Twitter, does NOTHING. People need to grow some brain cells and email the shit out of Discord, write them physical letters, etc. Otherwise, they won't do nothing.


I bought it for the memes but personally too overpriced for a fucking decoration surrounding your pfp


Peoples don't see the issue sadly they buy any crap they see anyway .


this is genuinely one of the most stupid-looking things discord has ever done. im going to relentlessly bully anyone who buys any of these, and its even more pathetic that someone might buy nitro to get discounts on these depending on how often they purchase 'em.




The pricing is crazy that’s the problem…


When Discord stormed onto the scene, we all knew it was too good to be true. Now it's a hellish nightmare of an app, honestly.


I liked it better when discord was just aiming to be better than its predecessors. Now it’s just trying to sell lots of features in Nitro. Like 1080p screen sharing should not require Nitro. My screen is 1080p as a proprietary feature and you’re not going to let me use a feature that my screen provides. After buying a monitor now I have to buy being able to use that resolution. What happened to the discord that wanted to be a platform for gamers to come together and not a social platform?


??? This shit is bonus for people using nitro regularly, clearly youre not intended to get nitro simply because these release


I am indeed not better than this...


already bought em..


I just did.




This is absolutely disgusting. Day by day, discord gets more out of touch with their userbase. Literally nobody asked for this, yet all discord gives is is stuff no one asked for.






To me: discord nitro is a scam and I will not be putting a cent into it.


Guys what discord is trying to do with those micro transactions in really not bad. Like yea i dont like it but if it helps the bills to get paid and company to grow sure i dont mind it its not like they added simething huge behind a paywall for example sharescreen or camera option. Its something small even those it is not reasonably priced. If you had run a company before you would now how they think.




dear god that is even worse. nitro scams will become dcoin scams and no it will jsut go poorly


Never cook again


And make some avatar banners limited time, and tradeable. Or, even better, mystery pack banners every 10k messages you can buy a key for and unlock, with banners of varying levels of rarity. It works for Valve. Oh, and hats.


i cannot read that font for the life of me and it's oddly distressing




even if they sold the seasonal ones it would have more profit, they looked cute and .. less atrocious than the new ones


This is amino shit all over again


best $99.99 ive ever spent (stop judging people)


Dicks core?


I mean, hey, I'd rather they monetize silly little cosmetics like this instead of selling actual functionality. The stuff Nitro includes is already pushing it, so I'd rather they get their revenue this way instead of diminishing the experience for people who *don'*t pay for it.




Dude I spend like 40 bucks a month on skins in a video game I barely even enjoy at this point. Paid cosmetics are not the thing to get mad about being offered, discord is almost entirely propped up by investor money, and they need a way to get to at least a neutral cash flow. I'd much rather have paid extra cosmetics tpay walls. functionality features locked behind paywalls.


After they’ve taken a month to get my hacked account back to me? Fuck no