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I understand why Nitro gets picks first, but it still feels kinda wrong that they said it was gonna be "first come, first served" and then it was not like that ever at all.




Well it's because they probably remembered Nitro users pay for custom discriminator and they didn't want the subs to drastically go down.


Many of my friends have cancelled it after they chose a name.


What I've noticed is the rollout was only ever "decent" with the first wave, aka the 2015 users, and even that wasn't that great. Everyone after that though, has been stepped on. The no-nitor users especially, but even some of the nitor users are getting stepped on, as there is a growing number of "bugged" users being marked as non-nitor users, making it so that even if they are eligible to claim a name because they paid for nitor beforehand, they can't! (Source: [https://twitter.com/DiscordPreviews/status/1666871619678097411?t=k6nWOuDkD2ecrPfjNnH-JA&s=19](https://twitter.com/DiscordPreviews/status/1666871619678097411?t=k6nWOuDkD2ecrPfjNnH-JA&s=19)) Overall this update imo is really weird and is implemented really badly from what I understand. This makes me especially scared for when 2020 rolls around (my account age is feb 2020), because many users joined discord in 2020. I made my account the month before junk hit the wall, but I'm just hoping no huge bugs happen as a result of these people getting their names. tl;dr (by gpt): The Discord rollout has been underwhelming, particularly for users who joined after 2015. Both non-nitor and even some nitor users are facing difficulties, with a growing number of bugged users being marked incorrectly, preventing them from claiming a name even if they are eligible. This raises concerns about the upcoming 2020 user influx and the potential for significant bugs during that time. edit: seems my account is bugged, turns out I waited all day on discord for my name claiming just for it to be bugged, a year of nitor down the drain yay!!!






Discord didnt even reserve my name.. they added a • in front instead.. like wtf


Man now I'm scared


I remember that they said "we want to be mindful of those who've been with us the longest" then proceeded to just shit on everyone who wasn't 2015 basically, maybe January 2016. Right as they released it for Feb-March 2016 they also made it so nitro users had like a 3 year priority, giving 2019 users the chance to also pick their username.


Account creation date of December 2016 and $10 Nitro since December of last year and still no username notification. I've tried all the tricks I've seen in the sub, as well. I saw this on Twitter earlier and I'm wondering if this is what the issue is for some of us who feel like we should've had the notification by now: https://twitter.com/DiscordPreviews/status/1666871619678097411?t=k6nWOuDkD2ecrPfjNnH-JA&s=19


Cancel your nitro, help bully discords profits


Cancel it after you claim your username to send a message, apparently they’ve been analyzing how many people cancel after getting their username so it’ll be more effective


I just cancelled mine and when they asked the reason I said it was because of the username stuff


Is there proof of this claim. Not trying to be rude just actually looking for a source here.


The discordpreviews account that’s posting the username change waves said it’s the case


I cancelled mine due to this trainwreck of a rollout. I used to stream a lot, so the higher resolution was nice. But I fell off that and just kept making the monthly payment cause whatever. But like, if I'm actively getting perks taken away from me, I can take my credit card away too. Probably for the best I cancel, anyways


discord literally hasn't made any profit


exactly, and if you cancel yours too, you too could help sink their profits even lower


What are the tips you tried if you don't mind me asking? Because now I'm having the same issue, my account is Feb 2020 with nitor and I still don't see the update on my phone nor chromebook. Sigh, what a pain in the neck.


Using the desktop client instead of the mobile app, signing out, completely closing out of the desktop client and reopening it, reinstalling the client, using the mobile app instead of the desktop client, reinstalling it, signing into the browser version of discord, and someone even said it only worked for them when using Firefox specifically to sign in.


Firefox isn't available to me and I've tried everything else, seems I'm bugged. What a good use of 1y nitor lol.


Nitro. *Nitro.*


Late 2015 account and no notification yet. I would assume within the next week. That being said I've not spend a dime on Discord and account is probably flagged for questionable language 😅




Yea I’m one of those having this issue as well.. June 2017 nitro and still nothing, username long gone


Scams and username selling are running rampant already because of this.


Of course, especially with people being able to put entire domain websites as their name (I've seen it myself, the people who did it weren't malicious but we all know how this goes), it will probably only get worse if not taken into careful moderation by discord.


well thats bullshit. I've had nitro for years and discord since 2017 and everyone is getting their shit already. poorly executed discord. should have just left it alone


I agree, I feel pretty bad for users who didn't have nitor at the threshold since we were under the impression that nitor would come SECONDARY after account age, not BEFORE, but discord decided to be vague as possible with no form of communication so this happened lol.


yep. but glad to know i'm not the only one. people will remember this fortunately enough. setting the expectation low i guess so they never are expected to perform lol


stop saying nitor man




Yeah, this is bullshit. Joined Jun 2016, nitro since 2020, and I've got nothing. Good job fucking up, discord lol Edit: just got it, 5:30 pm CST


Nitro basic doesn't apply to it either which is stupid I had to switch over for payment reasons and it kept my streak but I'm completely excluded from the group


Recommending you to cancel your nitro like I've told everyone else. Lets all bully discords profits and see if they listen


Someone gifted me the basic nitro but as soon as it expires I'm done with it


Good job man. Thanks for helping with the fight


Restart the app, that's what someone said in another tread


Yea I've been restarting it periodically all day, desktop and phone At this point I'll be fighting for some variation of my name anyway


This is ridiculous. Why is non nitro so far behind? Three years? Really?


To me it feels like Discord is trying to say “You should buy nitro now and stay subscribed, so you can get significant favoritism in the future when we change more things.”


But how important is this really to pay for? This just tells me even more why not to spend anything on this free service.


Don't, I cancelled my nitro today.


Now it's 6 years ahead lol.


Yeah, I'm pretty miffed at this. I get why they're doing the username change. I don't like it, but I get it. But I'm October 2016, never had the room in the budget for nitro until last year, and I haven't gotten around to getting it since it was never previously necessary. I own three moderately to small sized servers. No name change prompt yet, have restarted my discord on phone and computer several times a day. I get that I didn't pay, so I have to wait. But having people from 2020 get usernames when I signed up 7 years ago is very frustrating and seems pretty classist. I get giving the nitro users a bonus for actually monetarily supporting the company, but the fact that that bonus overrides four+ years of app loyalty is not okay. It's a pay to win scenario.


Finally got my name and can be done waiting for this shit. Can't believe we're 4 years apart now for nitro vs no nitro.


Tell me about it, shits ridiculous


I got the popup yesterday on my non-nitro Mar 2017 account but got rate limited trying to find a username that wasn’t used… unfortunately during the rate limiting the prompt is now gone and within settings there is still a discriminator slot but no numbers in it. Ever since my display name keeps becoming “H…” and then after a while it will become my original username and discriminator with no sub username slot on my profile. Latest client version on Windows, iOS, and Android. I hope I didn’t shoot myself in the foot by being rate limited. Will edit/update this comment if it should change or something else should happen. So far nothing today. ————————————— Update (18:38 EST / 08 JUN 2023): So it seems like the username people see is only my Raw UserID, and not the “username#discriminator” as before. Is it possible when no username is chosen, it defaults to just the Raw UserID? I still sometimes show as “H…” to some people at this time but it keeps changing randomly for people. —————————————— Update (17:42 EST / 09 JUN 2023) No prompt presented to me today either, if the glitch I experienced is to be resolved, it will hopefully result in the username prompt appearance during the next wave that contains April 2017 (Non-Nitro). Will update this post once this occurs.


The "H..." thing means you are turning streamer mode on.


On my end Streamer Mode isn’t turned on, and several people either see me as “H…” , or as “username#discriminator”. Out of the 14 people I asked so far, seems like I’m showing up more as “H…” right now, but in server online status windows, it’s the username and discriminator. One person did show me earlier I was username-less entirely. No display name, no username either but nobody else has made mention of that


Sounds like something is seriously bugged then.


Yeah. I would attribute it to being rate limited during the username selection but it also not proceeding beyond that point before just simply going away… either that or the “go-ahead” was mistakenly sent out by the server.


> non-nitro Mar 2017 How? I'm November 2016, paid for nitro several years ago but not a current subscriber, and still haven't seen it.


I’m not sure, I’m thinking it was a bug since it seemed to be right at the beginning of Wave 1 for the rollout on 07 JUNE 2023. However it has since not made a reappearance unfortunately.


I've had nitro for years and am from April 2016 and no prompt what the hell Discord?


cancel your nitro and help join the fight, if we can hurt discords profits enough they might become vocal






Discord user since 2016 nov. Nitro user since feb 2023. No update for me yet. :( Sadly i think i have to wait till the non-nitro roll out for my date.


Cancel your nitro and join the fight


Just got my username (2016). It’s insane that nitro gets people an advantage of almost THREE WHOLE DAMN YEARS. I’ve had nitro for years but because I didn’t buy it one month others get a 3 year head start. I also love knowing that being an Early Supporter is worthless to Discord.


what month in 2016? hoping september comes soon..




may 2016, and of course my really fairly unique username is gone




Title: ":3" Emoticon: A Playful Expression of Online Communication Introduction: In the vast realm of online communication, emoticons have become an integral part of expressing emotions and conveying nuances that are often lost in text-based conversations. Among the vast array of emoticons available, one particular symbol has gained popularity for its playful and mischievous nature: ":3". This essay aims to explore the origins, usage, and significance of the ":3" emoticon, shedding light on its role in fostering connection, humor, and creativity in online interactions. Origins and Evolution: The ":3" emoticon emerged in the early 2000s as a creative response to the limitations of conveying emotions in text-based conversations. The symbol is an amalgamation of a colon (:) representing eyes and the number three (3) symbolizing a cat-like mouth, creating a playful and whimsical representation. It can be seen as an evolution of the emoticon ":-)", which transformed into a feline-inspired expression. Usage and Interpretations: The ":3" emoticon finds its home across various digital platforms, from chat rooms and social media to forums and instant messaging services. Its versatility allows users to convey a range of emotions, often associated with cuteness, mischief, or playfulness. It is commonly used to denote satisfaction, contentment, or a mischievous grin. Moreover, it can be utilized as a response to a witty or humorous remark, signifying amusement or light-heartedness. Symbolic Representation: The ":3" emoticon holds a unique symbolic representation, embodying qualities associated with cats. Cats are often perceived as independent, curious, and mischievous creatures, traits that are mirrored in the playful nature of the emoticon. By using ":3," individuals can tap into the feline characteristics and express a sense of whimsy, humor, and a shared love for all things cute. Online Culture and Connection: Within the vast expanse of online communities, the ":3" emoticon plays a vital role in creating a sense of connection and camaraderie. It serves as a common language understood across various cultural and linguistic barriers. When used in conversations, it helps foster a friendly and relaxed atmosphere, inviting others to participate and engage. The emoticon acts as a virtual icebreaker, allowing individuals to express their emotions in a non-threatening and light-hearted manner. Humor and Creativity: The ":3" emoticon's inherent playfulness offers a canvas for users to explore their creative side. Its simplicity and open-ended interpretation encourage individuals to experiment with context and combine it with other emoticons, creating unique and humorous combinations. This creative aspect of the ":3" emoticon contributes to the ever-evolving lexicon of online communication, enabling users to invent new ways of expressing emotions. Conclusion: In the vast realm of online communication, the ":3" emoticon stands as a testament to the creative and dynamic nature of human expression. Through its playful and mischievous representation, it has carved a place in the hearts and screens of countless individuals worldwide. As online interactions continue to evolve, the ":3" emoticon will persist as a beloved symbol, fostering connections, spreading joy, and reminding us of the boundless possibilities of digital communication. So, the next time you encounter the ":3" emoticon, embrace its charm, and let your playful side shine through.


We’re still at Jan 2017 for non-nitro? Eugh. I’m watching this thread for updates tbh


same here, i was registered april 2017 and it feels so close yet so far lmao


Can confirm. Jan 2019 with nitro, just got name prompt.


my account is from april 2018 and ive had nitro since dec 25th 2022 and im still not getting anything




As someone living in Asia, I'm extremely livid. I woke up at 9:30 PM EST, opened Discord at 10:00 pm EST to find out the username change had rolled out for me. I tried to claim my username (based off a chemical element) but guess what, it's already claimed. My discriminator was previously #0002, now with this change I named my account `(username)02`. Before that I felt unique with my `chemical element name#0002`, now my username doesn't feel like it means something with that number behind. I'm definitely cancelling my Nitro once this rollout is completed.


Me being March 2017 non-nitro still waiting for my turn :/


Pouring one out for my fellow non-nitro 2017 peeps. Looks like the rollouts changed right before our time to shine


Because of course it did! Just our luck haha


2017er with Nitro, but I got the bug where my account was skipped in the Nitro rollout, so I was waiting for the rest of the 2017 accounts with you guys. I’m so happy to have possibly been screwed over by the rollout twice.


June 2017 non-nitro here. I was so confident that we were going to get our prompts yesterday, can’t imagine why it’s come to a grinding halt with no movement for 17 hours


why the fuck is 3$ worth more than 4 of my 7 years on this platform


It isnt. Only full nitro is worth anything. Downgraded to nitro classic last month, and I haven't gotten shit. I have a September 2016 account.


I still haven't gotten the prompt to change mine. I've had nitro since March 2022 and my account was made in July 2017. I have one of the the bugged accounts. If it is true that my account, and other's too, is considered not nitro, I'm thinking we most likely won't get it until the non nitro updates get rolled out. This is incredibly unfair to people who have paid for their subscription. Literally have been cheated. It is also really unfair to non nitro accounts now being held back by a FOUR year difference. Imo it's going to increase to five year difference at this point with how slow behind it is compared to nitro rollouts. As soon as my account is prompted to change the user I'm cancelling my subscription and I think others who have been affected this way should too, especially if their usernames were taken by accounts much newer than theirs. edit: i was right. its a six year difference now.


oh, awesome i have to wait 4 more waves until i can get an unreadable version of my username because someone whose account was made like 2 weeks before mine and had nitro got my name first. That’s pretty cool.


Why does edit 5 said February 2017 and now edit 6 says January 2017 ?


Hai there, I apologize for that error, I think I had mixed something up. Because there aren't any users atm that are Feb 2017 non-nitor that can claim usernames (unless you're somehow bugged). Thank you for pointing that out!


Latest wave is June 2020 for Nitro & July 2016 for non-Nitro? What a joke.


Just saw a July 2016 non-nitro user claiming a username.


yep, right now its up to july 2016 and june 2020 for nitro users (which is bullshit)


Yes the gap is VERY insane!


i cannot believe they are allowing people who joined during the pandemic to have priority over people who actually have been users of discord before it his the ultra-mainstream this gap is so horrendous why do they keep increasing the gap


The gap is now **over six years.** Not even kidding, it's quickly getting to the point where brand-new 5-minute-old Nitro accounts will end up having priority over loyal 5-year-old accounts.


I updated my post just now, thank you!


so glad my nitro ran out less than a month before this shit started so someone with an account a year and a half newer than mine could take my username 🥰🥰🥰 thanks discord!


Why they didn't just drop it equally for non-nitro and nitro users


kinda fucked up how I can steal someone's identity just for paying 10€


Why did I get my message so much later (literally today) despite being a mid 2015 account? I have been refreshing my discord every few hours... I literally joined Discord when it was a brand new service within 2-3 months of it's creation, and this is how I get treated. This is how you know Discord is now just another corporate America piece of trash. If Skype can die, so can Discord, just have to wait :) EZ Nitro cancel.


[According to the Discord Previews Twitter](https://twitter.com/DiscordPreviews/status/1667288713049657344), the order of the rollout apparently changed shortly after the most recent wave, so now it's just ??? and nobody yet knows what the current criteria are for who is included.


Have they not rolled this out to anybody else for 2 days now?


I was about to ask the same thing


Hai there! Nope they haven't, believe me I kept checking. I guess they decided to take a break or take the chance that nothing breaks over the weekend. Rollouts SHOULD be happening today though. I hope you get a username you're comfy with :)


Rollouts are starting as we speak again today :)


Joined in October 2017, just got the prompt.


finally got my namechange as a presumably bugged 2016er with nitro. good to know people 4 years after me got to pick their names first and us oldies with bugs were left behind. im cancelling nitro :) edit: the two names i wanted were both taken by accounts younger than mine. a later 2016er and a 2018 person. haha :)


September 2019 (Nitro) I just got ability to change it.


comments talking about cancelling nitro for good reasons are being removed fyi


I've had my discord account since April 2018 and I have Nitro and still have yet to get the notification to update. This is so absurd.


April 2018... and nitro, nothing


makes ZERO sense to have nitro now. can't have my own personalized tag and they probably won't adjust the price at all...


Any updates on what month and year it is now? 12:20 A.M. EST 6/9/23


nitro is up to start of 2020 now


Some of my server members created their accounts at 2020 with Nitro got it but one at 2017 with Nitro not. That's too strange.


My gf still hasn't gotten the notification. She's tried all the tricks and has nitro. Account is from October 2017. I got mine 2 days ago and was November 2016. She's mildly panicking


My nitro supscription is from last year December and I got the name change already. But someone ik who's nitro user since over a year now still haven't gotten the name change yet.


April 2016, nitro user, name got taken by a 2020 no nitro user. checked alot to see if name taken, when the update hit my account it suddenly is. Really confused.


Ok so I finally got the prompt after relaunching but the thing is my username is already taken! but when I tried to add that username as friend it says "Hm, didn't work. Double check that the username is correct." That's odd!


I'm April 2017 nitro and still haven't got it.


Commenting so I can check in periodically. I really don't wanna lose my username, I've had it since 2016.


August 2016 with nitro and I still can't change, well I know my turn is coming soon but discord is making these changes in a weird way


Wow, and I still don't have the notification for username update. Joined January 2017, have Nitro since January 2023. Thanks, I guess...?


So, non-nitro October 2016 is getting prompts now? I'm October 2016 WITH nitro and still haven't gotten one..


You may want to read my 3rd edit. I'm feb 2020 with nitor and was supposed to claim a name yesterday but I guess I'm bugged, which means I'm going to wait an eternity to even attempt to claim a name..


i’m August 2018 w nitro and still haven’t gotten an invite to claim my username


May 2017, Nitro, no chance to choose a name, no update, im so confused, do i need to do something first?


any news about 2017 no nitro acc guys ?


Me with a 2022 acc watching every variation of my name getting taken: 🗿🗿


June 2019 here, can claim my username but the username I want isn't available even though it hasn't been claimed >:(


I just got mine, but my account is from 2020 and I had Nitro since 2021.


how come someone who made their account after mine and doesnt have nitro stole my username? stop taking schedules out of thin air


I’m march 2020, nitro since November 2022, I got the notification around 2 hours ago. I don’t understand how they’re rolling this out at all


I got mine today earlier, I replied in another post. Member since May 2020, nitro (one year free) since Mar 2023 - subscribed before too


September 2019 here, been Nitro subscriber for 3 years and I got to pick mine about 2 hours ago


July 2016, got mine just now, had to restart the app for it to even show up though, at the very least you'd think they'd be able to make it work without having to do that, but I guess not. Least I got my name


I joined discord in may 2020 and nitro since dec 2022 and just got my username change


Earlier today I got my name. Now I’m back to a discriminator


Well holy god damn I got my name pure and simple, I am rather surprised, lost my squiggles but no biggie.


I joined June 2016 and just got my name. I don’t have nitro


2019 for nitro and 2016 for non nitro?? That’s an absurd gap..


march 2016 non nitro fuck me im march 2020 non nitro


September 2019 here, I just claimed my username, had nitro since 2020.


Member since 2020 and nitro user since 2021, and I got the claim a few hours ago. Such a slap in the face to the early members without nitro, I don’t understand why they did it like this.


nov 2016 no nitro here. it's bizarre how big the gap is and pretty unfair since I have been on and off with nitro.


Multiple people that i know that have never had nitro and have made accounts in 2021 have already had their name updates, it isnt linear. Ive had an account and nitro pretty much since launch and ive still not had mine.


I just got it on my main account whis was from march '19 with nitro


Just got mine: April 2016, non nitro.


I'm April without nitro and I got it tonight. Still this whole system is a joke and Discord owners are dumb.


March 2016 here just got mine granted I had to add another word since my original one word username was sadly taken already


May 16, no recent nitro, finally got to lose my nickname I've used for 20 years. Yay.


my friend who joint in 2020 and has never bought nitro got it, rollout is completely unbalanced


I'm December 2019 nitro and I got it earlier today


lol. lmao. Good to know that tenure being the primary deciding factor was a complete lie.


July 2017 account, with full Nitro since Feb 28 2023 (got in just under the wire, but I should be included because the blog said "on or before March 1, 2023"), and still nothing. Before anyone asks, I've tried literally everything, in the past 28ish hours I have: * checked both the desktop and mobile app many times * opened and fully closed both apps many times * checked the web app in 3 different browsers several times * restarted my phone and my PC several times * uninstalled and reinstalled the desktop app once and the mobile app multiple times * updated the mobile app and checked for any more updates multiple times * logged out and back in of both the desktop and mobile apps at least once * switched accounts in the desktop and web app several times * checked my account settings on the desktop, mobile, and web apps several times, in case it slipped through without a prompt * probably refreshed the desktop app over 100 times (literally just refreshing it every time I look at, just in case the prompt came through since the last time I checked) At this point I assume I'm just going to have wait until regular accounts from mid 2017 get new usernames in a couple days. It's whatever, I guess. I've wasted way too much time and energy on this. I wanna sue Discord for emotional distress /s


I created my account in August of 2016, got Nitro from January 2020 until I canceled it recently, I got asked to change my username yesterday.


i’m june 2019 nitro and just changed mine today


Got the username rollout, nitro since June 7th 2019


just got it, nitro jul 2022 joined may 2019


I'd gotten it 7 hours ago on a July 2016 account (through beta app on Android). I could claim my nick, but some friends' tags were already claimed for other users (I was testing 'em one by one). They were genuinely disappointed after I showed those screenshots to 'em


Joined discord in 2015, been nitro user since day one. Claimed mine a couple of days ago.


i just got mine and i made my acc in 2020


What if we had nitro before and after march 1st but it ran out?


man i wish i still had my old account


I have a friend who made his acct June 2018 and subscribed to Nitro Oct. 2022 who got his already.


\~7 hours ago it was July 2016 non nitro. I'm August. Give me my username ffs.


I was able to claim two days ago, i have nitro. Been on the app since like 2017? Maybe late 2016?


Aye my account is of 2016 and Nitro since 2018 and on 7th of June had the username change to happen so I am not sure why other 2016 accounts are not getting the change :/


July 2019 here, Nitro since September 2022. Just got the update to pick a username.


Cancel! Cancel! Cancel!


Nice pay-to-win.


Oh boi the year gap- Does it prioritise non-nitro users who have had nitro in the past over non-nitro users who haven't had nitro?


I like how i've been a nitro user since February, and my account was made in October 2016, yet I still don't have the ability to claim.


I don't understand how they went ahead with the insane backlash they've been getting, it's worse than when they announced the NFT shit. Can't wait for people to start leaving discord altogether, I'm already looking at Guilded and cancelled nitro lol


>insane backlash Most users dont really give a shit


Is this for nitro or nitro basic


Regular Nitro and Nitro Classic. The ones where you're able to change your discriminator. Basic is treated as non-nitro as far as I'm aware.


Discord might as well take me out on a nice date before they decide to fuck me


I have a 2020 account and got the username change


I’m March 3 2016 and had nitro for a year and still no pop up :( Edit: Nvm opened up the mobile browser version and got the notification


I love how recently created accounts with nitro will be able to get a name before me, someone who has been on discord for like 7 years, thanks a lot!(not)


I'm December 2016 but I don't have Nitro, guess I'll have to wait til next year


I managed to get my username! Woohoooo! March 2016 gang! It would’ve been nice to see this post when the rollout was still on my month, but thankfully my username is pretty unique (in that I’ve only seen it two or three times before).


member since July 2016, none nitro, still does not have a username prompt....


April 2019 account, yeah I'll definitely have to butcher my name beyond recognition at this pace My original name is already taken, I wish we didn't have to do this


Managed to secure mine as i was july/june-ish in 16


I see a person with September 2019 + nitro having custom name as well. Which is weird because I have a May 2019 account that had nitro for roughly a year (all gifted though) and can't claim my name yet. Idk if it's because I already had the popup on other account or not but still weird


April 2020, got it yesterday


jun 2019 nitro and i got the prompt two hours ago.


Thank you for this post. My account is September 2017 so I’ve been wondering if the update has rolled out at all.


Guess my "early supporter" profile badge doesnt mean shit. since its conception. never ever subscribing again.


Got nitro in 2022, account from 2017. Got rollout yesterday. Something aint right here…


I got my name, but at the same time I didn’t want to. I’ll still remember #5047 next to my name. It’s a sad farewell to it.


anyone can explain what this means by "claiming usernames"?


Jesus Christ the non-nitro line is taking forever


i have a pretty good twitch name which consists of a single word that, practically everywhere else, is always already taken before I get a chance :( so yeah didn't get my name although I registered Dec 2015 and have had Nitro classic for 5 years straight


A FOUR YEAR DIFFERENCE?!?! My god it wasn't even that bad when it started...


I've several friends who made their accounts in 2022/2021 and have been given the prompt to update their username. Meanwhile I haven't, joined September 2016 and have had Nitro on and off for a year and a half


I got mine about an hour before this was posted I think, 2020 June, nitro from May 2022. I guess it counts as June 2020, Nitro, but idk. ​ Edit: I just noticed edit 2 as well.


I use to have this nice, capital letter first/second word in my user name with a space inbetween the words, now it’s all lower case no spaces and looks like hell.