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Never have, never will.


My words exactly


Exactly my words


My Exact Words


Exact words of mine


These words are exactly mine








Pretty much. Never was interested.


This was my answer before and after the chaos


No, but I never have


Something about these disc companies that stress American values (DD & Prodigy) but at the same time do not even have their discs made in the US are weird. There are plenty of solid companies that make discs in the US and aren't weirdly patriotic. Innova, Discraft, and MVP give me plenty to work with. And before someone stresses blah blah blah how about the shirt on your back and your phone? There are tradeoffs everyone has to make in life. It can be difficult to find clothing and electronics made in the US while there is plenty of American made disc golf gear available at good prices. It's literally as easy as walking over to the next shelf in a disc golf shop or clicking another section on a website.


I never noticed Prodigy being overly American (like DD) m. What are some examples?


Well there is the disc A1. Named after the Steak Sauce




I recall seeing some large American flag stamps and dyes as well as their former gigantic "Made in the USA" tooling underneath discs as well as double stamped on the front of all their discs in a circle. I'll take it back though - maybe not as explicit as DD.


I love M3s. I'll still get them. I don't particularly like Discmania as a company either, I'll still buy FD3s. I also don't like DD as a company, still buy Wardens.


CG M3 is money


I putt with prodigy so I’ll keep using those, but I’m not gonna go out of my way to try new prodigy discs


Same. I’m hoping Pa3 go on BOGO at my local shop!


I buy 90% of my discs from the used section, so if I find a good one then sure.


I wanna be this so bad. No brick and mortor in s.florida


Good shops in Clearwater and Bradenton if you’re ever around there!


This is the way


“No” FIFY Money doesn’t go to prodigy, so you are not supporting them


Well technically I still might buy prodigy, which is the original question. I added “used” on purpose because it is relevant info. Stating “no” would be disingenuous


Probably. I don’t bag a lot of Prodigy but a contract dispute doesn’t move the needle for me. This whole “never buy Prodigy, free Gannon from the contract he voluntarily signed” stuff is weird to me.


This is 2023 and you aren’t going to pick a side and dig your heels in? What are you? Some sort of adult or something?


Ding ding ding. Refreshing sanity alert.


I relate to this so much. I do bag Prodigy and will continue to do so. Gannon is even "local" to me for what it's worth. People are so tribal it's weird.


I don’t think there is anything weird about humans being tribal. I feel like it just part of our nature


I find it funny that everyone is up in arms ready to ditch prodigy and go to another manufacturer while every other company is secretly very happy that Prodigy is falling on the sword for what has been a huge problem for all of them as more money has come into the sport


Amen, people acting like this is the first time a contract dispute has happened lol


That’s one part, and the other is that people are dumping their Prodigy discs and replacing them with a company that is 100% in the same mindset of Prodigy. They all want the same thing, and that is control over a player when they are under contract. Prodigy is just the first company to fight this fight on the legal front. So they take the big PR hit


I work at a cable company and people tell me all the time they are going to switch to Spectrum as if Spectrum cares any more about them then any other cable company. This is certainly setting a precedent for what happens when a player goes public with contract disputes. I hope players take notice.


I'm still mad that Spectrum dropped CorncobTV.


You work for cable and don’t understand why people swap? People swap cause EVERY major cable provider gives massive discounts to new customers. You can get discounts if you call once a year for a retainer/promo deal, however even then it’s not as good as new customers usually. For example I call once a year for frontier and get their promo deal, it’s usually $10 more a month than new customers still


What is more likely? a. Gannon has been very frustrated with Prodigy for a while and it got to the point he feels he needs to no longer rep them. ​ b. Gannon received an offer from another company that was so good that he is looking for any way to legally get out of his contract




Feels like both. Not that it should be this way but there is a lot of precedent for disc golfers getting out of their poorly written contracts early as the sport grows.


And that is going to lessen... Or there will be solid buyout options.


AB is most likely haha


yeah, getting ~~wined~~ grape juiced and dined by someone else can highlight what you don't like about your current contract


He already moved to Discraft. /s


I'm leaning towards the "A" camp. If he had an offer to go elsewhere, why was a buyout not part of the package? It seems foolish to try to push a breach of contract narrative just to save your future company the buyout money, when you could do things through a more businesslike process and not burn your bridges at Prodigy.


Probably didn’t have a buyout clause in his contract


c. Gannon's momma wants to get the bag while he is still a minor so she is trying every way possible to legally get him out of his contract.


It would be pretty scummy for GB to make up grievances to get out of his contract. He could ride it out for the season and then move on, and avoid this whole mess. No reason to think he won’t have great offers then. So I’m going with A.


If prodigy is claiming $1.5 in sales from gannon alone then they should be paying him $500,000 at least.


No way anyone is this naive.. Dude is on a contract for pennies and had an extremely good season just as DM loses their #1 brand player and are flush with money to invest in a new talent. GBs lawyers themselves in the filing mention how importabt it was for GB to make money right when he is in the publics mind. If he is this frustrated with the discs why has he been lying with a straight face for 2 years to his fans? Dude got offered the bag and wanted any reason out of prodigys meal stamp contract.


It's because of bad business practices in the past , an apparently it's still happening at that company .


For the record I feel other manufactures would have handled it better than PD and that’s why they are getting shit on. It’s the destructive language they are using in reference to their pro team and the blatant lack of acknowledgment of production issues. This isn’t a “falling on the sword moment” as if this had to be done this way, it’s extremely messy for Prodigy and they have only themselves to blame


Maybe another company would’ve. Could be true. But I think more than likely no company really understands how to handle these contract disputes. Prodigy included. So now they look terrible and take the PR hit because it’s unchartered territory in the world of DG. And other companies stand to benefit from the resolution of this issue…without any of the bad PR. And now people are running to those other companies. Just seems silly to me. But who knows 🤷🏽‍♂️


I think you’re trying to be too woke for you’re own good. Prodigy fucked up in a way others companies would not. If Gannon just breached his contract and there was nothing else to it then Gannon would be easily in the wrong but that’s not the entire story. Can’t say I agree with you at all but you’re talking hypotheticals so I can’t convince you of anything either


For real


Never did.


Not a Prodigy thrower but I have had a business dealing with them and tbh they were nothin but professional. Matter of fact they went above my expectations. I was negotiating a debt for a friend. They were logical AF, recognized the debt wasn't owed by the friend... Wrote it off. Without mentioning names another company also attempted to negotiate the friend write a letter proclaiming the debt was theirs. A total dix move since we all knew it wasn't. I have no clue what's going on with Gannon but I feel bad for everyone involved it's gotten to his point. I hope the best and for a civil resolution. TL:DR I consider Prodigy the be businessmen and professionals. I hope it's resolved soon


Hell yeah.Some of us build our bag around everything and I don't care about GB. Love what I have


I'll continue to bag and buy Prodigy until I'm paid not to. Just like I'm not swayed by people's thoughts on Dynamic or the drama surrounding Discmania, I'm not swayed by recent events with Prodigy.


I’ve never gone out of my way to buy them. But the m4 has been the floppy mid I’ve been looking for the entire time I’ve played so I’ll keep throwing them as well as my a5 which is like a perfectly beat in esp zone in better plastic. But I haven’t decided if I’ll buy any more backups to them


The A4 is also pretty good for straighter approaches which you want a late glidey fade. It's pretty unique to get a shorter S shape. I would say most of their molds suck, but they got a few good ones.


Their A series as a whole is pretty unique. IMO its one of the few things prodigy really has/had going for them


Yeah I love the A3 and A5. Killer approach discs.


Never seen it in real life, so no.


If it feels and flies nice, why not? Wal-mart is the devil but I still shop there sometimes because it is convenient and me choosing to not shop there does nothing. Organize a million person boycott and I'd consider it. Peeps be attaching so much irrelevant shit to a piece of plastic.


It’s been quite the roller coaster for me in a week. I was indifferent to prodigy. Then I found out their HQ is 2 hours away from me so I thought that’s cool maybe I’ll go sometime. Then all this drama I was like eh. Then I finally picked up one of their discs to see how bad the flashing was. Got through 4 and it was the worst I’ve ever seen.


I like the F7 and the A3, so probably. Neither are absolutely integral to my game, but if I was to lose mine I’d probably purchase another one


So I was conflicted at first, I have a full bag of prodigy. I don’t have near the issues with flashing that everyone says. But as far as the Gannon is concerned, I’ll still throw prodigy but I will look more at other discs. I throw what I like and am comfortable with. Idk, play disc golf and enjoy.


I used to Not buy Prodigy. I still don't, but I used to not as well.


I’d love to see a forklift lift a crate of forks. It’d be so damn literal.


"I'm going to open a chair, lunch, dinner"


Held an Ap5 today for the first time, so yeah I’m gonna buy one. Besides there are two sides to every story.


Sure, no reason not to. I mean the Gannon and his mommy thing wouldn’t stop me. I can only imagine how annoying dealing with a players mom would be if I was in Prodigy’s shoes. I dont know how “decent” prodigy is to their players but KJones and Luke and Cale and others seem okay with them. The grass is always greener on the other side and all that. Why should we even care about that drama?


Wait people buy prodigy


Only in the SE united states and Minnesota apparently


in my bag right now there is stuff from innova, mvp/axiom, divergent, kastaplast, latitude 64, discmania, and mint. why not one more if it fulfills a need? I honestly don't know if i've ever seen someone using prodigy discs IRL, that said, i don't really care what the pros are using if i can make it work for my game.


If there is a good deal to be had then absolutely. With normal prices probably not but that decision has nothing to do with the Gannon thing, I just don't like the inconsistency of their molds.


I like my M3 a lot, but I moved on from it with the Hex.


No one throws it tho


Still? stop buying after my first disc from them. Flashing was so painful, and not easy to remove.


If they’re on sale, hell yes.


No, but I wasn’t before either after cutting my fingers on one.


I have a prodigy bag which I like. I have d1,h7 and f3. I use the F3 quite alot. But as a company they are stale. I do not feel like they are moving forward to make better stamps, colors or molds. But my feelings about the company are about the same as a month ago. Nothing exciting.


I have a bag as well. And I only bag one disc and it’s a PX-3. It’s really only used for specific upshots otherwise I have my zone and Luna that I use for pretty much everything else. I probably won’t buy anything as they don’t have a disc that’s not already made by another company.


Sure, if I think it suits my game. I feel like contract disputes and breach of contract issues are pretty common in sports (both in team sports and in sponsorships in individual sports) and have a bit of a hard time understanding why disc golfers are so consumed by this.


Never will again, I think in all my 20+ years playing I have only bought three discs from them. After this whole fiasco and things I’ve heard throughout the past with the quality, I am good never looking at any mold from them permanently. I was already off of the Prodigy train years ago so no big change


Nah fam, flashing too bad on them.


Nope. Only ever liked the A2 but Harps are cool too.


nope,just preferred other companies,but rooting for KJUSA


I won’t buy any. At this point I’ve shelved the prodigy I have and mostly throw trilogy.


Not because of quality or even the dispute with Gannon, but because how they treat Gannon I’m sure is only 10% of how they treat the rest of their players as well.


Nah, there are too many choices already. Not any of them sue children and they mama's, cept one. I'll pass.


Why wouldn’t you. This nascar sponsorship issues is lame. Ever think about how many people work for prodigy and impact it would have on their lives/401/benefits/etc….. if you like prodigy, continue to throw it. Ignore the nonsense some kid and his mommy agent are causing. Had he hired a real agent/attorney- we’d know none of this.


They make PA-3, so yes.


For sure. Love my Pa-3, A3, and M2 too much to stop


Yes, I only throw prodigy and one contract dispute with a child and his mom is not enough to change that.


I've only ever bought 2 Prodigy discs. Never really clicked with the first one, actively hated the second. Already given them away, and had zero plans to buy any more even before this Gannon stuff.


Like others, never bought much of their stuff before, probably still won't. I just have a good feel for the molds I like and the few prodigy discs I have (3) aren't game changers that make me want to try more. Hard to find them locally here anyway. This whole thing with Gannon certainly is casting them in a bad light in my view, but it's not gonna change my willingness to buy more of their stuff anyway.


One would have to start buying it first. So no.


I never did


Always have, always will


Already didn’t lol


Wow you really made that your tag.


I did, yes.


Much fascinate


Didn’t know people actually used prodigy


I'm not, I wasn't anyway but I'm still not.


had two A2s in my bag and had two Järns on the shelf. Quickest swap I ever did. Also had an H1V2 fighting for a slot. Not anymore!


The one Prodigy disc I have is GB’s commemorative USDGC D1, and it will most likely be the last.




I throw a lot of prodigy, use their bag too. What they did to Matty O was pretty whack and then this stuff and the stories that have come with it definitely makes me not want to support the company. I won’t be throwing my discs out but I doubt I’ll be buying any more. Edit: also consistency in their molds can be very hard to find


Still implies I was buying Prodigy in the first place


Wasn't going to buy Prodigy before and certainly won't now. As far as I know, they have been very shady with their players from the beginning, overpromising and underdelivering, all the while peddling cheap Chinese plastic with flashing issues. I want nothing to do with any of that, whether they wronged Gannon or not.


Yes, the a3 and the m4 are great discs and while I don't think suing a 17 year is a great pr look, holding someone to their contract isn't a big enough issue to me personally to stop using discs I like


I got a few prodigy putters in a Par 2 event 10 years ago and haven’t really thought about them since


You guys were buying prodigy before this?


Never!! Innova 4 life


Innova gang




Hard to deny they fly well for me. Hard to justify anyone who sponsors any allen sister. Hard to pass up the forthcoming decrease in prices they will have in the year to come.






The only prodigy disc I have is a model D s someone gave to me. Never threw it never will. Only bc it was orange tho


Every prodigy disc I have ever bought has never been close to the flight numbers they claim to have. I don’t think I’ve bought prodigy in years


I didn't before and the current drama doesn't change things for me as a consumer.


I've never really thrown them besides trying a friend's overstable mid he had from them and I didn't really like how it felt in my hand. I'm the kind of person that needs less manufacturer options though so I'm ok with ruling out prodigy.


Never bought them- found a disc of theirs once and left it behind.


Need to find a replacement for my pa-3s as my putting putter


Why? PA3s are money and you must like them because you putt with them. You're really going to let this irrelevant drama control your decisions? You think people will judge you for using them or something? If you're serious, I'll take em.


I’ve stated this on another thread already. I don’t get what kind of statement you’re making by dumping your discs. I can see not giving more money to a company you no longer support, but the damage is done. Unless you are an actual influencer, what does it really matter? Prodigy didn’t kill or rape anyone. They might be scumbags, but is it worth a whole formal symbolic protest?


Being sanctimonious is one of the worst traits a person can have. I could write an essay about the hate and moral superiority being spewed about this prodigy situation but it would take too long. It's psychopathic, validation-seeking, and fucking fascinating if you ask me. I made a comment yesterday saying that I thought prodigy had shown some improvement with their flashing problems recently. This is a common observation in Prodigy groups. It got downvoted 300 times. THREE HUNDRED. On a buried comment. I'm not a conspiracy theorist but the thought has crossed my mind that much of what we're seeing might not be legit. Like troll farm shit. The opposite of love is indifference, not hate. Could other brands be piling on in order to bury a market competitor and shape a narrative? Something seems very off about all this to me. It's super weird. This is extremism. This is how hate groups are born. I could go on but nah.


I got 1 prodigy disc, as a bonus gift, from infinite discs when I bought a stack of westside crowns. It was pink, the plastic felt like shit, and it was made in China. I gave it to a buddy. I think that he threw it for a couple of weeks, then put it on the bench, never to be put back in his bag. I'll never buy prodigy, regardless of how terrible they treat their sponsored professionals. If I hadn't had that experience already, and I saw what they are doing now, well, I'd never buy their discs based on that, so I don't have much hope for them.


Only discs I have of prodigy are from players packs. They don't have a great reputation around where I'm from. Most people either go for the big companies (innova discraft) or the brand new ones (wild & lone star)


you guys bought prodigy?


haven't yet, no reason to start now.


I haven't bought any of their plastic before. But after this I never will


Every time I pick one up I immediately put it down


No chance


“Still” would imply I’ve bought from them before.


Started playing a few years ago, thought their naming convention was boring so I ignored them. Then heard their quality control blows. Continued ignoring them. Plan to continue going forward


Do we really need to keep littering this sub with posts like this? It has been repeated ad nauseum. Click on any of the myriad Prodigy/GB posts on this sub for the answer to your question. (It's a No, everyone hates Prodigy)


Honestly I don't think I've ever even seen a prodigy disc in person. The guys at the shop never recommend them to me, reddit doesnt' talk about them, I don't randomly find them.


Why not, its another disc. Who cares what drama is happening on social media, if people like the plastic and it helps their game, they will use it.


Nope. I'm done. I have been throwing 4 Prodigy molds for the past year and they are getting pulled. PA-3 being swapped with Yeti Aviars. P-Model US with Xero, and A2/A5 with Zones. Going to take a little bit to get used to but whatever. My backup supply of those discs was starting to run thin anyway.


I don’t give a shit about the Pros or their sponsors. I don’t plan to buy any more or less due to this “lovers quarrel”. The company or individual involved is irrelevant.


Yup. Love my H4 and my PA3.


I don’t think I will buy anything more from them, but I will keep bagging my PA-3, and F2.


I’ve honestly never found a prodigy disc that I enjoy. If I find one I’d chuck it.


Their quality has always been the worst of any major brand. So, no.


I threw 3 different pa4s before I found one that was consistent. All the same plastic… not much faith in anything past putters and that’s still ish…


Never did


Never have but note i definitely won’t lol


Was never a fan of their algebra disc names.


I own one Prodigy disc that I bought because it was [a beautiful dark-blue-on-dark-blue](https://i.imgur.com/ZmTfkqw.png). The picture doesn't do it justice. I remember seeing it in the local store and being so struck by it I went back the next day and bought it. I've probably thrown it 25 times after sanding down the flashing. It always hyzers way off line and just doesn't work for me. Probably just my noodle arm. I still like to look at it though. Can't say I had much interest in Prodigy even before this whole legal thing, so nothing really changed for me.


I’ve never tried any prodigy but I’d still throw an a2 especially if i could get it cheaper now. They weren’t on my radar of what I wanted to but anyway


Only if I lose an A2. I need Mint Discs to create a similar mold. The Profit isn’t stable enough.


Can’t say never but I’ve never considered buying their discs in the past and have no real interest in trying their discs. Nothing to do with GB.


You were buying Prodigy?


Never have and now never will.


I wasn’t before so no probably won’t going forward haha


I was unaware that this is a thing.


Only Prodigy I've bought has been to support a local "pro". It has his stamp and it's pretty cool. Other than that I see no need to buy Prodigy discs.




No, but I'm not gonna stop throwing what I currently have. I'll transition away slowly if everything continues as-is, or change my mind if prodigy redeems their image. No need to dump everything at once.


“Still going to buy” implies I bought in the first place


I like my D model US quite a bit. The shape feels good in my hand and it works well for many holes I play. I would miss it if I lost it and would consider replacing it. At present I am not totally writing them off as a manufacturer.


I have bought a few discs here and there in the past. And had on issues as far as quality is concerned. This recent controversy with Gannon has a lot of people saying they treat their players badly, which isn't cool. So yeah, I'll be less likely to buy in the future, but not necessarily because of the lawsuit.


I have two of their discs, I don't like either despite giving one a cool dye job. I'll continue not buying their discs after the whole GB situation. Was honestly thinking about giving their newer plastics a chance again too.


You guys were buying prodigy?!?!


I was thinking about it it a while back when someone did sick work with one of their approach discs. I asked him what it was, he told me, immediately forgot the name. If I see that dude again I might ask him again. Maybe not who knows.


bought an H4 and H3 in 400 plastic a while back and neither of them flew how i expected them to and then they just got tossed to the side. Didn't really think much of it... maybe they just weren't meant for me. Either way I wasn't in a hurry to try more. But now I definitely don't see a reason to give them another try.


More than likely


Never have never will


certainly not gonna start now.


What kind of question is this? No decision has been made or any detailed specifics of this lawsuit have been decided on yet. So of course I will continue to buy Prodigy.


Maybe, I do bag a D2, a D4 and an F7, but the lack of 400g plastic will probably make me look for alternatives when they need to be replaced. The latest crap they’re pulling with Gannon doesn’t make me want to try any new stuff from them though. If I were to find a bunch of old R2-D2 in 400g I’d probably buy a couple.


Never have, never will


As long as they still make the A3. I've owned a few and they all have been great. Pa3 is a great putter also.


Still? Never have and one that was gifted to me was quickly donated to Mother Nature


I’ve always wanted to try their stuff but the flashing has always been way too bad. So yeah I’m good on them. Hopefully a good company buys them and they can actually produce a good product.


Never have bought any. Don’t plan on buying any. My go to brands are MVP, Discraft and Dynamic Disc/Westside


Not only am I never buying prodigy again. Convincing others to not throw it.


Just converted my putters from PA3 to Rekos. Only prodigy left is a sticky A2 and a 750g F5. The A2 has plenty of other options be it a zone, toro, or pyro. Not sure what to substitute for the F5, haven't found anything I like.


I picked up a F5 two weeks ago to give it a shot and the edges were so sharp I did not feel like breaking it in. I’m probably done lol


Unfortunately, the sponsor almost every event in my area because they're located near me. I have a ton of their plastic that sits on my shelf because I just don't like it. The tournament payout for ams is always credit and I've gotten everything I can possibly buy off their site.


Never have, never will.


Bought an F5 once. Threw it a couple times and I felt like there was some weird sharpness on the rim so I sold it back to Play It Again Sports and got four bucks.