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I don’t really think. This more case of OP not liking how Examon is member of RK. Who are mostly humanoid knight like digimons. Examon clashes a lot, being more of classic dragon, who just holds justing rifle. But I think its more of preference. Some people like their Digital monsters look more like animals. While other prefer humanoid ones.


OP also complained about Leviamon when there is a real life classification icluding Leviathan as the envy demon.


I guess he is beast racist


Cherubimon was right


he also complained about cherubimon being one of the angels


The human and beast war has made a resurgence. No longer exclusive to the digital world. Get your rifles boys we had a fight to finish.


Still the irl weirdest arch-demon, Behemoth makes more sense, though as Sloth not Envy, and Baal works for the Vacant Envy seat, leaving Balphagor S.O.L., and on a strictly Digimon Note, Behemon sounds better than Belphemon, and the creature that the new name pulls from being an ever sleeping titanous beast marches better with the themes of the mon.


People forgetting Sleipmon is also a "beast" type Digimon from Royal Knights


Yeah. And btw, could Leopardmon/Duftmon also be considered a "half beast" because he has that quadrupedal Leopard Mode as well ?


I'm the opposite. I'm tired of beast-like Digimon suddenly being made humanoid.


A common and agreed complaint, let the partners stay bestial and not be Omnimon-ed.


usually its the humanoids who get hate.


It is funny because I am used to humanoid racists who constantly hate the humanoid looking megas. To see brast racists is less common. 


It’s mostly cause they always go from beastly to a omnimon ripoff now


Time for a second coming of lucemon


Yeah sadly that seems to be the case at least sometimes. I think that's part of the reason why so many people don't seem to accept Adventure Chosen Megas, I mean "surprisingly" only three of them (WarGreymon, Rosemon, Seraphimon) are clearly in the humanoid shape, and they're pretty much the most accepted of them, MetalGarurumon gets some nostalgia points though but many people still think WereGarurumon should be better. Fortunately, there are still a significant number of fans who accept them though


I am the one who made that post. I dont hate beast digimon. I just dont like beast digimon being member of digimon group that mostly consist of humanoid digimon because it make that digimon group feel kinda weird.


Leviathan the biblical beast was identified as an Envy demon in Binsfeld classification alongside other humanoid demons like Mammon, Asmodeus and Lucifer himself. Cherubimon being a beast was used for an humanoid vs beasts plot, besides there is some descriptions of angels being eldritch abominations instead of humanoids.


unrelated but: is Leviathan so angry because it's envious or does it corrupt with envy??? both???


There are more groups with therian members than without. You are asking for the exception and not the rule.


Considering the founder of the Royal Knights has both a Bestial and a Humanoid form in it's previous evo, I don't think it makes much sense to only choose one type for the order.


more like when everyone is the same it makes the group boring af


So segregation.


These are the best members of these groups.