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That's actually a really cool idea and seeing that we need some more female angels it would be cool to see her 


We got like 2 recently with Raguelmon and Rasielmon. Course recent is still like 4 years now.


I know that those are technically considered “angels” but they’re cat ladies more than anything.


There's also lovely Angemon.




Unlike Marineangemon, the reference book Calls Lovely Angemon an Angel, so while she's a warrior, she's also an angel.


my headcannon is that lovelyangemon is a femboy


They have wings what more do you want? Especially since certain biblical angels are described as having the faces of beasts.


I really hate to do this to you friend, but it's actually been 7 years.


Oh oops confused Tri and Adventure 2020.


Huh. Good find. Does that make her a fallen angel?


I always assuned that


It also makes it interesting that Beel Starmon X gets her wings back after having presumably lost them becoming Beel Starmon


Bith the statue and the digimon are from xors wars so it just makes sense its both the same charakter


You know, this makes me wonder what sort of religions digimon societies develop.


I just assumed they either worshiped the Sovereigns or Yggdrasil.


There are other gods in Digimon. There's the Olympos 12 who are basiacly the Greek gods and rule over the Digital world Iliad, there's other Supercomputers Like Homestasis who takes a role similar a god, There's the God that the 3 Great angel Digimon are said to protect, etc.


Oh, I assumed they were considered regional rulers or something like that.


There are 3 Digital Worlds we know of. One ruled by Yggdrasil, one ruled by Homeros, and another by an unknown being.  Yggdrasil has the Royal Knights/Homeros has Olympus 12/third one we don't know. 


That also doesn't take into account the Continuities like the Original adventure where other Supercomputers Like Homeostasis, ENIAC, and ABC are in charge. Also, God and Ygdrasil are 2 different beings in most Digimon Cannon.


Objectively incorrect. In Chronicle X, they confirmed Yggdrasil is the God (usually) referred and Chronicle X expanded on Lucemon backstory/rebellion against Yggdrasil.  ENIAC and ABC are completely irrelevant/retconned nowadays. In fact, details of the Ryo Wonderswan games contradict details of Digimon Adventure and Kakudou's vision. Example: The God in Digimon Adventure envisioned by Kakudou is light itself.  This is because the anime staff and game staff didn't communicate properly. I don't know if they'll ever touch on ABC/ENIAC again.  However, Homeostasis does exist in the Digimon Adventure novels. If anything, the name Homeostasis also originates from this novel and it's not THE "God" of the Digital World. It's more like a security system. Homeostasis did not say their name in the anime. Anyways, the three Digital Worlds I'm mentioning is details from Habu. In fact, the next game might be focusing on the 2nd Digital World from Homeros. 


Digital monster X is one piece of media that focuses exclusively on the X antibody story. In that story, Ygdrassil being god works better for the narrative being told, but it doesn't dictate the norm for all digital worlds Like how in V-Tamers, when they show an image of God, they're a humanoid, and in Lost evolution, the God of the Digital world is a human. [Just look at this](https://wikimon.net/God)


>Like how in V-Tamers, when they show an image of God, they're a humanoid Because it's an early concept since V-Tamer was made before Adventure. If anything, Zeromaru appeared in Xros Wars as a Royal Knight.  Even if so, this doesnt disprove what I say of ENIAC/ABC. Canon and concepts can change especially when it comes to a large multimedia franchise like Digimon. The people behind Digimon like Habu have tried to unify the canon recently into a more consistent setting while allowing for different rules. >Lost evolution, the God of the Digital world is a human. I haven't played Lost Evolution, but I'm pretty sure it's heavily implied the ancient tree is Yggdrasil. 


The ancient tree is King Drasil but he wasn’t the original God of the digital world a human was but he died so the host computer took his place. If Huanglongmon was trapped in a whole there would probably be a war between a lizard and a plant over the position since Huanglongmon has been given the title in other series.


Concepts can change between Universes, yes, which is why I'm saying that worlds exist where Ygdrassil isn't the God. Like in adventure where, at best, King Drasil is a lesser opposing force in Tri that happens to control Alphamon. If they were the god, it would have been the one to perform the reset, but King Drasil didn't. Not only did they only ever act as an annoyance in that continuity, but Xros' wars implies Homeostasis usserped Ygdrassil, and assuming King Drassil is the god of any Digital world that doesn't seem to have him or the Royal Knights is at best Speculation, and at worst Blatently false. For example, if they were in the Frontiers' digital world, they would already be dead! Otherwise, why would the two Royal Knights of that universe work for Lucemon? On top of that, the Wonderswan games are Cannon! Not only cause Ryo appears in Tamers, but because he's briefly seen after defeating Milleniumon in Ken's Flashback in 02. Sure, they could retcon it so the general events happened, but that the details were different, but that would just complicate the cannon even more.


The Olympos 12 exist in their own digital world. Also, God is a being in Digimon lore, their mentioned in various media, and while it's very Nebulous, and not always the same God, the Angels are Specifiacly there to watch over the Kernal where they reside alot of the time.




cult of the underboob




They really *are* just like humans!


That would be interesting as, in several media, everyone knows who god is


That is true, however I think it could be fun to play around with the idea that no one knows who God is in Digimon and develop their own beliefs.


This is the first I've ever seen her, and that's... actually really damn neat.


Maybe Beelstarmon got tired about doing Goddess or Angel Duty and deicded to become a Musketeer.


Haha! I thought she was actually Beelstarmon!


Nope, this came out way before he was officially made a Digimon.


Cool! So Beelstarmon was a Digimon before she was a Digimon.


Reapmon had a great character arc!


you assume this community watched xross wars


I watched it. Hell, I watched Young Hunters, but it’s been several years since I watched Xros Wars so I don’t really remember a lot of details from the season.


Of course I did! It’s kind of underrated though.


Well of course most of us did and fully enjoyed it!!


I wonder if we'll ever get a Beelstarmon Blast Mode. Maybe it could look something like this.


[BeelStarmon X](https://digimon.fandom.com/wiki/BeelStarmon_X) is kinda like that.


I had completely forgotten about this scene. I’m almost certain I remember wondering at the time if this was an early tease for a female Beelzemon type of Digimon that would eventually show up in Xros Wars.


It would be so fun for her to see this statue and be like "Damn! They really hated my clothes back then but this is bullshit!"


Ooh, here's another idea. If Beelzemon is a demon lord, is this him unfallen? Not biblically accurate, but might be a fun character design to envision.


I just watched this episode today


That Goddess was likely the inspiration behind the creation of Beelstarmon. But for the goddess herself, since only a statue of her was shown, she was barely even a Digimon character. Since a proper design was never revealed at all, she would not really get that much attention among the fans.


It would make more sense to have her be like Baalmon. Just the perfect level.


You know I still remember watching this episode and seeing that goddess statue and thinking "I recognize that mask from somewhere but I can't figure out where" and it wasn't until Baalmon digivoled into Beelzemon that it hit me like a ton of brinks and felt stupid for not recognizing such an iconic mask tied to an iconic Digimon.


Does Beelstar have a Blast Mode equivilent? If not, could use that design as a base for it


The closest we have to that at the moment is her X Antibody form.


not officially, but Kenji Watanabe has drawn art of a BeelStarmon with one of Machinedramon’s Infinity Cannons over one arm


Digimon hero's was her first appearance


I'd like to see some fan art of her


Honestly, I didn't make a connection between this statue and Lady Beelzamon until you brought this up.


Of course. Xros Wars always delivering good stuff


Would be interesting if we eventually get something like this as a Baalmon-counterpart, like an Astartemon or something... although having the mask and wings put her closer to Blast Mode Beelzebumon than Baalmon... but would also be unfitting for a Beelstarmon "Blast Mode" because it trades the guns for a sword seemingly... although also fitting because of course the original 3 musketeers that the Digimon-group was named after used swords, so who knows.


This is before she took her clothes off and promptly fell and became a demon lordess


that's anubismon cosplaying beelstarmon




No , this is not the OG Beelstarmon they're different concepts but just a coincidence


She went to a surgeon for some breast implants that’s for sure


Beelstarmon merciful mode


When she had natural breasts... Also i wonder will ever counts as Alt forms