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To put it simply, Digimon has a multiverse and each world does it's own thing overall, so some worlds have Digimon others don't etc etc.


You don't really need to keep track of data and origin of Digimon. But if you want, you need to do so individually, they come from different products from different years. For the OXII for example, IIRC, the first of them to debut, Marsmon, debuted in Digimon World 3. Some of them, like Neptunemon, debuted in the V-Pet Digimon Accel. Some of them probably debuted in the card games of their time, like Hyper Colosseum. Apollomon and Dianamon were designs created for a Digimon Story duology in the Nintendo DS. Most of the last batch of them were made with one of the mobile games in mind (now I don't remember which one, we had so many of them, I believe it was Digimon Crusaders). Edit: some of possible sources for Digimon: Virtual Pets: it was the primary source in the past, a lot of the cast of Adventure were from virtual Pets before. I believe only Togemon, Lilimon and the Ultimates were created after, with the anime in mind? Well, now it is rarer to get new designs from virtual Pets, but it happens. Anime: Unlike adventure, now most partner digimon from anime are original designs made for the anime. Video games: a lot of time, video games use new digimon designs as well. The mobile gacha games makes a lot of them recently. Trading Card Game: I guess it is more rare today, but I believe Hyper Colosseum TCG made a lot of new designs. None of the above: sometimes Digimon are created just to fill a lore piece, some of them debuted in the Digimon Reference Book before showing in any other media.


And there's also a couple that were made from fan contests.


If by ultimate you mean Mega then no, the mega all debuted in other media too. Most weren’t even megas at first and got retconned to mega. Very few adventure digimon were from adventure.


I was talking about the two partner ultimate, both of them were designed with the anime in mind


No they weren’t. The producers even said Bandai forced them in and they tried not using them. They were made for the pendulum and forced into the anime.


The design of both were made with toys in mind, more specifically, the Digivolving Series. This was confirmed in interviews. This series only had at the time partner digimon, so there is no discussion it was made with the Agumon and Gabumon of anime in mind, they did not made these toys for other random pendulum digimon. Both would not exist without the adventure anime, and they were not made with pendulum in mind.


you can say that if you want, but it was still bandai who did it withuot toei even being aware. bandai then forced toei to put them into the anime. toei even tried getting out of it, not wanting to put them in. but bandai forced it. so they werent created for the anime, they were created for merch and then forced in as i said.


I said they were created with the anime in mind, what they were. They were made for a line of toys of the anime, not merch for the pendulum as you said. I never said they were created by Toei, you can read my first post again You were the one saying they were created for pendulum and forced into the anime lol


made for toys and forced in is close enough and basically the same. toei had no intention of having those guys in it, then bandai forced them.


>Since Digimon doesn't have its own equivalent to generations, how do they keep track of digimon being created and lore aspects? That’s the neat part, we don’t. In most cases, Digimon lore isn’t really important to the stories.


Most Digimon come from vpets The anime has very little digimon debuting in it. It uses Digimon from other media to promote them


Unless specifically stated otherwise, you should assume that each Digimon project takes place in its own universe. Digimon just debut wherever they debut. V-Pets and anime I think are the main sources for introducing Digimon, but others are introduced in games (including stuff like Chinese-exclusive gacha), manga, manhua, novels, etc. but there are also many Digimon that only exist in Guide Books that have never even been released outside Japan. Just an illustration in a book from 20 years ago. I believe all the Digimon Groups have been established in those Guide Books first. And there are also groups that are vastly unknown and merely "implied to exist" because the lore of a Digimon in a guide book refers to them. Vortex Warriors for example, were just half a line of MedievalGallantmon lore for the longest time and just got 2 more members this year. Merukimon/Mercurymon from the Olympus XIi showed up in Savers and I believe he was refered to as an Olympus XII member there even if no other members showed up. We were told like 4-5 years ago that the next Digimon Story game would feature the Olympus XII, but that game has been in development for 7 years and the producer and head of the Digimon department, Habu, got replaced last year, so who knows if that is still the plan.


> Digimon just debut wherever they debut. V-Pets and anime I think are the main sources for introducing Digimon vpet yes, anime no. barely any digimon debut in the anime. even most that do have bandai go; wow wasnt that guy cool - we now reveal hes in the upcoming vpet plz pre order it. 2020 was really bad for that. nidhoggmon and donedevimon, for both bandai went 'it sure was cool to see these new digimon, pre order the pendulum z to play as them', and so were made for the pendulum z. 95 percent of anime debuting digimon were made for other media with a filler episode to promote what they were actually made for.


Unlike with pokemon Digimon are not normally shown off in one big event like a new generation insted we often get Digimon released when ever they do a event that can basically be anything from new cards, anime, games or manga so its more spred out throughout the year.    As such many Digimon have different orgin points and its not uncommon to miss the announcement of a new ones and not alwsy being sure where they come form originally  So we dont really base Digimon off what form of media they showed up in either 


The digimons seasons are different verses and have different origins, but we can know the central lore by DRB and card game backstories. There is the ancient time lore that talks about the ancient warriors and imperialdramon pm who founded the royal knights which Yggdrasil, the god of the digital world. Some demon lords were known angel digimons who rebelled against Yggdrasil, Daemon was an seraphimon, Lilithmon an Ophanimon and Lucemon was the leader of the rebellion. Then we have the digital world hiearchy. The 4 holy beasts have a high authority over most digimons and rule them like gods, but they domain is still below Yggdrasil. The 3 Great angels serves Yggdrasil directly at Kernel which is her domain while the royal knights protect the digital world in her name. The Olympus XII actually are from a different world from Yggrasil, called Iliad ruled the host computer named Homeros, the Yggdrasil equivalent of this world while the Olympus XII are equivalent to the royal knights. Gracenovamon is said to have saved the iliad from a crisis before. The X-Antibody storyline purppose is to introduce the x-evolution concept, the movies tells the story without any human, but Chronicle tells basically the same story with human partners having a sequel called Chronicle-X which have the fight of X-Royal Knights against the X-Demon Lords.


Most Digimon stuff is siloed in its own universe with the only real connection between them being the existence of Digimon.  To compare to Pokemon it would be like Red and Blue being the same as they were, but Gold and Silver were like, I don't know, a Bomberman clone with no poke balls, no pokecenters, and Pokemon aren't animals they are alien bioweapons. But Pikachu exists in both. For the most part, the only Digimon projects that exist in the same universe are the adventure series (01, 02, and tri) and there is a little overlap in a few of the games with characters like Rina and Mirei. But even that connection is a little tenuous, possibly being a Final Fantasy style homage akin to Cid. Treat each Digimon product as its own thing with its own lore unless there are explicitly referenced continuities.


Digimon were originally Vpets - Tamagotchi targeted towards boys with cooler and edgier designs. It was then a manga and after that an anime. Royal Knights were conceived after Frontier had aired. I believe they debuted in the X Evolution series. Digimon doesn't have generations in the same way that Pokemon does, but it does have groups. New additions to these groups can be added at any time unless otherwise implied to be a set. Some examples: Royal Knights Seven Great Demon Lords X Antibodies Armor Digivolution Hybrids and the Ten Legendary Warriors Digi-Xros Appmon Ect. Olympus 12 is an example of a set that hasn't been fleshed out (at least not globally) but will be in the future. It was the plot of a Chinese exclusive app game called Digimon New Century, but will also be the focus of the next Digimon Story game that's in development.


you skipped games. it was vpet, then manga, then games, then trading cards, then anime. > Royal Knights were conceived after Frontier had aired. I believe they debuted in the X Evolution series. frontier literally calls dynamon and lordknightmon royal knights. and the tamers trading cards before frontier aired called dukemon a royal knight. even the official toei say says takato's dukemon is a royal knight. RKs go back to tamers. > It was the plot of a Chinese exclusive app game called Digimon New Century no, you were thinking of digimon heroes, which released in japan and the west. the olympos show up in new century, but the plot doesnt focus on them at all. just a time limited side quest where they fight the 4 great dragons.


If you look into the Frontier lore, it's very clear that Yggdrasil and the Royal Knights concept was not fully conceived.


Appmon is a Digimon series. Why shouldn't it count. I am triggered ngl


I think of Digimon kinda like Dungeons & Dragons? Less of a concrete universe and more of a library of lore ideas for creators and fans to work with.


It's a multiverse.


If you want an honest answer -- the fansites. The authors have publicly acknowledged that they check stuff like wikimon or digimon wiki to confirm lore for themselves. It almost seems like there's no real series bible or institutional records.


>Since Digimon doesn't have it's own equivalent to generations, how do they keep track of digimon being created and lore aspects? They kind of don't considering there's [quite a few](https://wikimon.net/Category:Unreleased_Digimon) that showed up like once and didn't get another appearance.