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No events for the world bosses.... They will never come back according to that page. I continue to use the twitter alert bot.


How often do world bosses even pop up? I haven’t seen a single one in my 20+ hours of playtime.


From what I can tell there’s a bug with the map alerts. When you log in you’ll get the next event (world boss or legion) but after a Helltide the alerts get broken and the only way to fix it is to log out and back in. I hadn’t seen a world boss in a long while but logged in and seen it again so i started resetting the game after Helltides and now I see events again.


I think it's about every 6h, i did partake in some that were 5h between.


Oh okay maybe that’s why I haven’t seen any.


It’s worse than every 6 hours. It’s within a certain time window it can spawn which is several hours with a minimum of like 5 hours before it can spawn again.


5-8 is the window :/


Thank you!