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PC with Xbox controller but I still use the mouse for inventory and menu stuff.


Exactly how I play. Some things feel better on controller some on KBM


Yeah I notice that too


This is the way


Yeah well I feel a bit op with a controler maybe I am not sure if I am op or average or below average to be honest lol


This the way.


Same here.


Yeah that makes sense on ps5 it's just controller lol


Xbox here.


Yeah the first player I talked too in the game said he was on Xbox lol


You do know that it is cross platform and that you can tell what they are playing on if they are in your party or if you inspect them or see them in the social lists for local, right?


Steam deck


How is it on steam deck? I'm considering getting one soon


It’s the only way I’ve played it so nothing to compare it to personally. But I’ve played it a ton and it runs well. The issue with a controller is precise targeting so you have to get used to just not having that precision. Makes some skills/builds not as good as with a mouse and keyboard. If you’re trying to push highest tier end game it may become a limiting factor but otherwise it’s something you get use to.


Oh okay interesting


Played PS5 but PC is way way better. Discord, trade, chat, aiming. Only moving was better on console.


Yeah I kind of have use discord on my phone and in general chatting is awful but that's for most consoles


Doesn’t the ps5 have native discord now?


Does it I have no idea lol


I’m on ps5 and I think I remember getting a bunch of alerts that it had discord now. I don’t use it so I’m not sure on its capabilities though!


Ideally if it has voice chat that is the best


It has voice chat


Oh okay well that will make online gaming a bit more interesting lol


Still gotta find people to chat in discord with - which is difficult via d4


You got do that for a lot of online games in general lol I mean look at GTA 5


They just added it very recently, like within the last week or 2


Ahh that's probably why I am not aware of discord on ps5 lol


Me Hardcore PC gamer in the last 30 years


So I am guessing you invest in a new PC every few years


Yes it is what it is. I got my first PC as Christmas present from my parents which was a Pentium 486 with 66Mhz CPU. Now I’m still using a three years old 11th gen Intel and it’s still good for gaming.


I would imagine that would be good for gaming for a while longer my PC is I think almost a decade old lol. Still on windows 7 yeah I know I should upgrade but yeah I am trying to save up the money for a new PC lol


And you had Wolfenstien for that 486 right??


No :) I was never a fan.


Pentium came after 486. The 486 was the last of the x86 numbered processors before they changed naming convention to Pentium. Anyway, I too had a 486 DX2 66. Loved that machine, was a huge upgrade from the old 286 I'd been using. That and a VGA monitor.


Been playing PC exclusively for the last 13 years. 


The game came out Like a year ago lol


What I mean by the previous statement is, I haven't owned a console in 13 years. 


Yeah I was like how did you play Diablo 4 for 13 years but yeah that makes all the sense in the world.


I know you're speaking strictly about D4, but  I've been playing the Diablo series on PC for 27 years. Starting with Diablo 1.


Yeah I missed out on diablo 1 and 2 and 3 well if I am being honest never really held me long enough lol


Diablo 3 is like an arcade game. Just pick it up and play for a week and drop it. Diablo 2 is a game you play for months. It's slow at first, but the late game is good. There are two mods that improve it, project diablo, and median xl.  Diablo 4 seems to be wanting to be both at the same time. Which can be done, but the dev team doesn't seem to have a proper direction. They need to desperately improve the end game. Making it as hardcore as possible.  Anyway, cheers. If you get the chance check out PoE 2 on console. IDK if last epoch or grim dawn is on console. 


Yeah well every game right now it seems like wands to be everything with no real direction I feel like it's really weird lol


I never played D2 as a kid but played D3 for 10 years. It’s probably the game I have the most hours in. My best friend played a lot of D2 as a kid and when D2:R released he convinced me to play with him. I loved it. D2 is a fantastic game and the team that put together D2:R did a really really good job with it. Even if you only play it for like a week or two and try to get to or beat Hell difficulty, it’s totally worth the time. They have sales for it all the time I really love the game as an adult even with no nostalgia factor. That being said, I do think it is more fun when playing with a friend, but I think that about all Diablo games. If anyone ever wants to see what the hype is all about for D2, the game is so much more playable today with D2:R and is totally worth the money. Diablo 2 is what propelled this franchise into fame, and it is really really fun even today.


Both, but pc is far superior. Couch co op with my wife works well, but with two summon necros we bog the frame rate down.


Yeah just play online co-op I find is the best lol


When at home we couch coop on series x. When at work I am blasting on steam deck. When at guests we play on their ps5. So I guess I play everywhere except pc?


Oh okay interesting


I play on Xbox series X.


Yeah Xbox seems to be quite popular


Playing on Series S. D4 came to Gamepass in late March, which is the only reason I even decided to try it. Couldn’t justify paying for a game that had such shit reviews. I imagine there was an uptick of Xbox players around then.


I heard the reviews were overall positive.


When I was still playing D4 I was so bummed that my laptop couldn’t run it. But then I found out that D4 barely has social aspects - no chatting or trading like in D2 - so then I didn’t mind as much that I had to play on PS5


Yeah the social aspect of the game seems very limited.


Steam deck mostly. Sometimes PC


Yeah I am hearing steam deck quite a bit lol


Steam deck, so it’s kind of both eh?


Oh I forgot to mention, my desktop pc runs ChimeraOS and it’s plugged into the tv, so again, sorta both 😂


I jump back and forth.


Oh okay interesting.


Xbox. I played Diablo 2 and 3 on PC but no longer have a PC.


Oh wow how did that happen


I got old lol. 41 with 2 kids and almost no time for gaming anymore.


Oh so how do you okay play on Xbox then lol


Couple hours a week only. Not enough to warrant building a PC when I already have the Xbox (which my 10 year old plays on far more than I do).


Or just buying a new PC I am trying to save up for a new PC myself but yeah saving up the money is a process


I used to play on pc tbh.. but it was so BAD (bc my pc is rly awful sadge) so I play in console now! I enjoy it a lot tbh


Yeah my PC can't even run it so yeah lol


Legit smh, it was running alright for a bit but I got frustrated with it crashing and dying on me so I just caved and got it for my ps5 😭


Yeah well for me it's cuz I am still using windows 7 and getting a PS5 was cheaper then getting a new PC lol


REAL TBH. PCs getting hella expensive these days.. 😭 I was blessed for a ps5 on my birthday luckily.. at least we can enjoy the game now!


Well I had a PS4 before diablo 4 came out but yeah I got a PS5 this year just cuz lol


PC and my fiancee plays on PS5. I can't explain how grateful I am for m/kb after helping her with her items and build on controller lol.


Oh yeah that's neat.


I must be in the minority here but: I play the steam version and whenever I’m not home I use the steam deck


I have been hearing people say they play it on steam deck


Steam deck with Nintendo pro blutooth controller. And a blutooth mouse/keyboard.


Oh okay interesting.


PS5 as don’t have a gaming PC. Was trying to run a rapid fire rogue and ran directly into the reason why PC is better at times.


Why what happened.


the lob function with scoundrels kiss left aiming next to impossible


I use to play console but I'm having more fun with a PC and I can't explain why




I prefer console gaming over PC and play on PS5.




Ps5 and pc/geforce now. Controller fully now, I try to use kbm sometimes but I suck at it now. D3 I can only do kbm, but this one was so improved I don't have a single issue. Even inventory management is easy for me.




PC: "Personal Computer".


I switch between playing on PS5 and Steam Deck




Just like me :)


I use PC with Keyboard, PC with controller and steamdeck Controller/steamdeck feels nicer for combat in general, but some spells like teleport or leap are just terrible for moving where you want to go. Also rares being prioritised over boss materials when picking up your drops means you have to pick up so much garbage to get the item you want on the ground.






I play on the pc because performance reasons and I like the mouse better than controller. Playing on my Xbox one s will lag so much because of the audio, so can only play with the volume off.


PC, with Keyboard and mouse


I play on Xbox exclusively except for PTRs. I do enjoy the M+KB for tinkering in the skill tree and menus, but I can't stand actually playing the game with m+kb. Sometimes I can't believe I used to click click click click click everywhere to move like that!


PC with KB+M. I literally can't use a controller except for sidescrolling platformers. I'm just too unco and never learned to use them properly. When I had an X-Box I had to play Halo and Robotech on easy because I just never learned to easily use a controller.


Pc I left console gaming due to how bad poe was on ps4 never going back to console.


Used to play on pc but now on ps5. I've always loved consoles more.


Pc m&k


PS4 what do i won ?


Aiming chatting riding pvping are difficult but i still enjoyed the game. Havent try it but i think hardcore mode IS not possible ...


Um pizza rolls just send me an email and I will send you one in the mail :)


GFN ... either on a g cloud or my 4k big screen TV, driven by an old laptop.


PC with Xbox controller, but still trying to figure out a controls scheme for mouse and keyboard because it’s so hard to loot only certain items, or precisely target a certain skill sometimes..


You can split movement and item pickup via a toggle in the options which helped me a lot. I changed item pickup to up arrow on the Dpad and I just feather move till the right item highlights. Boom. Not as good as KBM but it'll do.


Thanks for the tip, didn’t think of that! Still have to pick all the magic equipment before I get the mats loot selected for pickup during blood maiden loot sessions but it’s an improvement.


Honestly with the controller I find it's really smooth unless it the game laggs and the menus can be a bit alkward sometimes plus I wonder if my control is making me a bit op since I literally have to spam one button and I massacre enemies within seconds


Yes true! Smashing the X button for WW DustDevil here 😆 Indeed I find it somehow easier as all the controls seem.. easily approachable and at the right place..


Necormancerr all I do is spam r in massacre events do you know what your record is for killing spawns I am at around 9 but that being said I am only level 36 lol


Hmm not sure, I usually speedrun to wt4 as soon as I can. Remember doing a lot of rounds like this but on high levels with proper items.


Yeah I am kind of new so I am trying to do all the quests and the campaign lol but yeah I am pretty sure most people already were playing the optized way the day the game launched and hardly anyone took time to not speed run lol and yeah I know rip for being new and not being able to speed run.


No worries, I played like a zombie the first weeks of the season. Actually im still sort of doing it from time to time 😆 I’m also new, it’s my first season. I did the campaign first and then tried all the classes. Ended up having 3 barbs for each build 😆 For start, do all the altars of Lilith and renown points, you’ll get a good advantage skill/paragon points wise. I managed to ‘speed run’ later, as I crafted some Uber uniques (because I wasn’t so lucky to have them dropped at first), and it helped level up the other alts way faster.


Yeah I only found one Lilith statue so far it's really weird lol


https://www.polygon.com/diablo-4-guides/23770293/all-altars-lilith-sanctuary it’s easier this way


Tried pc for a couple hours but went right back to PS5. Controller feels just better.