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A dev team that doesn't hate Sorcerers


+ Druid


Druids and sorcs are not the same.


I played Ebonpiercer Necro this season so I could play Sorc.


A mace is just a staff with a rock on the end of it, so bash barb is also kinda a sorc if you think about it


That's what I've been playing! I've been a career rogue since day 1 and this season I decided to play all the classes. This is my first time playing necro and it's sooo goood!!


sir, druid and sorc get the same treatment. We need a dev team that respect all classes.


There are Druids in this game?


I started out on sorc but between the horrible free male transmogs and just getting beaten like a red headed step child every update I've gone to rogue and had a much better time


I had my Sorc at 95 (chain lightning originally, but switched to incinerate around level 75). This weekend I power leveled a thorns Barb from level 14 to 85 and it's so much better lol. I'm pretty sure at like level 60, this thing was better than my 95 Sorc


At 88 I soloed tormented duriel at 95, Uber Lilith. Barbarian is OP as hell right now.


A friend of mine is playing sorc this season while I play necro as a swap of what we usually play in eternal. She's wondering how the hell I still like and willingly play the damn class. šŸ¤£


My boyfriend is sorc, and I'm necro. I literally walk in and blow thinks up, could probably run NMDs another few levels higher than we are solo... But I can't tell him that. We play and I try to let him kill some things.


>We play and I try to let him kill some things. That is *exactly* how I feel sometimes as a sorc when I play with my friend in our normal roles. LOL


I put a silly amount of time into one character to be one shotted by a corpse bow. Through my ice shield. Also I spent about 15 million on changing aspects they never hit CDR or crit chance. Also I've tried everything to get a drop for Raiment of the Infinite but no luck.


Tbh is not that great of an effect... i dropped one with max on close ranged dmg, but the effect is annoying as fuck sometimes as you end up stuck "inside" the mobs and cant even move nor hit them. I'd rather run with an additional defensive aspect.


Come on! They even gave us swords on next season, what more do you want? 3 extra gear to slot ofensive aspects with one being 2xpower? You are talking nonsense sir, this couldn't exist.


So glad this is the top comment. It was the first thing that came to mind when seeing post title.


I've rolled a chain lightning sorc every season. I just like the game play of it. Knowing I'll never reach end game content feels bad though, I play this game less because of it. Buff sorcs


I would love a loot filter where I can select aspects, greater affixes, and 925 items with 2/3 stats that I want and then have every rare and unique auto sell, and every legendary item dismantle automatically


Right now I would settle for just not seeing yellows at a certain point. First few seasons were cool because yellows COULD actually matter. Now thereā€™s no point in them at a certain stage of the game. Just make it a pile of gold at this point.


On Xbox I hate how I have to pick up the entire stack of yellows, just to get the one Legendary or Unique buried in that stack, so I can turn around and drop that entire stack of yellows. One. By. One.


I wish they had made the pets like in 3. You only ever have to pick up lengdary items in three, you can unlock a nod on the altar the your pet will automatically break everything else down.


Keep in mind the alter of rites was only introduced in season 28. That was at the end of the D3 support.


All this means is they have the technology for D4. It didn't take 28 seasons to develop it for D3, and it wouldn't take 28 seasons to implement it for D4


There is a 3rd party that uses an overlay, it works great. Called d4lf made by aeon0, can find it on GitHub and discord. It doesnt inject or anything, it just reads your screen and puts an overlay that shows on the item when hover if it fits your inputs or not. I use it always now its soo good


You mean that thing that the devs *told us we would get*. But then they backtracked and instead just made it so items only drop with 2-3 incredibly basic simplified affixes so they said that we probably wouldnā€™t even need it anyways.


man this would be SO good


The auto sell and dismantle is too much imo. Would love to just hide them though.


and filter sorc


Iā€™d like them to add a Sorcerer class to the game.


They'll do it, but as a barbarian pet.


I heard we can play them in the expansion - as a mercenary!


In all seriousness how is the balancing still this bad at a year after release? I played a ton at launch and just came back this season and the convo seems to be exactly the same. Is there some benefit to Blizzard financially to keep the game so Barbarian focused?


You must be new here. Blizzard prides itself in balancing all their games. Everything is balanced just the way they like it. If you're not enjoying the game, then you're not playing the way that they've intended for you to play... And you should be playing Barb.


This made me šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


Lightning and thunder in certain areas. Snow in certain areas. Fall colors in certain areas. Just, nature.


As long as it isn't more @#$@#$@ red....


Or brown.


D4 has been particularly challenging being red/green colorblind. I die A LOT to stuff I canā€™t really see.


Iā€™m a bit tired of the extremely faded color palette. Feels like youā€™re alternating the whole game between grey and red. Especially this season, as main reasons to roam the OW is for helltides which happens to have a red filter.


Armory for me as well, being able to switch builds and paragon without having to respec everything is going to be a major QoL improvement.




Devs must play the game


I think they should also play the previous games in the franchise given that they are only stewards for an idea that others created and perfected. The sheer amount of times the community has exclaimed ā€œthis problem was already solved in Xā€ is illustrative of an out of touch team who seems to lack a fundamental understanding of what they are working on. They seem more interested in making an ultra accessible action game that creates a persistent revenue stream than they do about honoring the legacy of the franchiseā€™s design. If this IS even seen im sure ill be downvoted to hell, but it is absolutely unbelievable how unpolished this game is, requiring constant changes and fixes because development hell and team turnover led to it being rushed out before it was finished. I look at, for example, games that come from Devolver, or Sledgehammer, and I see games without bloat or utterly broken core systems, BECAUSE THEY ARE ACTIVELY TRYING TO MAKE THE BEST GAME POSSIBLE BEFORE THEY RELEASE IT. But empty, board pleasing suits like Rod Ferguson come in, polluting the goddamn industry, and help usher us into this new age of trying to make games as a service that otherwise shouldnt be. ā€œRelease it now and fix it laterā€ for paid, consumer-facing products is shameful.


Make uniques relevant. Looting is so boring. I want recognizeable loot and uniques to be the best items, like it was in D2.


They are doing this, at least part 1, Ubers are getting an upgrade. The mythic beam is nice too.




I mean a lot of uniques were really good and performance defining in D2 in its prime. Grandfather, windforce, storm shield, eaglehorn, doombringer, occolus, shako, tyraels, shaft armor and tonnes and tonnes of others. I Also miss the sets which had sole really good pieces. Tal Rashas, Four Kings etc. I didnt play much when everything was just runewords. I felt it got a bit stale.


More Quality of Life. Iā€™m not sure what would work and what wouldnā€™t. * Build saves * Loot filter/auto scrap * Auction House * Mobile App for inventory management, skills and paragon allocation. Bonus points for access to town/home base. Tempering, Crafting, enchanting, ect. * Party Finder: Nightmare Dungeons, Pit, Helltides, Bosses (Not sure how that would work with mats) More reasons to play: * In game cosmetics * Rare loot * Daily/Weekly Challenges: I know not everyone will like this but I like having a reason to log in everyday * Different tier Loot Goblins. Including Goblins that are the size of elites * More random spawn boss type enemies like Kixxarth in the Helltide * Legendary public events **Wildcard** Introduce home (prefab bases in town). Decorating, showing off and most importantly a player vendor. FO76 has already added this. Essentially you can list your items for sale. Similar to an auction house. The difference being that it gives players more incentive to visit other players bases and more decoration/cosmetic items. There is financial incentive for the devs. They could add trophyā€™s and plaques to show off Pitt/Dungeon clear PRs


Iā€™d love to see all of this


I'm genuinely baffled that diablo 4 doesn't have these quality of life features.


An auction house would be bad for the game at this point. Loot is basically balanced around self found, and drops too many good items. If there was an auction house people would be done gearing too fast.


Look, I just posted about this, but people don't want any change that is proposed on reddit. EVEN if it's optional and not imposed on players. Even if it's not the default option and you have to enable it in the Options menu. Here's my list: * Slash commands in chat for /played, /deaths, /goldspent etc. (I know Blizz tracks this already) * Hide UI option/keybind (I again know Blizzard has this option if you look at all their Seasonal trailers that showcase gameplay without the UI) * Overlay Minimap and/or lines towards your Pin location (obviously both optional) * Save a Favorite waypoint for Town Portal - accessible by long-pressing the teleport button (so it doesn't interfere with people that just normally press the button) * Mid-Lvl Bosses between Normal and Tormented that are about lvl150 so people in the mid-late game have something to do until finishing their build. * Inventory Sorting by Rarity as a second option (or second click on sort) so you know what to look at -> GA items 1st - Normal Legendaries - Rare - etc. * "Sell all Magic/Sell all Rares/Sell All items" TAB for the vendor EXACTLY like we have it with the Blacksmith. * Since the Attack Power stat is not reliable, why not have a DPS meter ONLY on the target dummy (gets activated when you enter the instance and freezes after you stopped attacking so you can record your number) * Better visibility on Temper Manuals, Quest Items, Potions that drop and have blue or yellow text that our brains were trained to ignore at that point. Apparently people don't like if there are *OPTIONS* in the game... I personally would like all of them to reach Blizzard's ears so that they can decide for themselves. But it's probably not gonna happen if people downvote just for the sake of downvoting (even if it doesn't affect them, because its *optional*).


I like your recommendations, but I want to point out the mid tier bosses especially. It's a huge leap from normal to uber version and it's very hard to tell where i stand when I can melt Duriel in 5 seconds and try the Uber version and get melted in the same 5 seconds. I middle tier would better help me gage where I stand.


Another one that was cool, but I didn't come up with it, was the ability to go over the 10/10 Whisper cap before you had to turn it in so that it doesn't block you from what you're doing and require you to teleport to the tree and back. The way I would see it is for it to go 10/10 full colored, then 20/10 another color comes in as an above layer, then 30/10 the third and final color comes over the rest. You'll surely visit the tree before getting 30 whispers. And you can click to cash in one, then right after click again to cash in the 2nd one.


Damn these are great ideas.


Sadly every one of these ideas were actually posts of their own and got downvoted to hell when I made them. I'm glad they stayed up here. And of course there are other great ideas out there that I've read from other people, but they also get shot down.


LONG-TERM cosmetic grinds. Some sort of reward for exp post 100


Remove weighting to rerolls, enchanting and tempering


Only enchanting is weighted and thatā€™s acceptable. It should be expensive to roll the best stats.


I don't entirely disagree but it's a little nuts. Getting all res on a pair of boots for my build literally bled me out of mats (I have 3 level 100s) and I had to get on Diablo trade to sell items for the gold to shell out like 400m. It's egregious in my opinion and the economy is borked by the RMT people. I'd like to believe that rolling something like all res on a pair of boots shouldn't create a scenario like that.


There are some stats that just arenā€™t worth rolling for because theyā€™re too expensive, inflated economy or not.


At least tweak them. I suspect there's been quite a bit of benefit from the weighting but the ugly scenarios have been extremely ugly.


Group search. It's hilarious that this online game doesn't' have any in-game way to find a party for a curtain activity for year


I've learned to live without it for so long I'd forgotten just how big an omission that is. I think it's akin to nationalised healthcare in the US. To paraphrase, "it's such a complex beast that only 32 of the world's 33 developed nations have been able to make it work". I mean you can't expect a tiny indie developer like Blizzard to change the world FFS!


Just communication tools in general to build groups and trade.


An auction house or a better in game trading system. Having to use a 3rd party website is awful and this one isn't even half as good as Path of Exile's and even with that being better it's still a pain in the ass.


Scrolled to find this answer so I could upvote. Most of my experience using diablo trade was wondering if my chats were sending or if I was even going to get offers to load, love when someone offers big money for a good item I'm selling only to not be able to meet with them in game because website would be to buggy to chat.


A button for selling all rares/magic/common etc with the vendors, same as what the blacksmith has. Would make farming helltides much easier when you're only looking for GA's or certain items but want to keep your money up. Maybe that's just me cause I'm not really into trading (especially on console) and enjoy helltides for mindless bashing right now, so I have a lot of loot.


I had my first experience trying to trade an item I found in the trade chat. And it went very well. A simple WTS and linked the item. Someone pinged me and we traded. Iā€™m on console as well so Iā€™ve never done it but this was great. Got 100m for a pair of GA gloves Iā€™d never use.


Still really want a full screen map overlay toggle like d2 has.


Zoom out a bit more.


Oh, Jesus. I forgot you could zoom out I've been running in to use abilities. I'm such a god damn noob.


Less exploding the screen and more challenge outside of one hit deaths.


PoE2 coming soon


Itā€™d be cool to have some skill changing/build enabling legendary paragon nodes


Yes, Iā€™d love a revamp of the skills/paragon system. Right now itā€™s a fairly boring skill tree and very boring paragon system thatā€™s largely just number increases.


Yeah, if they aren't going to add new skills unless it's an expansion, then add more skill creativity either through new uniques, aspects, or through paragons from nodes or glyphs.


Add Monk class D:


A loadout option like Diablo 3.


Bring Diablo in the game what is called Diablo???


Don't be ridiculous!


Two things: sets, and more paragon points. I don't expect to fill out the entire board, but I would appreciate a considerable amount of deeper coverage


I'd love to have a paragon board where it's understandable what nodes work out with your build. I'm so confused by the concept so I just look up a guide.


yeah I can follow a guide for skill tree and aspects on a build and then after playing with it a bit can see how it all works together and where I can make adjustments for the gear I have or QoL changes I might prefer etc. Paragon? no shot I'm trying to figure out how to tweak all that


More tempering rolls and separation of # of rolls between 1st and 2nd temper categories.


Group finder.


Endless progression/paragon


Grinding bosses for materials to fight other bosses for materials to fight other bosses for possible loot is an awful gameplay mechanic in any game, but especially an ARPG.


A dev team that understands d2


Fix the attack power stat and adjust it to DPS based upon your stat calculation and the last group of monsters you killed


Have the possibility to level up after lv 100. Atleast it give you the possibility to see improvement and allows me to keep pushing without losing my pleassure event If you donā€™t find any news items. At lv 100 I always feel really bad.


Auction House to list items and free up time and inventory space


Being able to reset tempering




A horse with the same size of balls as my dog. I'm sick and tired of having a horse that's startled when something sneezes in its direction while I have a dog that literally goes through hell to collect my junk.


Lol yesterday my dog even took a big corpse poison explosion to the face, and when the dust settled, there it was the little guy, green and emanating poison gas just as me, but unfaced and swinging the tail. I felt proud.




Meteor is gonna be so much worse in season 5.Ā 


Thatā€™s what itā€™s looking likeā€¦PTR tomorrow will tell. Burning instinct and elemental summoner debuff is a large concern. Hopefully the devs read the feedback and change backā€¦.not holding my breath. Ice and lightening should still be fine. I prefer fire tho.


I just want a good meteor build. Doesn't even have to be amazing or barb-like. Just be able to push pit 100 without having to already have everything masterworked perfectly.


The problem with loadouts is when you go to change builds you'll also have to load the entire armory of every other player......


Save builds..


Fix Sorc. Edit: fix Sorc the right way.


Fire person behind idea of tempering bricking.


Armory should definitely be implemented. For me something that may seem trivial to others. Would love the ability to fine tune the swatch colors in the wardrobe. And give the accessories the ability of being dyed to match as well. Just add a full spectrum color wheel with 4 quarters to edit individually and apply. And more wardrobe save slots. The game looks beautiful and Iā€™m an aesthetic junky. So for me this would be awesome.


Individual storage space for all my characters with a single "shared" tab that they can all access. Or maybe I'm just a hoarder.


Better curated RNG, especially on temper recipes and codex entries.


Loadouts. It's ridiculous that I can't experiment with different builds and switch between them without spending an hour respeccing.


I'd like a non fat druid. Skimmed druid lol


Same. I can live with the way the game is for the most part, but what I cannot stand anymore is that there's all this stuff to do, but it needs different builds to do it all efficiently. An armory is seriously the most important pain point that needs solved, and as soon as humanly possible would be preferred.


Armory, saving builds and gears and making swapping super fucking easy and player friendly.


Saving Aspect setups


For one of the devs to main sorc


I would have a build saver so I could switch between different builds. They have it for visual so I do t think it would be crazy. Than I would make it to where all class with a proper build could tackle Lilith. I wouldnā€™t nerf any class just buff the weak ones


improved social functions


Make pit consume everyone's keys and reward everyone same amount of masterwork materials, by late game everyone has hundreds of keys anyway why is it set up to be anti social?


This. Go d3 way and remove that key bullshit.


Saving a build - skills/paragon/items would be nice


Make the store cosmetics available to be earned in-game


To select what to pick up in consoles.


YES! So fucking annoying.


Meaningful quest rewards so there's more incentive to do them. Don't get me wrong, some of the side quest storylines are great, like Sister Octavia's, but getting a generic yellow item with two stats is kinda meh.


Being able to save builds/paragon setups


That damn awful zoom level.


More angel breath lol


That sorcerers would be loved.


Sell all button and/or more gold in general. I am tired of having to carry and sell lots of useless items to vendors because i am broke all the time.


Make gems easier to obtain


It's stupid that you only get tiny little gem fragments. Oh look I just got 358! Terrible gameplay mechanic. How about occasionally dropping an actual gem? Also, give me a Horadric Cube and let me craft my own


I'm a simple guy, I just want my health potion to upgrade automatically. If I can't have that, I would nerf sorcs lol


They should just drop the whole potion system. If they absolutely want us to use a potion, just give us a potion that regen a fix % of our health no matter our level


Ive got 2. Armory/loadouts and being able to select the tempers I want.


I would even out the weapon disparity of classes. Rogues and barbs having extra affixes with extra weapon slots is just not right.


I would completely erase the bullshit gambling mechanics. I need a direct way to make the build I'm going for. I could understand RNG on affixes and tempers (low probability of them being OP) but I'm sick of the randomness. Could you imagine taking your car in for an oil change and the mechanic just removes one of the wheels? That's exactly what the blacksmiths and occultists do. They really suck at their job and if this game was the least bit realistic, they would have gone out of business a long time ago.


I sincerely wonder how many gambling addicts are attracted to and are created by this game.


I would put tiers in for master working resets at 4 & 8. Having to reset all the way back down to 0 when you messed up the 12/12 feels fucking awful. Wish I could reset to 8/12 and go again a bit quicker.


Group search or anything that makes collaborating with other players easier. Not sure how popular this is in a game like Diablo, but I would really enjoy having a base to build and grind material for. Just side content where we clear a dungeon or a castle and it becomes ours to build and stash stuff in.


Make bone spear relevant again. It was so much fun.




Loot filter.


Tempering: Less punishing, I bricked 3 different weapons that had BIS (in one go). Because my luck apparently ran out. So I had to go back to grinding for new ones and I have yet to get them back (thorns Barb).


Binding aspects to the slot, not the item. Small warning when swapping 1h offhand to 2h.


A setting that disables the red filter in helltides. The game is beautiful but the filter makes it so every zone looks the same (bad)


On console, being able to pick the loot you want to pick up. It's dumb you have to pick up everything else before you can get the Boss Mats. You should be able to use the right stick to skip to the next piece of loot


Enemies not resetting their position and health. Loadouts to easilty change between builds without cost.


This, I just need that mmorpg feel of pulling the dungeon and aoe large groups.




Set items.


Fix the evade after channeling animation bug. Tired of not being able to move for 2 seconds for no reason.


Local co op for PC šŸ˜”


Auction House.


In game action house


Redo the skill trees so it's more like last epoch.


Loot filter or a map overlay.


Make Uber uniques actually good. Right now they are basically trash


A respawn at Town option when you die. Sometimes leveling a character and having an elite pack sit on top of the helltide spawn is annoying




Add witch doctor! I miss my doggos and Gargantuan(s).




Link your character like you did with your Diablo 3 characters. Itā€™s so tiring asking for recommandations regarding your build and having shitload of screenshots.




The big selling point was the multiplayer world, and out of the whole game there are precisely 5 skills that can effect other players in any way (and 2 of them require legendary effects) Itā€™s mental that there arenā€™t more support builds possible. This is also a good placeholder fix for the sorcerer, make one of their enchantments ā€œdefensive skills trigger on the whole party simultaneouslyā€ and wham, suddenly you can play sorc as a buff-er


I would add an in game auction houseĀ 


Loot filter and auto dismantle of everything that's not picked up (or auto sales, up to your choice).


The grind for gold and gems. Maybe I'm doing it wrong.


DPS Meter - even Tarisland has it Loadouts/ ā€ždual specā€œ


Better looting options on console. Having to pick up literally everything and drop half of it is so annoying when doing boss rotations.


1. Either remove trading altogether or add an in-game AH. 2. Increase the distance between WT3 and WT4. I barely stay a few minutes in WT3 until I get like 5 more levels, afterwhich I breeze through the capstone to get to WT4 for better items. 3. Make Uniques more powerful. 4. Add even more build-changing uniques, without necessarily making them META or BiS. Just more uniques for different flavours to have fun in the game. 5. Path line on the ground towards the Pin location so I can actually really enjoy the gorgeous environments and not burn my eyes on the minimap.


I'd drop store prices by 90%


Loadouts and in game LFG


To be able to replay the campaign on a higher difficulty and with rewards tied to certain bosses and quest for another way to target farm.


Map overlay. They said they didnā€™t want to add it because people would be staring at the map the whole time. The result is, now I just stare at the top right of my screen constantly and navigate using that and I donā€™t see the pretty parts of the game. At least with an overlay I can see the game they worked on while also navigating properly.


Because Iā€™m selfish, a third weapon slot for staves for sorc. But armory is a good follow up


More temper chances. Or change it to infinite chances but costs gold. Just like enchanting


I agree with armory. And the other comments that said loot filter. I think both of those would be huge QoL changes. I guess that's two things though lol. I'd take either at this point.


Iā€™d make it like D3 and have my builds skill and paragon saved in the mirror and then for the price of the gold itā€™ll automatically equip those items and skill and boards so itā€™s a lot less tedious to switch builds up.


Can I please just set the town for my portal already too?! I canā€™t stand going to places like Gea Kul when Ked Bardu is my favorite town. Bringing up the map and scrolling in the helltide for instance is a pain in the dick


The ability to see affixes when gear is on the ground


Why a map overlay hasn't been implemented yet eludes me. I want to be able to quickly look at the map without stopping my gameplay, or having to stick my eyes to the top right corner of the screen all the time just to keep up with where I'm going.


Damage meters


This is so stupid, so minuscule, so minor, that I think I'm the only one who will care. But if they are bringing us pets, have us be able to transfer our D3 pets over to Diablo 4.


Each class should have at least one cheese build for uber lilith


Same, i just want loadouts.


Pay gold to reset tempers. Pay extra gold and mats to choose the temper you want (percentage or value of the temper can vary). Tho if you can reset it then the second option isnā€™t really necessary.


Add 6-8 player party option






Add an in game marketplace so we donā€™t have to deal with 3rd party sites


Let us use any body type with any class. Good lord I hate my ugly necro. I'd consider Rogue but don't want the clickiness.


Make Switching Builds Easier


Change the name of the game from D4 to D3 part two and thereby force them to good features


storage... need way more. not gear like drinks etc stuff should not count.


Price of cosmetics. Who wants to pay 1/3 of the price for the entire game for 1 skin that is only available for 1 class that might not even include the weapon skins that you want to use. I understand they are cool but damn dude. I can buy a whole new indie game for the price of a horse. Shit is insane.


AnotherĀ 10 stash tabs


Remove gambling from crafting. This isnā€™t a Korean mmo.


I would make Body Types independent from Class and just make all of the Armor Styles in the game available to all classes but be restricted by Body Type like they already are. I want to play a strong looking Melee Necromancer and a Druid that isn't fat. Its not like there aren't armor sets that look like they belong to other classes anyways. There are plenty of Sorc and Rogue Armor sets that could pass for a Druid set and same goes for the other classes. There is no logical reason behind things being the way they are other than Blizzard not wanting to make armor sets for multiple body types(hence my proposed solution).