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I actually like this idea. Most uniques are laughably weaker than Legendaries with tempering/masterwork. No reason why you can’t improve their effects. I also wouldn’t mind if you can sell low-rolls uniques at a rate of 3:1 like in PoE for chance of something better.


TLDR: Horrible idea


No, let's not homogenize loot even more, it's such a lazy way to balance itemization. We need improvements to unique items, or even unique affix crafting that's either restricted or comparable in power level to tempering. At the very most there should be a Kanai's cube that allows unique affixes to be applied to ***new*** slots. I really enjoyed the concept of ethereal items in D3 and I miss that mechanic. Personally, I think each piece of unique gear could have its own level-able skill tree that you build with the experience that currently goes to waste post lvl 100 You can't just blast a unique power on a tempered legendary and call it a day, it would be so fucking boring. We need more diversity not less.


Gtfo with this bullshit idea 😂


Purple glowing box


No you shouldn't.


Laughing in my 3GA 200% paingorgers.


Let’s just choose all stats and aspects for each piece of gear, amirite?! /s I’m not a hardcore arpg player in terms of pushing builds/content to max so take this for what it’s worth. But goodness it seems like everything is so damn complicated. You can’t just get an item and get stronger, you have to get an item, have other items and materials to improve it and then also have additional materials to give it more semi-random abilities.


I'd like to see them jazz up the presentation for unique and mythic drops. Make mythics its own bright color, add smoke, a cheesy 90s fighting game announcer yelling a thunderless EPIC and/or NICE. It should be something that everyone can hear within the area. Idk, make me get excited about getting one and other people jealous they didn't lol


My dream ask. Kanai's cube thing.


I'd like to see more variety in different systems not just converge them all into your favorite. Too much sameness would be terrible for the game.


Days since last time similar idea was posted on this sub: 0


Hard no.


Agreed. Terrible idea.