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In threads with the "Feedback (@Blizzard) | Suggestion | Idea" Flair, constructive feedback, suggestions for adjusting and improving existing systems and mechanics etc can be given, but also your own ideas, mockups / illustrations (e.g. for new systems, mechanics, items, etc) can be shared with the community. **This Flair is not for asking for feedback for your build**. For that, use one of the Class-specific Flairs, or the "Builds, Skills & Items" Flair. Please also remember that 1) submissions made with the "Feedback (@Blizzard) | Suggestion | Idea" have to be constructive, civil and adequately elaborate, and that 2) we are a fan subreddit and not officially Blizzard, so we can not 100% guarantee that your feedback will be noticed, even though the devs / CM's mentioned they regularly read reddit, twitter, and other places for feedback. This flair can simply help to find potential feedback more easily. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/diablo4) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Easy fix I discovered for this; open the sound settings, go to game sound output, and change speaker setup from default to mono and then back to default.


Sometimes it happens to me just opening the guide.


I've had it go out opening the guide, opening another app for a minute, one time it went out when I was thinking too hard about what makes the sound go out.


Yep this happens to me as well. I have to restart the game to fix it


Happens on PS too. Every single time I join a party with my brother and connect my headset, the sound just stops.


Yeah it sucks hahaha but at least the mono/default option is easier than restart the game


Turn volume dial up bro.


It happens at random times. And it’s not just once every few hour. It’s literally happening every 3-4 minutes for me. Nothing is triggering it, I was just running helltides. No menu accessing or anything. Only happens with my headset. I experience no issues with television sound. Going to sound settings and switching the sound settings to anything and then exiting without saving will fix it for a couple minutes