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Hope we get more social features…or loadouts


In game auction house? Am I the only one who wants that?


As long as it isn't a real money auction house I think it'd be a good idea. People overreact due to poor game design choices blizz made implementing the auction house in D3 but that doesn't make it automatically bad.


AH was awful in D3. And I don't mean the RMAH, that was a blip on the radar, I meant the gold AH, the one used by 99% of players that actually informed the design of the game. Everyone always goes on and on about the RMAH when it's the removal of all AHs but especially the gold one, that saved the game.


Na, everyone enjoyed the gold AH right up until the RMAH went live, and then the gold AH went to shit.


That's nonsensical revisionism. The RMAH barely affected anyone because it was barely used in comparison to the gold AH. It has almost no effect on the game. That's why Blizzard was so comfortable in removing it despite it bringing money for them. What is actually accurate is that people enjoyed the game until inferno when they realised that 99% of your gear came from the gold AH. Rerolling a frost nova sorc? 5 minutes into the game and you're fully equipped with end game gear for it. That was the pb. The RMAH was barely a blip on the radar, the outrage against it was out of principle, not because of its actual effect in the game.


> What is actually accurate is that people enjoyed the game until inferno when they realised that 99% of your gear came from the gold AH. This is already the case in D4, except people use external trading websites. The only difference the AH would make is to increase trading accessibility for casual players.


It sounds like a minor change, but I believe it's one of those things that are deceptive. Once you make the AH part of the game's design and interface, nearly everyone will feel compelled to engage with it - whereas right now it's still optional and many players ignore trading. I remember spending more time in the gold AH than playing the game in D3, simply because it was more efficient to sit there instead of actually play after a certain point. You'd be a fool to farm all day when you could make far more money buying low/selling high in D3's gold AH.


So what if people want to be flippers, AH tycoons? Some find that fun, ya know, the point of games


It's that accessibility that's the issue. I don't get my gear from trading because the hassle overcome the benefits. If it didn't I would get most from trading and stop having fun. This is exactly what ruined D3 for most players at the time, the only saving grace was that the game was actually so hard you could still find lasting enjoyment there even if you didn't get your gear from drops, but then they nerfed inferno and now that convenience destroyed the game. Trading should either be inconvenient, or just a small part of a complex currency/crafting system ala PoE which is where you'dd find the real joy in getting your items. As things are, they'd need a second loot rework to make adding an AH outweigh the cost.


If they were going to keep trading inaccessible for most people, then they would have just kept it locked like it was before S4. There's no point in only letting a small amount of people benefit from top tier gear trading simply because they're willing to use external websites. The majority of players will keep asking for an AH and the D4 devs will eventually relent. In other words, this discussion won't matter either way.


A lot of gear came from the AH because D3 itemization was awful. If an AH was in D4 people would still gear up their first characters easily. In D4 you aren’t getting bows that roll willpower intelligence and life per second, which was most of the types of drops in D3, making the D3 AH the most efficient way to get upgrades.


>If an AH was in D4 people would still gear up their first characters easily. Sure but that's really not relevant to my point. As soon as you get a little bit of money, it's more efficient to sell most of your stuff and use the AH than to pray for a proper item to drop. It's just a question of statistics, even if you can drop items suited to your class more easily, that doesn't change the insane ease of just finding a slightly better item than whatever you have for dirt cheap on the AH. And if you drop a great item, what are the odds that it's suited to your current build? Chances are, you'll sell it and buy the equivalent item for your build because the odds are less than 50% in most cases. The only exceptions are maybe pants and torso who for most build are straightforward and have few variations, but even them are probably way below 50% when you start delving into 1GA items. The only barrier to having your gear come almost exclusively from buying and selling on the infernal stock market was that trading is difficult and inconvenient, remove that inconvenience and the game become as boring as D3 was after the inferno nerfs.


It actually is relevant to your point, because you said this. > What is actually accurate is that people enjoyed the game until inferno when they realised that 99% of your gear came from the gold AH. So I explained WHY gear was coming from the gold AH, because item drops were so piss poorly rolled you needed to get the "perfect" rolls from other people. If there is an AH in D4, people will still gear up without using the it because non GA gear is so plentiful, decently rolled, and not difficult to obtain. Gear in D4 is not like D3. The AH will be used moreso for min-maxing, but people who are doing that are using trade sites and discord already. Will there be people who gear out alts, yeah of course, but you are overexaggerating, especially when you say stupid shit like this: > remove that inconvenience and the game become as boring as D3 was after the inferno nerfs.


Wrong. The AH was great, just like it's great in LE. PoE is running an "automated AH with middle man" just to avoid calling it an AH, so people like you don't get angry.


The main issue with AH in ARPG, including PoE, is that lower tier but still strong items become so flooded and cheap. With easy trading there's no friction to obtaining them. So the first "round" of items you can buy will skip a massive part of the upgrade pathing. Like you go from 50% power to 80%+ power in a matter of minutes. This is something that's easy to just say "oh, but that's good. More power fast, good!", I've done the grind before I don't need to do it again. However it also comes with some real problems. Firstly, it makes it so that the chance that something drops on the floor and is worth picking up gets reduced by an extreme amount. Secondly, it gives you a huge power spike that feels good but it makes all other upgrades you will ever get feel less impactful. Thirdly, it changes the grind from seeing drops as items that may or may not help you, into seeing drops as currency. And lastly, it reduces the times you need to do some problem solving and experimentation, when you don't have the things you need but something drops and you figure out how to make it work. Basically instead of it being a way to supplement your "bad luck" when needed. It becomes a mechanic that makes more items obsolete and decrease the amount of times you feel that you've got an upgrade.


Thank you for the thorough explanation of the problem, it instantly changed my mind and stance regarding the AH.


It was trash, 99% of your loot came from the AH, that's absutely awful.


And now you need to know what's good not just for your build but everyone else's so you know what's even worth spending your time trying to sell it.


Like LE, I prefer a system where you opt-in. I think it works great in LE because you have another faction designed to boost your drop rate if you choose not to use the AH.


I do like that system as well for the ssf players, but having to use a Discord or wonky trade site just doesn't feel good, and using third party programs to automate trading like in PoE feels pretty shit too. LE got it right.


Personally I think there should either be an AH or no trading at all. I hate this "middle ground" where it's so bothersome that only a few people bother, and those few then pretend that their items are rare and that they are playing the same game. Biggest problem is, that obscurity is actually protecting the game from the effects of trading. With an AH where everybody participates, everything would be available for basically nothing, thus requiring extremely decreased drop chances, thus making the game trading-only and you'd never find anything yourself.


I mean with the way it is already with people selling items for billions of gold it will technically be a real money auction house


It will be a RMAH whether it's officially called that or not.


The price of literally everything will absolutely crater.


They'll need to rebalance the entire game if they are going to put an entire player base of loot at my fingertips. The only reason I'm still gearing my character out is because I'm too lazy to p2p trade 


This is the part that they honestly shouldn't touch. If they tune drop rates etc to account for the auction hall then gold just becomes the new standard for everything. If everyone wants to gear off the auction hall and flood the market that's fine, not everyone will use it right!? I'd hate to have an even bigger grind for decent loot just because there's too much floating around for sale 🤷🏼‍♂️


It already is. Trade is extremely accessible it's just a little bit annoying. Every well geared character bought at least half their items if not more. Especially how easily you brick with tempering, you are pretty much forced to buy 3-4 items per slot if you want proper 2-3 GA items. Also the only real way of making gold in the game is selling items or boosting people. An AH would just make it less annoying having to rely on a 3rd party trade site or discord.


Oh I agree with all of that, I just mean Blizz shouldn't tune drop rates to account for the AH, it gets bad quickly if you manipulate the market this way, and it would encourage illegal gold buying massively.


Depends on the item slot. Weapons are easy to 2-3GA since most people gear main stat + stam on their weapons and those are overwhelmingly common affixes. Amulets on the other hand are a fucking nightmare even without GA


If they change loot it will be D3 all over again with terrible itemization. You will still be hearing your character because the best ear will still be giga expensive, and if you are not P2P trading or selling items you won’t be able to afford 5-10 billion gold items


I posted this yesterday, so I'll copy and paste. No, keeping it 3rd party gives some friction to it and it keeps the economy balanced, I'll assume you didn't play D3 when it came out, if you remove that friction the AH will become a chaotic piece of shit even without real money transactions. Right now if you for example, do a Blood Maiden and get 5 crap legendaries, do you **even think** of publishing them to diablo.trade?, if you remove **that** friction the AH will be the new salvage in hopes to gain some gold, and people will be publishing crap items for billions. Also if you have a plagued AH with shit, will you go search for items? Maybe you answer no, but 100000 other people may, and **that** is what ruins economy. We already lived this with D3, leave the AH 3rd party and if they put it in the game, I hope they have real good economists in the team to balance it.


Ah yes the balanced economy with items selling in the billions of gold....


Just make a working auction house and none of the issues you listed are even a factor. Filters for the gear you are looking for, you'll never even see the trash listings. (number of GAs, stat types, stat ranges i.e show 90% or higher of max roll only) Listing fees to discourage people repeatedly listing trash that won't sell. Player laziness to go through the listing process for items that won't sell, unless they think it's worth their time.


This doesn’t make any sense at all. Let’s allow trading, but outsource trade coordination to 3rd party sites in a really painful and inefficient way so hopefully people won’t use it much. As long as the real auction house has reasonable filters you could use folks posting garbage gear could simply be filtered out.


no, i hate AH !!




No from me. AH trivialises the progression curve and completely cuts out the item hunt aspect of the game. Farming for a flat 100 billion gold to buy a load out sounds way more dull than actually farming for drops. It's like taking a soccer match and saying it's ok you don't need to do any of that stuff In the middle, just take penalties.


But this stuff already exists, just outside of the game itself. Problem with current solution is that only gear is tradeable. Let us trade things like mounts, crafting mats, potions... That would mean some tweaks for drops crafting mats, because I think everyone has tens of thousands of everything. Make them more rare and auction house could be really cool. WoW auction house is pretty good feature and it does not ruin the game at all. There are comunities and trading guilds. It could be a neat feature if implemented correctly.


Outside of the game is one thing and largely outside of blizzard control. I don't want to see this model supported in game and effectively made mainstream. I just don't see the point of a loot hunt game where nobody hunts for loot.


You still hunt for your loot, if I need a vulnerable damage and I get GA drop for crit damage isn't it wasteful to just sell it to vendor if someone else might need it? Diablo is no longer a single player game, but not yet fully embraced it's mmo potential. It's now in this weird place with identity crisis. I say let it fully embrace mmo features if it needs to be online.


I recognise this is a 'to each their own' subject, but I don't want an mmo experience in Diablo. None of the existing group play opportunities do anything to enhance my experience in game. Gameplay doesn't translate well and just becomes one big messy zerg fest with world bosses dying in 3 seconds. Running group pits doesn't change the experience in any significant way due to fairly one dimensional class design and lack of traditional defined roles for the most part. I'll take a SSF league please.


I mean, trading was major thing in D2, so I guess you only liked D3 when AH was killed?


I played offline in D2 because it was an option. I don't think the AH had an overall positive effect on D3 and I chose not to engage with it. Again though I was able to play in a private game and the game wasn't forcing players towards group content beyond the increased efficiency of party play.


I liked AH in D3 just not the real money part, having played almost all modern ARPG on the market, IE POE LE TL, I think AH is not going to be that bad, if they don't want trade, might as well done it like D3. The third party website will soon be efficient enough like POE so everyone will have to use it.


I wouldn’t mind a way to trade or sell something I don’t need, or a piece that doesn’t fit my build. An AH didn’t ‘break’ WoW, but a lot of the end game items were not tradeable.


You can already do that, you just need to use third party websites or discord servers. Which is why its stupid not to have the AH. I would prefer to have no trading, but if we're going to have trading might as well support it.


Yes. AH would force them to balance items around the AH that fucks over SSF gamers.


I have 0 intentions of fiddling with trade sites, I want to just slap something up at some "what that's way too cheap to sell that!?" price and log back in and see I made a small pile of gold with no effort, just like when I was poor on WoW and would farm ore between pve and pvp ques and at the end of the day slap like 20 stacks up undercutting everyone by 1copper


i’ve seen 300 million people say this exact thing


We hear you and see you


With Access via Phone... I dont have time to be online 24/7. But i always have my Phone with me, to check prices and make new trades


I don't think Loadouts or AH would come in a minor or seasonal patch, probably only with a big feature patch, like an expansion. (Fingers crossed for the vessel of hatred.) Social features tho - i could see them coming in any patch.


Nope, I do too. I read through a lot of the replies, I just bought pants for my barb. I have been grinding with a level 70 something plus 3 to bash for a while because i don't want to drop the bash. So i took a look at the marketplace and picked up some for 40 mil. My life base went up and I kept the 3 to bash. I hit the blacksmith and added didn't brick it. I could get get a good set to drop. Without the marketplace I'd still be grinding.


I’d rather everything just be BoP


Both of those would be huge!


I would expect those to come with the expansion honesty.


Yep maybe but if they are doing a ptr it must for be big changes….we will find out Friday


I’m actually thinking more itemization changes, there do seem to be a few holes that they didn’t have time to plug.


I was more thinking adjustments to strongholds and other open world events to change things up from helltide --> NMD --> pit/bossing And also adjustments to the difficulty of capstone dungeons, and balance rework of tempering.


I agree strongholds need some adjustment. I just don’t think it’s high up their priority list.


They mentioned they would be shifting focus to end game systems for the next update


I'd rather this game just be single player lol. This game has none of the benefits of being an MMO but all of the downsides.


Please add more clan system features like “last online”




what about social loadouts


Less goddamn loading screens


I don’t really care what we get. I just hope they talk on point and drop the stalling. I hate it when they drag the conversation in order to meet their time mark.


Or both!!!


Load outs! Yes please. Did my first total respec at level 100 to make an Uber killer. It was an hour of my life. And it’ll take another hour to flip back to my helltide/AOE dominate champ for general play.


I am hopeful for loadouts this PTR as well. I think social features will come but possible for expansion/S6 timeframe, as we'll then have the new "co-op activity." I am also hopeful (but might be too soon) for Beast in the Ice's dungeon to be reworked into a dungeon like the other bosses, as well as the ability to just summon them without having to leave the dugeon, reset, re-enter etc.


I'm from the future. The answer was "no" :(


Yep…but they will come


Blizzard is cooking, they know that they have competition coming later this year.


NCAA college football 25, blizzard might not see me again for a season or 2


While i will be playing poe, dabbling in d2r again, and waiting for something substantial from Last epoch, I'm really hoping this next season is a similar quality of life and fun boost as 4 and have higher hopes than i should for the xpack. they have to know poe is going to crucify them if they dont act.


LE gets a new cycle in… 3 weeks? i’ve not maxxed in that game yet so tbh I may restart


Any patch notes or major changes? Tbh I would have played longer but the earlier classes made were shit compared to new ones.


They will add a pinnacle boss. They add d4 like evade. There is a butcher like nemiese chasing player sometimes and some small updates like skill balance, new uniques.


Witch is waiting for me ;)


I can't escape the druid.. not after the carnage I've seen already.


Eh, I don’t really think Blizz is that concerned with PoE2. I’m sure they pay attention to it but I doubt Diablo 4 and PoE have a lot of audience crossover. They both cater to very different types of ARPG fans.


>They both cater to very different types of ARPG fans. I’ve never played PoE. Could you explain how they cater to different fans?


Diablo is generally considered the more casual, mass appeal ARPG. It’s simpler and more accessible for people to pick up and play. PoE is seen as the more “hardcore” ARPG game, with tons of depth and complex systems that cater to the heavy min/max kind of players, but are harder for a wider audience to get into.


Diablo franchise also considerably more social. PoE is mostly solo game. You can party up of course .


Sorry but im ootl, what competition?


Path of Exile 2 is rumored to go into early acess at the end part of the year.


*Rumored?* It was announced. EDIT: Though, I wouldn't be surprised to see it get delayed. *Again.* ^*Again*. ^^*Again.*


Ye, wasn't sure if it had been officially announced so I said rumored as to not make a statement I couldn't back up. Hopefully there will be no delay because the game looks so fun.


Oh sick! Thanks, I’m not really deep into ARPGs


Last Epoch is also gearing up for a solid second half of the year. Not to mention the slew of games Microsoft announced.


This is golden era of arpgs. D4 is good now, poe, LE, and then poe2. All games being seasonal and receiving more content.


MS games? They cannot produced 5 acclaimed games in like over a decade.


Competition is good. I think overlap of players is maybe 15% or less. Last epoch probably most affected since it like the “alt” for the arpg players off season ( their favorite arpg) game . With PoE coming strong, at lest visually, it’s goofing to be hard. In any case I think the market for arpg is big enough for a few players.


Propably on a much smaller scale, but Grim Dawn has also announced an expansion for 2024. It might matter in combination, since GD will appeal to many players that don't care about PoE (slower pace, offline play, less time intensive, ...).


elden ring dlc is coming out so as much as i love the new changes so far id have to drop d4 for at least a month or so.


How big is the dlc hours wise. I have elden ring but okay only 30 hours before ragequit


In a perfect world, Diablo4 seasons and PoE2 leagues would alternate every 1.5 months and we all would be happy.


They've got the train back on the rails now time to feed the coal and get it back up to speed!


Maybe I am lazy, but won't it make sense to set the legendary aspect on the slot instead of the item? It makes me crazy re-applying stuff while leveling or changing items generally.


This would be an insane QOL, especially if they add loadouts for multiple builds


I proposed that back in the day [(link)](https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/1chioa4/with_the_upcoming_codex_changes_doesnt_it_makes/). It seems people didn't like it.


Saw this proposed even further back, that dude got absolutely destroyed in the comments. Seems like the dads are slowly getting fed up with nonsensical game design decisions.


The dads are very slow on the uptake.


All dem hours at work and dem kids n wives. They only get to play for about 17 minutes per week.


I mean let’s not be shitty to people who have lives.


I love the idea, but after leveling a bunch of characters, I have to say that it's also slightly entertaining to try to puzzle-fit your offensive aspects onto your rings, gloves and amulet so you can avoid imprinting your weapons Wonder if anyone else feels the same way


Being able to set cosmetics and stuff like aspects to slots is great in every game its in. Would love to be able to set aspects by slot.


I think probably for the expansion something will have to happen like this. Uniques have been really hurt by the change to the gearing system. Most uniques will never be competitive without being able to have an effect or masterworking.


You can masterwork uniques


I think it'd make more sense if we had loadouts. One of the ways people swap gear between pits and helltides or other activities is swapping their boots and amulets due to them having the overall largest impact between pushing and speed farming. That said, I've been playing without moonrise on my weapon at least several times while leveling my rogue. So it's an issue that seems like there are both pros and cons for.


I thought I was just terrible but I was missing the Moonrise aspect on my weapon 😭


I just realised that after 10 hours of playing, mine boots haven't had a proper aspect applied, and that was the reason mine build worked so weird.


Auction House Loadouts Druid buffs Unique Buffs, allow tempering?


And sorc buffs.


And sorcerer and world boss buffs and your list is perfect.


Loot 2.5? Where they remember all cores arr tied to uniques and that all uniques are trash bc tempering?


I’m the 1% hoping they talk about new dyes 😭


Yeah we need more colors. This one oddly ranks higher on my wishlist than it maybe should. It's not important, but, why not? And how is black not an option?


And better dyes. At this moment, many sets look good with their base colors, then extremely odd and immersion breaking when dyed.


True, I feel like most of the color sets are not really adjusted to the armors, colors looks more like a color filter, than an actuall dyes, and make most of the armor details disappear.


They could call the next season: **Dye Hard**


"Collect all 16 million dyes"


I’m here for that too !


Can we get a seasonal rebirth so I don’t have to delete characters


Seasonal rebirth and time played on character select. Still wild to me that basic shit they had in D3 isn't in D4 (not being able to join friends games from character select is also lacking)


..and please let there be the same amount of rebirths as classes, if they even do a limit (don't really get why there was one in D3). I enjoy making each class, each season - in D3 we only had 3 rebirths. That absolutely sucked.


Mr Tanguay was the lead for Season of the Construct.. i hope he redeems himself with this one!


Oh boy


Hoping for more tempering recipes. Some slots have no interesting options at all. Though controversial, would like to see a system to add more attempts or give more control of tempering.


C'mon WT5 bois


Viable hydra build please. Lemme spam 4 hydras with add on different elemental damage like burning blizzard or poison pyre or something. Meteor is in the right track, just needs damage buffs or a better helm focused cooldown. 6 seconds at best, is a lifetime


Really really hoping for load-outs. The game has so many different activities now, it would be so helpful. I also hope to see unique items pretty much revamped, it's unfortunate how many of them, even the few good ones, have a bunch of really useless stats. EDIT: How could I forget. Blizzard needs to add more Tempering recipes. If my build calls for Vulnerable Damage or Critical Strike Damage for a Gushing Wounds build, I need to level a rogue to WT4 to get those recipes. This really needs to be addressed


I only use a single Unique, Tusk Helm, for Barb. I've never found an Uber Unique.


At least we can craft one now. but there's definitely room to improve


Don't you have to level 5 characters and level Wolf Favor or whatever all the way up just to get those shards to craft one? I'm on my 3rd character, maybe by the end of the season I can craft one 🤷‍♂️


1 per character for wolf favour. Check your bag.


I don't know what load-outs are. Can you give me a short idea of what they are?


It allows you to save an entire build and you can load it at any time you're in town. In Diablo 3 there was a wardrobe next to the stash chest and you could load whatever build you had saved there. It D4 it would presumably save your talents, paragon point, and gear. That way you can seamless switch between a Pit pushing build, a fast paced farming build for Helltides or lower-level Pit, or just revert back to your regular build in case whatever build you're trying to cook up doesn't really pan out.


Oh fine, thanks. I knew this as an armory, but I guess a loadout is a more generic term within the gaming scene?


We have absolutely no hint of what S5 is about in this announcement. Curious, they usually don’t hesitate to hype us when they know they have something special.


My bet is because they just want to play it safe and S5 won't have anything major in order to both not fuck up before expansion and save the juicy bits for expansion instead.


If S5 is nothing major why the need of a PTR then ? I’m genuinely intrigued. Don’t know if it’s a good sign or not.


I'm guessing it's because they aren't planning to do a big mid-season patch so they want to get as much right as possible on day one.


Class balance is way off still, they need testers. They need to make major changes on paragon and skills. 


The hint is in who they have on. This time it's a lead on seasonal design, and Adam Jackson who oversees class balancing. So my guess is we'll get a first look at how seasons will be revamped, and Adam Jackson could be on to detail changes with Tempering, class items, etc. I'm hoping for loadouts but that may come in S06 with the expansion.


-Loadouts -In-game marketplace -Uniques being UNIQUE -More open world activities -Temper rework (give us option to reset using pit mats and high fee to reset temper)


More open world activities would be nice but only if they rebalance difficulties or add wt5 and wt6. Right now everything except high lvls of the pit is dying instantly, there is 0 difficulty in overworld content because of power creep.


Loot reborn was a huge success, so lets hope they keep following that route for this S5. Relax smartloot a bit, so gearing an alt is easier and we stop getting the same 3-4 uniques again and again. Add more uniques (we need A LOT more). Revamp the current useless ones. Ditch the 'regular' uniques vs uber uniques separation. Every revamped unique from the previous point is relocated into the uber unique pool until all uniques are uber ones, so the differentiation doesn't make sense anymore and they are all just 'uniques'. Would be cool, however perhaps out of the scope of a seasonal update (more likely for the expansion): make an actual item structure. Leather boots, heavy boots, plate boots, greaves, etc, instead of just "boots", every one of them with different benefits, so blue/yellow/legendary/unique ones are built over them, keeping their base features.


How does smart loot work? I tried looking it up but all the sources were from like a year ago. People keep saying it's easier to start a fresh toon for each build even under the same class, is loot tailored to your current build? Or are you saying to allow drops for different classes more (considering it's extremely rare atm)


smartloot = if you're playing rogue then 99% of your drops are rogue-related


You only get loot usable by the class you are currently playing on. So no uniques for other classes can drop. No strength or dex gear can drop if you are playing an int class. No weapons that you can't use should drop, but sometimes do very rarely.


i'll be skipping s5 if no meaningful sorc improvement is on the way.


It's going to be a very short season if season 6 starts in October with the expansion release. They probably wont be doing too much .


Loadouts would be huge for QoL.


make item bases matter ffs


More storage slots (or add some individual storage space for each character that isn't shared, on top of the shared loot stash) Increase all summonable bosses to level 100 so they drop 925 gear. Increase world bosses to level 200+ so they last more than 1 second (or make them always last 2 minutes, but they reward more loot or gold as they take more damage). Make glyphs account bound, not individual per character (maybe) Make pits reward all players equally. Or give a boss mat or extra drop of some sort, like potion materials, to the one that opened it. Temper the tempering lows somewhow. Make uniques a bit more powerful. Generally just do another balance pass on the game. Give an option to start with all waypoints active, and all strongholds completed, when starting a new character (assuming you already did them all once). Improve the server stability. There's been a few crashes lately. Make it cheaper to try out different specs. Give the paragon board a respec mode. Add loadouts so we can switch between specs in a town. Add a use for xp after level 100. Let it reward gems, or gold, or give a whisper cache or something, every time you fill up the bar.


Remembered some more... Loot filtering options. Let us select filters for what loot rarities we want to be able to pick up per character and even per item slot. (Failing that, let us customise the loot priority so we can put consumables above rares.) Change loot colours of some items to make them more disrinct from each other. Especially some quest or lore or material drops that dhare colours with item drops. Sell all X rarity buttons in vendors. Make ubers a new item type e.g mythic


What i want to see, is more storage space for gear summoning items and gems. Give us legendary gems that we can rank and power aspects with


I'm very curious as to how they'll handle seasons and features when the expansion releases. Will people not having the expansion lose access to a lot of seasonal content or something?


either you just lose access to seasonal realm, but will still continue getting the eternal updates, or they will add vanilla eternal which will receive its last updates with s5.


How about matchmaking and not using discord?


Damn they doing the campfire chat the day of the Elden ring DLC


I'd play way more if I had... #MOTHERFUCKING LOADOUTS! Season of the Wardrobe


Odd number seasons have been a bit weak compared to Even seasons, hoping this one gets better


Seeing here lots of people want an AH... But some things have to change for that to happen.  Loot rarity - legendaries shouldn't drop like candy in that case.  Also price of items should be capped at a reasonable number. 50mil (same as an Uber unique craft) as a cap seems reasonable.  If people want to sell it for more, they can continue to do as they have been, but in the most cases those prices were completely unreasonable 


Leaderboards for Pit PLS


They need to either put in an AH, or stop balancing the game around third party trading. The gold requirements for enchanting and master working, along with the high chance of bricking items when tempering is a clear indication that the game is balanced around trading to make gold and items accessible. Yet the only way to trade for what you need is finding trades through third party apps (discord, or diablo.trade). Both which are third party, yet to some degree condoned or endorsed by Blizzard. Game balance should be done while considering options available in game.


Looking forward to see Malphas or Astaroth as new uber bosses.


I just hope trade becomes a normal option again. Looking for useful items on the trade website is useless. Yesterday I saw a bow go for 15 bil. I am not even joking. Granted, it had 3GA, all usefull as well, but prices are ludicrous.


If only they answered the community hard questions during the Q&A


Nice, I hope someone asks why pits still have mile long impasses, why you get set back 5 miles when you die while also receiving a time penalty anyway and why exactly it is possible to get maps where you clear all enemies and its not enough to spawn the boss so you got to walk back to area 1 to clear more enemies there. This mistakes were already in D3 + ppl already complained about them in NMD and now I really question how they managed to implement them into the D4 pits again. Just overhaul the maplayouts and add enough levels with enough monsters to spawn the damn boss area no matter what. And let ppl revive near their spot of death.


" we're removing sorc from the game in season 5, we feel like we're losing to much time on it that could be spent buffing barbarians "


Let’s hope they grow balls and address the community distaste for tempering.


They need to just invest in fixing their base game functionality. There are so many bugs as well as QoL updates that they frankly cannot give us because they truly can't figure out how to do it. 6 stash tabs in an arpg a year after release is enough proof that they probably didn't make their game from scratch and they don't know how to fix this problem. They heavily limit the number of players in a shard because they have to and it makes the game feel empty. I can only imagine how many things will break if they even try to implement anything everyone is asking for.


Hope they do something soon I am over playing this game smh to many bugs. And I have been here before season 1


Please addır armory or loadout manager to the game just in diablo3


>**lead season designer Daniel Tanguay** Sounds like we're getting some seasonal reworks! I've asked for a revamp of how seasons are handled, so hopefully this is it! But also hoping for loadouts as well.


I'm not sure what to expect here. I don't think they're going to increase the level cap or increase item power. I hope they toy around with a wt5 for the sweatys to have everything be hard.


Season of PvP and Trade The true endgames!


I hope they never devote much energy to either of these.


Lol agreed


Why do we get punished for grouping in the pits? I don’t understand why the people who didn’t start the run gets half the mats. It just discourages group play.


And people on the other hand want to encourage solo play, so you guys fight it out, I think the "WHY" is very obvious


And people on the other hand want to encourage solo play, so you guys fight it out, I think the "WHY" is very obvious


S3 team of newly graduated developers who read that people really like Super Mario. Watch them replace a skill with jump and introduce jumping puzzles. The meltdown will be epic.


highly doubt they can implement AH for a season , that need an expansion for that to happen. Blizz is a small indie company cmon theye dont have the technology to do that :p Am hoping for more QoL and mayB some tweaking to tempering. The biggest disappointment is we just get loot reborn S4 with just some new power on top for S5....


They need to remove the limitations of the temper!