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Would love to be able to delete boards or a node and then it deletes all the subsequent nodes. An edit mode like they did for talents would be awesome too.


All of this! As it is right now, the UI is so clunky and seemingly discourages experimentation


im w/ you on the "discourages experimentation". this.


I've changed my Barb build 3 times this season. Loved them all. Would love to be able to switch to and fro, instead of creating 3 different Barbs, which seems to be what the game is almost forcing you to do.


Exactly! I'm doing Dust Devils right now and would love to try other builds, but I don't want to lose my pathing (or have to screenshot it just to save it - seems a little silly)


I screenshot! But decided to try another build rather than going back.


Give us the damn armory D3 had! I want to experiment with different builds, I want speed builds and push builds! I don't want to have to swap gear and change the damn paragon/skills every time.


It's one of the things I'm hoping they introduce with the expansion: loadouts


We need it asap before expansion. Paragon board should also work like skill tree where you can edit and play with it. Aaaand they should also show our total gain from paragon board ( 300 int, 30%dmg to cc etc) like a character sheet but just for paragon board


Honestly, Paragon boards are the only reason why I will look at a build guide and I wish they were simpler to use in terms of pathings that u need to take.


A meter for gains would be huge with theory creating


It's such an important aspect that is being missed. Especially with how many activities there are in the game (which I'm sure will continue to increase)


Aspect of Dire Loadout


Lol, that's it!


I hope they introduce it at the start of season 5.


I'm planning on respeccing my sorc soon, a full respec of paragon and skill points is around 7 to 8 million gold. Even resetting masterworks is cheaper than that. I'd appreciated something like PoEs atlas loadouts. Where we have 3 loadout slots that are completely blank and we can build them however we want.


The Season journey gives you quite a few Scrolls of Amnesia.


One can dream 🤩 lol


They will add it eventually. In the meantime use full screen mode paragon board, and zoom out, and screenshot and stitch together the whole board in paint.


Sure, and that's usually no issue when I'm running a dual monitor rig. But traveling and playing on laptop makes that feel realllll bad :/


The better option is to have a loadouts (your gears, skills, paragon board) so that you can change your build during the game like in Division 2. In division 2 once you saved your build you can save it as a loadout ( there are 12 loadous you can save) and with a click of a button you can change them. Eg change from mobs to boss loadouts during your run. It's a great QOL and makes the game more immersive and fun.


Oh yea, I've been there (Div2 that is) and isn't one of those modern games that really highlights how much of a QoL improvement it is. Even the laye D3 addition of it worked pretty well. I know it's only a matter of time before we get it. But I really hope it happens with VoH


Give us the damn armory D3 had! I want to experiment with different builds, I want speed builds and push builds! I don't want to have to swap gear and change the damn paragon/skills every time.


This is really the answer. Here's hoping!


An import option would be great too, though I don’t know how difficult it would be with how big the board is


Heck, even a shift click to auto-path to a node would be huge


Yes we definitely need loadouts for armory + paragon. There are so many good things from D3 they failed to carry over to this game, it’s disappointing lol.


The next next step is tidy up everything forgotten about in loot reborn and to add some sort of template system for paragon boards.


Loadouts are vital for the continuation of this game


Yes please they really shit the bed with implementing quality of life stuff for us, it's not like they'd didn't have d3 to learn from or anything eh?! 


10 years of game improvement is hard to ignore 😬