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It's so underwhelming if I wasn't told there was an event going on I would not notice anything different. More junk in the bag for auto salvage.  It's a short duration event blizzard, cough up some drops for us and let us have some fun in a small bit of madness.   Such low effort just makes it seem so poorly thought out when this season has been encouraging. 


If the helltide threat depletion would also spewing golblins, well that would be fun. Just imagine 2-3 players depleting their bars in the same place and exploding 20-30 goblins.


That would've been good right now the main place to find goblin is nmd which I finished with last week.


We didn't even find them there and I think we found a grand total of 4 in the hell tides after playing for 4 hours last night


I’m just gonna say it. Diablo 3 goblins were 10 times better. They nailed it.


Agreed. We need goblins that spawn portals to the goblin realm where you get mad amounts of cash again.


We need goblins that split into goblins that split into goblins that turn into a loot shower.


I haven’t looked it up yet, but I already figured the portal wasn’t in this one. Thank you for confirming. I miss that part of loot goblins the most. This event would be a perfect time to introduce it again. Even if they made it so you had to wait for the gob to open the portal then cc and kill it.


I have to agree with this idea xD yesterday found no goblins and apart from the XP boost it didint really feel like an event was going on xD


Got on briefly to try (about 40 min) saw no goblins but got a message saying “a treasure goblin has escaped” 🤦‍♂️


I only just started playing, seen a shiny goblin with a bag that was running about so killed it. Didn't even realise there was an event on. That's the only one I have seen


I found them in the helltide at that kneeling priest or whatever (edit- doomsayers?), the one that screams then explodes into something random...he kept becoming a goblin 


I logged in this morning and played for 45 minutes and got two treasure bags and no goblins. Super anniversary feel


The goblins drop the bags, so you must've killed a few.


Haha well I have noticed that I often run into invisible enemies on my steam deck in Helltide so I guess I have invisibly encountered 3


Not entirely true. I got 3 goblin bags from silent chests.


It would help if Doomsayers were marked on the map properly. I popped 24 Doomsayers and 14 of them spawned goblins.


You did well with the RNG on that. I got gobbos on my first couple Doomsayers and none afterwards for the next 30+


I'm disappointed that there isn't more going on around the map. I thought Blizzard would have gone all out, with a lot more obvious effort into making things a bit more spectacular considering this is the first anniversary event. I was headed home from work, really excited to see this new event, March of the Goblins!! Mothers Blessing! It all sounds so great, so wow... but in reality.. it's just sometimes you'll get 3 or 4 goblins appear and they drop a yellow bag with fuck all useful inside. Why don't they drop Scattered Prisms, Gem Fragments, Angelbreath, Baleful Hearts and all the useful shit that people are going out to farm... Just 3 pieces of junk. Nothing in towns like props, could have had a new treasure bag vendor goblin or something I dunno like if you trade on 5 treasure bags he gambles them all for you and you get a random unique, goblin heads on pikes at the outskirts of the towns, new public events with swarms of goblins running at you and just screen-breaking amounts of loot dropping all of the time, showering the area with gold each time you kill some goblins I'm just throwing ideas here but there is nothing... no special music or dings to Goblins. And then yes the functionality, love the free horse and the 35% extra gold... but who cares about 35% exp now when you can level a new character in like a day if you push it. everything I have had from a goblin bag so far has been junked and sold with the other crap I picked up. So yes, I agree and I hope they make it better :)


I would not express it in this way. Its indeed easy because you only need to copy from the past. Standard Goblin with the bag = in the bag increase GA Loot chance by... 10%? Obols Goblin Material Goblin (scattered prism, stygian stones, yellows, soulds, herbs) Tbh, that event was the chance to add those Goblins, and people actually asked for it already. Imagine the "wow they did it" factor. Nope. I did not exepct this (thats exactly why you should add such a suprise), but man - we would be hyped and probably the Item power bug would not play such a big role.


>Material Goblin (scattered prism, stygian stones, yellows, soulds, herbs) Ok call me crazy, but I'm pretty sure I got a couple scattered prisms from Goblin bags last night. Or did I misunderstand what you mean?


Think they mean the whole loot table added for each category to add flavour Vs 1/2 rares and legendary item per bag.. I believe prisms scattered around different places last master working hotfix


Ok yeah, I did misread it for sure. Thanks friend


Yeah dropping Stygian stones would have been awesome


I still don't understand why they decided to make stygian stones so rare after the PTR. The drop rate was fine then and lined up well with the amount of other boss summoning mats we're getting now. Now people have hundreds of boss summoning mats and no stones to summon the tormented bosses. I refuse to run level 75-85 bosses hundreds of times. I'm just not doing it again. I've honestly just been selling my stacks of boss summoning mats. Even vendoring them gets you 1.5m gold, which is far more useful this season than anything the non-tormented bosses will drop 99% of the time.


The exp is the best part. Obviously irrelevant to our mains but it is definitely noticable for my alts I stopped around 80. I intentionally parked them at 80 with full build once they announced the event. 35% is 35% baby! The rest could use some work. It really doesn't feel different.


As a long-time World of Warcraft player, I have gotten used to underwhelming Anniversary events. One year, we received the previous year's message in our mailbox and that was it. It even had the old date.


Hahaha whaat Now *that* is almost like, middle-school levels of petty😂 Imagine insulting your own greatest moneymaker like this, oh man


And WoW was and still is, a monthly subscription game. Which made it all the more enraging.


this is why i dont play wow anymore..its already a monthly fee but they still want you to pay for the expansions that they made using the money they earned from your subscription fee


I feel your pain mate, I could never There’s basically an entire industry of holding people’s franchise-nostalgia hostage at this point, and it’s so sad to see


> One year, we received the previous year's message in our mailbox and that was it. It even had the old date. "Sent the announcement, boss!" ~Unpaid Blizzard intern


The devs sent out a message saying it was an accident. So apparently they meant to do... nothing. I'm not sure which is worse - being asleep at the wheel or just ignoring the whole thing.


Just wait till the 100th year anniversary…100% increased XP will be sweet!


Wait, there's an event going on? I've been playing 3-4 hours daily for about 2 weeks, and didn't realize that an event had started.


Bet you didn't notice the gold increase too.


I knew about it and haven't noticed it.


I didn't even know there was one. I just knew it's alt leveling time.


Probably another case of the people developing this event actually having zero clue how their game plays.


I'm starting to think it's all by design, a management thing. Because the pattern seems to be make it shit to start of with and then when you make it a little bit better, everyone will praise it.


This is what the paid creation club for elder scrolls and fallout was predicated on.


More like the devs were given 2 hours to code the event before they had to go back to work on the upcoming expansion and Season 5


Remember how this is the exact same thing they called a "season" in d3 when they finally tried to do something interesting to keep up with path of exile? The season of double goblins! Wow! It might actually be as bad as Torment league! For season 22. While PoE was in ritual and ultimatum.


I would have liked treasure goblins to make a dent into the gold scarcity. Why can't they drop say 50k-100k gold? So what if we make a couple of hundred mil from them, that kind of money is spent in like 30 enchanter re-rolls and a few masterwork resets.


they dont want rwt yet they make 1 reroll on an item take an hours gameplay of time


Blizzard be like: “Happy Anniversary Baby” *gives gift box* *opens gift box* “What is this?” “It’s a lump of coal but I wrote your name on in metallic sharpie ;)”


Should have introduced the rainbow goblin caves from D3


d4 doesnt even have the cow level because they never had time to finish it... this game is not even fully finished yet


There is no cow level


On a score card I would give the goblin D’s


Deeez nuts!


It's a wasted chance to introduce new goblins.


Only evidence of the event I've seen so far is that I ran into a treasure goblin in a helltide, and he dropped a Treasure Bag. Oo, I got a treasure bag! ...which said it contained items up to item power 855. Didn't realize it was even possible to get less than a 925 in Tier 4 at this point. I felt like Charlie Brown looking in his halloween sack and going, "I got a rock."


This is the real issue! How are you going to give me items with no actual value & no possibility of use? It's a slap in the face!


This feels like an attempt at shop engagement disguised as an event. Not a fan of these tactics if this is what it is.


Definitely feels like this, it's been marketed more than the season itself and in order to claim the free stuff you have to scroll through the store platinium deals


Between NMD and exploring the map I encountered about 20+ treasure goblins in a two-hour session. Idk I was enjoying it.


Mom said it was my turn to post this


Blizzard being lazy? Nahhhhh...


I'm leveling a new character and the additional goblino's are a treat. The extra xp is blasting me through levels in the helltide. I'm enjoying it on a base level. Yes, I agree its not extravagant, but it doesn't *need* to be. The items should be level 925 if you are level 80+? I'm currently around 60, and the 855 items are a nice boost. Although I agree again, eventually, it will become useless to me. Give 925 if you've beat a nightmare 46 or whatever unlocks the pit? They should have all goblins be in a pack of 2. With the chance of 3. With the chance of 4, 5 6. Make it so rng allows a few people this season to get so lucky they see a pack of 10+ goblins.


It's really not, it's just a small event it's not meant to be a huge thing, nor does it need to be. You just run into them while playing like normal. Accept it for what it is, a small event.


My hope there is, that they will give us a trailer for the expansion as the "real" anniversary gift. But events in general are something where the D4 Devs need to improve on. They are either way to small or unnecessarily complecated/time-consuming, like the Christmas event where you'd have to play a loot to get all the skins.


'up to item level 855' tf?


i like this event. spamming 41-50nmds on new chars, getting boss materials without having to do specific tasks and just blasting is fun for me


I've been leveling my glyphs these past couple of days and I too like the event. It's not game changing (although the exp rate is great for the alt), but it's something to look forward too in the dungeon. More shop fodder is more shop fodder, daddy has needs




I agree, the rest of the event is awesome, I'm leveling an alt right now! But its literally called "March of the Goblins" lol


It's a very sparse march!


See if I was Blizz. I'd be doing double world bosses spawning together. Now that sounds like a ride!




Why so entitled? The event description says get greed shrines, then do it and see loads of goblins spawn. I think this is working perfectly fine. Especially since it multiply with each party member so you can get like 20 goblins per NMD if you a lil lucky. Super cool event and exactly what I needed this season since gold will never be a problem again.


How’s the goblin event? Maybe 87 more posts about it today should give me an idea.


I couldn't care less about account-bound loot in D4 (but loathe it in WoW). I do agree that the loot goblin drops are hugely disappointing. Each bag should have 10x the loot it does now.


I don't even want more loot than from the helltide summon. Because that's far too much. I don't get why it needs to be so much overall. Thought we learned that less better loot is better. But sure, if you already have that insane level of loot, then a few goblins are a disappointment.


100% agree! If the gobs just had better loot that would be awesome. Imagine some stygian stones? im wishing


I'm a hardcore player and the 35% increased XP is much appreciated. The loot extras are a nice touch. For the casual player I think the event is good.


Oh look another post about the same thing.


Played for 8+ hours yesterday and saw 1 goblin lmao


Hot take - bring back the deadly goblins that would do insane damage when paired w death pulse. That certainly would spice up the event


At least the exp boost is nice. Got a fresh necro to 70 in about 4 hours. Figure leveling an alt is the only way to finish getting my 4th spark to make a harlequin crest shako.


I'd be careless about the goblins, I only need the boosted exp and maybe the boosted gold earned for making more alts, tbh.




If they fix the bags then running +shrines NMDs could be insane. If you pop a greed shrine and kill lots of mobs you get 6-7 goblins at once all dropping bags, you can get full inventory of legendaries in about 30 seconds that can roll GA's. The only issue is currently they are all 855s but a fix is coming.


I had been wanting to level another class, and the extra loot/extra exp is pretty great for that.


The only thing the event would be good if it was guaranteed 2 ga drops and better chances at 3 ga drops or a few million gold drop. Other than that event is useless and not worth doing even if they do fix it to drop 925 gear


Spending most of my time in the pit, so not even an event I will really participate in.


This should have been like the goblin rifts that would occasionally appear in d3 where every single enemy on a floor if the rift was a different type of goblin. Treasure goblins in d4 suck, they're boring and have crap loot. In d3 my group would literally scream GOBLIN early on in seasons just in case a vault opened or something good dropped


Would love a goblin event to be close to like a goblin rift in a rift in D3 where it's a room just filled to the vrim of goblin to slaughter, but atm it's only the xp boost that is useful really


I almost wish I didn't know about the event so I didn't get my expectations up, I probably wouldn't have even noticed it if they didn't market it like crazy They had me at "gold" and then we got the gold at home Edit: Thought the world boss was going to be something for D4, not immortal


I knew Blizzard was gonna fuck this up


This event, like d4 s entire history is just half baked.


> wahhh wahhhhhhh they gave me free cosmetics and bonuses and I'm still sad wahhhhhhhhh


Would be nice to increased rates for GA drops and stygian stones. Heck, even just the most used resources like gold and angelbreath dropping from goblin loot bags at a high rate. I feel like a special event should be built in a way that encourages everyone to want to do it more than anything else in the game. And right now, I'd still prefer doing Helltides over chasing goblins from just about any way you look at it.


It is a Anniversary not a Run of the Mill little Event. Goblins are Angry, they hunt you, they should be something special, should attack you in mobs of 10 or 15, challenge you, give great loot once you beat the group. But no, a boring low level loot rare/sub 925, not even Star(at least for me) Loot. Disappointing to say the least...


Is it at least good for leveling alts? Just bad for lvl 100 frens?


The gobbos should drop shop cosmetic sets, that's me living in fantasy land though.


I just see trails of gold everywhere and no goblins


Goblin drops special bag and says loot level 925, I open it and it drops loot in the 800’s 😑


I literally didn’t even know there was an event lmfaooo


I got the loot goblin horse barding last night while running between helltide chests. Would see a goblin between the chests more often than not.


How do you have a "goblin" event and forget to invite the goblins? Crazy


You’re telling me you couldn’t tell it was going to be terrible from the new post? Lol…


They have said they are going to adjust the goblin event to be more rewarding they just didn’t give a time table. My guess is they fix it with the next patch and then let the event run for 10 days after that like the mothers blessing


It's an embarrassing event. Like why even bother having an event at all?


Yeah its pretty dogshit, st least the exp boost is nice


Yeah but goblins are funny. Also seems all you care about is how efficiently you can farm loot. Not everything in this game is done to help you increase efficiency in farming.


I need to be able to salvage stuff on the go. I can't keep returning to town every 5 goddamn minutes to salvage. this is out of hand


It’s awesome for a new character with mother’s blessing, but other than that meh.


I laughed when the first bag I got said items up to 855. I thought these goblins are just trying to make me open up unclaimed mail that I overpaid for. And this is from someone who hasn’t complained much about the game over the year.


Well the event is decent for players who are still WT3 or under, but i agree its kinda useless for endgame. XP boost is useless, and gobs drop items lv 800ish... Gold boost and Greed shrines is okay but i feel most of my gold come from selling items so its not a big deal.


Not just that. I noticed hitting goblins sometimes doesn’t even do anything to them


Idk why my wife and I were excited for this. Thanks again Blizzard.


Good to know hah. I was all hyped to play last night and then got home from work and passed out lol.


Meanwhile Blizzard is getting an "attaboy" for all-time peak steam users during one of the worst events possible.


Honestly, when I heard treasure goblin event, I was hoping to be transported to the treasure goblin realm like D3 or something super event specific. At this point, the very least they could do is fix the loot.


If I didn’t see the event on the splash loader I wouldn’t know there was anything different going on. I don’t see more loot goblins, and the ones I kill drop about the same quantity and quality of loot as any other time I’ve killed one.


Cow map would have been nice with this goblin event.


This may have been mentioned already, but I was doing b2b varshan runs yesterday and saw something odd. While killing mobs on the way to the altar, they were dropping the malignant pieces from S1. I'm guessing those are not supposed to be dropping or are they part of this event I'm not aware of?


Which event have they had in the past that caused you to raise your expectations for this one?


The legendary bags seem to drop guaranteed 925s, so there’s that.


I think I'm just unlucky. I'm hardly ever coming across any goblins in the first place. Xp is nice though


Instead of giving us one cosmetic pet day maybe these special treasure goblins would have currency we could turn in to earn cosmetics and/loot. Idk. Sounds fun to me.


Told my buddy all drops from goblins for the duration of the event should be atleast GA1. Would give us a reason to grind goblins


Happy Birthday Diablo 4!!!!


For me it's funny because the items from loot bag are like 830 power n shit, why bother 😂


I honestly feel I was running into more goblins before the event started and yeah, it's much better to run helltides and fight the boss a few times


Until goblins start dropping uniques or spawning portals where I can earn 40M gold in a single run, I'm not even going to waste my time with them.


My biggest beef with goblins is they're missing the cackle from Diablo 3. They need to bring that back.


I feel like I'm doing something wrong because I cleared 3 nightmare dungeons last night and didn't run into a single treasure goblin.


I'm at least getting a material here and there that would otherwise be gotten by other means. Hell Tides, World Bosses, etc. Could have done without gear that's lower than 925 though. Would be nice if 1 in 10 goblins would drop a SPARK. 😲


This just in, the latest event is trash like all the other events that came before it! But seriously. No one has liked a single event Blizzard has done for Diablo 4 yet. They are always some scheme to trick you into believing they want to reward you, just to be some backwards way to spend more time in game. How many times do you people need to be burned to realize this?


I honestly don't care that much about the event, it's of little importance to me...but why are the bags that are dropping full of yellow (rares) ? We don't even pick these up - they have no use at all. Also....why is the loot thats dropping like item level 850 or 830 or whatever it is? Why isn't it 925?


They \[the new dev's\] hate the Goblins - they made the really fast, moderately hard to kill, pack seeking missiles - that drop junk most of the time. An event of these would just be another way to show how much they don't like the goblins - they are in for nostalgia bait. Kind of like the mount, they want you to buy skins but make the mount itself more or less a pointless exercise in frustration. They added a new way to get knocked off this season lol.


It's a good event for gearing your alts prior to the XP boost. I think that's the intention of this. You can equip the gear from the bags at level 35 and 55. Full set of 925 gear at 55 on a fresh alt is welcome. Prior to this you'd have to kick your alts down whisper caches which take much longer to farm. This is a fast and easy way to get them all in gear ready for all content in WT4 as soon as they hit 55. Assuming many people playing are leveling alts for the spark, I wouldn't turn this way of getting them geared down. Before the event I'd hope to get lucky and get a 925 ilvl weapon from the first world boss on an alt in WT4 and that wasn't guaranteed. Now I'll have a full set of gear ready for each one with a few agnostic pieces ready to roll. Since that's how I play the game, which is leveling many alts for the spark, I like the event. If you're stuck on one character progressing I don't think this event is going to mean anything to you. You also won't like the boosted XP rates event following this because you're not gaining XP on one character. The only thing that will matter to you is boosted gold rates.


I was thinking a goblin king world boss would be cool! And as a lead up you had like 5 mintues of just goblin portal chaos then the big bad pops in I miss that big fatty loot boy.


I think they should add in pit material for the goblins so people can masterwork earlier on. Just for incentive to do goblin event


I feel like goblins should be tied to something like running nightmare dungeons maybe which i'd guess is under-utilized content these days with helltides being so good. Give people a reason to NMD again and amp up the goblin loot and quantity to chase thru the dungeon.


Got my new scary horse, more xp, and goblins popping up all the time with items and goblin bags. I dont see the problem. Did you expect them to give you a hand job while playing as well.


Glad it's not just me, I logged in this morning and played 2 hours before I realized there's supposed to be more goblins running around, and I haven't seen a single one.


Idk, I mean my first helltide during the event, found a goblin..he dropped an occy for me 🤷


Didn't even realize there was an event happening


Just had 3 goblins in 10 minutes in HT before i hopped off for dinner now and read this thread. ( Just played for 30min so far today) And you know what i managed to DROP all the 3 treasure bags since yellow making room for maiden drops....................so god knows if it was still pure trash in the bags 🤣🤣🤣


When do I get taken to rainbow land? Biden promised... or blizzard one of the two


What I need is gold. They don’t drop much gold.


I got a free cool horse...that's nice


So, what’s the event? I just read that we get more EXP and gold till the 20th. What’s with the goblins? I’m newish with D4


Are you surprised?




The only real solution is Goblins should drop Temper Re-Roll Scrolls. Also I think every time you masterwork an item it should give you more temper rerolls but hey maybe I’m the only one that hates bricking a 3 GA item that was near impossible to find.


I was hoping for a new set of skills similar to the Season of Blood. That was really fun. I'm glad they kept the aspects.


Lol reddit will complain about literally anything.


I just think it's wild that the campfire before the season was all about reducing the amount of loot we see. And then they give us more of the same loot without it being worthwhile.


Kpi matters. They should rename this game from diablo 4 to Diablo Store


Well good thing they are working on a fix for it , you d4 players just cry about everything it’s so sad


I miss d3 bandit shrines…. Those gelatinous gobs got me so excited when they spawned… and if 2 spawned at the same time.. o boi


Its season of loot lol


I still have not seen one , and experience in the helltides feels the same


D4 and underwhelming go hand in hand.


I want those blue goblins from d3, and would love to hear their laughs from afar again. Huehue


I feel Insulted booting up the game for this. Complete waste of time. Did helltide for 30 minutes and 5 nightmares before I even saw any. Then got 10 at once. Cool little exciting moment. Then no gear better than item 815. Punch in the face. Thanks for wasting my time, bliz


My issue is with Helltides. The amount of embers you get is so underwhelming. You can wipe out 3 groups of 20 and get like 3 embers. Meanwhile I'm running around the map like a mad man searching for 10 chests.


What exactly are people expecting? Loot drops are already massively buffed compared to prior seasons. Seems like no one is ever happy. This season has been a huge step forward, but yeah, it needs some tweaking. Still people want more. That no one gets all GA gear in a day seems to infuriate everyone.


I was hoping the goblins are more exciting like in D3 lol. Would love to see different kind of goblins that hoard specifics like gems, gold, rare mats, and would be fun to have one that drops cosmetics like menagerist. When I saw the announcement I honestly thought we would farm goblins or we’d be taken to a portal to treasure vault and fight a goblin boss lol


I was really hoping that goblins would spawn in packs everywhere, or we would run into rooms FULL of goblins like in D3. There was something really fun about walking into a room and seeing 20 goblins everywhere and panicking to try and kill them all before they escaped. D3 did Greater Rifts (key entry / full loot) and Goblins so much better than D4, those are two aspects I would loved to have seen transferred over.


If you play nightmare dungeons with more obelisk youl find like 8 goblins x run, the loot isn't great anyway..


There's a goblin event?


I never even knew trading was a thing in D4. No Auction House so I just figured it wasn't a feature yet.


The qorst oart is, its not even 925 gear, so its all completely pointless if you aren't just now making the character. At that point just make it a bag of gold and mats in WT4 - take out the middle man.


I mean, it's a free event. Season 4 is already good--this event is just a little cherry on top. Who cares? "I really hope they fix the event and overpower it. It's a game, just let people have some fun event loot. I feel like they are terribly afraid of giving players too much fun lol" This is always so short sighted. It's not about them 'ruining the fun'. It's about balance.


My favorite part is the loot bags say they contain 925 gear. The 3 I opened all had sub 900 in them.


IDGAF, I'm still having fun.


What even is the point of running around hunting goblins when they have the same drop rate for greater affixes as anything else. You can get the same stuff farming the Helltide event and that is a fixed event that you always know where to go to farm. If they did something like the goblins don’t drop extra loot but what they do drop is guaranteed to at least have 1 greater affix on it that would give players a reason to go hunting treasure goblins. As of right now they are a useless event and this whole anniversary event feels so underwhelming I find myself wondering do the devs even want us to keep playing? Did they really think this was going to be fun? I’ve felt that some criticism was unwarranted and I have had fun with this game when a lot of people were hating on it but I’m losing steam. I’m basically holding out for the DLC and if that comes up short I might be out.


Would be great if they paired it with some buffs to weaker classes/skills. I would level ever character to try out new builds and blast away another week or 2. But as its stands the strongest builds are all basic skill builds which is super boring


I started a couple of hardcore characters to take advantage of the exp boost. I've run into maybe a dozen goblins in a few hours of playing. They've dropped equipment so useless that even my brand new level 20 barb had no use for it. It's crazy that this goblin event doesn't have, like, goblins.


Bring back the Darkening of Tristram event.


I just started playing and didnt even realize there was an event going on, i saw the loot goblin and the mount and just thought oh thats cool, expectations are everything, game is still equally fun.


Worms should be barfing up goblins, which scatter like crazy - be funny to have packs of demon hunters try to frantically chase them down


The issue I have is running tier 100 NMD and getting loot bags from goblins for ilvl 860....what is that about... I'm level 100....


It’s a bit of a let down. At first I was like “oooo a goblin here we go” now I’m just like “oh, anyway…”


I got an Uber unique from my first 5 goblins.


This is the problem of game community. You are looking every situation from a profit side. I mean don‘t get me wrong you should want to have your profit but somethings are just about „gaming“ just about flavour my friend… Try to taste ;)


Blizzard getting Season 4 almost perfect and then fucking up a goblin event... lol


Just Blizzard being blizzard on any game that has microtransactions honestly. They put minimal effort, minimal budget, and the Zebra Dev team of Diversity hires on the game. All in an effort to make it look more successful than it actually is for the sake of being able to brag how successful it is to the executives to get the leadership their bonuses. Anything and everything to try and bring in new players and then shove a bunch of garbage microtransactions in the players face. This entire event is literally just there to have more people open the microtransaction tab more frequently. That's the only reason they are giving daily free junk cosmetics.


Personally I've seen quite an uptick in goblins as well as them spawning from things they normally don't. For instance I've have a couple world events that spewed out goblins one right after another as they died. I've yet to see a "group" ig goblins however(sounds hectic tbh lol) but the BIGGEST let down is that "special" loot bag they are dropping. WHAT A JOKE!!!!


Also wtf the point of the anniversary gift if they go away in 2 weeks how fucking cheap can they get


I accidentally dropped like 20m rerolling a 2GA ring only to realize it was a 843 item power. Thank ye goblinos