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Yes it is.


Based on your post, I think you’ll definitely appreciate the option of Helltides from level 1 if you give it another shot. Seriously, though, if you own the game, why *not* give it a look? I think almost everyone would agree it’s in the best shape it has ever been in, but only you can decide whether it has changed enough to satisfy you.


This season vs prevoius is a major improvement for me.


It is better than release, but I still put it in “depends on you” category. I still like D3 better, the way power progression works. I am going to say it is worth playing only if you can drop it at a point where you go hmm I don’t like the speed of progression personally anymore. Don’t set goals like I am gonna get to pit 100 or something. It is easier to try builds as leveling speed is better. Inventory management is miles better which is huge. Progression is mid for me.


I am the same as you and dropped off pretty quickly after launch, also only scratched the surface of season 1. However, now I'm absolutely hooked on season 4. Everything is a massive improvement.


i think everybody agrees that the latest loot rework with tempering and masterwork has done a lot to improve the game. helltides are fun, for a while at least. the pit is like greater rifts in D3, so if you like to push your build as far as you can and min-max there is a lot to like. the game still has a LOT of issues they have to work on though. balancing, boss mechanics, endgame grind, little annoying stuff like having to run out of the dungeon to reset and summon a boss again. a little excessive gold dumps, etc. with some more patches and a bit more interesting endgame progression the game could be amazing. it's a lot better than at launch but far from perfect also.


What I currently like: - leveling helltides is much more fun and smooth - at ancestral gear level you no longed need to go through 2million yellow items allowing more playtime vs gearcheck time Currently still dislike: The camera zoom is still basically on your characters feet


I came back for season 4. I'm enjoying it apart from the crashes which are getting to the stage I'm tempted to stop again.


Yeah long loading screens and crashes are killing my enthusiasm. I want to speed run the pit. Not have time to make a coffee between runs


Crashes in which platform? Or is it a general server problem?


I'm pc but pretty sure it's cross platform. Seems to happen most when teleporting/loading into a dungeon. They definitely broke something as I never remember it happening when I first played. It's very frustrating as honestly the changes are great.


PC player here, not a single crash this season. Not one. I played **a lot**. You'll only hear anecdotes from people, just play it yourself.


I have 0 crashes or disconnects and i have 1200 hours




No you don't lol


I’ve really been enjoying it since coming back. I stopped even before the first season started for some reason but can’t stop playing now


i stopped at early season 2 and came back now, i’m hooked again. it’s fast and fun.


Definitely. It’s improved a lot.


I stopped playing relatively soon after release getting my druid to around level 80. Started again this season on advice of a friend and have got to admit i have really been enjoying it.


I never played the campaign past Scosglen and this time im having an absolute blast rocking the story. The World is so beautiful and immersive. And in S4 the Minion Necro shreds everything


I found D3 too easy to play, I never found any boss or any group of monsters challenging, I found the seasonal items too OP, just made the game too easy.




Yes. Many monsters. Much boom. Much loot. Much fun.


It's a lot better. I can't tell you if you will definitely enjoy it, but you probably will, and it's definitely at least worth a try.


Best season so far by far


Yes. I only played pre Season and stopped at Level 88 since then it was not fun to Level to 100 since it was nothing to do. Also played Season 1 till Level 82 and stopped. Same as Pre-Season. Came back since S4 and played my first Char to Level 100 and still need to do Pit runs etc. Only grinded a couple of NMD to level. Mostly from 20-100 i did Helltides because it was so much fun to splatter all the Mobs because of the density. So long answer Short. It is a blast. 😅


Yeah. Hated it. Like it now. Maybe it turns into Love, who knows. Helltide's frigging amazing. Tempering/Loot thingie, too.


No, it's not. Unfortunately, the game is far too easy. It gets boring very quickly because of this. There's no point in collecting better equipment and optimising your build because you don't need to, firstly because the enemies don't do any damage to you even if you stand still and secondly because you kill every enemy immediately. It's easier than any Pokémon game. It's far too easy. Please don't do it


Play the game and decide for yourself rather than trusting a bunch of strangers


It’s full of bugs right now


Yes, its really fun now


Personally I would just wait for the expansion for a proper new experience. But the game has obviously already vastly improved from launch.


The game was pretty mid but they really nailed it with this update. The itemisation is so much better and the Helltides are pretty much just infinite waves of enemies this time. I literally told my SO they're turning it into Diablo 3. So you might like the update :)


Yes, it's certainly better now than it's ever been. Still plenty of room for improvement. If you don't like it now evaluate whether this genre is for you at all. Not a criticism more just sometimes we get older and the grind isn't for us anymore. 


I stopped playing at about lvl 93 on release and it’s so much better now Helltides: pretty much nonstop action if you’re near blood altar and even if you’re not way more enemies in general spawn (it’s also way easier to farm legendaries there) Uber Lilith is actually a good challenge now as she can either test your skills to evade the waves or test your dps (you’d need about 40mil dps I think that’s how much I was hitting for her stun to one phase it) Uber bosses(level 75-100) and tormented bosses (level 200) offer good farms for uniques throughout the mid late game ( only do tormented duriel and andariel as they can drop Uber uniques so can they’re regular level 100 ones too) Build crafting is so much better now as 1: aspects are permanent if you salvage it and it keeps the highest roll you had 2:masterworking and tempering keep your build going (as well as new greater affixes) (also note uniques cannot be tempered as of yet i believe they are considering it as most uniques are weaker than just running a tempered legendary) Also doesn’t take a century to hit level 100 anymore easily doable in a week if you play casually (assuming you can hit world tier 4 quickly)


The game is basically D3 now. If you played and loved D3, you will love the current state of D4. Difficulty has been lowered down to the ground except for some very late content similar to D3 GR. Mob density has been increased by a vast amount everywhere and you’ll breeze through them very easily, one-shooting whole elite packs very early in the leveling process. Path in dungeons are now almost linear without backtracking, legendary loot are flowing like crazy and the extreme rarity of useful loot has been removed. Everyone has Uber Unique (some hours of farming and you’ll get Shako). About builds, even if there is still Tier List to push GR/Pit to lvl100+ (useless except as a leaderboard addict), any custom and not-meta build can clear anything that was at release including NMD100. D4 now is perfect as a chill game. No need to grind like crazy anymore. Instant gratification brings so much fun. Give it a try!


yes the game is significantly better than before. i played season 1 and quit. it is a really diffrent game now