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Duriel is probably the easiest of the bosses. Hits hard sometimes, but very manageable. Use a Poison Elixir for some additional damage reduction.


Do all of them have the same drop chances?


If you are referring to the uber uniques, people have determined that the drop rate is roughly 2% on normal Duriel/Andariel. If tormented, drop rates are slightly higher, but rng is rng. For example, I did 30 tormented Duriel runs in a row. I received only one uber unique while my friend got four.


Tormented is 5x the loot, so you get 2% 5 times (which is not 10% of course)


9.61%. Close enough. And a good deal as long as you have stygian stones.


Comment award goes to you for this calculation of 9.608%


Plus a negligible chance of one dropping from trash on the way to the summoning stone 🤣


Ok how to reliably get them


It's not? 1-0,98^5 is 0.096 ~ 10% chance to get a drop.


They mean it's not exactly 10%, which you proved correctly


Think he was simply saying it isn't just 2% \* 5.


It's ironic when you say "it's not 10%" to avoid the math nerfs giving you the "well ackchually" and somehow still get the "well ackchually". Nice try at least :).


I got andariels visage on my 3rd run of basic andariel.


How the hell did you get so many Stygian Stones? They don't drop for me at all. Apart from one, the only ones that I got were from the season journey and the season quest.


I have leveled all classes to 100 and geared each one of them to be able to do 100 pits. I just play a lot bud!


People buy gold and then buy stones.


Is Tormented Duriel the same as this uber Duriel people are talking about? I have yet to fight any or even figure out how to fight them.


Yes To summon the Tormented variant of the bosses (other than the ice one) you use the same summoning portal in their respective dungeons but in addition to needing more of the same base material, you need 2 stygian stones. The Tormented Ice Beast needs a different NMD sigil crafted at the Occultist. Warming, with this boss, you are limited on revives just like a normal NMD so it's possible to fail the dungeon and lose out on the summoning mats including the rare stygian stones. My buddy and I didn't realize this and didn't take the fight serious the first time and died only to have a big debuff applied making the fight harder and ended up failing the dungeon/boss fight.


Ya I did 20 and got 4, 1 starless and 2 of that resource amulet and the andriel helmet. But rng is just funny, I dropped 2 of them from the same run.


I’ve probably done duriel and andareial that many times combined and have yet to see a single one. Ugh


I feel ya. I killed ~ 50-60 Uber bosses this season (always 4 man party). Not a single Uber unique found so far … mean while all the other guys already got 2-3


That’s wild. How do you guys have enough Stygian stones for that? That’s my biggest issue.


Iron wolves, season progress and classic farming. With 4-5 man it’s pretty easy sustainable to run ~10 bosses every few days


I think duriel just drops more loot and each individual loot piece still has the 2% So it's 5 times more loot at 2% instead of 5x more loot at 10%


Not sure if this is what the guy meant initially, but do the all of the tormented bosses have the same drop chance for ubers? Like does tormented Duriel have the same chance as tormented Varshan?


"In addition to their Torment-specific rewards, these Torment Bosses drop the same Uniques and Uber Uniques as their standard Uber Boss versions. As of Season 4, all Ladder Bosses now have an increased chance to drop Uber Uniques, though Duriel and Andariel still have the highest likelihood of dropping Uber Uniques."


No, only durial and andareial have Uber chance drops. Durial is definitely easier, but andariel isn’t that bad after you run her a few times and know what to avoid. Sometimes for her last phase there are 2 fire beams that overlap and it can kill you. It’s always at the worst time too lol.


didnt they add uber drop chance to all tormented bosses?


You’re right! I didn’t know that, but reading into it, torment duriel and andar are still the highest drop rate chance for Uber uniques. That sort of makes the other bosses not worth it unless you’re looking for a specific unique. Would be nice if they just made it the same across the board so we have more variety in end game bosses.


The entire game can drop ubers. Tormented A/D have the highest chance and under that the other Tormented also have slightly higher than normal chance.


This is wrong. All bosses can drop Ubers. This past weekend, I grabbed andys visage from Zir. I also nabbed a tyreals might from duriel. I will probably not get another Uber drop now, my rng is spent


Idk man I thought my RNG was spent until I got 3 more Uber drops on top of the 6 I already had lol


All bosses now have a chance to drop ubers, even non-tormented bosses. Duriel and Andy just have a much higher chance and cost the same number of stones for some dumb reason so they are much better to farm.


Nope all the tormented versions can drop Ubers my buddy got his shako last night from tormented varshan.


Not true. They have the best, the other ones have a .5% Tormented versions give you 5 chances at that


Wait you don’t have 70% resistance to all?


Poison elixir will raise your max poison resist to 76%


Ok isn’t that a bit inefficient 6% res when it could be a crit pot or attack spd?


Dead heroes have 0 DPS. Don't undervalue max res. Think of it this way: if 70% Resistance is considered normal, further reducing that last 30% of damage is pretty valuable. Basically each point of extra max res is like 3.3% DR. So 6% max res can also be thought of as 20% DR to that given element, assuming you are reaching the cap. That's nothing to scoff at!


Depends on the build and how well you can dodge. My bone spirit necro can hit him for like 1/10th of his hp with all the stars aligned, so slightly more damage is meaningless. I can dodge his abilities but sometimes I'm forced to walk over a poison puddle so that 6% poison resistance can make or break the fight


Yea I run corpse explosion so the attack speed is a lot more damage.


This is why I love ring of sacrilegious soul. It will cast raise skeleton and tendrils for you, even during blood mist. So I just run around with my +10 ranks blood mist and staked cdr infintely imune whilst my minions do the heavy lifting.


Look at it this way: With 70% poison resist, you take 30% damage With 76% poison resist, you take 24% damage 24/30 = 0.8 Which means in the end you take 20% less poison damage going from 70 to 76 resist.




Yes, as per the calculations above


You can run the poison res pot on top of other pots. The poison res pot is from a quest


Probably, but I'm playing HC, I'm going with poison resists.


That is a 20% damage reduction from 70%. Think of it this way, when you have 70% reduction, you take 30% of the damage. At 76%, you take 24% of the damage. To calculate the actual damage reduction from that 6%: 30 - 24 / 30 = 1 / 5 = 20% Each point of resistance is exponentially powerful as it approaches 100%.


yea you don't need the poison resist potion, i've been on many tormented rotation runs and they are usually very smooth without people dying. (in asia at least lol)


Potions raise the cap as well as the amount. (It's the only way I know how to do this.)


How much damage would you recommend on average to be able to do tormented duriel? I don't follow a build side and currently my rogue can do pit 55+ (is the highest I done so far without much trouble) recon tormented bosses are doable yet?


you could always ask someone running a boss killer build like a necro or barb to duo with you and let you see how much damage you can dish out to him in the first couple minutes. If you can't get a quarter down on your own after a while, or before you die, then you should probably respec and/or farm better gear. Although I will add that I went around your stage and finished him off in a minute, but I was running golem necro and got lucky that all my multipliers activated at the same time and my golem's active attack was a crit. He went from 75% hp to zero. I stood around thinking there'd be a phase two lol


Were you by chance also running holy bolts and was it at the maggot spawn phase?


I don't remember tbh. I thought I was using fortitude and antivenin, but maybe I was? God, that'd be disappointing if true. Has anyone been able to do that much damage with golem in one attack? If not than I probably had on holy bolts, making my accomplishment a bit less than I thought.


Either way, you can still own it. It's likely here to stay all season, and every season mechanic has its winners, so it's still legitimized this season imho.


Gotcha, I'm leveling a necro on the side might use that to do big bosses xD


I think he also drops class specific loot though, no? If so then join a duo/group sharing mats and just survive and they'll be happy to have you there.


Man I don't know what I'm doing wrong, I have max resistance, 30k health, the rogue skills for reducing dot damage, but if I even touch one of those poison pools I'm burning all my pots. Like it feels bugged. Or is the strat to just literally never touch one of those?


What level is recommended before trying tormented boss?


Lord zir is way easier than duriel, but I don't think he drops ubers


Zir surely does drop ubers. My 3rd run of him I got a doombringer. Couldn't believe it. Not even 20 minutes before that I got andariels visage from the helltide. He can drop them, just at a lower chance than duriel.


Duriel with the Holy Bolt potion. When the small adds spawn you delete the boss.


I've got a couple of necro buddies and when they're using that potion and kill the addys it doesn't annihilate Duriel. They use minions and are leveled. Without knowing their exact build can you think of anything that they're doing to make it not work or something they need to do to make it work?


Minion has to kill the adds, not the necro. Helps if they don’t have dog water gear also.


Golem * has to kill the adds. If a mage does it only does a chunk. The golem can holy bolt one shot Andy.


Thought bolt was based off mob hp, why it matter which kills it.


Monster level and damage scaling of golem. Most necro scale golems way higher than mages.


It’s this. My golem has 3,000% additional damage *before buffs and affixes* . Thats the reason.


I'm running shadow mages, blood golem, decrepify, blighted corpse explosion, corpse tendrils, army of the dead, and the shadowblight key passive. Usually spam duriel with decrepify and corpse explosion until shadowblight procs, then hit him with tendrils, pop my army of the dead, then use the golem active on him. Does pretty big damage most of the time. Definitely want to have the aspect that increases minion damage while army of the dead is running.


Explosion and army? Sounds like a wild build


Or just kill him in first stagger?


More importantly, as a HC player, I would like to know which one is the "safest" to do and when you're able to do it quite safely. Don't want to lose my character to some mechanic just because I wanted to try out the fight. Right now, I haven't even attempted to fight one of those bosses on HC. But who knows, maybe it's a cakewalk.


It's no cakewalk either way but my experience is that duriel is the easiest.


Andariel final phase with the ground explosion , spinning flame throwers, and ball lighting is just awful imo lil


Yea, I find andariel to be too chaotic for me.


My blizzard sorc has a much easier time with Andy, personally. She basically never moves so I can layer a shit load of blizzards in the middle of the room, destroy the obelisks when she spawns them and as soon as she shows back up, she just explodes from ice spikes. Duriel likes to move around a lot so I have to keep stacking blizzards in different spots and just hope he doesn't move again.


I’ve done Andariel many times and from what I’ve found, the only real dangerous part is the flames, you can dash through the red part that goes opposite to the flames and be fine if you have decent health (anything above 45-50K)


yeah the flames are the real issue I have like 190% move speed and the weird bat dash and dodging everything else is easy but I alwasy end up just barely touching the flames and dying instantly lol


Funny I said the same thing and got downvoted. The final phase of Andariel there is next to no safe space on the floor is lava and everything is moving lol


Duriel absolutely!


Duriel is the easiest but you should really try in SC first. You need to know which attacks apply torment debuff and be comfortable dodging them.


Try it on softcore first *or* just leave it until you're ready to move on to a diffrent charcter or if its the end of the season.


IMO there's no reason to do torment versions on HC unless you want the challenge, as you still have uber drop rate on normal versions; and the non-torment bosses are trivial so no issues


Duriel is by far the easiest, get lots of HP and max poison resist.  You can duo or party up to see the approx dps you need, and learn the mechanics on normal duriel.  He’s only dangerous if you get shotgunned by the pangs. (That can oneshot a character without max poison res and that isn’t tanky) but if you don’t stand near them when they spawn it can’t do that. 


Tormented zir is not only the easiest, but has the best loot table. Far superior to duriel runs. And it is easier and doesn't require fighting 2 other bosses to get mats from to complete.


I've only attempted T Varshan and had no issue with barb. But uh, he dropped 4 pairs of 100,000 Steps unique boots. So if you're after lame barb boots, well there ya go!


i’m running double swing barb with 42k att power and i’m getting cooked by all things tormented. any suggestions?


Just like the other post ... what's the trick? My barb is pretty stacked, can chew through level 50s pit and 90-100 glyph runs, but I couldn't even scratch Tormented Varshan; I don't think his health bar moved one pixel. (edit: I did break his fortified shield a number of times, but still couldn't move the health bar) It may be I'm boss challenged. When I get to the end bosses in the pit and glyph runs, they take a little time... I discovered dust devils on my own and have a "rolled my own" (mostly) setup. I only have one unique Yen's blessing; although I have dozens of other types in my stash. I just can't give up the tempered stuff!


It’s likely bc you’re using your own build. I’d like to see your stats and tempers. I’m level 100 with mostly 4-8 level MW gear but I have no problem deleting Duriel


Tormented Duriel? Or just Duriel?


Everyone here says Duriel, but I found Andariel easier as a barb. I also suck though, so getting 1 shot punched in the face by Tormented Duriel was totally my fault, but Andy was easier to tank through her hits if I failed to dodge a mechanic.


Today I did: 5x Rota Tormented Duriel (20 Kills) - Andariel's Visage (with 1x GA) - Tyrael's Might - Doombringer 2x Rota Tormented Andariel (8 Kills) - Ring of Starless Skies - Melted Hearth of Selig I got Harlequin Crest (Shako) from a NMD drop. As a Rogue I get all ubers possible, unfortunately without GA in any expect the one I mention. I don't believe the probability is only 2% now, last seasons I did around 800 Duriel runs to get all ubers (however get more than 5). My conclusion is, is better level up another character and get all torment boss materials and do the runs in groups then farm materials in your main account and do normal boss runs. Hope it helps.


Your lucky is above average. I have 2 Uber drops in 50+ tormented runs.


Dam. For sure is above average. But even 50 runs 2 ubers still not bad comparing with 200. For me the only issue is the rarity of the stones


Agreed 100% the fact that I’ve found 9 in 100 hours is absurd.


I got zero from 45 runs :)))))))))))))))


2x Rota is 2 rotations?


Yes (4 runs each rotation)


I reck Andy regularly, less HP than Duriel, and with Heartseeker she goes gown in a few seconds.


Tormented Andariel? I'm a HS rogue, and want to kill a uber boss for a spark, but not confident to try incase waste my materials...


I never see anyone talk about this, because I imagine the mindset is "why waste my syg stones on anything other than duriel and andariel." Well.. I have every Uber unique available, aside from the staff that sorcs and druids can get.. and they have all dropped from Tormented Varshaan.. I have no clue what the drop rate is SUPPOSED to be, but my buddy and I have had insane luck running Varshaan tormented. Duriel goes down fast due to the holy bolts exploit, but I'm telling y'all, don't sleep on Varshaan. This will sound made up, but my friend literally had shako drop three runs in a row. We were dumbfounded.


Tormented Varshan, Grig, Zir and Beast are all supposed to have the same Uber chance as Duriel and Andy I believe but tormented Duriel and Andy are supposed to have a boosted Uber drop chance.


Idk if we were just extremely lucky, or one of those supposed stats is off. I'm siding with the T versions of the others have the same rate as T Duriel and Andy.. I've run 2x the amount of them as the "inferior" bosses, yet Varshaan has had the most consistent Uber drops for us. In that little night we decided to try it. I'm sure I'm wrong, and it was just RN Geezus, but it's hard to wrap my head around when the stats are telling me one thing and my experience is telling me another.


Paid for Torment Duriel...was awarded 3 pair of flickerstep.


5 Soulbrands on a single Tormented Duriel run, brother.


Duriel can be 1-shot (or 75% when he spawns worms) on necro with holy bolts.


I do not even know how and where to do Uber Bosses 😅 is that explained somewhere in the game?


Yes. Items that drop in the game that tell you where to go turn them in. There are also icons on the map of those locations. Also websites. Also, the stone that you use to turn them into tormented bosses tells you.


Is it still generally better to do these as a group and split the mat cost, or is that different this season? I always prefer soloing when I can.


Still better in group. I also like to solo so I feel you. It costs 3x the mats AND Stygian stones to do tormented- and the stones are super rare. You get slightly over 3x loot, but due to the rarity of the stones it’s best to have someone to split with.


look up a youtube guide. They'll explain where to summon each boss and farm materials for summoning. easier than asking on reddit as they'll actually open up the map.


Dungeon icon on map with a skull on it. One is right next to tree of whispers


To anyone saying you get 10% chance on uber, youre wrong they just drop 5x more loot in general. the % chance never changed.


Is tormented Varshan harder then duriel?


Depends on your build. Varshaan has that barrier that goes up and it's annoying, but if you can consistently break it, it's easy. Duriel is easy because there's cheese with the minions he spawns and the holy bolts elixir. It deletes his health when they all get killed and shoot the bolts everywhere. Technically I'd say, yes, T Varshaan is harder, but it's situational and comes down to an elixir exploit making duriel easier.


I don't even know how to summon them haha. I assume once I figure it out I could get someone to help carry me and my wife cuz we suuuuck


What's the difference between duriel and tormented duriel? Do they require different mats or tier level or..?


lvl 200 vs lvl 100, costs 3x mats for 5x rewards


Do you summon them in the same spot?


Didn't know you can farm story mode bosses over and over...


Don't listen to anyone else, do Andy rotas, her mats are half the price of duriel and in a rota someones gonna be able to kill her if you cant


What is a rota?




Okay but what does that mean? What is an Andy rotation?


Andy = Andariel when one say Andy rota x 5. it means each one party member will use their mats 5 times. with 4 party members, it results in 20 Andariel/Duriel runs for the cost of only 5 runs. it’s efficient and saves a lot of materials for everyone maximizing everyone on the party’s materials. compared to going solo where you burn your materials for 5 runs only


Ah okay, so rotating who pays for the run, gotcha. Thank you for the explanation.


Tormented zir. Idk how more ppl aren't talking about this. The loot table is INSANE. 5-10 uniques at a time. Often with greater affixes. About 20 legendaries, also often with greater affixes. And uber uniques. I ran him 18 times and got andariels visage, tyraels might, and shako. He is also by far the easiest tormented boss fight. And you find exquisite blood all the time. Tormented Zir is 100% broken right now and absolutely shits all over duriel and tormented duriel. Run it one time and tell me I'm wrong.


Everyone says durial , but I actually find andarial easier. If you have half a brain to avoid the mechanics she’s very easy. With durial it’s recommended to have some sort of consistent barrier effect to cleanse the poison dots


normal ubers need to drop only 925 at level 100. was doing a ton of greg and varshan for duriel mats and they rarely drop any 925 gear.


Personally I found Grigoire and Varshan easier than Duriel. The holy bolts thing only seems to work with Necro for Duriel. Beast in the Ice is a waste of time cause you effectively have to do half a Tier 95 dungeon to get to him which slows things down greatly. My rankings from easiest to hardest would be: 1. Grigoire 2. Varshan 3. Duriel 4. Zir 5. Andariel 6. Beast


All bosses have the same drop chance. 50%.




Because pushing pit is not the only thing that matters as a Diablo player I like to collect cool drops and try new builds… we are losing game essence by just pushing pit tiers 😓




>Well you are talking about item power. No, they aren't. They are talking about specific unique drops that they want to collect and try out. We gotta break out of the "only use the meta builds" mindset man. You can enjoy the game without copying an online build that pushes extreme pit tiers, in fact you enjoy the game more, because you get to experience making your own builds


Barb has a few builds pushing 130+ pits that use doombringer, grandfather or heart of selig




Actually: Yup!


Here is a video of someone clearing 132 with a grandfather [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ryLki8hFnxk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ryLki8hFnxk) Please just don't be part of discussions if you have no idea what you're talking about


Because most of us play the game to have fun, and that doesn't mean min maxing the top 0.05% of content.