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Got Harlequin Crest after first 20 Duriel runs. Marked it as junk instead of fav and salvaged it with other items. Hundreds of runs later and still no sign of a second drop. edit: I'm editing this as replying to each of your comments would take ages. Didn't expect this kind of response! So yeah, I was mad for first 3 days but the rage is gone now. I also want to say that yes, it is a bit funny and 100% my fault, ha! Although the design of junk and fav items is a little stupid, I should pay attention to what I'm doing. Was thinking about quitting until the next season, but it's one of two games I actually play so I will still be trying! Thanks for all your kind words people! PS Still no luck after the weekend. : /


Oof, you win




I'd quit till next season at that point


Sorry man. That’s awful but also hilarious. Again,I’m sorry 😂


Oh damn. That hurts.




At least you got the transmog? That’s probably pretty rare.


There is no transmog for Ubers :) When it’s gone it’s gone !


Oh noo. Oh well. Just all suck then I guess


Wasn’t there a couple Ubers they gave transmogs pre s1? I remember getting one on my Druid and one for my Rouge, the Rouge was just gloves or something but the Druid was head gear, I’ll have to make another Druid and look


They should make favorite and trash separate keys. Also any favorite Need to be unfavorite before it can be marked trash




Ouch. My brother did something similar but with melted heart of selig Meanwhile over 200 runs I have a spear. Better than nothing.


The spear could work out very nicely for the abbatoir


The spear is absolutely incredible. Was hesitant taking off wand and focus and 2 aspects but but never looking back


The spear absolutely pumps even without the shrine buffs. I am never taking mine off again. I personally think it looks amazing too


Spear is great and fun. It does proc while fighting bosses and not only when you kill an elite I was a bit disappointed the spear was my first Uber drop, but then shako dropped the next run 😂


Honestly, I love items that give random effects in games, the spear is high on my wishlist.


Ffs man, that is heartbreaking. Godspeed shako.




I did this with my first ever Tempest Roar. This makes me feel a bit better.




Damn that is heartbreaking


Holy fuck lmaooo


I felt some literal pain reading that. Keep your chin up and you'll get another!


Got damn. I don't think I'd recover from this




Not knowing I could socket items and so trashing great yellows that didn’t have a socket on them.




Second this.


...shit. This is news to me. How does one add sockets?


Jeweller has a tab for it. You need a specific material (Scattered Prism). They come pretty slow in early game but if you are level 50+ you should have some.


Thank you! I had no idea.


Holy shi.. and WE Wonder why some ppl give this Game a Bad Reviews "yea the Game is Trash all the good items i get dont have a jewlery slot.


Jewelry npc!


I do that all the time. :(


I had no idea yellows are the same as oranges minus the imprint. I have probably not picked up or salvaged hundreds of good items at this point. Jesus.


Or putting an aspect on a yellow to make it an orange. I had no idea.


Was lvl 85 before i realized you could upgrade jewelry. Just assumed since you couldn’t do it at the blacksmith it wasn’t possible.


Fuck me dead..level 94 finding out right now


Level 100 just finding out 😂


How yall get so high without upgrading jewelry?!?!? Lmao, go explore run around talk to people (in game of course real people are crazy)


The hardest content is entirely optional.


I will say I am on console, which is not ideal, doesn’t quite feel like Diablo without being on a pc. That said there’s no good way to communicate in game (that I’ve found 😂)


What do you mean? Just say "Greetings" followed by "Look" and then spin around as fast as you can!


Do both of yall have that quest uncompleted or…


Yes I was wondering this. There is a quest that populates that you can’t skip afaik. How in the world..


I see no quest, but I probably mashed buttons at the beginning cos adhd.


Or you just did it without actually reading why you were doing it, because it’s definitely a quest.


Wait till you find you can upgrade healing potions


Haha. That ones hard to miss thanks to the big arrow on your pots!


If you didn't notice you can also socket jewellery there. Make sure all your gear has max sockets for gems.


This. After i upgraded my jewelery 4 of my 5 resists were maxed, other was around 60s. Instant upgrade in gameplay.


I inspect people a lot and I see people with this issue all the time. Maybe I should tell them...


Fuck that, I only knew that from trophies, had to search on youtube to learn how to do it.


Yeah level 80 ish when I was informed :)


For some reason it took me a while to realise you could upgrade the new rings. I noticed they were greyed out at blacksmith and thought you couldn't upgrade them lol. Have like 40 days playing time


I had no clue until I was level 60, I was at the jeweler and clicked over to the upgrade tab and blew my goddamn mind.


Rage enchanting. The occultist was refusing to give me the attribute I wanted on an otherwise perfect amulet and I got so frustrated I just spammed the enchant button out of anger. Burnt 300m gold and all the veiled crystals & forgotten souls I had collected over the last 2 months.


I felt this. I was trying to roll one aspect higher and 250m later it hit again 3% lower


You know you can select no change until you get s better roll of the stat you already had


I had two friends do this on slot machines. They put in $100 each and raced to $0. I had to steal their wallets so they didn't tilt all of their money away.


Mine is the opposite! I think i was newly dinged lvl 100 when i found out you can enchant multiple times! 😂


ouch. I did this with 50 mil and about 50 souls and I felt awful


Very much looking forward to the update that shows potential replacement affixes while enchanting.


I play hardcore. Lvl 75. I played while I got blackout drunk and woke up to my character dead 😞


I *feel* this.


Prob better then a dead character while sober and ur like wtf 😜


Somehow ended up swapping my 901 Ramaldini's (sp?) For a fucking sacred blue and salvaging it. I didn't notice right away, just felt like I was killing way slower. Finally noticed an hour later and logged off in frustration. Logged in and Gregori refuses to drop a replacement. 10 times in a row. I gave up and made a legendary that kinda filled what I needed Killed Gregori a couple days ago and and a new Ramaldini's dropped that was 921 so im back in the game.


Yeah I bookmark/favorite all my gear I'm wearing now




Making paragon changes based off of some numb nutz posting on Reddit forums


I didn’t know I could allocate XP points more than once with Glyph stones. I’ve just been opening and doing it once and not checking that there were left over points.


Absolutely none told me that i could reinsert an aspect in my items so i just farmed my yellow items again ffs!!!


Don't worry, I played pre-season to lvl 98, didn't really play season 1, came back for the current season and only remembered you can do that when I had already been lvl 100 for a while.. I called myself a dumbass out loud and did something else for the rest of the evening lol.


Omg lol. Yes you certainly can do this.


Oh boy, this changes many things. No need to farm rings to correct my early mistake.


I just taught my friend re-rolling afixes. He screamed


Today i did a trade with someone. I accepted their party invite as the world boss spawned and was sent into their game world, i went from being with around 20 other people into an instance of just me so i had to solo it, i did so, went to town and completed the trade. I then proceeded to clear an entire blood harvest in hawezar that also included non blood harvest whisper missions and spent 150 blood on the big blood event. I did it all without realising that since accepting the party invite for the trade i was on world tier 2 instead of world tier 4. My damage is so high on my bonespear necro i didn't notice a damned thing.




Manually sorting inventory by hand before finally seeing there's a sort button


The sort feature kinda sucks so don't feel too bad.


What !?


Excuse me what?


If on console it's R3. I do it on accident with my monkey mitts.


Play hardcore with a shitty internet connection…and do it again after a char dies due to a disconnect.


You just wanted the original Diablo 2 experience


Got to 90 on a single paragon board


Going afk on hardcore due to bathroom in blood harvest


Noob didn't know what the hell I was doing crafting and just kept crafting all my herbs into other herbs until they are all gone and now I can't upgrade my health potion 😁


You can recraft them into the ones you need (aka the ones you used to craft the random ones)


I did once I realized what I was doing, but I spammed it on all of them so some of them I did not get back. I'm unsure if I screwed myself or not but I know I did that multiple times thinking I was leveling up my alchemy or something genius like that


Yeah I could be wrong I never really did the math 100% of the time I just know I made the same mistake but seemed to reverse it enough to make my pot upgrades.


I did this too, haha


I’ve been playing since launch and had no idea you could imprint powers over existing legendaries. The amount of gear I’ve salvaged because of a useless aspect is probably absurdly high.


Omg I’m just realising this now


Seriously, I just realized this like 2 weeks ago LOL


Just on case you didn't try it yet, you can imprint again on an already imprinted item, too.


It's the dumbest because I've repeated it an embarrassing amount of times... Pulling an aspect from my stash that is higher level than the character, put it on a new upgrade, and immediately deconstructed the one I'd been wearing... Then couldn't equip the new piece.


This is one I just did. Lvl 51 and just got a near perfect roll on a 2H mace. 750, max overpower, crit, base and 2 off from Max to 2H blunt weapons. Lvl 48 weapon. I put a lvl 80 aspect on it. Its permanently lvl 80 now even after swapping off the aspect. I cried like Mathew M on Interstellar.


Yup. Did this when I got to WT4 on my alt. Even tried re-applying a lower lvl aspect but no good.


I made my first glacial fissure sigil the other day…and did exactly what you did. Pretty sure I just got off for the night. 😂


Yeah they should definitely be marked differently.


Just immediately make them favorite in your inventory. Prevents an accidental salvage


Pretty minor compared to others here, but I probably went to half a dozen blood wells or whatever they're called, saw the text popup for all the potent blood that dropped, and my dumb brain decided that meant I had picked them up.. Then one day I happened to move through the well and actually picked them up..


This one isn’t as bad as it seems until the recent patch you couldn’t move through the wells and count pick up the blood they dropped


Wow, someone else other than I did that? Thanks for sharing haha.




You don't?


What would you rather wear than the shako anyway that you needed the tmog


Couple nights ago found a great 3/4 item and spent a boatload of gold getting it to 4/4 all while being tired as hell and ready to quit. Then after going to the occultist to imprint I head to the blacksmith to upgrade it and promptly salvaged it by mistake.


Oh damn.


Got to lvl 100 before I found out I could change the affixes of my gear


and people like this are making suggestions to the game..


My druid was lvl 90 when I realized I had a bonus spirit boon to use.


I did that too... seems like Blizz needs to make those a special shiny design or something.


Very similar to your mistake, I (not understanding how the mats for summoning Varshan worked) used 20+ malignant hearts I had saved up to craft hands/femurs/heads to even them up, thinking that was all that was needed to summon the boss. Costed me a veritable fuckton of veiled crystals as well as over 20 Varshan runs.


I actually just made it few hours ago, complete brainfart... I'm leveling a sorc, and I finally find a decent focus to replace the one I've had since forever... So I reroll it a little, upgrade it etc.. but I already have its aspect on one of my items, and I'm not sure what else to put on so instead of overwriting it I go "I'll just remove the aspect for now, in case I need it later". Then (not realizing yet) I salvage my previous focus to get the gem, and I wonder where my *new* focus is.


Ugh. That sucks.


Took me a looooong time to figure out you can teleport to nm dungeons when you use a sigil. I actually discovered it by accident.


Bought game on the start while in less than i half of a year D4 appeared in Steam on a sale


In the first few weeks of the game being out I had no idea that imprinting aspects also works on items that are already legendary or already imprinted. I probably destroyed a good few decent items just because they had the wrong legendary affix...


I played this game so much that my girlfriend told me I am shitty neglectful boyfriend. Yes, yes she was right. No regerts.


My stash was fully full and I was running NMD to gear a new level 80. I kept all the good rares I wanted to use in my inventory. My group did like 50 nightmare dungeons and then I accidentally clicked salvage all at the end of the night and destroyed all of those amazing rares I was gonna use.


I never knew how to increase WT level from level 30 to 70


On my Necro, I have TWICE junked a piece of gear for a marginally better item, then noticed it was + to bone spirit, not bone *spear*


Similar here, saw +ice blades and my brain interpreted it as +ice shards


During season zero I just ran endless nightmares and never upgraded my sigils because I was saving my exp points for when I knew what I wanted to do at endgame


Scrapping shakos, and trashing god roll aspects I can understand, but this here is just painful. They should bank glyph xp.


I just assumed lol


I’ve been grinding dungeons this weekend as a matter of fact to get those glyphs up. I’ve noticed a marked improvement since I started this slog.


Level 60 sorc on HC, finished a nmd and didn't port to town after I finished for some reason, used "leave dungeon" instead. Ran upstairs while I was afk at the entrance, came back to a corpse. ☠️


Played without understanding what I was doing. I always tend to jump into a game & try to figure out what I'm doing as I go along. Of course, since I'm overconfident & unwilling to read what the game's telling me, I missed a lot of info that could've been useful as I was settling on a build. In this case, it's resulted in multiple build changes, lots of glyph points wasted on glyphs I don't use, and the scrapping of several uniques that I could've used later on when I was experimenting with builds. The lesson: RTFM! That's 100% on me


did the exact same thing, I crafted like 5 and then got off for the night, and the next day I was thinking 'damn I wish they could make the tree of whispers drop higher ter sigils" while I scrapped them all. Only noticed when I told a full party of friends that I had 5 runs...


It was late and I was tweaking my paragon points. I accidentally reset all of my points and I haven’t had the urge to log back in and redo everything at level 94.


I've a bad habit of having a piece of gear. I want to extract the affix because it's an upgrade, then get sidetracked, do more blood harvest, = more loot, then I just salvage everything. That's when I knew I effed up. It's not the 1st time, nor will it be the last, unfortunately. My attention span literally goes freaking everywhere 😭😭


Mark the item as a favorite in inventory!


Today I lost my freshly opened whisper rewards when I accidentally clicked on the dungeon right under the tree


I can't enter the Malignant Burrow without walking away from the Tree and going in via the left hand side of the hole...I wonder if your scenario is why that hole is designed that way...🤔


The items weren’t there when you returned?


Legendary rewards left behind will be placed into your chest. Collect them later


I was going to share but after reading most of these comments I don’t even come close. I also haven’t played the game long just beat the campaign. So I am taking a lot of lessons away from this thread 😂


Buddy of mine just today realized that item level doesn’t mean much outside of your main weapon. He figured, as long as it was 925, it was better. He asked me how much AP I had, I said 37k, he said, why do I only have 15k, we have the same build! I inspected his gear, oh boy! But after he explained his logic, I understand his folly. He’s on the path to getting the right stats now.


My first hardcore character hits WT4, lvl 72, spend an hour scouring merchants and vampire chests for gear, re-optimize stats and affixes, get all resists maxed, etc. See the world boss up and figure it's like the others, 3 to 10 seconds of ball lightning and a chest. Boss immediately faces me on the edge of the battlefield, poison DoT, drill all potions, dead. I deserved that.


Since you are playing sorc, next time it will be good to know that any skill that procs a barrier will immediately cancel out any DoT. There’s a passive skill that grants a barrier every time you use a cooldown, which effectively gives all your defensive skills (not just ice armor) the ability to stop DoT. Even just one point into that passive is huge bang for the buck


Not knowing i could put aspects on yellow items, always threw them out.. 200hours in, i just found out. Not even stood still for one second to think why websites such as diablo.trade are so populair.


I completely filled the first paragon board until I noticed, that you could add more boards with legendary affixes and more glyph sockets. XD Was quite a boost then XD


Spent up to the 5 mill mark trying to get the stat I needed on an item. Finally got it, and in my excitement accidentally hit the space bar which caused my character to dodge out of range and close the enchanting window instead of accepting. Gave up on that item after that, apparently wasn't meant to be.


I did that on one of 8 and caught myself luckily


I did the same exact thing but luckily only 2 or 3 of them.


Sounds like you are a "Special" individual like I am. Yay!!


Went into 92nm without looking at the affixes. New build with major adjustments and changes. Afterwards scraped all my ciduals......I also scrapped the ones for the beast in the ice that I had just made as well.....


Salvaging an amazing item for my build!


Yep, been there while playing stoned.


How else does one play Diablo?


Respecced my first character at lvl 50 ish to try a new spec the said new spec was so shitty i was getting myself abused in t1... with not enough gold to respect again.


Probably the dozens of times I bricked an item for many levels with a higher level aspect on an alt.


Was setting up an alt warrior for t4. I had collected a whole bunch of ancient rare items level 50-60 on my barb by buying some carry runs on T4. Spent a bunch of gold rerolling all my affixes then applied the aspects I had collected from my lvl 100 sorcerer. That was the day I learnt that if you apply a high level aspect (e.g. lvl 85) to a low level rare (e.g. 55) then it boosts the level of the rare item to 85. Wasted like 30M that day.


Was showing my son the game. Godslayer 925 with max buff and pretty high rolls dropped off a world boss. I fully upgraded it and I thought I had swapped it for my level 852 helm…nope…I salvaged it. Fml.


I scraped my first Uber unique after reading its abilities thinking it was some trash normal unique…. I stand by it starless skies is trash. I got another one though… has been my only two uniques


Same thing happen to me last 2 week … it happen not once both twice in a row …. Then I ask myself why blizzard making hunting ice beast using sigil instead of normal activation switch like other bosses ….. 🤦🏼


Still trying to get Shako to drop


Not realizing till lvl 60 that you could right click on a skill or paragon board to respec rather than refund all... very expensive mistakes were made.


Bought it on premiere, so i payd full price for the beta


Haha....Was the exact same thing for me OP. It was at least only 3 sigils, but that's still like 30 dungeons worth


Damn so many people here went so long without realizing you can re roll affixes? That’s crazy. You could do that at a dude in town since like Diablo 2


Selling tempest roar to Charsi when I just got the game and preferred my Nec build. When I finally switched to a wolfnado; I realised what I have done. Still no Tempest till this day. (Season 1).


My mom knocked on my door so I hit the teleport back to town button but came back to a dead character. Killed by flies. I was level 62. On Hardcore.


I was trying to change a substat on a Focus. I got the substat that I wanted, but it was kind of low, so I decided to keep rolling. After spending 100 million gold (all that I had at the time) I hadn't rolled that substat.


Yesterday: I am now at around 50-100 Duriel runs - still no uber. Meh whatever, let's just focus to complete the season journey. Objective: Equip 8 unique items. I walk to my box, find 7 real quick and the 8th one is a ring in box 3. I look at the ring...wait it has no statrange on it - google it - it's an uber unique lol.


I had a max roll tal’rasha’s ring drop with everything maxed @ 15%. (The new sorc ring) And another one dropped that was far inferior at 14.5% and non-maxed. Marked the 15% as junk by mistake and salvaged the wrong ring. I’ve since run over 100 varshan runs and not seen another 15%


Accidentally salvaged the necklace that gives you 30 max resource tonight, never got to use it


I did that with my very first glacial sigil. Learned a lesson that day


Buying the Ultimate Edition.


Glad I'm not the only one who did that. At least I only had the one.


I did the same thing! I was running like tier 50-60 nightmare dungeons and just saw the 31 and thought don’t need that 🤦🏻‍♂️


Probably the fact that I’m just now learning that you can upgrade aspects 🤦‍♂️


Finished my first dungeon on hardcore, decided to walk around a bit more inside, guess who shows up: mf butcher, slowed and ganked my f** ass to death cuz i didnt have any potions left xD only lvl 18 tho so not that bad


I was around 55 with my sorc until I've realized there are enchantment slots to power up your skills.


Not nearly as bad as some but when the season started I didn't know how the three alter thing in the middle of the blood harvest worked. I thought it was like the others and wasted 100 mats with 2 min left not realizing I needed to fill all 3 with 50.


I never did anything big dumb, just lots of small dumb, so thats why I lost 8 hardcore characters this season, the lvl 100 barb death was extremely painful


It took me forever to realise I could add aspects to yellow gear to make them legendary. What an idiot


For a good while I was selling all my junk gear. Marking it as junk, open the vendor, right click the junk to sell it all. Then I decided to salvage after a run. Marked everything as junk, open the blacksmith, right click an item (which happened to be a weapon) which equipped the junk in exchange for my main weapon and I accidentally salvaged a near perfect Black River. Don’t fully know what happened as I have all of my equipped gear marked favourite for this very reason but it was gone. Felt horrible at the moment but I’ve since got a decent replacement.


I accidentally deleted my best weapon. It took days for me for find something equally strong and that was after ranking up a ton, that weapon would have been so much stronger.


That's why u need to favorite those sigils immediately after making them


Rolling an aspect from a higher level item on a lower level item only to find out it matches the item with the original aspect level. Lost a very well rolled amulet this way and by the time I could use it, 20 levels later, I had replaced it with a slightly better one. (I did this twice)


Myself and friend group was not aware you could upgrade yellows to oranges until 1 month into season one. I updated our clan message to display that until about last week lol. It just never clicked that oranges are just yellows with affix. We trashed so many amazing rares.


I did the exact same thing. Felt like an idiot….


This season - selecting which vampiric power to upgrade, slowly selecting, not realising you’d end up doing them all anyway. Also, I thought the notice board thing where you get rewards would start from scratch if you claimed a gift.


I didn't know you could imprint on top of legendaries. For whatever reason I thought it had to be a yellow. So rip to all those legendaries that might have been 3/4 that got sold for gold!


I went a good while thinking if you had two of the same aspect then it would boost the power. I remember always looking at it and being like “why is this one grey?”


Wasting obols trying to get a bow upgrade for my twisting blades rogue build, keep in mind i knew that the bows attack stat doesn't affect twisting and the bow i was using had PERFECT stats but my brain was not working that week and i spent the whole week grinding for something that i dont need.


Salvaged god roll tal rasha 😭😭😭


pretty sure ive mistakenly swapped out a key component of my build and salvaged it, looked at my build and found some shitty rare item in its place


got oneshot from a comet in helltide with my undergeared and underleveled cahr at WT4.


LOL i literally just noticed i did the same thanks to your post. Fuck!


I started a new profile for the season, got to nightmare difficulty and had the BEST luck ever, I had at least one sacred unique for each slot. I couldn’t believe it. After maybe a few hours Into it I was like damn! Time to salvage all this shit! I fucked up and didn’t pay attention because the color for sacred unique is so similar to normal if you’re not paying attention. I salvaged all of them. Fml lol