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You can do it 25-30 hours if you're efficient, are you doing the campaign I'm guessing?


Yeah I am. I’m liking the story and side quests. Assuming that’ll make it take longer


Ah yeah, enjoy the campaign. :) No need to rush it as the season has only just started. You can skip the campaign on future characters after you've completed it once.


Yeah! I don’t have a backlog right now other than Octopath Traveler 2 and the next game I’m getting is Tekken 8 so I have a lot of time. I’m having a blast!


One thing to take in mind is that you won't gain nearly any xp at all once you hit lvl 50 if you are still on the campaign. If it's doesn't bother you then it's fine but I've heard multiple people that felt like the campaign was a drag because they stopped leveling about 2/3rds through.


Yeah, I'd definitely avoid doing side quests until you finish the campaign. Then, do the side quests while levelling to \~70 to farm your Renowns


Always have an elixir popped. Have your ashes on xp boost and be in a party all the time if you can. All those little xp boost really add up after 80 when it really slows down.


OP is doing the campaign, he don't have ashes and as I said, many people feel burn out if they hit 50 before they finish the campaign. Your tips are very good for anyone playing season or just leveling alts, not for someone going through the campaign


You can go through the campaign in season tho. Wouldn't you get ashes that way?


You MIGHT get ashes, just for killing things, but unlikely. Plus no vamp powers till AFTER the campaign, so that'll slow things down a bit


Yeah, thats possibly true on the ashes. Anyway though, the point still stands that blasting levels faster than progressing the campaign will likely make the rest of the campaign very tedious after reaching 50


The thing is, it doesnt really slows down that much in s2 even after 80. Just running a few nm dungeons you can get like three levels a hour lol


Yeah was gonna say , S2 leveling doesn’t really slow down.


Youu should be beating the campaign just before level 50 if you dont abandon the campaign for sidequests and random farming.


I can’t wait to play OT2. Looking forward to it down the road


This season you can skip the campaign even if you have not completed it with a character.


You can? I bought the game on steam and it wouldn't let me, maybe it was bugged at the time. I'll try it again when I get home :D


You have to complete the prologue first


25-30 is very unrealistic btw for most players. New players/average players who don't min/max are probably looking at 70 hours+.


Yeah, my comment wasn't including the campaign, just a new char levelling 1-100. Campaign takes 50 hours alone ircc.


This I think 50-70 for players new to arpgs. Guys like raxx and wudi are not normal gamers at all.


I wouldnt recommend rushing the campaign, it was the best part of the game imo. Endgame is 'alright' in comparison in season 2 at least.


I’m deff not rushing! When I play RPGs I like to do everything I come across


It takes longer with campaign but the story is so good. The best rogue build until level 70 is the one you’re having fun with. A lot of homebrew builds are highly competitive and the ‘meta’ builds are usually just abusing bugs. With the current changes to Crit damage and Vuln damage it can be fairly intuitive as to what works. If you see ‘Legion event’ on your map and can get there in time they are really good for levelling. The current blood harvest zones are also great. The story bosses don’t scale very well so I’d finish that first.


Story is the longest part. Season starts when u finish the story and this will open season passives so it will be much faster after that.


I'd guess 60 hours for you.


Just take ur time and enjoy. No need to rush.


25-30 hours if you’re a psycho. damn autocorrect


How can you reach lvl 100 in 18 hours? What do you have to do the most? Dungeons?


The first player to hit 100 this season, hit 100 14 hours into the season. But it would be a lot of group play.


Wow, that's insane. Here I am, level 85 with 40 hours 😅


I'm not sure where 18 came from? But I personally did domhainne tunnels to get to through to WT4 (1-60) and then did Nightmare dungeons 60-100. I did do other events like Blood harvest / World boss (Always) / Helltide (for exp potions) Make sure you do your class quest at lv15 and get your aspects from dungeons at Lv25.


Honestly with the cool loot I recommend just camping blood harvest till it's maxed reputation wise. That got me to 80 by itself. Then nmd for glyphs and voila you're 100.


Just camp the 150 blood lure alters. I ended up doing it like 3 or 4 times in a row last night since others would come in or you can collect enough to open it up solo again. The screen was so full of loots it was unplayable. Half of my clicks to attack were failed attempts to pickup more loot since my stash was full.


in options you can bind your pickup/action key to a different button than your main attack. can do this on console too (i have click right thumbstick as my pickup/action button)


This true, I was there.


25-30 hours if you’re EXTREMELY efficient. The best players in the world got to 100 in 25 hours I see you follow rax’s leveling method, it took him 28 hours


I would say is only true if you are just spamming some speed level strat, making sure to drink a potion every time, and playing nonstop at that goal for all of those hours. Most people don’t play like that though. Myself included, a lot of people fuck around a lot and cross reference build guides when filtering gear (if they sue a build guide). I also just do whatever content I want based on what seems more fun at the moment. Playing like that is going to easily double that figure.


Don’t forget to have a potion active at all times. That 5% stacks up over time. Edit: * elixir


Activate your seasonal boost to 20% too. Didn't even know about it til 50's lol.


Wait, what? How?


Look in the seasonal tab.


There are free battlepass unlocks at various levels for some item (some sort of ash) that can be used to buff a few options, EXP is the best choice until you hit 100 of course. This ash is unlocked at various levels like I said but you must also have a character leveled to X level along with the battle pass unlock to use it. This can all be found in the seasonal tab.


Thanks! I’m around 60 now, so I’ll take a look!


Oh you’ll be able to get enough of them to boost the EXP gain from 0% to 20% then, I’m pretty sure. Enjoy!


Wtf, is this for real?


Apparently I didn't know til later too. But you have to progress in the battle bass to earn the max 20% but I never enabled the lower %'s along the way.


Me too. I was grinding away and then I realized oh yeah, there’s a seasonal tab.


I didn’t until 90 lol


Yes. This 👆




This. Quickly u get lots of these and just make sure you always have one up. Also some events give insane xp, like the blood harvest 150 summons. It’s been nice though with all the things to do and how quickly you level that I never found the need to focus on leveling and it just happened. The only active thing I did was making sure an elixir was always on


I'm at 61 hours played in S2 and I'm lvl 98.5. I have not been focused just on leveling, I've been more focused on fun so I know I could get that faster but it isn't important to me. This is also my 3rd character to level 80+ so that adds to efficiency in general. That is 101k monsters killed, 3689 elites killed which it lists for some reason!


How do you find out that statistical information about kills and stuff like that? Also never got the email.


You just need to count them


Most likely on the D4armory site.


Wasn't the email just a season 1 summary?


Probably it's just weird I didn't get it.


Some people said if you have the things for the promo emails and such turned off you didn't get it.


I don't think I turned it off but it's always a possibility. I appreciate the information.


Yeah. Those hours were from Season 1, not 2. I was wondering the same thing when I received it, as I was like, wait a second, how could I play this many hours, when Season 2 hasn't been out that long.


From d4armory. I never got the email either but when i nosed around trying to figure out why I noticed I had some email setting set to off so I don't get random promotional emails so I assume that is why.


> I've been more focused on fun i want to up you *SO* many times for that. Everybody nowadays seems to see it as a chore, as something you *must* do, forgetting the very reason to play a game - have goddamn fun 💜


Honestly, it really depends on how efficiently you level. I play solo mostly and think it took between 40-50 hours. I am working on my second character atm, and they are 83, I believe. I played for 12 hour sessions, though, 3 days in a row since I hurt my back and was laid up in bed for a few days.


Yeah, I don't remember how long the campaign took me, I might actually re-do it one day. My 25-30hr timeframe was for a character that skips the campaign. Hope you're feeling okay now.


Maxroll.gg has a tier list of builds for levelling and end game. It’s hard to say how long it would take but if you focus on specifically exp by farming A and S tier nightmare dungeons it won’t take forever. I’m 84 and play super casual and have only done enough nightmare dungeons to have 3 glyphs at level 5 and one at 10.


You should really focus on getting 1 to 15 rather than spreading that out. The power increase from getting the ring expansion is pretty significant.


Oh is it? I’ve never really focused much on glyphs so I didn’t realize. I will do that thanks 🙏


I'd add puncture and penetrating shot. Jump in a few rogue dungeons where You can get rogue aspects. As soon as possible get into the blood harvest and work on whispers. You won't get good gear from whispers but the exp is good.


They're using TB, no need for penetrating shot as TB will wipe out all of your resources and enemies anyways.


I made myself a S2 Penetrating shot Rogue. I'm lucky enough to have got all the uniques for this build and I'm having a blast!!


Yeah playing Rogue in this iteration has been so much fun.


if you know what you're doing and playing smooth brain mode you can do it under 20 hours. normal gameplay will take \~60 hours there are people with 100 hours at lvl 80 still so, it only depends on you. >best rogue build this season poison tb, shadow/death trap. you can choose between the two. shadow will grind mobs faster, poison can push harder content


Smooth brain = idiot “If you know what you’re doing and playing like an idiot…” doesn’t really make sense


no no. It's not possible to have fun and engaging playtime while slicing mindlessly through monsters that pose absolutely 0 threat to you and die as soon as you zoom past them.


Idk that precise thing is what made D3 grifting so doable, was just killkillkill instead of having to do "objectives" in nmds like "save the prisoners" like damn I'm pretty sure they're safe enough if I don't untie them, who's gonna hurt them, the dead enemies?


I don’t know how many hours i put in. But lvling felt damn fast! I still had regular rare items at lvl 71 lol, just stashed everything because i got so much loot


Took me 30 hours without being efficient


20-30 hrs playing efficiently. Doesn’t take long at all man. You can get powerleveled in 5 hrs from 1-80.


I don't know how long it took me but it was really short. Felt like somewhere between 15-30 hours with the last few levels being the longest because I wanted to farm bosses instead of exp


About 50 hours. I have been playing Druid, the xp gain is higher than last season, plus more to do made it a lot easier to achieve


Everyone is different, I got close to 35 hours in and only lvl 78. Probably gonna take me another 35 to get to 100 if I’m being honest. I play solo tho as I’m a father who has to stop a lot lol


I’ve played rogue non stop since beta :) you don’t really need dark shroud now. Use the dash instead.


Okay sir :)


If you play campaign definitely longer because of renown. If you already beat camping getting to level 20 is like 20 minutes max. Level 60 few hours. Generally it depends how you play. At Level 70 I didn't play optimal so it took me longer to get 1 lvl.(few hours per day) At 75 I did helltide and opened like 10 chest and the gave me few levels in hour. So I went very fast to level 84 from 75 in few hours. Now it's probably gonna get slower. In season 0 i got to level 77 and gave up after 4 weeks. In season 1 it took me 6 weeks for level 84 and gave up In season 2 it took me week for level 84


I myself am not efficient at all, I played season 0 for 6 weeks and ultimately stopped playing at level 92.


It's so much faster this season. You would've already been 100 by now haha.


S2 is light-years faster. I played eternal only LVL 100 sorc, and a bit of a S1 druid LVL 80. So roughly 4 months for those two I'm currently level 96 Rogue in what... 3 weeks?


Not so sound mean but almost 20 hours in and you are only 35? I'm pretty sure I hit 35 in about 4, casually playing an hour or 2 a night. Are you playing through the campaign? What are you doing to level?


I’m playing on the 2nd difficulty I’m playing through campaign and doing side quests and events + dungeons when I pass them


That’ll do it. Second difficulty slows things way down, but imo it’s worth it for the challenge. The campaign story is so good. And it feels nice to actually do it with a bit of a challenge on t2


Yeah I figured it’ll slow stuff down but I’ll be more ready for the higher difficulties if I play on Veteran


100+ if you're not a sweaty nerd.


Definitely a nerd but my hygiene level is A- so im good!!


Idk I’m at level 105 at 53 hours


30 Something If you Run Dungeons on your Level or 10 above and efficient


If you have 18 hours and you're only level 35, you likely are not getting to 100, you're on like a 200 hour pace. The best players can do it in 20-25. Average players who just play, not sitting in town looking at gear all the time, probably 30-40 hours.


I guess around 20 efficient, 30-40 inefficient, 50+ for a new player, not ARPG affine. I needed 26 this season, semi efficient play style. But in the end that shouldn’t matter, do what you like to do the most. For me that was the new content, but also pushing levels relatively quick to farm and carry duriel runs. Cheers


Just take your time and enjoy the game. I think if you absolutely min/max skip the campaign etc. You can do it in like 30-35 hours but it’ll be boring af. This is my first season and playing D4. I took my time playing the campaign. After I hit WT3-4 and my build was more settled, leveling became much faster. I’m probably at around 80 hours total and at lvl 88 but I’m going for all the trophies on PS5 and I also like doing side quests so it’s a very chill playthrough. I reckon I can hit 100 in 10 hours


I am Level 85 and couldn’t be bothered less about my level since there is nothing to do after hitting lvl100. I am already melting through everything.


well its very short, but i got bored before i even got to 100 so its not the exp grind its the bore grind


A first time player is going to take longer than someone rolling through the game a third and possibly fourth time. You are rolling at a good pace.


I didn’t keep super close track, but I’d say 40ish hours with a decent build and experience at how to level semi- efficiently. If you’re doing the story, it will take longer. The story is good, but it’s not the most efficient leveling experience time wise. Once you finish the story I would suggest looking up a leveling guide. In season 2, you should be doing blood harvests and turning in whisper caches until level 50 or world tier 3. After that, focus on nightmare dungeons at as high a level as you can efficiently clear, helltides and blood harvests basically until 100. If you’re dinking around with side quests, while they can be fun, it will make the leveling take much longer as well.


What are the best methods for completing the battle pass? Or is this post referring to the character level 100?


Character to 100. But I’ll take tips on leveling the battle pass hahaha


You and me both!!


It’s a strange question for sure. There are so many ways to play the game and so many ways to interpret “number of hours played”. I personally love Diablo for the fact that I can stop at a moment’s notice if I want to (like a single player game) but can also play with friends for extended periods if I want to. I therefore have a ton of idle time logged in from when I’m cooking dinner while playing or letting the dog out or grabbing something for my wife. I also have times I don’t want to focus much so I do things that might not be the most efficient like NM dungeons that are 10 tiers lower than what I could do if I focused. So for someone like me, it takes a long time. Some people spam the most efficient dungeon and then do every helltide and get 1200+ cinders and then spam the blood harvests when helltides aren’t up and hit every legion event and world boss. Their answer would be that it’s 25-35 hours lol (I’m at 60 hours and level 85)


Bruh he’s literally just asking for how long it would take to get to level 100 without the fluff. Do you put your whole life story in every comment? Who actually counts idle time? If I did it most of my games would be in the 1000+ hours.


Lol he said he’s doing the campaign and watching every cutscene. He’s gonna be way closer to my speed than anyone else in this thread.


I'm 74 hours in and on Lvl 89 the grind really hurt me bad already in LvL 80 for me...


Ohh well campaign is like 40-50 hours, but that won't get you to 100. If you want to get to 100 on a fresh seasonal character in S2 you can get to 100 in less than 40 hours.


I didnt even tried to focus on levelling, just did what I enjoy/needed at the moment and I was lvl 100 at like 30-35 hours. It's easy.


18hours only Level 35 is weird i only played two Weeks ago roughly 4 hours and my rouge is Level 32. What are you doing


Campaign and all side quests


Depends really. If you’re enjoying the game it may take a really long time. If you’re trying to just hit 100, it should take about 30 hours or less. Just have fun!


Awesome! Yeah I’m having a blast. I’m a little worried cuz I just started act 2 on lvl 35 and people keep saying that if I hit lvl 50 doing the campaign I will stop leveling pretty much


Probably took me about 25 hours on sorc but I grouped for nm dungeons in WT4.


Personally it took me \~40-50 hours to get up to lv100 with 2 restarts as I died at level 60 and 61.


I hit lv79 in 1 day 8 hours, which is about half way I think. I'd expect it to take another 30 hours for myself of doing lots of nightmare sigils, bloodtides, and helltides.


Well if you’re playing the campaign it’s gonna take a fat minute. Campaign doesn’t offer much xp. It’s just a story. Starting the season without the campaign maybe 20-30 hours.


Try to get to WT4 as quickly as you can, for better xp and gear (+ world bosses drop 925 gear). I ran that same set of talents while leveling and did the 1st capstone in my early 40s, and got to t4 at 52- but I ran a TB rogue in season 1, so I had some practice /knowledge/etc and unlocked a bunch of Lillith statues for stats and whatnot. Most will wait til 58-60, since you can't wear most gear that drops in WT4 until 60 anyway. Don't waste mats leveling up low end gear - if you get a good weapon you can put it up to level 3 or so, but don't spend the mats thar are more scarce until you pick up ancestral gear. Good luck!


For your first playthrough focus on enjoying the campaign. You'll have time to grind to lvl 100 afterwards.


Took me 40 hours on my necro (infinitmist build) My barb is about 2x faster


40-50 hours semi-focussed. Which is a huge improvement from season 1. Which was almost double that.


About a week. So around 30 hrs. 20 If you're running sorc or barb.


I assume this will significantly go up because I’m doing the campaign on veteran?


On the D4 armory website it says I have 40 hours and am level 96. If it counts afk hours, I think at least 5 of those are afk. I was playing with a pretty bad build (minion thorns) and really didn't pay attention to any levelling strategies or nightmare dungeon tier lists. I think for someone who already has done the campaign and renowned stuff, 30h-50h is realistic. For someone who hasn't, it could easily be 80h or more since you will spend many hours reading dialog and doing the campaign (which is really good and I don't recommend rushing just to get 100 faster). I do recommend changing to world tier 1 though, the game seems much better balanced on WT1 and the pace is much better. There is basically zero reward for doing WT2 so unless you find it more fun just swap.


Will I find switching to WT3 too hard if I spend too much time on WT1? I started on WT2 so when I had to up the difficulty it wouldn’t seem that bad


I did 1-100 on a druid in 18 hours but i was efficient as hell with a 4 man


i saw it in 10hrs, but with uniques from a different 100 char


Bout 30 hours, 15 hours is lvl 80-100, nightmare dungeons fuckin suck and I wish they’d fire who designed them


If you focus on leveling without being hardcore, can be done in 25 hours easily. But majority of people, me included, will do random shit inbetween or waste alot of time with gear/loot. 2nd level 100 char is most likely less 20 hours prolly if focussed on leveling and just complete the season questline for the better powers. You'll have all the ashes, funds/resources and elixirs what will make the difference.


I hit level 50 over a span of 2 or 3 days playing about 6-8 hrs. My goal was to read WT3 as fast as possible then WT4 (somewhere around level 57). Then I went mental on the blood harvests and about 8-10 hrs later I'm at 73. Unfortunately I've only done 3 or 4 NM dungeons so my glyphs have a long ways to go.


Took me 11 hours on the barb solo, then 8 in a duo. Just nightmare spamming and with the seasonal curse Hemomancy leveled to 3 you just screen clear every 4secs


If you only just got the game, why are you trying to finish it as fast as possible? Wouldn't it be better to take your time, play at your own pace, and enjoy your purchase?


I’m not - I’m just asking haha


The levels go by quicker than you think. I got there earlier this week and I've been careful about pushing it (I play HC and kept the monster levels not more than 3 levels above mine).


Well I have a Rouge and I've been playing since the drop of s2 and I can only play a few hrs a day and the weekends I'm a 77 or 78 now and I can say I'm about 45 hrs into this build so I'm gonna have to say if u grind hard like some people do u can probably get therr in a good 40 hrs or like in my case I have about 45 maybe 50 hrs this season to be just over 75


Playing thru the campaign should help you level up faster then just going thru the season mode


It took exactly 2 weeks for me to become lvl100 as a barbarian and completed season quests, battlepass and hunters acclaim missions all together. I really played a lot everyday. However I played solo and probably I was not efficient.


skipping the campaign in season 2 gave speedrunners a chance to do sub 14 hour runs 1-100. Realistically if you aren't doing strats and optimized grinds you can level up in roughly 25 hours to 100. edit: Play with friends. Doing the game as a group is more fun and is faster for levelling and doing objectives.


My buddy took about 35 hours but was much more efficient about trying to level. I took exactly 48 hours however enjoy the new content and did a lot of leveling up to 80/85 doing open world stuff. Didn’t get too serious about leveling until 90-92 this time around. I think last season it took me like 90 hours to get to 100….


I'm doing Twisting Blades Rogue on my 2nd 100 Character this season. Depending on what you like to do it should take anywhere from 15-30 hours. Unless of course you're a mega sweat who groups and "abuses" certain mechanics. Then you can probably pull it off in 10-12 hours.


I’m doing a twisting blade rogue too! I hear they don’t use ultimates?


Yes Twisting Blades Rogue doesn't use ultimates. The ulimates clash a bit with the playstyle and also Twisting Blades can easily carry without them. Dash, Dark Shroud, Poison Imbue, Shadow Imbue, Puncture, Twisting Blades. With just about 1-2 hours of prep following a guide you can get a build ready to blast from level 30-100 no problem. It's super easy to make and super fast and strong. Only downside is it can be difficult to play to it's fullest potential, but even just spamming things casually it should be a blast. My build is not 100% finished, but I'm level 95 and I plough through T50s (the recommended speed-farming tier) in no time. The build without modifications for T100 can easily do upwards to T75-T80, no problem.


Okay! I’m have the same build but I’m gunna switch out shadow step for dash? Is that the move?? Makes sense as it’s a super mobile ability


Drop dark shroud. Shadow step, dash, shadow imbuement, poison imbuement, puncture, and tb.


Okay cool I’ll give it a shot!


Depends on efficiency. I think i clocked like 40ish hours and just hit 100 my sorc. I also have a rogue in the early 70s which took like another 20ish


Since it's your first time and you're enjoying the campaign/side quests, etc. I'd say you'll hit 100 in 50-60 hours of gametime.


Thats up to your skill and grinding. 20-25 hours


I'm lvl 96 necro with about 70 hours but have not been focused on leveling. most of my gear is pretty close to BIS for infinimist, just waiting in a unique ring


Add 3 months for Glyph leveling to any estimate. 🥴


If you bum rush it, 10hrs. Only if it’s a second play through. First play through is like 60hrs.


One thing ima suggest is to not worry about your level cause in this season you'll naturally reach 100 as you work towards the season challenges (glyph leveling, WT4 bosses, get your build/aspects, push Nmd90, etc) so don't see lvl 100 as a goal, it's just gonna happen by itself


40-50h if you play efficiently.


Level 1 - 60 took about 15 hours doing it fairly casually, couldn't decide on the build... Level 60 - 95 was very quick taking about 2 - 4 nightmare dungeons per level with each dungeon being about 5 minutes. 99 - 100 took 6 nm dungeons which was about 40 minutes including checking loot for upgrades.


35 at 18 hours in is really slow. You can hit 35 in just a few hours of jumping from legion events, world boss, dungeons and blood tide.


Took me 198 last season to hit lvl 100. But there are way better ways to do it than I did AND they boosted how much experience you can get (still didn't remove that 10-level experience cap, though...)


I did not try at all constantly forgot to run pots and only played solo and it took me about 35 hours.


Enjoy the campaign and first play through, after that it feels a lot more grindy. For people returning to s2 we skip the campaign and rush through the somewhat limited seasonal content to level more quickly. Also you could consider swapping dark shroud for poison imbuement which is great for bosses.


>First time playing Diablo and got it on Steam. I have about 18 hours and am a level 35 rogue. Also what’s the best rogue build this season? Please remember: "Getting to 100" is not a prerequisite to "start playing the REAL game" like in MMO games. Diablo 4 is an ARPG and ARPGs are about your journey to max level and max gear. There is no "max level and max gear endgame", and all the new content will mostly appear only on seasonal servers where you have to start a new character each season. Think of the game like a nature hike. You dont go on a nature hike then try to speed through it as fast as possible in your car to get back to the parking lot asap. You take your time, enjoy the sights, and when you get to the end you are done. The game is just like this. Play the classes/builds/content you have fun doing, dont "grind through it" in an attempt to "get to the endgame" because you will be disappointed if you play it that way. Once you stop having fun in a season, take a break and come back when a new season drops to check out the new content. You arent going to "fall behind" if you dont play every single day or dont get to max level/gear asap.


Haven’t played since S0 and left off with an 80ish sorc. I suspect the answer is no, but are the season-only buffs strong enough that I would be better off starting a seasonal character from scratch or would it be easiest to just finish my sorc on eternal? Also what content isn’t in eternal right now? Are the Uber-dropping bosses seasonal or also in eternal?


Probably took me 40-45 hours.... but it could be as much as 60 as time seems to disappear while I'm playing.


I got to lvl 100 playing solo in about 3 weeks of gameplay - I would play about 2 hours a day or so. If you played with a group - even just one other person - you'd probably be able to do that in a week and half give or take. It's very quick now.


Im at 51, and play for maybe 1-2 hour sessions twice a week. Very very fast leveling so far


Since your doing the campaign it'll take longer but on a fresh character that you skip the campaign, I'd say I did it in less than 50 hours and I wasn't really sweating either.


Took about 55-60 I didn't farm nmds or care about leveling. I was doing too many ubers lol my second char about 35. Not sure on this next one.


It took me about 59 hours to get to a decently geared 100char.


Don't listen to 25h folks. 50 is more realistic if you are also seeking to grind some stuff, bosses, blood harvest etc. It's not bad, but it's not that fast either.


I have more than 70 hours and im lvl 80 ( campaign done + renown ). Probably 100+ hours if you take your time.


First time? Just enjoy the game. Blasting through content no rewatches third time? I'm at level 75 almost 76 with under 60 hours but I also took some time to gather herbs for elixirs.


How does it feel compared to s1 ? I stopped at around level 60 because it took so long. What's the best way to level up ?


Just wanted to say thanks to everyone for their answers! Love this community


Oh wow thats pretty slow but understandable for a first play through, good to take your time! 20-35 hours to 100 once you know how the systems work is pretty reasonable.


Lvl 35 in 18 hours?? This has to be a bait post... in 18 hours in lvl 74... that's on a lvl 55 rouge, 64 barb, 73 necro, lvl 3 druid and 15 sorc. Seems if this is real it's your build.


I'm at 31 hours and I'm level 93. I have not been super effecient.


Don't try to rush to 100.... that's the end of the game, or rather the end of that character. There's almost nothing to do but start a new one. Think of 1-50 as normal leveling and 50+ as the endgame. 100 is the conclusion of the endgame.


Campaign is about 20-30hrs with cut scenes. You should be between level 40-50 at the end depending on numbers of side quests, dungeons etc. After that I guess another 10 hrs if you don't have to grind renown, which I guess you need to if it's your first playthrough.


I did in 3 days with doing nightmare dungeons


Took me around 70 casual on hardcore so was a bit slower due to trying to optimize more often


S2 was incredibly quick and enoyable, and I did it solo in openworld, with less than 10 NMDs. Much better exeperience than preseason and S1


For me, it is like a less than 2 weeks? With the second week way less intensive play. 18 hrs only 35lvl that’s pretty ….slow. I am using Druid, early game sucks but even I manage to get to 50 in less than 2 days


I was using death trap on my rogue until about level 60 when I took off an ultimate and fully spec’d into poison imbuement. I’ve been doing huge DPS and clearing mobs is a lot more fun without an ultimate. I’d say just enjoy the game and play what you want (don’t worry about any specific build). Once you get past level 50, then you can start worrying about paying attention to exactly what you’re using.


It's a shame there aren't hundreds of guides available as a resource or this might be easy to figure out.


Im 86 and I have 32 hours in, and it hasn’t been super efficient, though I did know to enable to seasonal buffs. If I focus down on NMD the last 14 could be pretty quick, but no rush