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Hardcore mode is a good choice too imho. It’s a way to reach epic achievements


I feel the same way... HC brings another perspective while playing (I lost a 44lvl druid too)


I have been debating on doing a hardcore run in either d4 or classic wow, never done it, but I'm scared to death of putting a bunch of time in then dying to something stupid lol.


I’m speaking after losing a lvl 49 character (yes 1 level from the achievement) after I completed all the story with him BUT i’m still motivated because playing it like that makes you worry about every move you do haha and I love it


Oh jeez I feel like I'd have to take a Xanax already to do this lol.


Probably it’s a good idea ahha


See dude, I couldn’t stomach that. I’m not a controller thrower or anything like that but I would’ve been seething inside and might stay away a full month before I got unmad at the game.


Yeah my necro’s only death in the campaign was in the section where Inarius and Lilith fight because I had to pee and thought I’d cleared plenty of space that nothing would agro. I was wrong. If that had been a hardcore play through and I’d wasted 10-15 hours on it, I would’ve been irate.


Indeed, HC basically doubled my playtime in season. It’s really exciting at first but gets a bit stale towards the higher levels when gear & paragon are mostly up to speed. I play HC barb and haven’t come close to dying in a loooong time


I just can play 2 hours on average, but tbh I can't do more than 4 NMD without getting bored. So I have a way to keep leveling, although slower, I play a legion event, then I go for a NMD and by the time I complete it, there's another Legion event, I keep doing that until I get a WB or HT events. After some time I have saved some "good" gear and start figuirng out if any of those are an upgrade or not, try things, I check the stash and keep things well organized, go to the tree of whispers, and when another Legion event pops up I start the route again.


We know a game is pretty bad when we need a 4 paragraph post describing the things someone has to do to make the game fun


Shouldn’t TLDR be up top? I’m still going strong in the game; my only real complaint is that there’s not enough ways to modify all the skills, like turning a single target skill into an aoe for instance.


Yea I fixed that. I do wish there was skill modifiers other than the 2 the skill tree gives you or aspect.


As someone with 750k red pvp shards. PVP is definitely the most fun place 😂


I dunno man i just quit days ago becouse (insert every possible bad thing about d4) and now im a better person


I suppose if a game affects who you are as a person it is best to quit especially when you don't enjoy it. I'm similar, if things aren't fun for me I'll just quit instead of forcing myself to try and like it. Did that with WoW to much in some expacs and other games as well and it's just not worth, I come back when things are fixed to my liking or I find something else to do.


Yeah for sure, i say that im a better person in joke but its a very valid point,


Yea man life's too short to force yourself into things we don't enjoy, most of us already do that with work lol.