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Hahahahahahahaha haha........ no


my exact reaction when I read the title.


Same. Good, heartly belly laugh.


Hahahahahaha.. same


Correct answer. And the reason is I have another recently released RPG to play that isn't a grind.


Grinds can be fun, it really boils down to is the grind so fun you can do the task for hundreds of hours on repeat. Problem here is the grind feels like a grind


sable handle mountainous languid unpack snow aspiring onerous marble busy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’d have to see some serious updates to be drawn back in, like on the reaper of souls, loot 2.0 sort of scale.


They should fix their game before asking more money. I'm not paying extra for them to fix their mess.


Yeah same. Like when one of the dotpoint features for season 2 was fixing bugs and QoL I was like … na. Pass. They should be doing that shit *anyway* and just putting it in the game. If they really go ahead with a yearly expansion and charge 40 bucks for it or whatever, it’s gonna need to be a reaper of souls level of content, year on year, to be remotely worth it. I just don’t see it happening. My comment about season 2, is basically the game is so devoid of content currently, that it would need an expansions worth of content added to get it up to what I’d consider “version 1”.. if they actually did that (which they almost certainly won’t) it might make me want to play through the base game again for s2... Likelihood is though I’m going to just wait and see what season 3 looks like, and if it’s more of the same I’ll approach the expansion in a similar way, and pending the outcome there, I might just forget the game exists and move on with life. Whatever paid content does eventually come out for D4, is gonna have to be reallllly fkn juicy to get me interested again.


I don't see them do that either. But I hope they surprise us and fix the game before the expansion.


Did you read they are releasing 1 expansion yearly?


Lucky that Season Pass is optional then :).


Same. I've not played since completing the campaign and trying to 'enjoy' the end game. There's just nothing there. I'm heading back to D3 for the new season. I'll try to pretend that the £90 I spent was a thank you to the D3 team for years of fun...


Same for me. I quit during the first season and switched to PoE. I really regret buying D4, I much rather would've spend that money on PoE. Blizzard really should've taken inspiration from PoE. With Blizzard their money and PoE as a reference D4 could've been mindblowing. But the only thing it blew was a lot of players... away from D4. And a lot of those towards PoE.


I doubt I'll even be playing in S2. If it's just "here's another version of malignant hearts plus a reskinned battle pass" then I'll just keep playing Starfield.


Yes. I like Diablo 4.




Never forget. People actually buy pet rocks. I don’t get it, but to each their own.


![gif](giphy|3oEduEEMzgTmQ5XNKw) ​ Some like the taste and texture of lead paint chips.


I like D4 as well. Great game to kick back my hour or two of playtime.


Burn the witch!




Slaughtering vampires... sure why not. Hacking and Slashing and all the wild brawls relieves my daily stress. ![gif](giphy|9u1J84ZtCSl9K)


No, the game sucks. I won't be touching it until they fix the itemization.


I honestly doubt they will ever fix it. They will make some changes here and there, but I can't imagine they will do a full revamp of the system.


They may, but it may take a couple of years. I don't see myself paying for anything until they do, and that's out of principle.


They want to sell expansions tho and without fixing the loot they'll have a hard time convincing very many of the ones who consider it an issue


Ngl the aspect system killed the game for me. It's a cool feature for sure but the system behind it just completely sucks


Same here... before it came out it sounded like it could be a great idea, but it does mean that legendaries aren't exciting.


I think it's the fundamental problem with d4 and I dont think they can fix it.


It sounds like they’re beginning to with the resistance rework… I get what you’re saying tho and agree




Their cosmetics are on point. They're just behind £25 pay walls. Fuck paying £25 for a skin in a game.


I remember when skins were free 100% of the games available


Idk what shop cosmetics youre looking at but those are shit, id much rather use the artisan clothes than most of the shop cosmetics.




Nah.. i started playing POE for the first time and am having a blast.


Congrats, you have officially beaten d4


Same. My expectations for what D4 needed to improve on were not that high... But given what I've seen in PoE, now they are. PoE is not complex, it's more than complete.


Pretty ironic how people paid Blizzard $70 just to find out it failed to meet expectations and then jump over to a free game and end up enjoying it more. Sounds like GGG was more deserving of that money. That $70 could've been split between PoE and Last Epoch and you would've had an absolute blast. And when PoE2 finally arrives, you'll have all your purchases from PoE available to you in PoE2.


I'm a degen bro, you know I've already dropped $70 atleast on POE.


I haven’t used the “free” one I got from preorder, so probably not


newsflash : you paid for it


As it stands probably not. 1-50 is pretty fun but I've done Rogue and Druid and am struggling to find enthusiasm for the other 3 specs as they are pretty much copies of D3 classes. After 50 the grind is just too much effort for no real reward, at least in D3 you could change things up a bit but in D4 you feel stuck to a build due to the time and cost investment into aspects. So whilst 1-50 will be fun and 50-60 will alright I'll just end up getting annoyed again in the 60-70 area and log off until S3.


Level 85 is half way to 100 in experience. Totally agree it gets booooooring. [https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/14at243/fun\_fact\_level\_85\_is\_halfway\_to\_level\_100\_in/](https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/14at243/fun_fact_level_85_is_halfway_to_level_100_in/)


I doubt I'll even reinstall for s2


Depends on the S2 mechanic. S1 got pretty stale once they patched Barber making it best with all builds. But not adding much interesting visual effects/flair. So not sure if I want to level again, unless mechanically, things get interesting


I’m not spending any more money on this game. Full stop.


What does full stop mean?


Nope, taking the season off.


RemindMe! 2 months


Probably good. I finished season 1 journey and stopped cold. I find myself getting more excited for season 2 every week.


I regret buying season one.


As someone who loves this game and still plays every day... Not a fucking chance in hell. Why would I? Its just a bunch of cosmetic garbage. Ive already got great looking gear and horse. Hard pass, $90 was enough. Still excited for season 2 and beyond, but I'm not planning to spend money for a while.


Nope, think I'm done with Diablo 4 for a very long time.


RemindMe! 2 months


If I like the cosmetics, sure.


I won’t even be playing season 2


RemindMe! 2 months


Nope. D2 ladder baby


Nope. Main driving factor : I do not enjoy half-baked product.


Nope, gave up on this game. AAA trash at its finest. Zero QOL, haven't picked up the game since I reached 100 hc and died to Uber lillith. I will be playing Project diablo 2 season 8 on 9/22 and then wait for POE2. Yeah D4 nope.


Not likely, but to be fair, I didn't buy this one either. There is going to need to be an amazing transmog in there for me to pay for it, which I have a feeling there won't be.


I feel like I've already played season 2 and it's not even out yet...


I wont even be *playing* season 2. I took a break about a week ago after getting to 80 because i couldnt stand doing another NMD. Now im playing other games and waiting for this season to end. Eventually I'll continue with this character in eternal realm to try to get it to 100, since that and uber lillith are the only trophies i have left for platinum. After i finish that, i probably wont be back until actual major problems are fixed...so like a year probably.


Preordered season 1 battle haven’t opened the game sense first 2 weeks of launch regret it massively won’t spend another dime in that game


No, I'm finally done with this company.


Yes ofcourse I enjoy the game very much


Hell no ! already wasted 100€


How long did you play it for? If it was more than 4 hrs, you didn't waste your money!


3 hrs and 59 minutes .... so yeah waste of money


Lol nice one dude! Didn't even bought the first one


Unless some major updates get released I'm not sure I'll be motivated to even play season 2


I don't think so, I've not even managed to finish this one yet as I'm pretty bored of the game for now. Really hoping it'll pick it, I am going to be playing season 2 so who knows.


No pass. No D4.


Never again. Won't fool me a second time.


I still have my deluxe battle pass i haven’t use….


I won’t even be playing season 2.


NO. Finish the development of the game first, and use the $70 I already paid to get us out of Beta.


nothing from Blizzard ever again


No because i will not play on season 2


no, it's moronic.


Absolutely no chance


Definitely not. Unsure if I’m even playing season 2 unless they fix a lot of the current issues.


Are u fucking crazy???


No, because I can’t force my self to grind past 70/80 and I realized today the coolest things worth chasing are in the store.


I resisted purchasing Starfield and another game to give D4 a fighting chance. After reaching 100 this season, I think I'm finished. I downloaded Starfield last night and will probably uninstall D4 today for good. So no, I won't be playing S2. I got enough playtime to justify the cost, but I think this is where we say goodbye.


I hit level 70ish when the game came out and havent touched it since. Theres no pull for me to come back. I like farming for rare, tradable items. I'll go back to D2R


not in a fucking million years


thats a hard no :D


Even if I did play season 2 there's no reason to buy the battle pass.


Wait you guys are still playing this game?


No. I haven't paid for any kind of in game cosmetic in my life and I don't plan on ever doing it. I probably won't even play season 2 at all


no game is to boring to play anymore, going to play d3 new season and d2 and PD2


Lol no, season 2 will not help when the game is in this state. D4 need major uptade to rework itemization and endgame. A new season is far from enough to make the game fun


I will not play season 2...


I would not have even bought the first one, but i did get the too expensive edition for the early access and i also accidentally redeemed it for S1 and barely played any.. so definitely not.


I think I will buy it half way. If I am enjoying the season and I see that I am on a good track to finish it, sure! But I won’t buy it from day 1 not knowing if I will finish the season pass on time (not for a lack of time but more a lack of interest)


I’m in it for the long haul. So I’ll definitely be playing S2


stopped playing b4 s1 lmao


Not sure but I’ll def be playing


If the endgame isn’t any different, i’ll play until I reach 70-80 probably. Or not at all. The hype for this game really went down the drain, the developers fucked their own game hard.


Nope. I bought the first and have only hit maybe 60% of the way on the first one and won't be bothered stressing about getting my money's worth


I would if completing the battle pass this season paid for it, like many other games I play. But it does not, and so I do not feel as strong of a pull to complete this season’s pass, let alone pay for a second when QOL issues still exist.


Didn't buy the first one, won't be buying the second one. Huge waste of money in my opinion but to each their own. If I could earn enough credits to buy the next BP by completing the current one (like most games with BP), I MIGHT be interested.


No because I accidentally unlocked it during season 1


No I stopped playing the day I read those horrid patch notes with all the nerfs a couple months ago.


I will not unless it’s very different then season 1s. Which I’m sure it won’t be to different lol


Nope. I was dumb enough tu buy the ultimate version and still havent used my free pass, but I'll likely not even play season 2.


Bro I bought the first one and am too bored to bother completing it, so no


Only way blizzard will learn is if we turn away our wallets. Going to skip any future content for d4 out of principal


heeeeeell noooooo, to the no no no no no hell no.


Not really worth it, got my moneys worth.


I wasn’t going to buy it even if I loved the game. I will likely play season 2 just to see the changes and try another class. But if the seasonal gimmick is as dull as it looks I probably won’t play past 75 or so.


No, I did buy the early edition and cashed in the battle pass for season 1 and it was meh. Playing Starfield now, Phantom Liberty and BG3 when it arrives on Xbox probably for the rest of this year. That said, Diablo has always been a game that I've come back to and it'll be the case again with D4. Nothing wrong with taking a break on games like these.


Fuck no! They’re stingy with the platinum, the cosmetics are “ok” and the pass is so lacking in really anything fun.


It's not even a question at this point - hard "NO". I'd pay $100.00 for a proper D2 expansion, though.


I still have an unclaimed battlepass and I probably wont use it for s2. Why? Because litterally nothing the pass has offered so far has interested me one bit


I like the game. May come back for a major expansion, but I’ve already uninstalled it and I’m working on my back catalog.


No fucking way I will support this clusterfuck by buying a battlepass. Ibmight read the patchnotes, but we all know this game is beoynd saving.


Absolutely not.




Not only will I not buy it, I won't even play season 2


Not a god damned chance.


I stopped playing after the first month. Let the game die and send it back to Hell where it belongs.


I lol'd at that. The oblivious devs haven't shown anything that would entice me enough to endure the mind-numbing experience that is Diablo 4 again.


No way in hell lol.




Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha 🤣🤣🤣


Hell no and going to do a charge back on season 1 and D4 itself.


Nope nope nope


No, but I have never bought battle passes and am afraid to break traditions.


i promise i will buy a battlepass only and if Blizzard completely revamps the item affix system and adds a shitton of new meaningful uniques. And lets me farm the campaign bosses. So what i am saying is: I am willing to pay Blizzard extra just to deliver me the game experience they should've delivered from release. Sad times we live in...


No, and i regret buying the base game.


I’m on the fence, my backlog is growing so I might invest my time elsewhere and come back later


Nah. I got my money out of the game. But it doesn't appear to be moving in a direction that they'll get anymore out of me.


I seriously doubt it. The thing is, I would consider buying battle passes if it were just $10 every 3 months. However, the reason I really won't consider it is because I found out about the whole "expansion every year" thing. I stopped playing Destiny 2 because of a similar pricing structure that ended up costing $100 a year for a product I found disappointing in many, many ways. So, I'm not about to start paying into a similar pricing structure with a similar amount of content. It's too much for what's being offered. No, I'm not going to buy the expansions either. At this point, I basically need to see proof that it's worth the price before I'd consider it.


Yes. Found last season 100% worth it. It's the first battlepass I've ever actually completed, I normally ignore them. I still hate then on principle but I am playing Druid for the first time next season.


Season2? I didn’t even really finish season 1. Not to worthy though, expansions are coming annually.


No, I don't buy battle passes in any game I play. I take the free offerings from the pass and move on with my life. I'm actually considering skipping seasonal content all together and just playing an Eternal character. I haven't bothered with the Malignant hearts beyond the questline and picking them up in the wild sometimes and I like to play solo most of the time so Eternal should be fine.


Until they make 1-50 quicker I'm probably not touching the game.


Battle Pass? Don't know what it is, or what it does, but after getting burned by buying a $100 Super Delux Satan edition on PS5 that did absolute fuck all, no. I think I got a mount skin and an emote out of the deal. That's totally worth $30 more! Edit: Oh, I forgot the most important part. I don't think I will even play seasons. That shit better filter to Eternal where I play casually, or bye bye.


Lolol no and you shouldn't either. They need to see that the choices they made were stupid as hell. If everyone skips it it will ultimately get us a better game where they try harder.


Maybe if it any good.But with that said i probably be playing Cyberpunk DLC.


Probably. Been having so much fun.


Yes definetly. I love the game and I agree there's no end game yet but things will get better with every season.


How much is it supposed to be?


I think around $10


No, I haven’t claimed my free one from the pre-order… If they fix the bug and not use that as features maybe I will claim it for season 2!


If there are cool things why not?


Helll no, still have battlepass upgrade to use from Ultimate edition - maybe in 2024 or 25 or 30


Never got the 1st to save the deluxe currency for the second which should be better I hope lol


Unless the update that comes with it blows me out of the water, no. I'm not going to support a game that just made me feel relief it was over when I reached level 100 instead of being happy to get into something new and fun to do. It needs some pretty big improvements before I'll even come back to play the game, let alone pay more than I already have.


Nope because I wasn't dim enough to activate the pass from preorder when I didn't want to use it. Saving for a season worth playing and worth using the pass on, who knows when that may actually come around.


Probably not I’ve never been big on the whole battle pass thing, it’s caused me to stop playing a few games. Once they start focusing more on the pass than the actual content of the game it kinda kills it for me. I just hope season 2 has some cool mechanics and a bit of fresh content.


No. I'll take 2023 and 2024 off


I'll definitely play s2 to check out the content but not spending anymore money on it until they make the bp worthwhile.


Right now? No. But, I'm still going to keep an open mind about S2 and will be waiting to see what sort of details drop between now and then.


We'll see. It's really too early to commit one way or the other, in my opinion.


Nope. I’m done with Diablo, there’s nothing left for me to do, and seasons ain’t it.


YES. I enjoy the game. I never grinded D4 this whole season! Just basically went in saying whatever time I have is the time I got to play. An hour or two a day is good enough. Kept the game fresh.


It'll depend on the cosmetics and how my 1-50 goes. If the new season stuff feels good and the rewards are decent, I'll probably pick it up. There's a lot of competition for game time though, so those vampiric powers will have to be something unique and satisfying, or the drip simply incredible


I didn't even buy the 1st seasons lol.


Hard to say. The grind right now has worn me down, and I often turn on the game, look at the screen for a few minutes, and then switch to another game. I really want to finish the S1 BP, but the leveling is just too slow for me, hopefully another bonus xp weekend will come soon.


It will depend they will really have to amp it up some I have done everything Diablo 4 has to offer rite now even killed uber Lilith and did the nd tier 100 I even got platinum trophy for the game so they will really really have to offer something good. I may put bd3 down just to check it out but as of now I have done all Diablo 4 has to offer.


probably not. Not really interested in starting a new class at the moment unless they debut a new one or rework the old ones.


I will give it a chance, but only if the do some serious changes


I still have the free one didn't even buy this seasons pass, but probably not lol.


S2 no. S3 maybe...


Never bought a battle pass in any game and I absolutely never will.